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1. 蛋白质: 儿童在生长发育期,需要足够的蛋白质来支持肌肉和组织的生长。

2. 维生素: 维生素A、C、D、钙等对儿童的骨骼和免疫系统发育非常重要。

3. 碳水化合物: 碳水化合物是儿童主要的能量来源,尤其对于体力消耗大的儿童来说更加重要。


1. 保证每餐的主食摄入,如米饭、面食等,以碳水化合物为主要能量来源。

2. 增加蛋白质的摄入,如肉类、鸡蛋、豆制品等,有助于支持儿童的生长发育。

3. 注重蔬菜水果的摄入,提供丰富的维生素和矿物质。


1. 过度油炸: 长期过量摄入油炸食品,容易造成儿童肥胖,增加心脏疾病等风险。

2. 过多零食: 零食过多会影响正餐的食欲,导致均衡饮食的缺失。

3. 饮料摄入: 过多的含糖饮料会增加孩子的糖分摄入,容易导致龋齿和肥胖。


1. 培养孩子良好的饮食习惯,定时定量进餐,避免挑食和偏食。

2. 家长要以身作则,自己也要保持健康的饮食习惯,给孩子做出一个好榜样。

3. 孩子的饮食要多样化,营养均衡,不偏食、多吃蔬菜水果。



Knowledge of children nutrition fitness: How to make the child healthy grow

Children nutrition health is the topic that parents pay close attention to very all the time. The child's health grows cannot leave scientific and reasonable nutrition supply, the relevant knowledge of children nutrition health and method will introduce for you below.

One, The nutrient demand of children

1.Protein: Children is growing development period, need enough protein to support the growth of muscle and organization.

2.Vitamin: The vitamin A, C, D, calcium skeleton to children and immune system growth are very significant.

3.Carbohydrate: Carbohydrate is the energy source with main children, use up old children to physical strength especially for more important.

2, How food of reasonable and tie-in children

1.Make sure the staple food of every eat is absorbed, wait like rice, cooked wheaten food, it is main energy source with carbohydrate.

2.Increase to be absorbed proteinly, be like the flesh kind, egg, bean products, the growth that conduces to supportive children development.

3.Pay attention to vegetable fruity to absorb, offer rich vitamin and mineral.

3, The error of children food health

1.Excessive deepfry: Long-term excessive absorbs deepfry food, cause children easily fat, increase the risk such as heart disease.

2.Overmuch snacks: Snacks can affect prandial appetite too much, bring about balanced diet be short of break.

3.Beverage absorbs: The overmuch beverage that contain sugar can increase candy cent of the child to absorb, bring about easily dental caries and fat.

4, The proposal of children food health

1.Develop the child's good food habit, time ration dines, avoid to carry feed and partiality for a particular kind of food.

2.The parent wants set an example, oneself also should hold healthy dietary convention, make a good example to the child.

3.The child's food wants diversification, nutrition is balanced, not partiality for a particular kind of food, much eat vegetable fruit.

Pass above understanding, we can pay close attention to the nutrient health of children better, provide better growing environment for them, hope the article is helped somewhat to you.
