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The giant plume of smoke made its way across the Tasman Sea, spawned by the rampaging Australian wildfires and borne on a quick jet of westerly winds. By Sunday afternoon, it had blotted out the sun in Auckland, New Zealand, and tinted the light an ominous rust. 澳大利亚肆虐的山火产生的巨大的烟柱在西风的助力下横跨塔斯曼海。截止周日下午已经遮住了新西兰奥克兰的阳光,把天空映衬成不祥的铁锈红。 It was, as one Auckland resident put it, "proper apocalyptic." 一个奥克兰居民称之为“真正的天启”。 At least 200 fires are burning in southeastern Australia, and the impacts have ballooned to a global scale. Smoke pollutes the air as far away as South America, and images of residents and wildlife fleeing the blaze are rocketing across the social media world. 澳大利亚东南部至少爆发了200场火灾,其影响波及全球。远至南美的空气都受到了浓烟污染,而居民和野生动物逃离大火的图片也在社交媒体上迅速传播。 New Zealand, which is just over a thousand miles from Australia's southeast coast, experienced its fair share of side effects last week. Bands of incoming smoke caused eerie sunsets and turned snow on its mountains coffee brown. 新西兰距离澳大利亚东南部海岸仅1000多英里远,上周就遭受了澳大利亚大火的消极影响。滚滚而来的浓烟使落日变得很恐怖,山上的雪变成了咖啡色。 Auckland, which is about 1,300 miles from Sydney, was infiltrated with smoke about 2 p.m. local time on Sunday, according to Weather Watch. 气象观测站称,当地时间周日下午2点左右,距离悉尼约1,300英里远的奥克兰烟雾弥漫。

The New Zealand Met Service shared satellite images that showed a brown plume of smoke blowing directly into the country's northern provinces. Forecasters expected the smoke to clear by Monday. 新西兰气象局发布了卫星图像,从图像上能看到一股棕色的烟雾直接吹进了该国的北部省份,气象预报员预计烟雾将在周一消散。 As skies became clouded with smoke, social media was filled with images from residents who captured the phenomenon. Auckland police asked residents to stop calling the emergency line to report the unusual conditions, Radio New Zealand said. 天空布满浓烟,社交媒体上都是当地居民拍的奇异景象的照片。新西兰国际之声称,奥克兰警方要求居民不要再拨打紧急呼叫电话反映这一奇特现象。 Professional tennis player Michael Venus posted a photo of his practice session, the stadium backlit by a dramatic orange haze. 专业网球运动员迈克尔·维纳斯发了一张训练的照片,体育馆围绕在橙色烟雾中,非常惹眼。 The glowing skies were a reminder of the disaster that has claimed at least a dozen lives in Australia over the past week and burned an area the size of West Virginia so far this season. Climate change has led to conditions that are particularly ripe for fires. In 2019, Australia experienced its driest and hottest year on record; Saturday was the hottest day ever recorded in Sydney, a scorching 120 degrees, and the capital, Canberra, reached 110. 灼热的天空让人想起了澳大利亚上周的灾难,造成至少12人死亡。这个季节到目前为止,这场灾难烧毁的区域相当于西维吉尼亚州那么大。气候变化为火灾创造了成熟的条件。2019年是澳大利亚史上最干燥最热的一年,周六也是悉尼历史上最热的一天,达到了令人灼热的120度,而首都堪培拉达到了110度。 On Saturday, Australia's government called up 3,000 army reservists to assist with evacuations. 周六澳大利亚政府召集了3,000名陆军预备役人员协助疏散。
