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 《饮冰》 作者:桃籽儿






《一梦到北大》 作者:欣欣向荣











作者:木鱼歌 标签:穿越时空 洪荒 仙侠修真 爽文 已完结



作者:犹未雪狸 标签: 穿越时空 洪荒 仙侠修真 甜文女主穿成太阴星的玉兔,拼命修炼,有一天女主见到男主一见钟情托人问问,被拒绝了,然而男主见常仪第一反应就是这是我的爱情“我拒绝阴阳相合这件事你喜欢就行了”嗯真香,太一开始了追妻之路。

















1.风临天下:王妃13岁 这个是穿越的,并非真正的重生,不过好看的强男强女文。

2.特工皇妃 这个的女主是重生的 同样强男强女文 文章的背景是在使用斗气的国度。

3.养女成妃 女主是带着以前的记忆出生的 宠文一篇

4.月影横斜 同样是带着记忆出生 古代的亲梅逐马文 男主为了女主放弃皇位5.指鹿为姬 女主重生为 鹿 遇到男主就将之养为宠物 6.风华绝代:王妃斗苍穹 重生文7.天下归元 女主带着记忆出生 和男主从头斗到尾 直到最后 在一起8.吟咏凤歌 穿越文 不过个人认为很好看 很温馨的文9.只爱妖孽父皇 重生文 10.无良王爷顽劣妃 女主重生 但之后父母由于其带有前世的记忆 出生的时候并不快乐 异于其他婴孩 其父是其忘记了记忆 在16后重新记起。


《隐形皇后》 作者:诺诺宝贝简介: 她是性格内向、不善言辞、如隐形人般,被陷害与男人苟合,被未婚夫禄王退亲,被亲姐推入水中而魂游天外的焱皇朝相府嫡系三小姐。



1.《空间重生又一个娘》作者:涯 简介:八零后拥有奇异空间的二十九岁剩女李丽,突遇雷击重生到抗战时期二十一岁乡下妇女陆二丫身上,凭着前世记忆带着原主两个儿子、一个女儿在战火纷飞的年代活出和原主不一样的人生,找到一块乐土平安度日,获得自己的第一春幸福人生。

2.《悲恕》作者:蔓草蔓延(民国穿越)文案:她穿越了! 不过不是穿到风姿绰约、勾心斗角的古代后宫,也不是穿到风【蟹】流倜傥、非尊即贵的皇帝阿哥身边,而是穿越到80年前的万恶旧时代,民国十八年! 这时的中国,列强蹂躏,民不聊生,所幸,这具躯体的前主人出身显赫,是上海滩大亨最宠爱的外孙女,更是手握重权的大帅府四少奶奶,没错,这个时代的她已经嫁为人妇,而且,她的老公帅到让她流口水! 

3《风花风葬—穿越时空的爱恨情愁》 作者:宋之贤— 文案:人,一生最大的遗憾就是无法跟最爱的人说一句:我爱你。这个故事借鉴了倪匡先生《黄金故事》里金沙江边淘金的背景,为此,真的非常感谢倪匡先生创造了一个如此震撼人心的时代环境! 

4.《吹笛到天明》作者:其甘如荠 (穿越民国,完结)文案:京墨无意中穿越到了民国,在纷乱的世事中,她努力寻找自我。曾与少帅杜仲两情相悦,终究造化弄人。江山美人,杜仲再次面临抉择,何去何从?百转千回,谁伴伊人青梅煮酒?



















【凭本事把神明给得罪了个遍:)】1V1 HE

注:异世界经营文 男主是神 搞笑小甜文,切莫当真


One, beg female advocate the cate novel that pass through?

 " is drink put on the ice " author: ? Yi Xun?

Brief introduction

Inkstone of ice of Xu of see you later of Bai Qingjia head is in dock, this charming officer is in demit of preface of her father face is deferential, but back was not bent however, offend so that Bai Qingjia looked to laugh continuously, twist a head to say with respect to colleague: Look, poor ambition.

