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1. 拉卜楞寺:藏传佛教格鲁派的六大寺之一,也是甘南地区寺院的代表,有着“世界藏学府”的美誉。寺庙建筑宏伟壮观,金碧辉煌,具有藏民族独特风格。寺内的保存有多尊佛像、古籍、唐卡等各种文物及艺术品,在这里还可以看到最长的转经长廊,处处都充满了信仰。

2. 郎木寺:为一座藏传佛教寺院,有着神圣又神秘的藏教文化,是灵魂深处最纯净的乐土。寺院在群山的环抱中静静地伫立着,被眼前精湛的构造工艺和精美的色彩搭配深深震撼到,感受藏教文化,体验藏族民俗。

3. 扎尕那:被誉为“人间仙境”,是中国最美的丹霞地貌之一。扎尕那景区包括了扎尕那村寨和扎尕那丹霞地貌两个部分。扎尕那村寨是一个保存完好的藏族古村落,这里有着浓郁的藏族风情和历史文化;而扎尕那丹霞地貌则是中国最美的丹霞地貌之一,这里有许多奇特怪异的岩石和景观。

4. 米拉日巴佛阁:位于甘肃省甘南藏族自治州卓尼县境内,是一座藏传佛教格鲁派寺庙。米拉日巴佛阁始建于明朝嘉靖年间(1522-1566),历经多次修缮和扩建,现为全国重点文物保护单位。

5. 阿万仓湿地:位于甘肃省甘南藏族自治州迭部县境内,是中国最大的高寒湿地之一。这里有着独特的自然风光和生态环境,是一个非常适合旅游观光和休闲度假的地方。



















2 公交车:从兰州客运站乘坐长途客车前往临夏,车程约为3-4小时。




1. 炳灵寺世界文化遗产旅游区:规模宏伟,地势开阔,布局协调,颇具大丛林气象。 

2. 老二连:刘家峡水库湖面辽阔,风光旖旎,气候宜人,环境优雅,水质好,无污染,是甘肃省最大的水产养殖基地和水上度假旅游胜地。

3. 临夏市博物馆:展示了临夏地区的历史、文化、民俗等方面的内容。

4. 临夏市清真寺:是中国西北地区保存最完整、规模最大的清真寺之一。
























1.康乐胭脂湖景区 AAAA



2.康乐莲花山国家森林公园 AAAA国家级森林公园



3.草长沟景区 AAAA




Does Gan Na face Xia Lv to swim to go surely tourist attraction?

Pleasant Na Linxia has a lot of to be worth the tourist attraction that goes. It is below a few recommend:

1.Pull Bo Lengsi: Cang Chuanfo teachs one of 6 big temples of Gelupa, also be the delegate of fane of the area austral pleasant, having " the world hides institution of higher learning " beautiful praise. Cloister edifice is grandiose and grand, resplendent and magnificent, have Tibetan a group of things with common features distinctive color. Inside the temple store much honour all sorts of cultural relic such as figure of Buddha, ancient books, Tang Ka and artwork, still can see here the longest turn classics a covered corridor or walk, was full of belief everywhere.

2.Man wood temple: For Cang Chuanfo teachs fane, having divine mysterious Tibet teachs culture, be the purest in the soul Elysian. Fane is in the encircle of group of hill standing still silently, by at the moment masterly tectonic craft and elegant colour collocation shake deeply, experience Tibet to teach culture, experience Tibetian folk custom.

3.Zagana: Be known as " terrestrial elfland " , it is one of China's most beautiful red glow landforms. Scene area included Zagana to plunge into Ga that village and Zaganadan glow landforms two parts. Zagana the village is save whole Tibetian ancient village, here is having full-bodied Tibetian amorous feelings and historical culture; And landforms of the Na Danxia that plunge into Ga is one of China's most beautiful Dan Xia landforms, here has a lot of peculiar and barpque rock and landscape.

4.Rice pulls day of Ba Foge: Be located in south pleasant of the Gansu Province churchyard of county of Zhuo Ni of Tibetian autonomous prefecture, it is a Cang Chuanfo teachs Gelupa cloister. Rice pulls day of Ba Foge only then build Yu Mingchao Jia Jing year (1522-1566) , all previous classics for many times reparative with extend, protect an unit for countrywide key cultural relic now.

5.A Mocang wet ground: Be located in autonomous prefecture of Tibetian of Gan Na of the Gansu Province churchyard of alternate ministry county, it is one of China's biggest high cold wet ground. Here is having distinctive natural scene and zoology environment, it is one suits to travel goes sightseeing and lie fallow very much the place that go vacationing.

Does winter face Xia Lv to swim to play a tourist attraction surely?

Face winter travel tourist attraction of summer to have a lot of, it is wh some of which plays a tourist attraction surely below:

8 lane 13 alley: This is the block with a long history that arrives summerly town, saved traditional structure and culture, can experience here face summerly history and culture atmosphere.

East residence: This is the architecture of a history that arrives summerly town, it is to face one of delegates of summerly tradition architectural, can enjoy traditional structure style and culture here.

