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100字英语作文 :My Favourate Season 我最喜欢的季节


100字英语作文 :My Favourate Season 我最喜欢的季节

  • 英语作文:My Favourite Season: Spring

    Spring is my favorite season. The air is fresh and the sky is clear. Flowers bloom everywhere, painting the world with vibrant colors. Trees are covered with new leaves, and the birds sing sweetly. It's a time of new beginnings and hope. I love to walk in the park, feeling the gentle breeze and watching the world come alive again.



    • fresh air - 清新的空气
    • clear sky - 晴朗的天空
    • bloom - 开花
    • vibrant colors - 鲜艳的色彩
    • new leaves - 新叶
    • sweetly - 甜美地
    • new beginnings - 新的开始
    • gentle breeze - 温柔的微风

    英语作文:My Favourite Season: Summer

    Summer is my favorite season. The days are long and the sun is bright. I love to swim in the cool water and feel the warmth on my skin. The nights are filled with stars, and I often lie on the grass, looking up at the sky. It's a time of joy and freedom. I enjoy the long days and the warm nights, making the most of every moment.



    • long days - 长日
    • bright sun - 灿烂的阳光
    • swim - 游泳
    • warmth - 温暖
    • filled with stars - 满是星星
    • lie on the grass - 躺在草地上
    • joy and freedom - 欢乐和自由
    • making the most of - 充分利用

    英语作文:My Favourite Season: Autumn

    Autumn is my favorite season. The leaves turn beautiful colors, and the air is crisp and cool. I love to walk through the woods, listening to the crunch of fallen leaves under my feet. It's a time of harvest and reflection. I enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and the changing scenery. Autumn is a season that reminds me of the beauty of change and the richness of life.



    • turn beautiful colors - 变成美丽的颜色
    • crisp and cool - 清新而凉爽
    • walk through the woods - 在树林中散步
    • crunch of fallen leaves - 落叶的沙沙声
    • harvest - 收获
    • reflection - 反思
    • peaceful atmosphere - 宁静的氛围
    • changing scenery - 变化的景色

    英语作文:My Favourite Season: Winter

    Winter is my favorite season. The world is covered in a blanket of snow, and everything looks magical. I love to build snowmen and have snowball fights with my friends. The cold air is refreshing, and the quietness of the snow-covered landscape is soothing. It's a time for family and warmth. I enjoy the cozy feeling of being inside with loved ones, sharing stories and laughter.



    • covered in a blanket of snow - 被一层雪的毯子覆盖
    • magical - 神奇的
    • build snowmen - 堆雪人
    • snowball fights - 打雪仗
    • refreshing - 令人精神振奋的
    • quietness - 宁静
    • soothing - 安慰的
    • cozy feeling - 温馨的感觉
    上一篇:英语辩论 :人工智能的伦理问题