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In recent years, as the rapid development of tourism, journeys of more and more person selected choose serve as recreational means. However, subsequently and those who come is a series of travel issue and problem. To ensure legitimate rights and interests of the tourist, our country came on stage " mode of travel of People's Republic of China " , aim order of normative travel market, ensure legitimate rights and interests of the tourist. The article will be right " travel mode " content undertakes be unscramblinged in detail, in order to help rights and interests of tourist understanding oneself, raise viatic safety and consciousness of safeguard of rights and interests.

Travel contract

" travel mode " regulation, between tourist and travel agent trade the relation ought to affirm through travel contract. Travel contract should make clear the right of conventional tourist and travel agent and obligation, include travel to serve terms of payment of content, standard, price, fee and time to wait. Before signing travel contract, traveler has authority to ask to understand the situation such as travel circuitry, accommodation, vehicle, tourist guide, also should be read at the same time and understand contract content, ensure rights and interests is not damaged kill.

Travel safety

" travel mode " safe to travel problem undertook making clear formulary. Travel agent ought to buy insurance of travel activity liability for tourist lawfully, ensure tourist person and belongings safety. Tourist ought to abide by the safety government regulation of travel agent strictly in the journey, notice ego is protected, the safety administration that cooperates travel agent and tourist guide actively works.

Tourist rights and interests

" travel mode " made specific provision to protection of rights and interests. The information such as content of the travel line that tourist has authority to understand travel agent to offer, service and travel expenses; The security that enjoys as processional as brigade Cheng to concern in the journey, healthy, board and lodging, tourist guide waits for a service; When the journey ends, power demand travel agent issues the service proof that the contract agrees and detail Zhang.

Complaint handling

" travel mode " still undertook formulary to travel complaint handling. Once the tourist encounters service quality problem in viatic process, authority is complained to travel agent, and travel agent ought to be in receive after complaining, solve instantly, must not reject to accept complain or obstruct tourist exercise complains the right.


Through be opposite " travel mode " of content unscramble, we understood ourselves more the safeguard of rights and interests in the journey and responsibility obligation, more clear also understanding travels definitely the way of dispute and problem and method. Hope each tourists are enjoying good trip while, also can protect oneself rights and interests, build harmonious travel environment jointly.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you know travel way better, ensure oneself rights and interests, settle the problem in the journey and dispute.

