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  • 北京烤鸭: 作为中华美食的代表之一,北京烤鸭以其金黄酥脆的外皮和多汁鲜嫩的肉质成为了享誉全球的美食。
  • 香辣蟹: 香辣蟹源自湖南,以其麻辣鲜香而广受美食家的喜爱,更成为了许多人心中的舌尖美味。
  • 小笼包: 来自上海的小笼包是一道口感丰富的面点美食,薄而软的皮包裹着鲜美的汁水和肉馅,让人回味无穷。
  • 麻辣火锅: 作为中国传统美食的代表之一,麻辣火锅以其独特的麻辣味道和丰富多样的锅底料而风靡全国,成为了中国人聚餐的首选。
  • 干煸牛肉: 干煸牛肉是川菜中的一道经典菜肴,以其麻辣爽口、外酥里嫩而备受推崇。
  • 粤式点心: 粤式点心是岭南地区的一种特色美食,种类繁多,口味清淡,制作精细,成为了中国传统美食文化的一部分。
  • 葱油饼: 葱油饼是中国北方地区的传统小吃,外酥里软,香味扑鼻,令人垂涎欲滴。
  • 东坡肉: 作为中国传统名菜之一,东坡肉肉质鲜嫩,入口即化,加上酱香扑鼻,令人回味无穷。
  • 酸菜鱼: 酸菜鱼是一道源自重庆的传统川菜,以其麻辣鲜香、酸辣清爽的口味而广受欢迎。
  • 雪糕麻球: 雪糕麻球是一种既传统又时尚的中国小吃,以其口感独特的酥脆外皮和香甜可口的软心而备受追捧。





Chinese cate: Alone attractive knowledge

Chinese cate is of long standing and well established, the taste that abounds diversity with its is famed with distinctive cooking method at the world. In this article, we will discuss Chinese cate this alone attractive knowledge, introductory China 10 eat cate surely greatly, let you have a more thorough knowledge to China cate.

China cate explores: 10 have cate check surely greatly

Our one by one lets come below check China 10 eat cate surely greatly:

  • Beijing roast duck: Regard China as one of delegates of cate, beijing roast duck with its of golden crisp cortical became the cate that is famous in the whole world character with juicily and fresh and tender flesh.
  • Sweet hot crab: Sweet hot crab comes from Hunan, with its hemp hot delicacy is sweet and wide suffer epicure love, more the tip of the tongue in becoming a lot of popular feeling is delicate.
  • Small basket bag: Those who come from Shanghai is small basket bag is the noodle cate with a rich mouthfeel, thin and soft portfolio is wrapping delicious juice and meat stuffing, aftertaste letting a person is boundless.
  • Hemp hot chaffy dish: Regard Chinese tradition as one of delegates of cate, hemp hot chaffy dish with its distinctive hemp piquancy with the boiler footing of rich diversity fashionable whole nation, made the first selection that the Chinese dines together.
  • Do beef of stir-fry before stewing: Beef of dry stir-fry before stewing is one of plain dish classical dish, with its hemp is hot tastily, outside crisp in tender and suffer praise highly fully.
  • Mug-up of type of another name for Guangdong Province: Mug-up of type of another name for Guangdong Province is the cate of a kind of characteristic of the area austral mountain, phyletic and various, taste is delicate, make careful, made the one part of culture of Chinese traditional cate.
  • Green deep-fried dough cake: The tradition that green deep-fried dough cake is Chinese northern region is fastfood, outside crisp in soft, fragrance is tangy, lick one's chaps making a person.
  • East slope flesh: Regard China as one of traditional name dish, slope meat meat pledges east fresh and tender, the entrance is changed namely, add sauce sweet tangy, aftertaste making a person is boundless.
  • Fish of pickled Chinese cabbage: Fish of pickled Chinese cabbage is the tradition that comes from Chongqing together plain dish, with its hemp hot delicacy sweet, acid is hot relaxed taste and wide welcome.
  • Ball of ice cream hemp: Ball of ice cream hemp is a kind already traditional fashionable China is fastfood, with its the crisp with distinctive mouthfeel is cortical with sweet and goluptious soft heart equipment suffers chase after hold in both hands.

Chinese cate: Food regale

Chinese cate is food regale, no matter be dish of the plain dish of strong feeling, delicious another name for Guangdong Province, still be dish of delicate raise of the Huaihe River, avery kind of has its distinctive charm. The hope carries this article, you can have deeper knowledge to Chinese cate, the dietary life that also is you adds a few new color.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article can bring pair of China cate to understand and be inspired deeper to you.

