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1. {营养均衡}的饮食


2. {充足的睡眠}


3. {适度的运动}


4. {意外伤害的预防}


5. {定期的健康检查}


6. {良好的个人卫生习惯}


7. {心理健康的关注}


8. {合理的娱乐活动}


9. {健康心态的培养}


10. {家庭氛围的营造}





Children health: The parent needs the 10 big keys of understanding

When involving children health, every parent hopes to be able to be offerred be taken care of best and protect. No matter be baby or adolescent, children health is one of problems that parents care most. Understand the health that how ensures children better to help the parent, will uncover secret children health below 10 nurse greatly crucial.

1.{nutrition is balanced the food of}

One of children health keys are to make sure they absorb the diet with balanced nutrition. Prandial in should include rich protein, vegetable, fruit and complete corn food, restrict what candy is divided and process food to absorb at the same time, in order to ensure they obtain comprehensive nutrition.

2.The Morpheus} with enough {

Good Morpheus is crucial to the health of body and mind of children. Children needs the Morpheus time that differ according to the age and changes somewhat every night, parents should ensure the child has enough sleep to sustain their growth and growth.

3.The athletic} with measurable {

Children needs to undertake moderate campaign will keep healthy and promote skeleton and sarcous growth. This can include outdoors activity, gym, swim or other the athletic sports that love. Pass measurable motion, the weight that children still can maintain health and enhance immune system.

4.{accident hurts the precautionary} that kill

The parent needs to adopt necessary precautionary measures to avoid children accident to harm, the use of safe seat, home is for instance medium of dangerous article deposit and knowledge of safety of educational children transportation.

5.} of {periodic checkup

Periodic checkup is the important segment that ensures children health, this can help the healthy problem with potential discovery and as soon as possible tries to treat. For example, children need is fixed vaccination, have eyesight and hearing examination and monitor grow development state of affairs.

6.The individual sanitation with good {is used to}

The individual sanitation convention with good nurturance is crucial to the health of children. This includes diligent at washing one's hands, bathe, oral cavity sanitation and use individual things correctly to wait.

7.The attention} of {mental health

The parent needs to pay close attention to the mental health of children, the mood that listens attentively to them is conveyed and provide necessary support. In face problem of study pressure, human concern when other perhaps psychology is perplexed, parent need and child are communicated and seek professional help.

8.The recreational activities} with reasonable {

The recreational activities of rich and colorful can help children release pressure, education to interest is liked and promote full-scale development. The parent can attend the beneficial recreational activities such as course of show of outdoors game, music, art together with the child.

9.The education} of {healthy state of mind

The parent needs to teach the child to know another person of him knowledge, esteem correctly, train hopeful, active state of mind, give proper encouragement and support when facing difficulty, maintain healthy state of mind thereby.

10.Of {family atmosphere build}

Domestic atmosphere is great to the healthy influence of children, the domestic environment of sweet harmony can help children establish safe move, enhance self-confidence heart and build good deed to be used to.

Anyhow, while parents are paying close attention to the material of children to live, the psychology that needs to pay close attention to them more grows and develop in the round. Abide by the 10 big keys that above mentions, the health that conduces to safeguard children, help their thrive.

Thank you to pay close attention to the article, hope these nurse the key can be you to provide a help in respect of safeguard children health.
