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  • 深蹲: 深蹲是训练下半身肌肉的基本动作,包括腿部、臀部和腰部肌肉。它不仅可以增强肌肉力量,还有助于提高核心稳定性。
  • 卧推: 卧推主要锻炼胸大肌、三角肌和肱三头肌,是训练上半身肌肉的经典动作。
  • 硬拉: 硬拉是锻炼腿部、背部以及臀部肌肉的关键动作,同时也能增强手部和手臂的力量。
  • 仰卧起坐: 仰卧起坐可以有效锻炼腹部肌肉,提高核心稳定性,对塑造腹部线条非常有帮助。
  • 引体向上: 引体向上是锻炼上半身力量的绝佳动作,尤其是对背部和手臂肌肉的训练效果显著。



  • 确保姿势正确:保持身体稳定,避免挺背或者驼背。
  • 注意呼吸:在练习过程中保持深呼吸,提高肌肉和心肺的适应能力。
  • 逐步增加负荷:随着身体适应能力的提升,逐渐增加重量和次数。
  • 保持持久性:定期坚持练习,不要贪多嚼不烂,保持适当的休息时间。




Know the value that ultimate fitness foundation practices

Ultimate fitness suffers fully all the time chase after hold in both hands, and the success should be gained in this domain, fundamental exercise is crucial. It is the person that the novice still has the fitness of experience no matter, must practice beginning from the foundation. The foundation practices can helping us lay next solid foundations, avoid to get hurt, the suiting that raises the body ability, for follow-up high-ranking training ready-made.

Exercise of which 5 kinds of foundations is the cornerstone of ultimate fitness?

When undertaking ultimate fitness trains, exercise of 5 kinds of foundations is indispensable under:

  • Crouch greatly: Crouching greatly is sarcous of below training half body main action, include leg ministry, hip and lumbar muscle. It can enhance muscle power not only, still conduce to increase core stability.
  • Lie push: Lie push basically exercise pectoralis major, deltoid and humerus triceps, it is sarcous of training upper part of the body classical movement.
  • Pull forcedly: Be being pulled forcedly is to exercise leg ministry, back and movement of coxal sarcous key, also can enhance the power of hand ministry and arm at the same time.
  • Sit-ups: Sit-ups can exercise abdominal muscle effectively, increase core stability, abdominal to modelling line is very helpful.
  • Pull-up: Pull-up is the superexcellent movement that exercises power of upper part of the body, train the effect to back and arm sarcous especially remarkable.

How to undertake ultimate fitness foundation practices correctly?

Correct pose and the effect that touch oppose to practice at the foundation are crucial. No matter be the person that the novice still has the fitness of experience, should notice the following when undertaking the foundation practices:

  • Ensure the pose is correct: Maintain body stability, avoid to hold out a back bow-backed perhaps.
  • The attention breathes: Deep breathing maintains in practicing a process, the suiting that raises muscle and heart lungs ability.
  • Step up bear: Get used to the promotion of ability as the body, increase weight and number gradually.
  • Maintain endurance: Hold to an exercise regularly, do not want a bite off more than one can chew, maintain suitable breathing space.


Practice through correct foundation, we can step solid one pace on the road of ultimate fitness. No matter be to seek perfect stature, still promote fitness, need to begin from the foundation. Hope the article is helped somewhat to you, thank you read!

