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The game that guess a song is full of the musical recreational activities of interest sex and interactive sex as a kind, got wide swarm loves numerously. It not only the feeling between can promotional friend, still can examine participator is mixed to musical susceptibility memory, it is the party recreation project of an ovation. How to direct a wonderful play that guess a song, the key depends on engineer and be being carried out.

Prepare song list

Above all, prepare the song list of a rich diversity. Considering the age administrative levels of participator and musical taste, can choose to cover the song of different years and style, in order to increase the interest sex of game. In the meantime, the attention withholds music of a few classical gold and popular and popular song, let participator feel be familiar with and kind.

Game regulation set

Next, the game that makes clear palpability is regular. Can use single person to grab answer or the means of group PK, the cent with regular set is worth and also can reward a mechanism, those who raise sport is emulative and excitant. In the meantime, increase appropriately a few special regulation and add cent, be like " guess singer name specified number is adscititious cent " or " sing partial libretto specified number adscititious cent " , let game more diversity.

Sound equipment prepares

When running the game that guess a song, the quality of sound equipment and effect matter to game experience directly. Ensure sound equipment acoustic quality is clear, volume moderate, not noisy not lack fidelity, such ability let participator hear clear musical voice, have the good experience that guess a song.

Chair ability point

Compere serves as the core of the whole game that guess a song, need is had chair ability goodly. Compere is should humorous humour, sentimental, the passion that can arouse a participator for an instant and the rhythm that dominates sport. In the meantime, compere needs to know the news of song, accomplish a problem accurate, amusement and intellectual sex give attention to two or morethings.


Pass above 5 crucial step, you can become the Wang Zhe of a game that guess a song easily. The success of game is held not only can promotional friendship, still can build lively atmosphere, make unforgettable party activity. Will quickly start work preparation, let us enjoy the sumptuous dinner of this music together!

Acknowledgment reads article rule, hope above content can help you direct a wonderful play that guess a song successfully!
