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1.史塔克家族House Stark



族语:凛冬将至(Winter Is Coming)


从属:北境 the North

2.兰尼斯特家族House Lannister



族语:听我怒吼(Hear Me Roar)

属地:凯岩城Casterly Rock

从属:西境 Westlands

3.拜拉席恩家族House Baratheon



族语:怒火燎原(Ours is the Fury)

属地:风息堡Storm's End

从属:风暴地 Stormlands

艾林家族House Ayrrn



族语:高如荣耀(as High as Honor)


从属:谷地 Vale

马泰尔家族House Martell



族语:不屈不挠(Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken)


从属:多恩 Dorne

徒利家族House Tully



族语:家族·责任·荣誉(Family, Duty, Honor)


从属:河间地 Riverlands

葛雷乔伊家族House Greyjoy


族语:强取胜于苦耕(We Do Not Sow)


从属:铁群岛 Iron Islands

提利尔家族House Tyrell


族语:生生不息(Growing Strong)

属地:高庭 Highgarden

从属:河湾地 Reach

坦格利安家族House Targaryen



族语:血火同源(Blood and Fire)

属地:君临 King's Landing



Story setting is a dummy world, main component is two mainlands, be located in west is " sunset country " Weisiteluo (Westeros) , the area approximates South America; Those who be located in the east is an area, appearance the land of mainland of approximate Yu Yaou. The masterstroke of the story happens in Weisiteluo on the mainland. Before doing obeisance to the favour that play place from · of kingly fatigue suddenly, past north ground visits his good friend: The castellan that face a winter and boreal condition guard Shi Dake of moxa heart · to begin, showed the complete picture of this country gradually. Pure king, the premier of honest and frank, each conceive the chancellery of sinister design, crowd the square with self-prossessed arms vassal, the whole nation only recumbent hold together of a fine bowstring is worn exterior peace, and break when bowstring when, the country is immersed in endless chaos caused by war once more in. And more of Song of Jing letting a person, those ancient fokelore and the biology that eradicate already, returning this land afresh.

In former days hero of found a state, became the victim of power play. Their skeleton is not cold nowadays, then of photograph of a large number of heroes rises, in succession assuming lord. Horizon a sanguine comet, adumbrative the advent of destruction and catastrophe. Boreal area main force and Lannisite actual strength confronts each other each other, of La Li south condition powerful army is ceaseless Chao Jun copies move, still have the Shitannisi with unidentified tendercy, and the iron archipelago Zhu Min over northwest the Black Sea. Defend defends the north of night watchman army group of boreal border to give the Great Wall, with the pretty outside the condition a group of things with common features one definitely life and death. The card Lhasa that Dannili of Long Zhi's mother is lacy remaining troops made up of the old and weak comprises, follow the contrail of comet, pass through boundless and indistinct Hong Huang, the answer state with distant and uncertain face great undertaking set out... afraid winter will come, air cooling rises gradually, and the paean of the song that hears Zhi Bing and one anger.

The game of influence 9 everybody a group of things with common features

1. history tower overcomes familial House Stark

generation ancestor is fortifier cloth Landon, weisiteluo is the most sterling first civilian blood descendantses. It is the king of boreal condition forever, till surrender king Tuolun Shidake knows oneself not enemy conqueror Yi brighting · surrenders after brigade of army of 3 Long Jijiang. Make a pledge partisan familial Luo Fo having arrowroot, wave pauses, language of Feilinte, Mandele, Moermeng, Tao Ha, game, An Bai is familial etc.

Armorial: The gray firn on pure white earth goes straight towards a wolf

A group of things with common features language: Afraid winter will come (Winter Is Coming)

Apanage: Lin Dongcheng Winterfell

Appurtenant: Boreal condition The North

2. Lannisite is familial House Lannister

Maternal ancestor but epoch of restrospect to hero most the cheater of legend: Argute Lanny, patrilineal blood source comes comfortable gorge is upland an An Daer adventurer that builds powerful kingdom, for generations is the king of triumphant cliff, surrender Yi Geng Houze is place interconnected system is gotten on the west, triumphant cliff castellan, and additionally one offset is golden tooth castellan, in Lannisi harbor also has a branch. The golden mine that triumphant rock wall and golden tooth city produce lets them become the richest some familial. Make a pledge partisan familial Beck having a tower, Maerbulan, Keleihe, Weisitelin.

