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What Huang Guo cultivates chute is strong beautiful scenery color

The yellow fruiter chute that is located in Guizhou Province how to arrange city is one of China's biggest fall, also be one of world-renowned marvellous spectacle. Chute flow of water is vigorous and firm, of great momentum, fall from high cliff come down in torrents, water mist diffuses, as if of the uncanny workmanship of a nature make.

Huang Guo cultivates the amorous feelings of the four seasons of chute

Every are seasonal, yellow fruiter chute shows a different elegant demeanour. Spring, the gorge of chute both sides is contended for to admire by 100 flowers, hand in photograph reflect with chute; The summer, chute flow of water is most magnificent, water mist diffuses, cool and refreshing and delightful; Autumn, the leaf gradual change all round chute is yellow, the chute of golden color and leaf set each other off become an interest; Winter, the lunt on chute condenses into ice to hang, as if argent lacy hang down fall, do not have local color one time.

Of yellow fruiter chute visit a proposal

When visitting yellow fruiter fall, the proposal is wearing light and comfortable dress and shoe, in order to answer the wet climate all round chute and cragged hill way. In the meantime, carry prevent bask in things and rain gear, in order to have untimely needs. Additional, can be in place of guide guide next natural landscape that explore chute periphery better.

Sample local cate

Visitting yellow fruiter fall, might as well sample local cate. An Shun city is having rich distinguishing feature fastfood, dish of the Shang Yu that be like acid, Guizhou, let you also can get on taste bud huge is satisfied.


Yellow fruiter chute regards Guizhou Province as resort of one big travel, not only move is strong beautiful natural scenery, and still was full of expeditionary fun. Visit yellow fruiter fall, be sure is the brigade of the nature that heart letting a person shakes.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope carries this article, the travel that can cultivate chute for your Huang Guo provides a few practical proposals and guidance.

