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  • 文献学研究:王力在文献学研究方面做出了突出贡献,尤其是对古代文献的整理、研究和阐释。他的研究成果为后人深入了解中国古代文化提供了重要资料。
  • 古文字学研究:王力在古文字学的探索方面有着丰硕成果,他对古代文字的解析和研究成果,为中国古代文化的研究提供了坚实的基础。
  • 古代文学研究:王力对古代文学的研究成果影响深远,他的著作《古文观止》成为了学习古代文学的重要工具书,对古代文学的理解和传承起到了重要作用。







Culture of Chinese ancient time is of long standing and well established, broad and profound, among them a lot of eminent scholars produced far-reaching effect to culture. And Wang Li serves as among them an anybody, his contribution and effect cannot be ignored undoubtedly. The article will analyse Wang Li from many angle the position in archaic culture and action.

King strength brief introduction

Wang Li (1921-2018) , ling of word Chinese ink, jiangsu Yangzhou person. He is a well-known ancient writer, philological home and archaeologist, ever taught to wait for famous institution of higher learning at university of Beijing University, Taiwan. Wang Li is good at ancient writing learning to study with archaic literature, be in especially " ancient prose view stops " the understanding that there is profundity to archaic culture in waiting for composing and elucidate.

The king power influence to archaic culture

Wang Li basically reflects in the influence of archaic culture domain in the following respects:

  • Philological research: Wang Li outstanding contribution was made in philological research respect, be opposite especially of archaic document arrange, research and illuminate. His research achievement understood culture of Chinese ancient time to provide important data for later generations development.
  • Ancient writing learns to consider: The exploration side that Wang Li learns in ancient writing is having positive result of plentiful and substantial, he is right of archaic character analytic with research achievement, the research that is culture of Chinese ancient time provided solid basis.
  • Archaic literature studies: Wang Li is far-reaching to the research achievement of archaic literature, his composing " ancient prose view stops " the important reference book that made literature of study ancient time, had main effect to the understanding of archaic literature and inheritance.

Academic thinking of Wang Li and contribution

The thorough research that academic thinking of Wang Li basically includes pair of ancient time document, ancient writing and archaic literature and elucidate. He advocates careful literal research and literature textual criticism, emphasize pair of ancient time culture scrupulously abide by and inheritance. Below his influence, archaic culture considers to pay attention to the conventional drive of former juice raw ingredient more, pay attention to rigorous sex of learning and thorough sex.


In the endless flow of culture of Chinese ancient time, wang Li is an indispensable anybody. His scholarship and the inheritance that the thought contributes pair of ancient time culture and development rose to urge action actively, offerred precious academic bequest and thought relic for later generations.

Acknowledgment reader reads the article, the learning that passes pair of Wang Li is contributed and affect analyse, the hope can bring more thorough to culture of Chinese ancient time knowledge and knowledge.
