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开放时间:08:30-17:00 (4月1日-10月31日 周一-周日) 08:30-16:30 (11月1日-次年3月31日 周一-周日);






你说的这个情况可能是说的楚王陵,楚王陵景区外围是园林式的,对外开放的,所以你说的8点前去不要门票应该是这个情况,但是同样8点前去,王陵和汉兵马俑馆肯定不开门啊,这些都属于博物馆性质的,你想哪个博物馆8点前就开门- -! 想进墓里馆里,甭管你什么时候去都是要钱的,这是肯定的。不过好像徐州博物馆现在是免费对外开放了,不知道我记没记错。至于好不好玩,第一次去还是比较新鲜的。






1. 故宫:位于北京,是中国明清两代皇宫,拥有众多宫殿、庭院和珍贵的文物收藏。

2. 长城:中国最著名的古建筑之一,是世界文化遗产,可以欣赏到壮丽的自然风光和古代军事防线。

3. 兵马俑:位于西安,是中国秦始皇帝陵区的一部分,是世界上规模最大、保存最完整的古代陶俑坑。

4. 南京夫子庙:位于南京,是中国古代文化名人孔子的纪念地,也是一个融古迹、古建筑和商业街区于一体的旅游景区。

5. 武夷山:位于福建,是中国著名的名胜风景区之一,以其独特的自然风光、茶文化和道教文化而闻名。

6. 丽江古城:位于云南,是世界文化遗产,以纳西古建筑风格、纳西民族文化和美丽的自然风景吸引着游客。













1. 位置不同:龟山汉墓位于湖南省衡山县境内,而汉文化景区则位于河南省南阳市宛城区境内。两个景点地理位置相距较远,分别位于中南地区和华中地区。

2. 历史和文化背景不同:龟山汉墓是一处汉代墓葬遗址,是研究汉代墓葬文化和历史的重要遗址之一;而汉文化景区则是以汉文化为主题的旅游景区,包括了一系列涉及汉代历史、文化和艺术的景点和活动。

3. 特色不同:龟山汉墓以其独特的墓葬结构、精美的壁画和珍贵的文物而著名,具有较高的考古价值和文化价值;而汉文化景区则是一个集文化、旅游、休闲、娱乐于一体的综合性景区,涵盖了汉代历史、文化、文学、艺术等多个方面,包括了博物馆、景点、演出等多种形式的文化体验。





龟山汉墓和汉文化景区各有各的特点和魅力,具体选择哪个游玩,取决于你的兴趣和偏好。 龟山汉墓是西汉第六代楚襄王刘注的夫妻合葬墓,由人工开凿的两条墓道和十五间墓室组成,工程浩大,气势雄伟,实为罕见。特别是至今尚未揭开的四大谜团,吸引着海内外无数游人 。如果你对古代墓葬文化和历史谜团有兴趣,那么龟山汉墓可能会更适合你。 

汉文化景区则包括狮子山楚王陵、汉兵马俑博物馆、汉文化交流中心等多个景点,集中展现了徐州两汉文化精髓,是中国以汉文化为特色的最大的主题公园,也是国家4A级旅游景区 。如果你喜欢更全面的了解汉文化,或者想要体验更多的活动和设施,那么汉文化景区可能更适合你。 



One, does area of scene of Xuzhou Chinese culture shut house time?

Area of scene of Xuzhou Chinese culture opens a shop normally. Do not close a shop.

Open time: 08:30-17:00 (4 month 1 day - on October 31 Zhou Yi - weekday) 08:30-16:30 (11 month 1 day - second year on March 31 Zhou Yi - weekday) ;

Area of scene of Xuzhou Chinese culture is market history, gardens, travel be an organic whole Chinese culture protects base. It by lion hill the composition such as ancestral hall of a covered corridor or walk of museum of tomb figure of horse of Chu Wangling, Han Bing, Chinese picture, Liu, include tomb figure of Chinese grave, military forces, Handaishi to draw, be called " Chinese generation 3 absolutely " . It is the Chinese generation involuntary discharge of urine with the the the biggest, richest, richest Xuzhou is put. Scene area address: Area of dragon of cloud of city of Jiangsu province Xuzhou east road of tomb figure of 3 annulus military forces 1.