Seeing again later is to be in Anhui ground. The charming flower of riches and honour drops into mud, flames of war flies violently in be obliged panic flees for his life, hear neigh gun to cry suddenly, he sees again when looking up. Blood was stained with on his body in those days, when stretching his hand to her, do not forget to be on the dress however rub-up, say to her: Be frighted of white young lady.

Again the Ning Ning that she became him later, see he makes the same score drive of the land of country enemy bandit, go to national calamity to save the common people, the month in water is spent in just knowing the lens that this person is her,

2, female advocate pass through Xiu Xian novel?

" does one dream arrive Beijing University " author: ? Fellow old Ling?

Brief introduction

People always can go the life that live to oneself, have more or less regret and dissatisfaction, big surplus female Xu Xu of 29 years old regrets especially, more than the 10 thousand life that if can cross oneself afresh,has missed will be how appearance, it is wind unboiled water removes insipid still meaningful, as a result God gave her the chance really.

Book review of small a round mass of food

Tough and outstanding female advocate Vs tenderness includes male advocate, female advocate renascence, effort study, make up for a regret, show Yan Sushuang article. The title is simple and crude, content is like a title.

This and of contemporaneity " green red makeup barback passes through " , the mind that also is a round mass of food is good, had looked at light good encourage annals!

3, female advocate pass through ignorant blame novel?

" cross what celestial being robs to be short of penannular jade ring of kindly help secure the success of something " it is the work that autograph of start Chinese net arranges seven of A of writer hill shade, tell about female advocate Bai Xiaying passes through after world of built on stilts, with Kunlun Taoism priest bright world is short of, king of green grave bewitching has Su Yanqing encountering to know each other well,

Antediluvian period, fu Xi leads phlogistic Huang Feng to ignorant You Yuqing grave, ignorant to be sealed especially not dead however, collect refine of 5 big Prince of the Devils Cheng Zhujiu red enters its escape metempsychosis, via practice of experience of ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-one ages, just can solve ignorant blame. After chiliad, a different world girl passes through in an ordinary small town, give a name Bai Xiaying. Will arrive suddenly first with respect to the expression that be not had by a face the claims Kunlun pure this world is sent Taoism priest of Leng Rubing hill is caught, return on journey by person of hold up of an evil evil spirit revive to the chiliad that drops broken bits old fox bewitching is dallied with, others is envious her Zun Yong is abstinency the department is beautiful male, right hold king of spoony department bewitching in the arms, she is changing every day however method wants to escape the devil's talons of this two people...

4, female advocate pass through Hong Huang's novel?

She takes a person with appearance [Hong Huang]

Author: Label of wooden fish song: Pass through a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct repairs spatio-temporal Hong Huangxian true bright article already be over

Female advocate him discovery wears Hong Huang period to become end deplorable yuan phoenix, have for escape feel and pregnant, female advocate turn the head is mixed male advocate was together, see two oneself children however, 1000 calculate 10 thousand calculate or did not escape.

Sunlight when Luna Chang [Hong Huang]

Author: Label of You Weixue racoon dog: Pass through spatio-temporal Hong Huangxian Xiu Zhentian of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct article daughter advocate wear lunar star the Jade Hare-the moon, repair refine desperately, one day female definite idea arrives male advocate fall in love at first sight hold a person in the palm to ask, was rejected, however Chang Yi of male definite idea the first reaction is the love that this is me " I reject photograph of yin and yang to close this issue you liked to go " hum is really sweet, too at the beginning chase after wife road.

5, female advocate pass through the novel that carries a gun?

Men Chongfei: Incomplete father is chased after wife manual

Archaic talk feeling

Author: Fall in love with Gu Niancai

Novel brief introduction

In one day passes through, gu Niancai falls from the Fang Liang of beautiful building, 2 childe visit the general government office that got acquainted with what be born with her to disguise as a man exactly like accidentally read aloud!

