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No Time to Die 《007:无暇赴死》 It may have been hampered by injuries, accidents and even the withdrawal of its original director, Danny Boyle, but Daniel Craig's final Bond movie could be among his best. For one thing, Boyle's frantic, fidgety style never seemed right for 007, whereas the director who replaced him, Cary Joji Fukunaga (Beasts of No Nation, True Detective), specialises in muscular action sequences and gritty international locations. For another thing, Phoebe Waller-Bridge (Fleabag, Killing Eve) has spiced up the script. The story is that Bond has retired with his girlfriend (Léa Seydoux), leaving a new double-0 agent (Lashana Lynch) to save the world in his absence. But his buddy Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright) persuades him to fight the evil Safin (Rami Malek). Oh – and Blofeld (Christoph Waltz) is up to no good, too. 也许这部电影受到了重重阻碍:伤病、事故甚至原导演丹尼·博伊尔的退出,但丹尼尔·克雷格的最后一部邦德电影可能是他最好的一部。首先,博伊尔的狂乱不安的风格似乎一直都不适合007,而取代他的导演凯瑞·福永(《无境之兽》、《真探》)专拍热血动作片和跨国硬汉片。其次,菲比·沃勒-布里奇(《伦敦生活》、《杀死伊芙》)给剧本注入了活力。影片讲述的是邦德和女友(蕾雅·赛杜饰演)退休,让新的007特工(拉什纳·林奇饰演)接替他拯救世界。但邦德的铁哥们费里克斯·雷特(杰弗里·怀特饰演)说服他去对付反派萨芬(拉米·马雷克饰演)。布洛菲尔德(克里斯托弗·瓦尔兹饰演)也心怀不轨。 Released on 2 April in the UK, 10 April in the US. 本片将于4月2日在英国上映,4月10日在美国上映。 Artemis Fowl 《阿特米斯的奇幻历险》 When he's not directing or acting in Shakespeare, Kenneth Branagh shows remarkable flair for making commercial Disney films, from Thor to Cinderella. Here he takes on a fantasy-adventure based on the first in Eoin Colfer's huge, bestselling series of children's books. The hero, Artemis Fowl (Ferdia Shaw), is a 12-year-old genius and criminal mastermind who battles fairies while searching for his father. Laden with special effects, the spectacle includes underground worlds, mythical creatures and even Dame Judi Dench as a police chief, Commander Root. 在没有执导或参演莎翁电影时,肯尼思·布拉纳在拍迪士尼商业电影(从《雷神》到《灰姑娘》)时展现出非凡的天分。他导演的这部奇幻冒险片基于艾欧因·寇弗的畅销童书系列的第一部。男主角阿特米斯·法尔(费迪亚·肖饰演)是一位12岁的天才和犯罪首脑,他在寻找父亲的同时和精灵们作斗争。该片充斥了各种特效,包括地下世界、神话生物,甚至连朱迪·丹奇女爵都在片中饰演精灵警察局局长鲁特司令官。 Released on 28 May in Australia, 29 May in the UK, Poland and the US. 本片将于5月28日在澳大利亚上映,5月29日在英国、波兰和美国上映。

Wonder Woman 1984 《神奇女侠2》 Superhero blockbusters are so last decade. In 2020, it's the superheroines' time to shine. Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow is finally getting her own film, and Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn, the only decent thing about the shambolic Suicide Squad, returns with Birds of Prey. But the year's biggest and brightest-looking superheroine movie will probably be Wonder Woman 1984, a sequel to Patty Jenkins' 2017 smash. Decades after the events of the first film, the warrior princess (Gal Gadot) goes into battle against Kristen Wiig's Cheetah and Pedro Pascal's Maxwell Lord. 超级英雄大片在过去十年已经拍烂了。2020年轮到女超级英雄闪耀登场了。斯嘉丽·约翰逊的黑寡妇终于有了自己的电影,混乱的自杀小队里唯一上得了台面的玛格特·罗比的小丑女即将在《猛禽小队》中归来。但是本年度最大最亮眼的女超级英雄电影应该是《神奇女侠2》,派蒂·杰金斯执导的2017年卖座大片的续集。故事发生在《神奇女侠》第一部几十年后,战士公主(盖尔·加朵饰演)与克里斯汀·韦格饰演的豹女和佩德罗·帕斯卡饰演的麦克斯维尔·劳德开战了。 Released on 7 June in the US and UK. 本片将于6月7日在美国和英国上映。 Soul 《灵魂》 Soul is another of the boldly imaginative cartoons that you wouldn't get from any US animation studio except Pixar. More specifically, it's the kind of cartoon you only get from Pete Docter, whose previous films – Monsters Inc, Up and Inside Out – have all pondered human behaviour and the meaning of life. His latest cartoon is about souls developing their interests and talents in an another dimension before they fuse with bodies in the physical world. 《灵魂》是又一部富于想象力的动画片,除了皮克斯你无法在任何其他美国动画工作室见到这么大胆的想象力。具体来说,只有彼特·道格特才能做出这种动画片,他之前的电影作品——《怪兽电力公司》、《飞屋环游记》和《头脑特工队》——都对人类行为和人生意义进行了深思。他的最新动画片讲述的是灵魂“投胎”之前在另一个维度发展自己的兴趣和才华。 Released on 19 June in the UK and US. 本片将于6月19日在英国和美国上映。 Top Gun: Maverick 《壮志凌云2:独行侠》 Tom Cruise puts his Aviator shades back on for a high-flying sequel to the 1986 hit. Thirty-four years on, his US Navy pilot character is still calling himself 'Maverick', and he still hasn't made it past the rank of Captain. But never mind the plot. If the last film is anything to go by, this one will be all about the thrill of seeing jet planes tearing through the sky at teeth-rattling speeds. Top Gun: Maverick isn't the only belated new addition to a 1980s franchise, either. Ghostbusters: Afterlife and Bill and Ted Face the Music are also due in 2020. 汤姆·克鲁斯在出演1986年热门电影《壮志凌云》的续集时又重新戴上了他的飞行员墨镜。三十四年后,他饰演的美国海军飞行员仍然叫马弗里克,他至今仍未晋升上校军衔。但不要介意这个情节。如果以上一部电影作为依据的话,你在这部新片中将会看到喷气式飞机以让人牙颤的速度划破天际。《壮志凌云2:独行侠》不是上世纪80年代电影的唯一一部迟来的续集。《捉鬼敢死队:死后世界》和《比尔和泰德寻歌记》也将在2020年上映。 Released on 26 June in the US, 17 July in the UK. 本片将于6月26日在美国上映,7月17日在英国上映。