2, Chinese does culture scene area still receive entrance ticket?

Entrance ticket 90 yuan, the address is located in Jiangsu to save the eastpart part of Xuzhou city urban district.

3, area of scene of Xuzhou Chinese culture, amused?

Of Xuzhou Chinese culture scene area, are you specific point to which? Chinese culture scene area has a lot of, have the pretty good Chinese grave of a few development, have tomb figure of Han Bing horse, have Chinese picture stone house, still have the Seoul that copy builds now, etc.

This condition that you say may be saying Chu Wangling, periphery of area of scene of Hunan king hill is gardens type, open to the outside world, so you say going wanting entrance ticket before 8 o'clock should be this circumstance, but go before 8 o'clock likewise, wang Ling and affirmation of house of tomb figure of Han Bing horse do not open the door, these belong to museum property, you think which museum opens the door before 8 o'clock - - ! Consider the shop in the grave in, not be in charge of you when to go want money, this is affirmative. Be like Xuzhou museum nevertheless now is to open to the outside world freely, do not know I am misremembered. As to good play, going returning for the first time is fresher.

4, does area of scene of Xuzhou Chinese culture need entrance ticket?

Need. Gate ticket does not close, little tourist attraction collects fees inside.

Area of scene of Xuzhou Chinese culture and most scene area are same, scene area itself is free, do not receive entrance ticket, the little tourist attraction inside needs to buy a ticket. Covering a bill is 90 yuan of one person, on the net the likelihood that order a ticket wanting is a bit cheaper than be being bought in scene area directly.

5, Chinese what tourist attraction does entrance ticket of culture scene area include?

Chinese entrance ticket of culture scene area includes many different tourist attractions normally, the amount of material tourist attraction and content are likely because of the dimensions of scene area and characteristic different. It is below a few common Chinese the tourist attraction that culture scene area may include:

1.The Imperial Palace: Be located in Beijing, it is Chinese bright Qing Dynasty two acting palace, have numerous palace, court and precious cultural relic to collect.

2.The Great Wall: One of China's most well-known ancient buildings, it is world culture bequest, can appreciate magnificent natural sight and defense line of archaic military affairs.

3.Military forces tomb figure: Be located in Xi'an, it is the one part of area of imperial tomb of Chinese Qin Shi's emperor, it is the dimensions on the world the biggest, save hole of the most complete archaic pottery figurine.

4.Nanjing master shrine: Be located in Nanjing, it is the commemorative ground of Confucius of celebrity of culture of Chinese ancient time, also be historic site of a be in harmony, ancient building and commercial block the travel scene area at an organic whole.

5.Fierce exterminate hill: Be located in Fujian, it is China is famous scenic spot one of beauty spot, famed with culture of its distinctive natural scene, tea and Taoism culture.

6.Beautiful Jianggu city: Be located in Yunnan, it is world culture bequest, build style, Na Ximin with Naxigu a group of things with common features culture and beautiful natural scenery are attracting a tourist.

6, area of scene of Xuzhou Chinese culture how?

Area of scene of Xuzhou Chinese culture is a first-rate travel tourist attraction, it is China is the biggest Chinese one of culture theme parks, the historical culture bequest that abounds with its and distinctive building color attracted a large number of tourists.

There are a lot of histories inside scene area vestigial, the barrow that is like Chinese generation, ancient city wall, ancient battlefield, can make a tourist thorough understand the history of Chinese generation and culture.

In addition, there still is a lot of revealing inside scene area Chinese the establishment of culture and activity, be like Chinese generation house of house of dress exhibition, Chinese picture, Han Daike ability, can let a tourist be experienced more intuitionisticly Chinese the glamour of culture. In the meantime, the environment inside scene area is beautiful, afforest is enclothed rate is high, air is fresh, it is one lies fallow relaxation good place. As a whole, area of scene of Xuzhou Chinese culture is a travel tourist attraction that is worth to swim.

