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  • 面向对象广泛:不论你是事业单位职工、企事业单位职工、农村经济组织人员、个体经济组织人员、社会组织人员还是其他经济部门从业人员,只要报名条件符合要求,都可以报考。
  • 学习时间灵活:西南财经大学专升本提供周末、晚间等多种上课时间选择,适应在职人员的工作时间,让学习更加便捷。
  • 教学内容实用:专升本课程设置紧密联系当前经济形势和企业需求,所学知识更具操作性和实用性。



  • 年龄要求:一般要求在23周岁以上(含23周岁);
  • 文化要求:开设层次通常要求具有相应层次的副学士学历,并在相关工作岗位上有一定的从业经历(至少2年)。
  • 符合其他要求:具体以学校招生公告为准。



  • 资料准备:准备好相关报名材料,包括身份证、学历证书等。
  • 网上报名:按照学校公布的报名时间,登录学校官网进行网上报名,填写个人信息和上传相关证明文件。
  • 缴费报名:按要求缴纳报名费,确认完成报名流程。




University of southwest finance and economics rises this introduction only

University of southwest finance and economics rises only is to point to the personnel that has been engaged in real work socially originally, pass entrance exam of spot of adult higher education, obtain university of southwest finance and economics to admit a qualification, enter education to review, corresponding bachelor's degree is obtained after finish school. Rising only is to satisfy originally already the personnel of obtain employment continues to raise record of formal schooling, the educational form that improve professional quality and sets. University of southwest finance and economics rises only is university of southwest finance and economics originally a when roll out in the light of the on-the-job personnel that has real work experience special undergraduate course teachs a project.

University of southwest finance and economics rises this characteristic only

University of southwest finance and economics rises the teaching experience that abounds with its originally and high grade education natural resources only, got wide recognition of the society. This project has the following characteristic:

  • Object-oriented extensive: No matter you are institution worker, enterprise or business personnel of organization of unit worker, rural economics, microeconomic organization personnel, organism personnel or other economy branch from personnel of course of study, want condition signing up to accord with a requirement only, can enter oneself for an examination.
  • Study time is flexible: University of southwest finance and economics rises this offerring only on the weekend, a variety of schooltime choices such as evening, get used to the working hours of on-the-job personnel, make study more convenient.
  • Education content is practical: Rise this curricular setting to contact current economic situation and business demand cheek by jowl only, what learn knowledge to have an operation more gender and practical.

University of southwest finance and economics raises requirement of this enter a school only

The person that enter oneself for an examination needs to accord with university of southwest finance and economics to rise only this recruit students condition, basically include:

  • Age requirement: General requirement is in above of 23 one full year of life (contain 23 one full year of life) ;
  • Culture requirement: Open administrative levels to ask to have the deputy bachelor record of formal schooling of corresponding administrative levels normally, it is certain to have on relevant work station experience from course of study (at least 2 years) .
  • Accord with other requirement: Specific it is with announcement of school recruit students accurate.

University of southwest finance and economics rises Cheng of our newspaper distinguished personages only

Flow signing up basically includes:

  • Data preparation: Prepare relevant data signing up, include certificate of Id, record of formal schooling to wait.
  • The net reports a name: According to the time signing up that the school announces, net of entry school official undertakes the net reports a name, fill in individual information and upload relevant proof file.
  • Pay cost signs up: Press requirement pay cost signing up, affirm Cheng of distinguished personages of the newspaper that finish.

Pass afore-mentioned introductions, believe everybody rose to have more thorough knowledge originally only to university of southwest finance and economics. If you are accorded with,enter oneself for an examination the condition wishs to promote an individual record of formal schooling of purpose, university of southwest finance and economics rises only will be a right choice originally.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can provide a few good news for you.