Armorial: The fierce lion of aureate Pao growl that goes up bright redly

A group of things with common features language: Listen to me to howl (Hear Me Roar)

Apanage: Casterly Rock of triumphant rock wall

Appurtenant: On the west condition Westlands

3. does obeisance to the favour that play place familial House Baratheon

Maternal and consanguineous the Wang Nv that is windstorm kingdom, the abstruse Li Si that patrilineal ancestor is according to legend is Little brother Yi Geng half-blooded (Chinese edition did not explain is successive father last name or mother last name) in battle of fury set the prairie ablaze behead kills Wang Yaer of windstorm of the last reign of a dynasty to pull auspicious, yi Geng, seal its date, land to grant abstruse Li Si. Arrived Yilisi when 2 worlds, overthrow Tangelian jointly with Shidake, Ai Lin familial crown, fatigue suddenly · does obeisance to accession of the favour that play place to be fatigue suddenly generation. Make a pledge partisan familial Lowes having Pang, special orchid, Ka Lun, Shi Wen, because of,hold in the palm, Gelandesen.

Armorial: The hart of black treasure coronal on an aureate open country

A group of things with common features language: Fury set the prairie ablaze (Ours Is The Fury)

Apanage: Storm's End of wind breath fort

Appurtenant: Storm ground Stormlands

Ai Lin is familial House Ayrrn

Ai Lin is familial be valley kingdom is of the royal blood send a person, also be the history at the same time the longest, the An Daer's noble with the most sterling blood relationship is unborn. For generations is regnant the eyrie city of accipitral month mountain range. Make a pledge to have partisanly collect Yi Si, Wei Wude, Leidefo, Keburui.

Armorial: Shamrock is the crescent of one curved white of the bottom and falcon

A group of things with common features language: Gao Rurong boasts (As High As Honor)

Apanage: Eyrie city Eyrie

Appurtenant: Valley Vale

Mataier is familial House Martell

Donne's regnal ruler, concern with 9 big city-state closer, its infante is maintained to seal date after joining 7 states. Kingship sends the oldest child, because this all through the ages has many female infante, its male offspring also adds father last name before the mother surnames: generation is patriarchal Morse Mataier and graceful Mei Li inferior lead Loewe make things difficult for others to take city-state to get from ruined Loewe, all through the ages suffers the assault of river bay and windstorm all the time, never still succumb, the conquer war that although arrive,Yi brights, also was to arrive centenary hind, 2 worlds married Dai Lun wintry favour gets a princess, marry the little sister wintry favour leads prince, just join 7 states. Make a pledge to partisanly Yi Lun Wude, Sangdajia, Dane, Du Te, black is strapped etc.

Armorial: Round of red day by golden gun place perforative

A group of things with common features language: Inexorable (Unbent, unbowed, unbroken)

Apanage: City of in relief halberd Sunspear

Appurtenant: Much favour Dorne

Apprentice benefit is familial House Tully

Benefit of apprentice of · of Ade quick is in torrent city castellan in 3 rivers noble, take the lead in going and offer one's services conqueror Yi brights. And seal those who be trident river region is special head.

Armorial: Give the silver-colored trout of surface more, the impression is red blue ripple.

A group of things with common features language: · of familial · responsibility is honorary (Family, duty, honor)

Apanage: Torrent city Riverrun

Appurtenant: Riverlands of the ground between the river

Yi of arrowroot thunder tall is familial House Greyjoy

Armorial: Sea monster

A group of things with common features language: Strong get victory ploughs at suffering (We Do Not Sow)

Apanage: The clique overcomes city Pyke

Appurtenant: Iron archipelago Iron Islands

The Er that raise interest is familial House Tyrell

Armorial: The Jin Mei on green prairie rares

A group of things with common features language: Unripe be born not to cease (Growing Strong)

Apanage: Gao Ting Highgarden

Appurtenant: Reach of river bay ground

Calm division profit installs familial House Targaryen

Tangelian is ancient time the aristocratic descendant of city-state of freedom of made of baked clay Lei Liya, also be dragon a group of things with common features sends a person at the same time. Their feature is unusually conspicuous (also someone says is " impersonal " ) fine-looking, having violet or pupil of indigo blue eye, silver-colored aureate or white golden hair. The ancestor that Yi of the Dragon King brights escaped ruined doomsday of Waleiliya, and subsequently and a variety of disorders that come and slaughter, and be on the dragon skerry of much cliff of the rugged in narrow sea surely. Two Yi Geng and her little sisters, weisangniya and thunder Ni silk, have base area with this, the conquer that cross the sea 7 king country. To maintain royalty blood relationship sterling, the person of Home Tangelian often covers with tiles according to abide Leiliya is traditional, sibling intermarriage, yi Geng married two little sisters when the wife, two people are delivered of male offspring for her.

Armorial: 3 firedrake of black base red, 3 build represent two Yi Geng and her little sisters respectively.

A group of things with common features language: Hematic fire is the same as a source (Blood And Fire)

Apanage: Regnant King's Landing

Appurtenant: Wang Ling Crownlands

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