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如何选择一部拥有200万像素的数码相机?| 数码相机选购指南英文双语对照


如何选择一部拥有200万像素的数码相机?| 数码相机选购指南英文双语对照






1. **确定使用目的**:首先要确定自己购买数码相机的主要使用目的,是为了拍摄旅行风景、记录家庭生活,还是专业摄影作品。

2. **了解产品品牌**:选择知名品牌的相机,质量和售后有保障,例如佳能、尼康、索尼等。

3. **考虑预算**:根据自己的经济实力来选择相机,不一定要追求最高像素,适合自己的才是最好的。

4. **寻找专业评测**:在购买之前,可以通过一些专业的评测文章或视频来了解不同型号200万像素数码相机的性能和特点。


1. **合理利用像素**:拍摄时不要过分追求像素,合理的像素搭配适合的场景更能展现照片的魅力。

2. **注意对焦**:像素再高,对焦不准确也会影响照片的质量,使用时要注意对焦技巧。

3. **光线和构图**:光线和构图对照片效果同样重要,要注意调整光线和构图来提高200万像素数码相机的拍摄效果。





Digital camera resembles the importance of element

On the digital camera market nowadays, became people to choose one of crucial target of digital camera like element. The definition of the decided like element it can film photograph of camera and detail behave ability.

Why does the 2 million number camera that resembles element get attention fully?

The 2 million number camera that resembles element is the camera that resembles prime number waits in planting, it can have satisfied the requirement that great majority films daily in the detail that takes picture and definition respect. Accordingly, get the attention of broad consumer fully.

How to choose a 2 million number camera that resembles element?

1.** uses purpose ** certainly: Want to decide oneself buy the main use purpose of digital camera above all, it is to film domesticity of viatic scenery, record, still be professional photography work.

2.** understands product brand ** : Choose the camera of well-known trademark, there is safeguard after quality and carry out, for exampleBeautiful can, Ni Kang, Suo NiEtc.

3.** considers budgetary ** : Will choose camera according to oneself economic actual strength, must not go after highest like element, the ability that suits oneself is best.

4.** searchs major to evaluate ** : Before buy, can know different type through the evaluation article of a few major or video the function of camera of 2 million number resembling element and characteristic.

The use skill of camera of 2 million number resembling element

1.** is reasonable use ** resembling element: When filming, not beyond the mark pursuit resembles element, the setting that reasonable collocation resembling element suits can show the glamour of the photograph more.

2.** notices pair of anxious ** : Again tall like element, right anxious the mass that forbids to also can affect a picture truly, pair of anxious skill should notice when using.

3.** light and ** of composition of a picture: The light and composition of a picture are likewise fundamental to photograph effect, should notice to adjust the light and composition of a picture to come to those who increase watch for a chance of 2 million number resembling element film the effect.


Choose and use need of camera of 2 million number resembling element to be measured according to individual demand, want attention to resemble element not only, combine camera even brand, budget and use skill. Hope this article can help you choose a digital camera that suits his better.

Thank you to read the article, a few reference and help are provided when the hope is buying camera of 2 million number resembling element for you.

