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Interior game is a kind of psychological concept, it explored the mystery of people heart world and force. We often do not realize interior game possibly in daily life to be affected to ours, but experience of the thinking way that actually it is affecting us already deeply, affection and behavior expression. How does the article affect the idea that discusses interior game deep and it our life.

What is interior game?

Interior game is to point to those who go up to people takes a series of thinking of travel and emotion on interior level run. It may involve drive of adjusting control of self-awareness, mood, ego and the acknowledge to other. The essence of interior game depends on how is people known and handling the experience of immanent world, and this kind of action that handles means how to affect them and affection condition.

The type of interior game

Interior game can be divided to be mixed actively inactive two sort. The affection expression that active interior game involves active self concept, health normally and answer strategy effectively. Inactive interior game includes polarization of disappear of ego suspicion, mood and a dead set to other and outside.

How does interior game affect our life?

Condition of the decision-making process that interior game affects us, human relation, mood and integral life satisfaction are spent. If a person is used to active interior game, he may establish good human relationship more easily, optimistic mood condition, and more possible health grows. Contrary, inactive interior game often can bring about the obstacle that worry of human conflict, mood and ego grow.

How to develop active interior game?

The interior game with active education can seek advice through psychology, the exercise of behavior treatment and active state of mind is able to come true. Take ego acknowledge and mood management seriously, institutional obverse side thinks to be conveyed with affection, and the human truck capacity with good education is the way that develops active heart game.


Interior game is those who be in the world is important inside us make a part, it is affecting our life quality and affection position directly. Through understand and developing active interior game, we are OK better him adjusting control mood and behavior, stimulative personal growth and health develop.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you through this article the influence that the idea that more thorough geography dismisses interior game and it lives to us.
