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1 、《小小旅行家》

作者 | 伊莎贝拉

出版 | 少年儿童出版社

价格 | 当当¥103.9

年龄 |3~6岁

简介 | 小小旅行家——我的第一本人文地理图画书(全12册)》是从法国引进的一套儿童图书。



评价 | 这套书是从孩子的眼睛里看世界,看完这套绘本,孩子自然会懂得各个国家有哪些相同的地方,又有哪些不同的地方,进而懂得人类文化的多样性和差异性,丰富孩子的多元思维能力。



作者 |夏洛特德迈顿斯

出版 | 明天出版社

价格 | 当当¥27.9

年龄 |3~6岁

简介 | 无字图画书《黄气球》拥有一个别致而又大气的创意。它以一个轻盈飘飞的黄气球作为主要的视觉导引线索,向我们呈现了一次气势宏大、风格奇异的环球旅行。


评价 | 书中的内容太丰富了,宝宝现在还小,很多东西还理解不了,书里暗藏了好多其他童话、故事的人物,需要本身有所了解才看得出来。沙漠,大海,冰山,火山自然场景很丰富,一本就可以做小小孩的百科全书。



作者 |蒂姆•埃根

出版 | 连环画出版社

价格 | 当当¥52.1

年龄 |3~8岁

简介 | 多兹先生是个旧货店老板,他每天的生活单调乏味,生意也因为他的漫不经心而冷冷清清。直到有一台神奇的粉色冰箱出现在他的生活中,多兹先生这才发现,自己原来也能画一幅好画,或者做个不错的演奏家、当个好园丁,还可能是个顶呱呱的厨师……最后,多兹先生决定关闭旧货店去旅行,开始探索未知的世界。

评价 |这是一套别具一格的旅游绘本,呈现给读者的不仅仅是几个世界名城的独特景致,更重要的是于不知不觉中传达给孩子们热爱生命、探索广阔世界、品味人生情趣的生活态度,温馨典雅的画面和字里行间的幽默更是渲染出一个个令人忍俊不禁的绝妙故事。


作者 | 迈克尔

出版 |未来出版社

价格 | 当当¥44

年龄 |3~6岁

简介 | 这是一本内容超级丰富的神奇立体地图书。它使用弹跳、翻翻、转转、滑动、夹页等各种立体设计效果,向孩子解释多姿多彩的地球,鼓励孩子对我们所赖以生存的星球进行探索,了解地理地貌,各地区自然景观,以及各地的人类文明。精美绘图真实生动地将自然、人文、地理精彩呈现,让孩子在轻松愉快的阅读中,进行一次环球旅行。


评价 | 独特的创新设计和趣味性互动阅读:巧妙的立体及机关设计,很能激发孩子的阅读兴趣。立体、转盘、推拉等,一个个的设计亮点,直观形象,让孩子充满惊喜,又充满好奇,让创意在他们心中点燃火花!



作者 | 艾伦·贝克尔

出版 | 新星出版社

价格 | 当当¥24.7

年龄 |0~3岁

简介 | 小女孩意外得到了一支神奇的红色画笔,用这支笔画出的任何东西都可以变成真的。她在卧室墙上画了一扇门,当门打开时,她发现自己进入了另一个国度,一场不可思议的旅程就此开始……本书仅用图画讲述了一个激动人心的历险故事,画面细节丰富,场景衔接自然流畅,情节的推进更是扣人心弦,原本静态的图画仿佛电影一般充满了动感,引人入胜。

评价 | 本书为无字书,仅用图画叙述了一个激动人心的历险故事,画面细节丰富,场景衔接自然流畅,情节的推进更是扣人心弦。



作者 |塞伊

出版 | 新星出版社

价格 | 当当¥22.4

年龄 |4岁以上

简介 | 宽阔的大洋,壮观的沙漠,喧嚣的城市……他爱这个全新的国家里的一切,在这里安家落户,却在女儿长大后想起了自己的故乡;他怀着乡愁回到祖国,重新看到了故乡的群山和河流,却又开始思念异国他乡的一草一木……艾伦塞伊通过对外公在日美两国生活的回忆,讲述了自己家庭中独有的跨文化经验。

