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宠物蜈蚣品种推荐? 宠物蜈蚣饲养方法?英文双语对照


宠物蜈蚣品种推荐? 宠物蜈蚣饲养方法?英文双语对照









1. 隔离:蜈蚣是非常独立的生物,不适合和其他动物共处。所以,将蜈蚣放在单独的材料或塑料容器中。

2. 栖息地:蜈蚣最好生活在阴暗的、潮湿的地方,例如地下洞穴或草堆等地方。在蜈蚣的饲养容器里铺上一层砂或泥土,并保持潮湿度。

3. 温度:室温是适宜蜈蚣生活的温度,一般在20°C至23°C之间。

4. 饮食:蜈蚣是食肉性动物,喜欢吃昆虫、蜘蛛、蚂蚁和小型爬行动物等。一般每周喂一次就够了。

5. 清洁:为了保持蜈蚣健康,饲养容器需要保持干净。每两周清理一次,清除废物和蜕皮。

6. 注意事项:蜈蚣有剧毒,如果误食或误伤到人类,有时会导致严重的伤害。因此,在饲养蜈蚣过程中,一定要小心谨慎,避免手掌被蜈蚣咬伤。




















5. 蜈蚣的寿命仅有6年,性成熟以后,一般在3-5月份和7-8月份的雨后初晴的清晨进行交配,40天开始产卵,雌蜈蚣把受精卵产生在自己的背上,以便及时孵化。每只雌蜈蚣一次排卵达2-3小时,每次产卵80-150粒。卵表面富有粘液,卵粒互相粘在一起成卵块。孵化期间雌蜈蚣不吃不喝,直到孵化出幼蜈蚣。


















One, is pet centipede breed recommended?

Bare centipede: Bare centipede bodily form is not big, colour is relatively bright-coloured, the world distributings very wide, it is easy to get, can raise as pet. The male and female with it or not much amount to 2 condition centipede (resemble a centipede of crural He Yishi namely in that way) , difference of male and female is very big, one can differentiate already.

Red head centipede

Red head centipede: Because distributing Yu Ya tropics or temperate zone area, the photograph is more intertropical centipede bodily form slightly small, it is one of our country's commonnest large centipede, get a name because of gules red or aureate head. The big poisonous jaw of person of its be astonished is the capable tool that prey. Once prey is stared at to go up, escape very hard the attack of its essence, accurate, firm.

Centipede of North America giant

Centipede of North America giant: The centipede with the greatest type of build or figure of the North American, have comparative to view and admire a gender high. Disposition is very atrocious, like to prey actively all sorts of animals inside habitat limits. It can hold a head high, capture flight insect with big jaw, subdue prey with venom.

2, does pet centipede raise a method?

As a kind of special pet, centipede is absorbing, but also need to be taken care of carefully. Be centipede below is basic raise a method:

1.Segregation: Centipede is very independent biology, do not suit and other animal coexist. So, put centipede in separate data or plastic container.

2.Habitat: Centipede had better live in dark, damp place, for example subterranean burrow or the place such as mow. In centipede raise on the shop in container one arenaceous or clay, maintain wet humidity.

3.Temperature: Room temperature is the temperature that appropriate centipede lives, come in 20 ° C commonly between 23 ° C.

4.Food: Centipede is predacity animal, like to eat the insect, spider, ant and small-sized reptile to wait. Feed every week commonly enough.

5.Clean: To maintain centipede health, raise container to need to maintain clean. Every two weeks clear, cleared trash and cost off a skin.

6.Note: Centipede has virulent, if be fed by accident or accidentally injure arrives the mankind, can cause serious harm sometimes. Accordingly, in raising centipede process, must scrupulous, avoid the palm to be bitten by centipede.

As a whole, of centipede raise need a lot of be taken care of attentively and notice, only such ability makes sure they are long-term health and active.

3, what does pet centipede eat?

Centipede feeding habits is very miscellaneous, can eat the meat such as yellow pink bug, chafer, cricket, dragonfly, cicada, spider, earthworm, snail to it kind food. And centipede still can eat the pork, pluck, green vegetables, food such as fruit skin, but had better feed to it fresh. Feed to centipede after feeding, notice the food it is residual even clear clean.

4, is pet centipede poisonous?


Centipede makes Wu Gong again, call maggot of 100 sufficient bug, 100 feet bug, Wei , day dragon again, it is a kind of venomous, the Liu Sheng that sweeps past feeding habits is arthropod. Common centipede has red head, blue head, black head 3 kinds. The back of red head presents red black, abdomen shows damask, sufficient for weak tangerine or yellow. The back of blue head and sufficient ministry show blue, abdominal baby blue, type of build or figure is small, 1/2 what length is red head centipede about. Back of black head centipede and sufficient ministry darkly are lubricious, the abdomen is flaxen, type of build or figure is smaller. Centipede and snake, scorpion, gecko, toad says " the five poisonous creatures " , rank first place of the five poisonous creatures.

5, what pet centipede fits a new hand?

