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Plant-based burgers went mainstream with fast food giants Burger King and McDonald's joining the fray. Burger King's Impossible Whopper was so successful there are multiple vegetarian options now being planned. 随着快餐巨头汉堡王和麦当劳的加入,素食汉堡成为了主流。汉堡王推出的人造肉巨无霸汉堡大获成功,如今正计划推出多种素食选择。 Fish substitutes are entering the market too, including tuna made from a blend of six legumes and algae oil. Such alternative proteins cut down greenhouse gas emissions associated with livestock farming and industrial-scale fishing. 人造鱼肉也正在进入市场,包括由六种豆类和海藻油混合制成的人造金枪鱼肉。这种替代蛋白质减少了与畜牧业和工业规模渔业相关的温室气体排放。 Cockroach milk and silk worm vanilla ice-cream are just a few offerings to make insects less icky and more appealing to diners. Bugs are high in protein and vitamins, but low in emissions and require less land and water. 蟑螂乳汁和配蚕蛹的香草冰淇淋只是少数几种能让昆虫不那么恶心、更吸引食客的食物。昆虫富含蛋白质和维生素,但造成的碳排放少,需要的土地和水也少。 Some are even hoping farming insects could help clean up palm oil's tarnished image. 有些人甚至希望通过养殖昆虫能帮助去除棕榈油种植业的污名。 To use as straws, of course, as the world steps up efforts to combat plastic pollution. 当然,随着世界各国加大对塑料污染的治理力度,我们可以把空心面用作吸管。

A Thai supermarket turned to tradition, using banana leaves to wrap fresh produce while consumers are flocking to products such as re-usable beeswax wrappers. 一家泰国超市采用传统方法,用香蕉叶包裹新鲜农产品,而消费者则蜂拥购买可重复使用的蜂蜡包装等产品。 Neglected plants rich in vitamins and can adapt to the changing climate, including babassu oil from Amazon, millet from India and Mayan spinach from Guatemala, made their way onto plates, championed by pioneering chefs and scientists. 一些被忽视的富含维生素并能适应气候变化的植物,包括亚马孙雨林的巴巴苏仁油、印度小米和危地马拉的玛雅菠菜,都在开创性厨师和科学家的支持下走上餐桌。 With 75% of the world's foods coming from just 12 plants and five animal species, expanding the diet is also a good strategy for coping with climate-induced crop failures. 由于世界上75%的食物仅来自12种植物和5种动物,因此扩大饮食来源也是应对气候引起的作物歉收的好办法。 Restaurants that use almost every part of the raw materials to cut down on food waste popped up in Helsinki, New York and Berlin - the last one also happened to be vegan. 赫尔辛基、纽约和柏林都出现了物尽其用以减少食物浪费的餐馆——最后一家恰好也是素食餐馆。 There's also Trash Tiki, an "anti-waste" cocktail company that uses food scraps - leftover milk, discarded nut shells, coffee grounds, etc - to re-make beloved classics, bringing their ethos to Toronto, Amsterdam and Rome this year. 还有一家反浪费鸡尾酒公司名为Trash Tiki(垃圾提基),使用剩牛奶、丢弃的坚果壳、咖啡渣等食物残渣重新制作深受人们喜爱的经典鸡尾酒。公司今年将其理念带到了多伦多、阿姆斯特丹和罗马。 Eco-friendly beers - brewed using recycled or waste water, doing away with the plastic six-pack rings, or pledging part of the profits to conserve sea turtles - hit the shelves. 环保啤酒也在今年问世。这种啤酒用再生水或废水酿造、且不再使用塑料六件套环,承诺将部分利润用于保护海龟。 Natural wines, which proponents say are made with organic grapes and no chemical additives, thus purer and more environmentally-friendly, also gained major followings in Europe and the United States. 天然葡萄酒在欧洲和美国也赢得了众多消费者的喜爱。支持者称,天然葡萄酒是用有机葡萄酿制的,没有化学添加剂,因此更纯净、更环保。