评价 |这绝对是迄今为止最美丽的童书之一……塞伊的水彩画技法堪称炉火纯青,他那纯熟的画笔优雅地将书中的每个人物描绘得栩栩如生。



作者 |乌尔夫·史塔克

出版 | 接力出版社

价格 | 当当¥21.6

年龄 |4岁以上

简介 | 秋天到了,傍晚,爸爸忽发奇想,要带着儿子出去走走,理由是:走,我们去看看宇宙。一路上,爸爸买了口香糖,那味道既真实,又特别;一路上,爸爸抱着儿子跃过水沟,那感觉既真实,又虚幻;一路上,他们看见了小石头上的蜗牛,看见了夜空中闪亮的群星,看见了微风里摇动的千针草,既亲切,又奇妙……慢慢地,一次寻常的散步变成一段温暖的旅程,永远刻印在儿子心中。

评价 | 描绘宇宙的杰作。父亲和儿子在宇宙万物中相聚一起。不论书的形式还是价格都很合适,非常高兴我们又有了一本绘本之星。



作者 |新蕾出版社

出版 | 新蕾出版社

年龄 |5岁以上

简介 | 这里有好看的传奇故事:火山是怎么爆发的、树林里的躲猫猫、非洲的村庄……世界真奇妙让你流连忘返。这里有精彩的动物世界:狼、棕熊、雪豹、豪猪……本期动物明星星光闪耀。


评价 | 玩耍是孩子们的天性。我们在玩耍中知道眼睛就像一个放大镜;我们在玩耍中懂得想让纸飞机飞上天必须足够轻;我们在玩耍中发现丑陋的毛毛虫竟然可以变成美丽的蝴蝶。人类对自然的认识都源于玩耍,还等什么,让我们一起来玩转地球吧!


1, " small traveler "

Author | Yi Sha shellfish is pulled

Publish | Teenager children press

The price | Should become ¥ 103.9

The age | 3~6 year old

Brief introduction | Small traveler -- book of the first my humanitarian and geographical drawing (complete 12) " it is the books of a children that introduces from France.

This a series of books in all 12, introduce 12 world-renowned places respectively, include Paris, Tokyo, Rome, London, new York, Sydney, Stockholm, moral character in, Scotland, Berlin, Madrid, France. With this country the perspective of a local born and bred child and mouth are enraged each, will introduce passion of aborigines of zephyr of culture of the landscape of this country, history, match with true and exquisite painting.

The humanitarian and geographical book that can say this is Wen Bingmao of a concise, interesting, graph, be child understanding world is beautiful beautiful window.

Evaluation | This book is view the world from the child's eye, see this cover draw this, child nature can know each countries to have what same place, have what different place again, know the diversity of human culture and otherness then, those who abound the child is multivariate thinking ability.


" yellow balloon "

Author | Xialuotedemaidusi

Publish | Tomorrow press

The price | Should become ¥ 27.9

The age | 3~6 year old

Brief introduction | Book of the drawing that do not have a word " yellow balloon " have send individually and atmospheric originality. It with lightsome wave the yellow balloon that fly guides as main vision down-lead alls alone, presented imposing manner to us the round-the-world trip with baronial, strange color.

This journey not only covered arrive from land marine, arrive from the high mountain Campagna, arrive from the forest the desert, giant vacuum displacement that waits to countryside from city, also included arrive from by day night, from be born to death, arrive from in the past now, arrive from instantly of future show in time changes.

Evaluation | The content in the book is too rich, baby is little still now, a lot of things still do not understand, hid in the book the character of a lot of other children's stories, story, need itself understands ability to see somewhat. Desert, the sea, iceberg, volcanic and natural setting is very rich, can do the encyclopedia of small child originally.


" gentleman of much at present swims the world "

Author | Mu of the base of a fruit? Dust root

Publish | Comic press

The price | Should become ¥ 52.1

The age | 3 ~ is 8 years old

Brief introduction | Gentleman of much at present is a junk shop boss, he everyday the life is plodding, the business also because of him unmindful and cold and cheerless. In living till what a magical pink freezer appears in him, this ability discovers gentleman of much at present, oneself also can paint a good picture so, perhaps make a good performance home, become a good gardener, the chef that still may be an excellant... finally, gentleman of much at present decides to shut junk shop to travel, begin to explore sealed world.

Evaluation | The travel draw that this is a having a unique style this, those who present a reader is the distinctive scene of famous city of a few worlds not just, more important is at imperceptible in communicate children to have deep love for life, exploration the wide world, life manner that savours life interest, the humour of the picture of sweet elegance and between the lines is apply colours to a drawing gives each to make a person more the excellent story of cannot help laughing.