Red garden: This is a park that overlooks summerly city, it is to face summerly citizen recreational recreational good place, can take a walk here, view scene and recreational.

Big Buddha temple: This is a when arrive summerly town old cloister, having long history and culture background, can experience the distinctive glamour of religious culture here.

3 bridges: This is a when arrive summerly town ancient building, it is one of historical culture relics that arrive summerly town, can experience the massiness that faces summerly history culture here.

Islamic big temple closes south: This is the mosque with a long history, it is one of main rooms that overlook summerly Moslem to have religious activity.

rarely park: This is a park that overlooks summerly city, it is citizens recreational recreational good place.

Boreal hill park: This also is the park that a citizen often goes to, can undertake climbing, view scene and recreational wait for an activity.

Besides above outside these tourist attractions, the natural landscape that faces summerly winter to still have a lot of beauty and humanitarian landscape await you to discover.

How to face summerly travel big channel to go?

Face summerly city to face summerly county to travel big channel paragraph travel sightseeing is public transportation special railway line debutted.

& . Face word of summerly city big assorted only then hair. Way center square, the station austral the car, classics of river city highway, face Yuan Zhi of city of summerly county river to travel area of situation of city of the river on big channel cloud

$ whole journey runs course 46 kilometers. Run time. Round-the-clock run 16 numbers.

How to enter from Lanzhou face summerly travel big channel?

Arrive from Lanzhou face Xia Youduo to plant traffic means can choose, it is below among them a few kinds of commonly used courses:

1, drive: Set out from Lanzhou, edge G30 connects suddenly freeway to sail to westing, turn into G75 Lanhai freeway next, the boundary around Lanzhou turns into freeway of G22 Qing Lan finally, reach Da Linxia city directly.

2 buses: Before taking intercity bus from Lanzhou passenger station, go to face summer, car Cheng is 3-4 hour about.

3, the train: Before taking the train from Lanzhou railway station, go to face summer, car Cheng is 2-3 hour about

Face Xia Lv to swim to play a tourist attraction surely, face summerly tourist attraction what to place there is?

Face Xia Zhou to have tourist attraction of a lot of travel, it is a few popular tourist attractions below:

1.Area of travel of bequest of culture of world of bright spirit temple: Dimensions is grandiose, relief is open, layout is harmonious, have big jungly weather quite.

2.The second connects: Area of lake of reservoir of Home Liu gorge is vast, scene charming and gentle, climate is delightful, environmental grace, water quality is good, free from contamination, it is the holiday resort on the aquiculture base with the largest the Gansu Province and water.

3.Face summerly city museum: Showed the content of the respect such as the history that faces summerly area, culture, folk-custom.

4.Face summerly city mosque: It is Chinese northwest area saves one of mosque with the most complete, the largest scale.

Face summerly travel tourist attraction?

Face summerly tourist attraction, have all directions 13 alley, area of scene of law stage hill, area of Song Wuyan scene, yong Jingbing clever temple, the Eden on water, grow area of careless channel scene, gorge of big mound of home of great river of county of the hill that accumulate stone periphery of area of 4 A scene swims.

Face tourist attraction of travel of gorge of Home Xia Liu?

Grotto of gorge of 1 bright spirit.

Reservoir of gorge of 2 Home Liu.

Gorge of 3 salt boiler.

4 Yellow Rivers 3 gorge.

Temple of 5 aperture home.

6 lotus dock.

Gu Du of 7 Yellow Rivers.

8 Yellow Rivers 3 gorge stone forest.

9 too extremely lake.

Park of geology of country of dinosaur of gorge of 10 Home Liu.

       Liu Jiaxia is located in county of Yong Jing of Gansu Province Lanzhou, there is hydroelectric station of Home Liu gorge, bright spirit inside the county temple grotto, too extremely the tourist attraction such as the island and visit Liu Jiaxia reservoir by mosquito craft. Reservoir of Home Liu gorge east large dams of gorge of home removing Liu, mouth of gorge of bright spirit temple comes on the west, show southwest -- northeast trend, receive south east countryside, face summerly county, north connects Yong Jing county, lake water front grows 55 kilometers, surface is the widest be in 6 kilometers, water area area amounts to kilometer of 130 much square. Reservoir is located in downy gorge, be known as " downy bright phearl " .

Face strategy of travel of Xia Baolong hill?

Facing Xia Baolong hill is the travel scene area with a natural beautiful scene, having beautiful scenery and long historical culture. The tourist can admire the natural landscape such as distinctive gorge, laky, chute, also can understand rich Cang Chuanfo to teach culture and folk-custom culture at the same time. Should notice to prevent toward scene zone time before proposal tourist bask in and prevent cold, want to respect local culture and environment at the same time, the cleanness that preserves scene area and neat.

Face strategy of travel of channel of summerly officer beach?

