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1. 心理发育


2. 营养和饮食


3. 教育和学习


4. 健康和安全


5. 社交能力





3 to growing guide of 6 years old of children: Yo intellectual encyclopedia

In the child 3 arrive 6 years old this phase, they are in the crucial period that grow quickly and develops. Parents needs to master a few Yo knowledge, the help grows child health, happily. It is a detailed Yo below encyclopedia, covered this one age paragraph all sorts of knowledge that child growing place requires and skill.

1.Psychological development

In this phase, cognitive ability of the child, mood management and gregarious skill are developing. Understand psychological characteristic of the child, appropriate to carrying out education, guide and consideration is crucial. Of ceaseless and independent consciousness rise, parents needs to listen attentively to child aspirations, guide the child to express feeling, the ego acknowledge that rears the child and contain power.

2.Nutrition and food

The child needs a variety of nutrition to sustain their growth and growth in this one phase. The dietary requirement that understands the child and how to develop good food the habit is crucial to the child's health. Reasonable collocation is prandial, note prandial diversity of the child and balance, balanced to nutrition diet is crucial.

3.Teach and learn

The child begins to accept education in this one phase, begin to learn character, language, maths to wait. Parents needs to pay close attention to study condition of the child, help them build study motivation and interest, provide appropriate learning environment and resource for them, promote their full-scale development.

4.Health and safety

The health that ensures the child and safety are the first job of every parent. How does understanding prevent common children disease, how to undertake nurse daily and answering accident harm, it is very main knowledge point.

5.Gregarious ability

The child begins to contact more human association in this one phase, learn to get along with other and communicate. Parents needs to guide them to establish good human relationship, develop the cooperative consciousness, drive that share and includes, help them get used to social environment.

Pass above Yo intellectual encyclopedia, the hope can help each parents, let them accompany child health to grow better.

Thank you to read the article, hope these Yo the Yo that knowledge can be you the road brings a help.
