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中国新增世界文化遗产: 探索源远流长的中华文明英文双语对照


中国新增世界文化遗产: 探索源远流长的中华文明英文双语对照




  • 龙门石窟:位于河南省洛阳市,是中国最著名的石窟之一,以其精美的佛像和壁画而闻名于世。
  • 世界最大的木质结构古建筑群——土木城:位于山东省枣庄市,这里保存着大量精美的古建筑,见证了中国古代建筑工艺的精湛。
  • 岭南地区的古代热带丛林与古代农田:位于广东省佛山市,这里保存了大片完好的古代农田考古遗址,展示了古代农耕文明的独特魅力。








Recently, china will be in historical culture relics successfully to include world culture bequest directory more, this one message caused wide attention. The cognizance of these relics, indicating it is important that China was stridden in respect of bequest of protective world culture not only one pace, also let the world understand of long standing and well established China culture deep more.

Include the China of world culture bequest successfully relics

The Chinese relics that includes world culture successfully this bequest includes:

  • The Longmen Grottoes: Be located in Henan to visit Luoyang town, it is one of China's famousest grotto, famed with its elegant figure of Buddha and mural at the world.
  • The world's oldest woodiness structure ancient building group -- building city: Be located in Shandong to visit jujube village town, the ancient building with here many and fancy in store, those who witnessed Chinese ancient time to build technology is masterly.
  • The archaic tropics forest of the area austral mountain and archaic farm: Be located in Guangdong to visit Fosan town, here saved relics of big in good condition archaic farm archaeology, revealed the distinctive glamour of archaic farming agrarian civilization.

Of these relics include, made contribution for the diversity of world culture bequest not only, also make common people more comprehensive the historical culture that the ground realises China is long.

The bright history of China civilization

China serves as have on the world 5000 the country of civilization history, having the historical culture bequest of rich and colorful. Arrive from the Great Wall the Imperial Palace, arrive from military forces tomb figure the Silk Road, all these witnessed the bright history of China civilization.

The road of world culture bequest of China, the esteem that since opposite goes to, be pair of future more is responsible. Had protected these heritage, let them circulate forever go down, it is the responsibility of Chinese oneself not only, also be the contribution of pair of world culture diversity.

Be included the relics of world culture bequest through these, the world can know the inside information of Chinese history culture deep more, also can admire the distinctive glamour of China civilization better. This is mixed to the mutual understanding between promotional and different civilization communication, have important sense.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can know the meaning of bequest of Chinese world culture and value better through this article.

