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De Qing, be located in Zhejiang to visit Hangzhou town on the west outskirt, it is a town that fills natural scene and humanitarian history. Travel of heart Qing Dynasty is resourceful, before attracting numerous tourist, will seek its distinctive glamour. The natural view that the article will take you to understand De Qing deep, humanitarian landscape and characteristic cate, the De Qingzhi that is you provides all-around guide all right.

Natural scene

De Qing has advantaged environment, the be pregnant with between winding landscape distinctive natural scene. Mo Ganshan beauty spot is bright phearl of De Qing, the beautiful scenery that the four seasons fluctuates makes popular feeling gallop be charmed. Spring cole spends the sea, the chain of mountains of summer verdure, autumnal layer forest all catch, wintry day is silver-coated, every season is having individual lasting appeal. Besides, set each other off of the natural beauty of lakes and mountains becomes an interest, 1000 islands lake is more be in quiet and beautiful and mysterious natural gallery, attracting photography lover and outdoors sports fan. No matter be mountain-climbing pedestrian still go boating lake face, natural scene of De Qing can make person heart cheerful.

Humanitarian history

Besides natural scene, de Qing also has long humanitarian history, the culture with old village rich in store insides information. Among them, the Gu Cun of Na Mingxiang lake of 10 lis of the village of culture of Mogan hill folk-custom below Mo Ganshan, beautiful water, and the new Xie Cun that has chiliad history showed De Qingyou. In these ancient dorp, trace everywhere of the history is visible, the building of of primitive simplicity, traditional handicraft, rich folk-custom activity, let a person as if the years that passed through to go. These rustic landscape are condensing De Qing's past, also be the reachs surely ground of culture searcher.

Characteristic cate

De Qing's cate makes person aftertaste boundless likewise. Place has a lot of cate that have distinguishing feature alone, for example: The water lotus root of shrimp of fish of lake of Mo Ganshan bamboo shoot, 1000 islands, Na Mingxiang lake. These cate are shirt-sleeve the rich with rich this locality and distinctive cooking craft, fragrance is tangy, flavour is delicious, let full the luck to eat sth delicious of National People's Congress. In addition, still have the farmhouse happy experience of De Qing characteristic, the tourist can be in place farmhouse is happy the characteristic farmhouse dish that tastes delicacy of have a taste of what is just in season, experience honest rustication.

No matter be to pursue natural view, experience long humanitarian history, still sample pure characteristic cate, de Qing can satisfy you expect. Here, you can appreciate the uncanny workmanship of nature, experience slow life of countryside, savour the distinctive glamour of cate. Lai Deqing, you will surely harvest a paragraph of unforgettable journey experience.

Thank you to read the article, the De Qingzhi that hopes to be able to be you provides a help all right, wish you journey is happy!