7, Chinese culture scene area a few hours rambles?

1.5, 2 hours

Name: Area of scene of Xuzhou Chinese culture

Entrance ticket price: 80 yuan

Open time: 08: 30, 17: 00 (daylight saving time) ; 08: 30, 16: 30 (when the winter makes)

Address: Road of tomb figure of military forces of area of dragon of cloud of city of Jiangsu province Xuzhou 1

8, chelonian Shan Hanmu and Chinese the distinction of culture scene area?

He Hanwen of chelonian Shan Hanmu turns scene area is two different tourist attractions, their distinction is as follows:

1.The position is different: Chelonian Shan Hanmu is located in churchyard of county of Hunan Province Heng Shan, and Chinese culture scene area is located in Henan to save churchyard of Nanyang city Wan Cheng district. Apart of situation of two tourist attractions is further, in be located in respectively south area and China in area.

2.The history and culture setting are different: Chelonian Shan Hanmu is to be in relics of Chinese generation grave, it is one of important relics of culture of research Chinese acting grave and history; And Chinese culture scene area is the travel scene area with theme of Chinese article melt into, included a series of tourist attractions that involve Chinese generation history, culture and art and activity.

3.Characteristic is different: Chelonian Shan Hanmu is famous with its unique grave structure, elegant mural and precious cultural relic, have higher archaeology value and culture value; And Chinese culture scene area is a collect culture, travel, recreational, recreation the omnibus scene area at an organic whole, covered the many aspects such as Chinese generation history, culture, literature, art, included the culture experience of a variety of forms such as museum, tourist attraction, show.

The place on put together is narrated, he Hanwen of chelonian Shan Hanmu turns scene area is two different tourist attractions, their position, history and culture setting, characteristic differs somewhat.

9, Chinese does culture scene area have many from chelonian Shan Hanmu far?

Chelonian Shan Hanmu is located in Chinese near culture scene area, region of scene of distance Chinese culture is not remote. It is the graveyard with one place long history, the history with be regarded as important is vestigial. The distance that Cong Hanwen changes scene area to go to chelonian Shanhan grave depends on specific line and traffic means, need the car Cheng that comes 1 hour 20 minutes about generally speaking. Before you can choose to take taxi, public traffic to perhaps be driven oneself, go to. In journey of this paragraph of short distance, you appreciate organic meeting the glamour of culture of Chinese ancient time, understand the historical setting of Chinese grave and culture significance deep. No matter you are historical lover or culture searcher, can be in this paragraph itinerary in gain distinctive and valuable experience.

10, does He Hanwen of chelonian Shan Hanmu turn scene area which amused?

He Hanwen of chelonian Shan Hanmu changes scene area to have each characteristic and charm each, specific choice which amuse oneself, depend on your interest and preference. Chelonian Shan Hanmu is the Western Han Dynasty the husband and wife that the 6th acting Hunan assists Wang Liu is noted adds up to bury grave, by two path leading to a grave of artificial cut and composition of 15 coffin chamber, project huge, imposing manner is grand, solid for infrequent. The 4 big mysteries that have not open up to now especially are round, attracting global countless tourist. If you are right,archaic grave culture and historical mystery group have fun at, so chelonian Shan Hanmu may suit you more.

Chinese culture scene area includes lion hill museum of tomb figure of horse of Chu Wangling, Han Bing, Chinese the many tourist attractions such as culture communication center, concentration showed Xuzhou two Chinese culture marrow, it is China transforms the biggest theme park for characteristic with Chinese article, also be area of scene of travel of national 4A stage. If you like more comprehensive understanding Chinese culture, perhaps want to experience more activities and establishment, so Chinese culture scene area may suit you more.

No matter you choose which, can understand deep and experience Chinese the glamour of culture.

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