Break away from general government office to aid Gu Nian, gu Niancai and her identity are replaced, take sb's place Gu Nian stays in general government office.

Which know, be like the sea greatly into Hou Men, choose guard in king father seat of government accidentally when by current the emperor it is favorite incomplete king most take a fancy to, become the close-fitting guard of incomplete king.

However, incomplete king not incomplete, double leg is strong and vigorous if fly, national jeopardy when, incomplete king is taking Gu Niancai to lead troops fight, one battle becomes famous, the general that be sealed, elder sister of each official wife and children is immediateness fragrant heart is dark make, the person of act as a matchmaker steps the doorsill that broke incomplete king your family.

Which know, incomplete king two legs to step on, old hand is scooped up, in conceiving general invade. "The general is the princess of this king, want act as a matchmaker, groan, boil to go at the same time! Boil to go at the same time!!

Book excerpts

"Was opposite, get on my baby belt incidentally. " when will walking out of a door, the iron leather case that considers him discovery of ability studying color returns a shadow beside, gu Niancai mentions iron sheet box, inside box of this iron sheet, but put several emmagee to follow a handgun, it is oneself the weapon of newest development, had these weapons, is she returned in this ancient time not anxious control the forces of nature?

6, female advocate pass through Hong Huang novel?

Barren of leisurely You Hong (start serialize) , big I what pass through became female Wa. The moon of barren, female advocate Hong Huang, lotus emperor of Hong Huang, the earth after renascence

7, 5 pass through female advocate novel?

Very much.

1. wind faces the world: Princess 13 years old pass through this, be not true renascence, do not cross good-looking strong male strong female language.

The wife of a prince of emperor of 2. secret service this female advocate the setting of the likewise strong male strong female Wen Wenzhang that is renascence is the country that using mump.

3. foster daughter becomes daughter of the wife of a prince advocate it is to taking what the memory previously is born to bestow favor on civil

Horizontal stroke of 4. month shadow is inclined it is to taking memory to be born likewise close plum of ancient time chases Ma Wennan advocate for female advocate abandon emperor 5. Show the deer is Ji Nv advocate renascence is encountered for the deer male advocate will raise for pet 6. Elegance and talent uniques among his contemporaries: Princess fights canopy renascence article 7. The world returns yuan female advocate taking memory to be born to fight end to be together till finally with head of male principal and subordinate 8. Chant phoenix song passes through civil nevertheless the individual thinks very good-looking very sweet article 9. Love language of renascence of emperor of father of person or event associated with evil or misfortune only 10. The wife of a prince of bad of dense of father of the king that do not have fine female advocate renascence but later when parents contains the memory of preexistence to be born as a result of its not happy surprise at other baby its father is his forgot memory to be in 16 hind recall afresh.

8, female advocate pass through profitable novel?

" invisible empress " author: ? Pedal is become? of Ρ mellow tadpole she is introvert, not good at one's words, be like invisible like the person, by circumvent and man illicit sexual relations, by break off an engagement of fiance salary king, elder sister be kissinged turns water medium and the Yan Huang Chaoxiang outside fetch You Tian 3 young ladies of government office direct line of descent.

9, female advocate pass through the novel of the Republic of China?

Female advocate pass through the novel of the Republic of China has a lot of, I recommend the following 4 look to you:

1. " dimensional renascence another woman " author: ? Does Liang of copy 〖 tadpole call four bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase sincering feeling to wash dispute play brights occupy Lai mu is abduct of charming of  of Yan of children's hair of Zhun of hawk of brandish of  of an ancient drinking vessel of a square-shaped fishing net with pole as supports of  of E of   Pan Ye wrung force Lu of Man of Han of feng4huang2 of  of to joke  Pai of chew of rare  of old Fu of  of 9  broadleaf plant basketry orchid?

