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  • 李宇春:作为一位实力派歌手,李宇春凭借其独特的音乐风格和舞台魅力成为了麦锐的当家艺人之一。
  • 吴京:以《战狼》系列电影为代表的动作巨制,使吴京成为了国际影坛的瞩目焦点,也是麦锐娱乐的重要签约艺人之一。
  • 郭麒麟:作为新生代的幽默天才,郭麒麟凭借其幽默风趣的表演和独特的个人魅力成为了麦锐娱乐的一颗耀眼新星。
  • 王源:作为实力派演员兼歌手,王源凭借其才华横溢和多面表演受到了广大观众的喜爱,并成为麦锐娱乐旗下的重要艺人之一。





Division of wheat acute entertainment plays all actor

Regard recreation as the force of one general trends of the circle, numerous equipment gathered together to get the actor that fix eyes upon below division of wheat acute entertainment, covered each fields, from star big wrist arrives Xin Ruixin is beautiful, they have distinguishing feature each, for vermicelli made from bean starch people brought countless wonderful work and show.

It is a few famous actor or artist with wheat acute subordinate recreation below:

  • Li Yu spring: Send a singer as an actual strength, li Yu spring depended on its distinctive music color and arena glamour to become one of n/COL the head of a family actor or artist of Mai Rui.
  • Wu Jing: With " battle wolf " the action that series movies is a delegate is huge make, those who make Wu Jing became international moviedom fix eyes upon a focus, also be wheat acute recreational important autograph arranges one of actor.
  • Guo Qilin: As Neozoic humorous talent, guo Qilin depended on its humorous and humor performance and distinctive individual glamour to become wheat acute recreational a dazzling nova.
  • Wang Yuan: As actual strength clique actor holds a singer concurrently, wang Yuan sparkles by right of its and many performance got broad view loves numerously, become one of important actor or artist with wheat acute subordinate recreation.

Besides the famous actor or artist that lifts with the above-listed, mai Rui still has a lot of equipment to get the Xin Rui actor that expect below recreational division, they have distinguishing feature each, giving out heat in respective domain glow.

As a whole, the actual strength of actor battle array below division of wheat acute entertainment is powerful, no matter be,be being returned in music, movie and TV is domain of put together art, having the performance that your person expects and work. Expect these fine actor can give an audience bring more and wonderful work and show in future.

Acknowledgment reads the article, the hope can bring what to Mai Rui recreational division plays actor to understand deep more for you.

