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解答: 早上起床后,第一时间应该喝一杯温水。因为人体整夜都在代谢,身体内的水分流失很多,因此早晨起床后,如果能喝一杯温水,可以补充身体流失的水分,有助于新陈代谢的启动和排毒。


解答: 使用空调时,室内外的温差不宜超过8度。温差超过8度就让人容易感到身体不适。同时,长时间吹空调会消耗室内空气中的氧气,因此在开空调时要适时开窗通风,保持室内空气新鲜。


解答: 饭后不宜立即运动,最好是静卧休息半小时左右再进行适当的活动。因为饭后血液主要集中在胃肠道,如果立即运动会分散血液,影响消化吸收,对身体是不利的。


解答: 选择洗发水时,要根据自己的发质情况进行选择。干性发质的人要选择滋润型的洗发水,油性发质的人要选择控油型的洗发水。另外,建议选择植物精华成分较多、无硅油成分的洗发水,对头发和头皮都比较温和。




Wonderful common sense asks the problem is solved

Everybody knows, existing in the life a lot of we are easy at ordinary times the little common sense of oversight, however these little common sense live with ours normally be closely bound up. Understand a few economic life little common sense at any time and place in daily life, the life to us will have very great help. A few common life small issues are below, let us look together.

Problem one: Get up in the morning, what should do for a short while?

Solve: After getting up in the morning, should drink a cup of Wen Shui for a short while. Metabolize because of be in all night for human body, the moisture prediction of a person's luck in a given year inside the body is very much, after getting up in the morning accordingly, if can drink a cup of Wen Shui, the water of prediction of a person's luck in a given year of OK and compensatory body is divided, conduce to metabolism start and discharge poison.

Problem 2: How to use air conditioning correctly?

Solve: When use air conditioning, the difference in temperature of room inside and outside is unfavorable more than 8 degrees. Difference in temperature makes a person more than 8 degrees easy feel the body is unwell. In the meantime, blow air conditioning for long to be able to consume the oxygen in indoor air, want when opening air conditioning accordingly timely a window is ventilated, maintain indoor air fresh.

Problem 3: What should meal hind do?

Solve: Should not be after the meal move instantly, had better be repose rests half hours or so to have proper activity again. Because the blood after the meal basically is centered in gastric bowel path, if instantly games is dispersive blood, the influence is digested absorb, it is adverse to the body.

Problem 4: How to choose shampoo?

Solve: When choosing shampoo, the hair that wants him foundation pledges the circumstance undertakes choosing. The person with drying qualitative hair should choose moist model shampoo, the person with oily qualitative hair should choose to accuse oil model shampoo. Additional, composition of elite of proposal choice plant the more, shampoo that does not have silicone oil composition, gentler to hair and scalp.

Ask through above the problem is solved, believed everybody to have more intimate knowledge to little common sense of a few lives. Hope these knowledge can be helped somewhat to everybody's life.

Thank everybody to read, the life that hopes these life little common sense can be you brings a few helps.

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