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Favour apply: The city of beautiful landscape

Favour apply autonomous prefecture of Miao Zu of the Tujia nationality to be located at Hubei to visit southwest department, it is a place that was full of folk-custom amorous feelings and natural landscape. Favour apply having advantaged geographical advantage and rich travel resource, seek by inquiry comes before attracting numerous tourist. Here, you can appreciate magnificent natural sight, experience grumous ethical amorous feelings, can sample more pure earthy home cate. Next, let us explore the most complete favour to apply travel tourist attraction together, uncover the glamour seat that secret favour uses.

[1] area of scene of Shen Nong Jia

Shen Nong JiaBe located in Hubei province favour to apply churchyard of autonomous prefecture of Miao Zu of the Tujia nationality, it is the main component of system of Chinese natural groove guard, also be one of 4 old virgin forest of countrywide. Chain of mountains folds emerald green, wintersweet to blossom here, element has " natural oxygen " beautiful praise. You can be here to the top of one's bent the forest of enjoy verdure, clear laky with of all kinds precious rare use a plant, experience nature bestow.

[2] city of system of appointing national minority hereditary headmen in the Yuan length this world

Grow city of in relief system of appointing national minority hereditary headmen in the YuanIt is China saves most complete earthy home ancient building group one of, concentration revealed the folk-custom amorous feelings of the Tujia nationality and historical culture here. You can visit earthy home condole foot building, sample earthy home wine, experience the warm hospitality of earthy family and long history.

[3] hill of benefit plain golden pheasant

Hill of benefit plain golden pheasantBe located in Hubei to save western, here is having elegant natural scene and rich humanitarian landscape. Golden pheasant hill has attractive landscape picture scroll not only, the Lichuande of famed still far and near hides hut. Here you are OK uprise looks at the far, beauty that experiences landscape, still can join visit the Gu An, glamour that experiences Buddhist culture.

[4] hole of crane peak violet gold

Hole of crane peak violet goldBe located in south of crane peak town, it is one of China's largest subterranean river holes. Here has the landscape such as grand stalactite, broad wadi, deep and serene grotto, if enter the magical ground like elfland,let a person.

Besides the tourist attraction that cites with the above-listed, favour apply still having a lot of other and worth while the scenery that swims scenic spot, if city of glamour cave, lion, Shinagu is pressed down,wait. Apply the introduction of travel tourist attraction through afore-mentioned favour, believed you to had had clearer knowledge to this beautiful city. Might as well drop busy job, come the close encounter of field and one nature!

Finally, allow me to end this article with cordial acknowledgment please. The kindness that appreciates you to cost valuable time to read me to prepare meticulously for you applies travel tourist attraction to recommend. The hope recommends the journey that can be you this to plan to provide a few helps, let you be in favour the memory that happiness keeps on the land that uses this beauty.