4, " round-the-world trip "

Author | Michael Er

Publish | Did not come to a press

The price | Should become ¥ 44

The age | 3~6 year old

Brief introduction | This is a book of magical relief map with super and rich content. Its use bounce, break up break up, turn, all sorts of stereo design effects such as page of slip, clip, explain the world with much colorful appearance to the child, encourage the child to undertake exploration to what we bilk the heavenly body with living, understand geographical landforms, landscape of various places nature, and the mankind of each district is civilized. Elegant plot is true racily will natural, humanitarian, geography is wonderful appear, let the child be in relaxed and happy in reading, have round-the-world trip.

Help pair of the child's very good worlds have more clearly acknowledge, foster their world outlook as a child.

Evaluation | Unique innovation design and interest sex are interactive read: Clever stereo reach mechanism design, can arouse the child very much read interest. Stereo, dial, push-pull, each design window, visual image, let the child be full of a surprise, be full of curiosity again, let originality ignite scintilla in their heart!


" mysterious itinerary "

Author | Allan · shellfish overcomes Er

Publish | Nova press

The price | Should become ¥ 24.7

The age | 0~3 year old

Brief introduction | Little girl accident got a magical gules paintbrush, the anything that gives with this strokes can become really. She drew a door on bedroom wall, when the door is opened, she discovers she entered another country, one mysterious itinerary begin at this point... this book related a stirring adventure story with drawing only, picture details is rich, setting joins natural and fluent, the propulsion of the clue is exciting more, originally static picture seems the film was full of commonly move feeling, fascinating.

Evaluation | This book is without wordbook, recounted a stirring adventure tale with drawing only, picture details is rich, setting joins natural and fluent, the propulsion of the clue is exciting more.


" of grandfather itinerary "

Author | Yi of a place of strategic importance

Publish | Nova press

The price | Should become ¥ 22.4

The age | 4 years old of above

Brief introduction | Broad ocean, grand desert, blatant city... he loves everything in this brand-new country, settle down here, remembered oneself native land after the daughter is grown however; He is cherished nostalgic return the motherland, saw group of hill of birthplace and river afresh, the one grass that begins to long for exotic an alien land again however one wood... Saiyitong crosses Allan to be in day of beauty to grandfather the memory that two countries lives, culture experience is crossed particularly in telling about him family.

Evaluation | This is absolutely up to now one of the most beautiful child books... the can of aquarelle ability law of Yi of a place of strategic importance weighs high degree of professional proficiency, the paintbrush grace ground of his that practised the everybody in the book content is depicted lifelikely.


" father takes me to see the universe "

Author | Wuerfu Shidake

Publish | Relay press

The price | Should become ¥ 21.6

The age | 4 years old of above

Brief introduction | The autumn arrived, towards evening, father sends crank suddenly, want to taking a son to go out, reason is: Go, we go seeing the universe. All the way, father bought chewing gum, that flavour already true, special; All the way, father is holding son hop ditch in the arms, that feeling already true, visional; All the way, they saw the snail on gravelstone head, saw the ablaze galaxy in night sky, saw the jolty 1000 needles in gentle breeze are careless, already kind, wonderful... slowly, of common take a walk those who become a paragraph of warmth is itinerary, engrave forever in imprinting in son heart.

Evaluation | Depict cosmic classic. Father and son get together one case in cosmic everythings on earth. No matter the form of the book or price are very likely, very glad that we had a draw again this star.


" play turn the earth "

Author | New bud press

Publish | New bud press

The age | 5 years old of above

Brief introduction | Here has good-looking romaunt: Volcano is how erupt, in the woods hide the village of feline cat, Africa... the world is really wonderful allow your forgetting to return. Here has wonderful animal world: Wolf, brown bear, ounce, hedgehog... this period animal star starlight is glaring.

Have here start work amusedly make: Cartoon is how to make those who come, sound is how travel... let you master scientific knowledge in big player of a dab hand. Here still has the caricature story that yields you to burst out laughing, the besmear lubricious game that lets you be very happy with it...

Evaluation | Amuse oneself is the nature of children. We know in amuse oneself the eye resembles a magnifier; We are known in amuse oneself think plane letting paper flies on a day must enough light; We discover in amuse oneself deformed wool caterpillar can become beautiful butterfly actually. The mankind results from to natural understanding amuse oneself, what to still wait for, let us play together turn the earth!
