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1. 俯卧撑


2. 引体向上


3. 深蹲


4. 仰卧起坐


5. 平板支撑


6. 倒立俯卧撑


7. 仰卧助推


8. 跳箱训练


9. 悬垂核桃


10. 跳绳训练





Push-up is one of classical training projects in street fitness. This movement can exercise chest muscle, deltoid and humerus triceps not only, still can enhance core stability. Adopt distinct change, be like narrow be apart from push-up or tilt push-up, can undertake in the light of different position aggrandizement trains.


Pull-up is the superexcellent training movement of test upper limbs and back muscle strength. This act can enhance back, humerus effectively the force of 2 flesh and humerus triceps, the outbreak that also can raise upper limbs at the same time force and endurance.

3.Crouch greatly

Stay the training action that is sex of a whole body greatly, can exercise ham, hip and nuclear cardiac muscle effectively group. Adopt distinct change, the leg that be like sheet crouchs greatly or leap crouchs greatly, can increase the diversity of training and challenge sex.


Sit-ups is the training project that is aimed at abdominal muscle, can help strengthen core muscle group stability and force. The sit-ups movement of different point of view and change can stimulate abdominal muscle in the round more.

5.Flat is propped up

Flat is propped up is a very effective core stability trains a project, can help strengthen abdominal muscle and lumbar muscle group force. Change through controlling the time that prop up and pose, can promote the difficulty of training ceaselessly.

6.Handstand push-up

The training project that handstand push-up is ministry of shoulder of a test and back stability, very effective to increasing force of upper part of the body and balance capacity. This movement also can pass wall push-up or push-up of thin arm handstand undertakes metabolic training.

7.Lie on one's back aid push

Lie on one's back aid pushing is a kind of training action that stresses chest muscle and deltoid, can help the impetus capacity that enhances upper limbs and stability. Can train difficulty through adjusting hand department posture and the support that use different height to change.

8.Box horse trains

Box horse training is a kind of intensity is mixed erupt the efficient way that force trains, can increase the force of lower limbs and flexibility. Can undertake through changing box horse to be mixed highly training of thin leg box horse will increase the challenge sex of training.

9.Overhang walnut

Overhang walnut is one kind trains a movement effectively in the light of abdomen and lumbar sarcous, can help strengthen celiac straight flesh and lumbar muscle group force and stability. Can change the difficulty of training through adjusting body pose and overhang time.

10.Skip trains

Skip training is sex of a kind of whole body has oxygen campaign, can help enhance heart lungs endurance and power of lower limbs muscle. In the meantime, skip training also is a kind of brief home remedy and efficient street fitness way.

Thank you to read the article, the foundation that hopes above content can help you understand street fitness better trains a project, for your fitness the plan provides reference and guidance.

