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The first, preparative visa file, fill in; of visa application form

The 2nd, submit visa data to consulate, visa data must all ready;

The 3rd, diplomatic mission accepts visa to apply for;

The 4th, conventional time interview, come every week week of 5 interview, time of examine and verify of the consulate after interview is 10 weekday commonly (according to individual circumstance different consulate has authority to decide to hear time finally) ;

The 5th, give a lot: Diplomatic mission decides to whether give autograph;

The 6th, the passport that get and visa.

Place of European travel visa requires data

1. passport original, if be changing passport, provide old passport at the same time please, if old passport is missing,let local police station leave please lose a proof. Sign one's name must want on the passport

Him 2. Id photocopy

If 3. signs and issue what land dispute Beijing gets an area, division job is gotten in Beijing, must offer original of temporary residence permit, the temporary residence permit must be period of efficacy returns the effective temporary residence permit that does before half an year at least to day sending a label

4. retiree: Offer emeritus card photocopy, need not offer photocopy of business charter of paper of company blank letter and company again.

The house of 5. workless guest to the place appoint can open assure go back to the motherland proof, or offer its spouse / parents / filial company assures paper 2 pieces, had better offer enough much capital proof.

6. individual data expresses: Ask a guest to be sure to fill in thoroughly according to the facts seriously. The individual should have the record of domestic member on data table, parental full name (if die, also must provide a full name and make clear) , the spouse reachs filial full name and birth date day. And supply real firm address, phone (must somebody is received listen, can find him applicant) , fax, curtilage report and mobile phone, post (be sure to fill in) , leader full name and post (cannot be him application and should offer with place look up paper leader sign one's name is uniform) , monthly pay income, whether at one's own expenses.

Photograph of passport of white bottom of 7. near future 4 pieces,

Paper of 8. company blank letter 4 pieces, the demand rises the red order that has a company must be built on paper, imprint have look up (company name) , firm address phone reachs a fax, and have the job of leader sign one's name and leader (leader cannot be applicant) .

9.18 years old of the following students and children must submit following data:

10. birth certificate is notarial (original of relative relation notarial deed)

11. flow personnel: Like seat of applicant registered permanent residence and company seat (province) abhorrent need the original of temporary residence permit that offers a year of period of efficacy

12. is not Chinese record public figure: Offer active foreign nationality personnel to be in China resident card and the photocopy of this person share certificate

The company with true and right 13. does business charter carbon photocopy (need to have in those days chapter) . Institution, governmental orgnaization offers photocopy of orgnaization code card please.

Registered permanent residence of 14. family person this photocopy. (If oneself and spouse are absent a registered permanent residence this getting on, should offer conjugal registered permanent residence to reach marriage certificate photocopy originally)

15. economy assures proof (optional choose is following and aleatoric a) :

A. Deposit proves original (the standard form that the bank opens, each 30 thousand yuan of above, maturity should be in 3 months after giving a group are effective)

B. 30 thousand yuan of above are fixed deposit receipt original (apply for at the same time like husband and wife, need to offer bank savings of 60 thousand yuan of above. Need to offer bank savings of 60 thousand yuan of above..

If use the economy of conjugal under one's name to carry,keep a proof, offer marriage certificate photocopy please.

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