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国家铁路局规定,可以携带小动物上火车,但需要符合以下条件:1. 动物必须在手提箱或笼子中,并须全程遵守旅客出行规定;2. 动物无臭味、无噪音、无脏物外溢;3. 动物不能损坏车厢卫生环境;4. 动物不能占用其他旅客的座位。




  • 提前了解规定:在出行前,一定要提前查询对应火车公司或地铁公司对携带宠物的规定,避免因不了解规定而耽误行程。
  • 准备相关证件:如果火车公司要求携带宠物需要出示相关证件,比如宠物健康证明、疫苗接种证明等,一定要提前准备好。
  • 保持清洁:无论是在火车车厢内还是站台上,都要保持宠物的清洁,避免对周围乘客和环境造成影响。



Host of a lot of pet is in give the metropolis when travel to encounter a common problem, that is the train on whether carry pet. To this problem, different train company and national district have different regulation, the provision that pet carries on the train and note will be solved in detail for everybody below.

Set related National Railways

National RailwaysRegulation, can carry car of puppy get angry, but need accords with the following condition: 1. The animal must be in suitcase or basket, need whole journey to abide by a passenger to give a regulation; 2. The animal does not have a stink, without the noise, excessive outside having dirty content; 3. The animal cannot damage environment of railroad car sanitation; 4. The animal cannot take up the seat of other fare.

Each district railroad sets

Besides the regulation of National Railways, each district railroad is carrying pet respect to also have different regulation. The subway of a few cities allows a passenger to carry small-sized pet, but need is placed in basket or container, and ask carry in blame fastigium. And company of motor-car of a few tall iron does not allow to carry the car on pet commonly.

Carry the note of pet

  • Understand a provision ahead of schedule: Be in a travel before, must inquire corresponding train company ahead of schedule or the subway company provision to carrying pet, because understanding sets and do not delay the journey,avoid.
  • Prepare relevant certificate: If train company asks to carry pet to need to show relevant certificate, for instance pet health proof, vaccinal have an inoculation proves to wait, must get ready ahead of schedule.
  • Keep clean: No matter be,the platform still is inside train railroad car go up, want to maintain the cleanness of pet, avoid to be opposite all round passenger and environment cause an effect.

The place on put together is narrated, carry pet to take the train to need to follow relevant provision and note, fall in the premise that understand and accords with relevant provision only, successful region wears ability pet goes out row. Hope the article can help great master, wish everybody goes out travel is happy!

