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  • 第一站:游客中心。在这里您可以获得横店影视城的详细介绍,还可以购买门票和特色纪念品。
  • 第二站:古装街。您可以在这里穿上古装,仿佛置身于古代的影视场景中。
  • 第三站:影视拍摄基地。这里有许多经典影视作品的拍摄场地,让您仿佛置身电影大片中。
  • 第四站:特色表演。每天都会有精彩的特色表演,包括武术、骑马、特技等,让游客大饱眼福。
  • 第五站:主题乐园。横店影视城内还有许多主题乐园,适合全家人一起游玩。





  • 注意安全。在影视拍摄基地等景点,遵守工作人员的指引,不要越雷池一步。
  • 注意气候。横店影视城地处长三角地区,夏季炎热潮湿,冬季寒冷,游客需根据当地气候做好防护。
  • 遵守规定。在景区内遵守游览秩序,爱护景区环境,不随地乱扔垃圾。



City of Hengdian movie and TV is summarized

City of Hengdian movie and TVBe located in Zhejiang to save Hangzhou city and boundary of Jin Hua city, it is the Asia's biggest movie and TV films base, cover an area of an area to amount to many mus 1500. City of Hengdian movie and TV is mixed with work of its gorgeous movie and TV the setting with extensive gallant great is famed at the world, before attracting countless tourists, past sightseeing travels.

Visit a course to recommend

How can you just appreciate the glamour of city of Hengdian movie and TV to the greastest extent? Be an elaborate design belowTour a line, can help you experience the elegant demeanour of city of Hengdian movie and TV better:

  • The first station: Tourist center. Here the detailed introduction that you can win city of Hengdian movie and TV, still can buy entrance ticket and characteristic souvenir.
  • The 2nd station: Ancient costume street. You can put on ancient costume here, as if in setting of place oneself Yu Gu's acting movie and TV.
  • The 3rd station: Movie and TV films base. There are works of a lot of classical movie and TV here film field, let you as if place oneself motion picture is big in.
  • The 4th station: Characteristic is performed. Everyday can wonderful characteristic is performed, include wushu, equestrian, acrobatics to wait, let tourist big feast one's eyes on.
  • The 5th station: Thematic Eden. Hengdian still has a lot of theme Eden inside city of movie and TV, fit family person one case amuse oneself.

Cate is recommended

Visit in sightseeing, enjoying cate also is one great pleasure of the journey. Recommend you to sampleThe characteristic cate of city of Hengdian movie and TV, include to bake fruit of feast of palace of complete sheep, ancient time, Pure Brightness to wait, let you sampling cate while, also experience archaic amorous feelings.


When visitting town of Hengdian movie and TV, need notices the following:

  • The attention is safe. Film in movie and TV the tourist attraction such as base, those who abide by a staff member is how-to, do not jump over Lei Chi one pace.
  • Notice climate. City of Hengdian movie and TV is located in long triangle area, the summer is burning hot and damp, winter chill, it is good that the tourist needs to be done according to local climate defend.
  • Abide by a regulation. Abide by inside scene area visit order, cherish scene area environment, do not throw rubbish in disorder everywhere.

Welcome you to head for city of Hengdian movie and TV, experience archaic culture and the shirt-sleeve beauty with artistic movie and TV. Hope this strategy can help you, wish you journey is happy!