2. " Bei excuse me " author: ? The Republic of China of? of  Qi  passes through) article table: She passed through! Not be the palace after the ancient time that wears charm graceful, intrigue against each other nevertheless, also not be to wear wind [crab] Tang drifting Ti, blame honour namely beside expensive imperial A elder brother, the extremely evil old times before passing through however is acting, the Republic of China 18 years! At this moment China, big powers devastate, the masses have no means to live, be Ied hope, of this body before master one's previous experience is celebrated, it is the granddaughter with Shanghai beach the most favorite magnate, it is the big Shuai Fu that the hand holds heavy advantageous position more 4 young mistress of the house, right, she of this times has been married humanness Fu, and, her husband commander in chief arrives let her dribble!  

3 " bury of wind beautiful wind, pass through to love the anxious that hate feeling spatio-temporally " author: Song Zhixian, article table: Person, the regret even if cannot follow to love most person with the oldest lifetime says: I love you. This story drew lessons from Mr Nikuang " gold story " Lijinsha cleans out golden setting by the side of the river, for this, thanked Mr Nikuang to create the times environment of popular feeling of a such shock very much really!  

4. " piping to dawn " author: ? ? of  of Ji of tiny stream be addicted to passes through the Republic of China, be over) article table: Beijing Chinese ink passed through inadvertently the Republic of China, in involute affairs of human life, she searchs ego hard. Ever with little Shuai Duzhong Yue of two affection photograph, the Creator after all get a person. Country beautiful woman, the bark of eucommia faces choice again, what course to follow? 100 turn 1000 times, who accompanies Yi person green plum to boil wine?

10, pass through female advocate the novel of set up shop?

I open convenience store in different world

Author: Bai Shuyuan

Novel brief introduction

Anthony Ya passes through different world, ground of a strange combination of circumstances had a convenience store that belongs to his.

"The noodle of her home puts a year not to deteriorate unexpectedly! "The noodle of her home puts a year not to deteriorate unexpectedly!!

"Long meeting does inn to be bitten explode the platoon of sweet crisp big chicken of the oar! "Long meeting does inn to be bitten explode the platoon of sweet crisp big chicken of the oar!!

"There still is the magical machine that receives hot cocoa automatically in shop! "There still is the magical machine that receives hot cocoa automatically in shop!!

Not only such, anthony Ya wears, eat, use start vogue new wind in different world, what ask when people she does where is so comfortable when nice clothing and other articles of daily use -- Anthony Ya apparently grinning: "Great bright mind bestows. Love bright mind adult, pen core ~ "

Heart: In systematic lottery.

Be tasted newly to promote and open conceals the task, anthony Ya thought up small shop exclusive advertisement word --

"Astonish! Why does bright mind never leave shrine for years? Because he did not find appropriate hose. Socks of heat preservation of this double pure wool, cross come to an agreement or understanding! Send male friend, send family, send husband. Sisters, do not give bright mind to break money again later, he needs truly, it is this pair of socks! It is this pair of socks!!

"In those days when dark look is hit blood stream is more thanly by bright mind, thanksed to towel of this maternal aunt, make second of chamfer of dark look blood empty! Encounter dark look to not be afraid of later, take out suck night by force to use model maternal aunt towel, he dare not take even the door ~ "

Abb sock and maternal aunt towel sell goods that day at night, the sound of sorrowful of sorrowful of a shade is transmitted from the back of Anthony Ya.

"How to frighten retreat dark look? Say. Say..

The Anthony Ya that with a rustle quivers has not replied, the lights outside the door a small cup is bright, knock noise rises.

"Are you the Anthony Ya that sells a sock? Go with us. Inquire for of bright mind adult you. Inquire for of bright mind adult you..

Darkness is magical: ? ? ? In the order of arrival!

[give deities by skill displeased: ) ] 1V1 HE

Note: Different world manages Wen Nan advocate it is the god is done laugh small sweet civil, do not take seriously

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