Very glad to be offerred for you face strategy of travel of channel of summerly officer beach. Government-owned beach channel is located in the Gansu Province to face summerly city churchyard, it is a natural beauty spot that is main landscape with gorge, chute, cave, forest. It is strategy of a few travel below consult for you: 1. Entrance ticket price: Price of entrance ticket of government-owned beach channel is 80 yuan / person, student fare is 40 yuan / person. In the meantime, there still is project of a few characteristics to need to buy entrance ticket additionally inside scene area, wait like seaborne, cableway. 2. Traffic means: From face summerly urban district to set out, before the choice takes a bus to perhaps rent a car, can go to government-owned beach channel. The bus has many numbers everyday, fare is 20 yuan about / person, car Cheng makes an appointment with 1.5 hours. Rent a car the price is relatively quick, can undertake business discuss according to number and journey. 3. Tour a line: Government-owned beach channel has many to visit a course to be able to offer an alternative inside scene area, compare among them classical is " day of a gleam of " and " chute group " . The tourist can undertake choosing according to his interest and time. In the meantime, there still is project of a few characteristics inside scene area, wait like seaborne, cableway, also can have an experience according to his be fond of. 4. Note: Area of scene of government-owned beach channel is located in a mountainous area, climate is changeful, prevent on proposal tourist area bask in, prevent the outfit such as rain. In the meantime, situation of scene area inland is abrupter, the tourist needs to notice safety, abide by scene area regulation. Hope above information can be helped somewhat to you. If you still have the information with other issue or more detailed need, quiz at any time please. Facing channel of summerly officer beach is the tourist attraction of a travel that the Gansu Province faces autonomous prefecture of summerly the Hui nationality, it is a brief travel strategy below:

Traffic: From face summerly urban district to set out, before the choice takes a bus to perhaps rent a car, can go to government-owned beach channel. The bus is more familiar traffic pattern, can go to before facing summerly city station to take the regular bus of government-owned beach channel. Rent a car more agile, can choose according to oneself scheduling and demand.

Time: Scenery of the four seasons of government-owned beach channel each different, but first-rate travel season is spring and autumn. The government-owned beach channel of spring is having gorgeous beautiful of great capacity, autumn is red autumnal leaves waves sweet season. The travel fastigium such as escape summer vacation and golden week, can avoid stream of people to embrace.

Tourist attraction: Government-owned beach channel with its strong beautiful natural scene and famed. You can admire the natural landscape such as high mountain, gorge, chute. Among them the famousest tourist attraction includes fall of channel of beach of big gorge of government-owned beach channel, official group, prairie of government-owned beach channel. Here, you can have the activity such as pedestrian, photography, picnic, experience the glamour of nature.

Note: When travelling toward government-owned beach channel afore, need notices the following: Prepare suitable costume and shoe, because of relief of government-owned beach channel relatively rugged, it is certain to need to undertake pedestrian. The attention protects an environment, do not throw rubbish in disorder, those who preserve scene area is neat. The attention is safe, observe the regulation of scene area and demonstrative shop sign, do not climb at will climb or ford. Above is about facing the brief travel strategy of channel of summerly officer beach, hope to be helped somewhat to you. If you still have other issue, can continue to quiz. Wish you journey is happy!

Face summerly peace and happiness to travel to play a tourist attraction surely?

AAAA of area of scene of lake of rouge of 1. peace and happiness

Area of scene of lake of rouge of peace and happiness

Rouge lake park is located in north of county of peace and happiness, park square is capacious and even, build along rouge lake bank, luxuriant lamp column bag circles square all around. Dark green lake water crosses from the meandering in the park. A green bud canal is infinite inside the park outspread, protruding shows a carve of rise of stonewalling of Dali of half garden form, showed to tourists a: of beautiful picture scroll? Does bridle of  of Xue of a man's cap used in ancient times of an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise of Ning provide for take have a nightmare to punish fertilizer of Du of new moon of orange of  of arm of La of a keeper of domestic animals of  of = of  of  of    ?

Park of forest of level of state of AAAA of park of forest of country of hill of lotus of 2. peace and happiness

Park of forest of country of hill of lotus of peace and happiness

Park of forest of lotus hill country is located in inside groove guard of nature of level of lotus hill state, be located in peace and happiness, face source of pool, Zhuo Ni, short for Weihe River and Lintiao 5 counties boundary, 165km of city of Lanzhou of northing provincial capital, cooperative 177km comes on the west, receive east calm on the west 170km, highway extend in all directions. Gross area is 188 thousand mus, climate feature is complex, biology community is diverse, plant sort has 90 families about 346 belong to more than kinds 745

3. grass grows AAAA of channel scene area

Grass grows channel scene area

Face grass of county of summerly city peace and happiness to grow grass of channel scene area to grow channel to be located in southeast of village of channel of pay of 8 loose countryside to carry, be apart from 30 kilometers of county of peace and happiness, altitude many meters 2400, groove guard of proximate prince hill. Whole village draws near according to hill water, natural scenery is beautiful, traffic condition is convenience. Chun Xia's grass grows channel, eyeful is green. Chain of mountains folds emerald green, greenery shady, clear water surrounds, pine the four seasons is evergreen, still have the happy-go-lucky, anonymous floret that blossoms at will

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