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  • 多样化的膳食:鼓励儿童摄入多种食物,包括蔬菜、水果、全谷类食品、蛋白质来源等。
  • 合理的膳食结构:适量摄入各类营养素,避免偏食和垃圾食品。
  • 饮食习惯的养成:培养良好的饮食习惯,定时定量进食,远离过度饮食和暴饮暴食。



  • 多样的运动方式:鼓励儿童参与各种户外活动、体育课程以及有趣的运动项目。
  • 适量的运动时间:根据儿童年龄和特点,科学安排适量的运动时间,避免长时间坐姿和过度运动。
  • 家庭参与:家长应主动参与孩子的运动,营造良好的运动氛围。



  • 接种疫苗:按照国家规定的疫苗接种计划,确保儿童接种必备的疫苗。
  • 定期体检:定期带儿童进行身体检查,及时发现和治疗潜在的健康问题。
  • 个人卫生:培养良好的个人卫生习惯,如洗手、口腔护理等,预防疾病传播。




Children health: The nutrition, importance that takes exercise to prevent with the disease

Children health gets the attention of the parent and society fully all the time. Nutrition, taking exercise to prevent with the disease is the crucial factor that ensures children health grows.

Nutrition is the cornerstone of children health, good food is used to the growth to children development is crucial. Enough protein, carbohydrate, adipose, vitamin and mineral the weight that can help children maintain health and body function, enhance immune power at the same time, prevent a disease.


  • Of diversification prandial: Encourage children to absorb a variety of food, include vegetable, fruit, complete cereal, protein origin to wait.
  • Reasonable prandial construction: Right amount absorb of all kinds nutriment, avoid partiality for a particular kind of food and rubbish food.
  • The nurturance that food is used to: Develop good dietary habit, time ration takes food, be far from excessive food and eat and drink too much.

On nutrient foundation, right amount motion is likewise crucial to the health of children. It is OK to take exercise help children controls weight, enhance fitness, stimulative skeleton grows development, develop good athletic habit.

Take exercise

  • Diversiform athletic way: Encourage children to participate in course of all sorts of outdoors activities, sports and interesting athletic project.
  • Right amount campaign time: According to children age and characteristic, science arranges right amount campaign time, avoid long sitting position and excessive motion.
  • The family participates in: The parent should enlist the child's campaign actively, build good athletic atmosphere.

Besides good nutrition and right amount motion, preventing a disease is the important segment that maintains children health likewise. The vaccination, fixed check-up, individual sanitation that keeps good is used to the risk that waits for measure to be able to reduce children sicken greatly.

Disease precaution

  • Vaccination: The vaccinal have an inoculation that sets according to the country plans, those who ensure children have an inoculation is necessary is vaccinal.
  • Fixed check-up: Take children to undertake the body is checked regularly, discover in time and treat potential healthy problem.
  • The individual is wholesome: Foster good individual sanitation to be used to, if wash one's hands, oral cavity nurses etc, precautionary disease travels.

Anyhow, children health is the important matter that family and society care jointly, nutrition, taking exercise to prevent with the disease is the important safeguard that ensures children health grows. Hope parents can take children health problem seriously, build good surroundings for the child.

Thank you to read the article, hope when to these information are paying close attention to children health problem to you, be helped somewhat.

