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Alone epicure the four seasons: Take you to seek cate and solitude

" alone epicure " the four seasons leaves oneself since sowing, suffer an audience to fix eyes upon fully. In this program, the epicure of compere loneliness will guide an audience to seek the story of backside of each district cate, show different alone beauty. What wonderful content will this season present? Let us uncover secret together.

The brigade that cate seeks

In the four seasons, alone epicure will continue to guide an audience to spread out the brigade that a cate seeks. Arrive from flourishing city outlying rural area, arrive from advanced dining-room by the side of the street fastfood, he will taste all sorts of cate, seek the story of backside of every kinds of cate. The audience can appreciate the inviting point of cate not only, the epicure that can feel loneliness more the affection in seeking a course and think.

Distinctive cate culture

Besides the flavour of cate, alone epicure still digs development the cate culture with distinctive each district. He will communicate with local chef, epicure and average resident, understand their manner to cate and view, seek the blend office of culture and cate. The audience will appreciate the cate culture below amorous feelings of different district, different folk-custom in the program, the epicure that feels loneliness to tradition and think contemporarily.

Affection and resonance

the four seasons will be more outstanding of compere heart world show, the audience can see more and true alone epicure. He will share what more people on one's own side is born to comprehend, and the emotion that finds in cate is resonant. Of the flavor that carries cate, culture blend, and the monologize of alone epicure heart, let an audience understand this epicure that stands to go alone especially deep more, the resonance that causes an audience and think.

No matter be the passion to cate, still be opposite work comprehend, of the four seasons " alone epicure " will bring more touching to the audience with inspire. Let us expect together, feel this distinctive stay away from home about loneliness and cate together.

Thank you to read this article, the hope can bring more through this article to alone epicure the expectation of the four seasons is mixed enthusiastic.