Bare centipede: Bare centipede bodily form is not big, colour is relatively bright-coloured, the world distributings very wide, it is easy to get, can raise as pet. The male and female with it or not much amount to 2 condition centipede (resemble a centipede of crural He Yishi namely in that way) , difference of male and female is very big, one can differentiate already.

Red head centipede

Red head centipede: Because distributing Yu Ya tropics or temperate zone area, the photograph is more intertropical centipede bodily form slightly small, it is one of our country's commonnest large centipede, get a name because of gules red or aureate head. The big poisonous jaw of person of its be astonished is the capable tool that prey. Once prey is stared at to go up, escape very hard the attack of its essence, accurate, firm.

Centipede of North America giant

Centipede of North America giant: The centipede with the greatest type of build or figure of the North American, have comparative to view and admire a gender high. Disposition is very atrocious, like to prey actively all sorts of animals inside habitat limits. It can hold a head high, capture flight insect with big jaw, subdue prey with venom.

6, what to raise pet centipede to want to notice?

One, the 5 points that raise centipede:   

1. falls in natural condition, centipede is in hillside, field, roadside or the place with fascicular fireweed habitat commonly, or it is habitat between caboodle of well edge, bavin and tile aperture, like the area with wet, obsolete private parts particularly.

Night of hot season of basic characteristic day goes out. In temperature under 10 ℃ when gastric disorder, 0 7 ℃ enter winter sleep period.   

2. centipede is typical meat animal, feeding habits is wide miscellaneous, special happy event feeds all sorts of insects, the egg that is like yellow pink bug, cricket, chafer, termite, cicada, dragonfly, spider, fly, bee and them, aurelian, the young, the meat that still eats li of bug, earthworm, snail and birds of each stud stock and aquatic product animal at the same time, splanchnic, blood, cartilage, also eat fruit skin, potato, carrot, tender dish to wait, the milk, biscuit food that makes centipede.   

3. breeds centipede to be able to use the means such as crock, pool artificially, use a crock to raise, with shabby tile crock or crock of pottery and porcelain, best diameter is in 0.5 meters of above, gadarene earth controls the mouth 20 centimeters, take the land outside solid. Inside the crock among rise with brick or adobe base, the area that compare a crock is small 10 centimeters or so, stay between base and crock wall have certain space. If use intact jar, do not destroy bottom, it is directly in the crock base adobe can. 80 centimeters crock can put a diameter grown centipede is controlled 200 times. The attention raises density, the body length that must press centipede and system change greatly and pool of hive off, cent is raised.   

4. should avoid centipede take flight, centipede is impatient, if be on guard,measure does not reach the designated position, centipede escapes very easily. Do good temperature, humidity, light government, maintain an environment quiet. Often observe, prevent centipede natural enemy to enter breed a pool inside. The mildew that prevents food, clay changes, and the centipede with seasonable sick eliminate.   

5.The life of centipede is only 6 years, after the gender is mature, undertake in the early morning of the Chu Qing after the rain of 3-5 month and 7-8 month commonly copulatory, 40 days begin to lay eggs, female centipede produces oosperm on his back, so that seasonable hatch. Oviposit amounts to every only female centipede 2-3 hour, lay eggs every time 80-150 bead. Egg surface is rich and mucous, egg bead is stuck together each other become egg piece. Female centipede does not eat to be not drunk during hatch, give young centipede till hatch.

7, pet centipede and pet spider which good raise?

Pet spider is good raise. Centipede dies very easily, I had been raised 2 times, raised 3 days to die only every time. I raised the spider 8, farthest raised 1 year, healthy healthy and strong is growing.

8, need not the earth that raises pet centipede, scorpion, spider use coconut land?

Coconut earth is bibulous only it is good to ensure wet result, also need not go actually the spider is good raise, a week one water, a week is fed,

9, does pet of red head centipede raise an environment?

Below natural condition, centipede is in hillside, field, roadside or the place with fascicular fireweed habitat commonly, or it is habitat between caboodle of well edge, bavin and tile aperture, like the area with wet, obsolete private parts particularly.

Night of hot season of basic characteristic day goes out. In temperature under 10 ℃ when gastric disorder, 0 7 ℃ enter winter sleep period.   

10, this is the insect in northeast paddy ground, underwater, also climb occasionally, touch what it returns floodwater on low-lying land of be soiled be soiled to cry, really disgusting! Want to eat to pet centipede, is knowing assorted?

Hill loop turns not to see gentleman, snow in the sky leave Ma Hang to be in.

The bright moon when the Qin Dynasty Chinese when close, person of a long march of ten thousand lie was not returned.

Farmer Fang Xiayun, how to sit I dare be fed.

Green water of white hair float, red palm dials Qing Bo.

Head summerly You Qinghe, fragrant grass also did not rest.

Spring scenery does not close field completely, one branch red apricot gives a wall to come.

Be about to say to still rest, however the weather is cool good autumn.

Children winter learns to make near neighbour, cowardly of the I that seize a bank however child precious.

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