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1、遵守交通法规,严防交通事故发生。要求同学们要自觉遵 守交通规则,注意行路安全。严禁 12 周岁以下的儿童骑自行车上路,严禁让未成年人或无证人员用摩托车载,也不搭乘无牌无证或超载的机动车。若要外出,必须有家长陪同。不在马路上(边)嬉戏、打闹、打球。过马路走斑马路,人行桥,做到红灯停,绿灯行。不追车扒车,不在村中交通复杂、密集的地段玩耍。乘坐车时不 带易燃易爆等危险品上车。

2、教育学生放学要按时回家,中午不早到校,一般要 13:40以后才到校,家长接送应在学校规定的地方等候,不应把车停放在校门口。

3、注意饮食卫生,坚持锻炼身体。不乱吃零食,不买三无产 品,不吃未熟透或腐蚀的事物。注意饮食卫生,饭前要洗手,生吃瓜果要洗净,不喝生水,不吃腐烂变质食品等,预防食物中毒。要做到“吃熟食,洗净手,多喝水”,预防病从口入。若发现发热、呕吐、头痛、腹泻等现象及时告诉家长,并及时就医,预防“流感、流脑、霍乱”等传染病的发生。不长时间看电视和玩电脑,注意用眼卫生,防近视。

4、注意自我保护:谨慎交友,不与社会上行为不轨的小青年 来往,外出需征得家长的同意,并告知家长行程,不要随意在外过夜。不随意与陌生人交谈,不接受陌生人的钱物、玩具、食品。预防被拐骗。遇到突发事件及时与家人联系或拨打求助电话。火警 119,公安呼救 110,医院 120。

5、注意户外的活动安全 不到工地、闲杂地带玩耍。不攀高爬低,远离危房、危墙,不玩危险的游戏。注意防火,不携带火种进入林区、公共场所、校园等,不参与救火,发生火灾应向大人求救,报警。不单独到水边玩耍,钓鱼、洗手,更不要去游泳,每个同学要珍爱生命,不私自下水救人,若发现个别学生去玩水要及时告之家长或老师。


One, does safety of body of stranger of middle and primary school teach content?

General principles of the first chapter

The first harms an accident personally for precaution and stranger of processing middle and primary school, protect the legitimate rights and interests with unripe middle and primary school, uphold normal educational education order, basis " People's Republic of China teachs a law " , " minor of People's Republic of China protects * " wait for law, administrative regulations, union is saved originally actual, enact this ordinance.

The middle and primary school inside this the 2nd province administration area is unripe (student of the following abbreviation) during the school teachs education activity, and the person that the school building that the school has administrative responsibility, field, other education produces inside education establishment, living facilities harms an accident (the following abbreviation harms an accident) precaution and processing, applicable this byelaw.

Person of student of the 3rd safeguard is safe, precaution harms the happening of the accident, it is a place the person that various people government reachs his to be held about branch, school, school, student and its parents are other perhaps the joint responsibility of guardian and society.

The 4th school ought to fulfil the responsibility that has safe education, management and protection to the student lawfully.

Other perhaps guardian ought to fulfill student father and mother tutelar duty, have safe education to the student, accountability cooperate the school to fulfil concerned safety to manage system and safe safeguard.

The student ought to abide by the regulations system of the school and discipline, the education of obedient school and management, according to the cognitive ability of oneself and civil action competence, avoid and eliminate corresponding risk.

Student of the 5th processing harms an accident, ought to abide by lawfully, just, reasonable, seasonable principle, accomplish a fact qualitative and clear, accurate, responsibility is clear.

The 2nd chapter harms the precaution of the accident

Various people government ought to strengthen the 6th place to harm accident precaution and the leader that handle the work to the student, build technology of education, public security, culture, sports, wholesome, environmental protection, industrial and commercial, quality to supervise, safe production is supervised, the school security that the concerned branch such as construction and unit attend manages synergic mechanism, supervise and urge each do good student to hurt accident precaution and processing work about the branch.

Service of the 7th education is responsible deploy, directive, harmonious, supervise, the precaution that checks school student to harm an accident and processing job, directive school builds perfect and corresponding safety management system, system of management of safety of supervisory examination school, concerned lash-up beforehand of case and precautionary measures of student harm accident fulfil a circumstance.

Mechanism of the 8th public security ought to assist the school to begin safety of public security, fire control, transportation to know knowledge education, guidance and school of inspect educational inspector do the fire prevention inside good school and safety to defend the work, the public security that enhances pair of schools and region of its week border area, fire control, traffic manages, fulfil following obligation:

(one) go to school in the student and classes are over period of time, strengthen circumjacent to the school area patrol, check in time and investigate those who endanger student security to violate guilty activity;

(2) undertake to the school fire control safety supervises an examination regularly, supervise and urge the school eliminates hidden danger of fire control safety;

(3) school symbol is created around the school, car of setting of a section of a highway before learning a school gate is banned stop, the mark graticule such as caution, speed limit, cross market facilities without the pedestrian, ought to apply delimit pedestrian crosswalk line, set clew mark, defend liaison man order of traffic of viatic of passageway of school of busy a section of a highway.

Safety of the car that department of public security mechanism, transportation ought to strengthen pair of carry students, marine manages, ban do not have the card, car that does not accord with safe level, shipping without the card, check in time and investigate the illegal action such as overload.

The 9th wholesome service ought to is opposite the wholesome state of the food of the school, drinking water and job of disease precaution control undertake supervisory checking lawfully, directive supervisory school improves wholesome work, the sanitation that strengthens the manufacturing operator that provides a service to be the school and student controls government.

Administration of natural resources of the 10th land, water is in charge of a branch to ought to be reached to the school jointly with educational service its are circumjacent the endangers the security such as place of school building, activity, passageway hill system of area, current undertakes fixed evaluation, concern a section according to evaluating a result to inform or the school adopts taboo current perhaps, deadline is rectified and reform, the measure such as setting safeguard and caution mark.

Concerned branch and unit ought to be in the site position that builds school of middle and primary school, optional location and program design it is dangerous to carry out geological calamity strictly the gender evaluates a system, take cogent and significant step, calamity of geology of prevention and cure.

Eleventh development reform, program, construction, environmental protection, culture, industrial and commercial, city government, safe production is supervised wait for branch and school seat countryside (town) people government, street agency, ought to strengthen region of border area of pair of schools and its week to build activity and production to run supervisory government of the activity lawfully, check in time and investigate following action:

(one) construction explodes combustibly, easily, poisonous, harmful wait to have the project of the harm to school security;

(2) rely on school enclosure to build build (compose) build thing;

(3) the production that has having contaminative environment and other influence school and student safety runs an activity;

(4) in campus periphery game of singing and dancing, electron, Internet is established to get online inside 200 meters of limits of the public place of entertainment of management sex culture that the limitative minor such as the service enters;

(5) its are reached before school door two side place booth to establish a point inside 50 meters of limits, pile up sundry;

(6) the setting affects the facilities facilities that student safety perhaps passes through normally;

(7) the other action that ought to check lawfully and investigates.

Dozenth the school building that a person that the school is held and school ought to provide the safety that accords with country and province regulation, wholesome standard, field and other education education and living facilities facilities.

The person that the school is held and school must not use the education space such as the playground at car of motor-driven of park outside school, teach school building, field education establishment and living facilities facilities to be used at other utility with etc, must not affect the school to teach safety of education order and harm student person.

Thirteenth the school ought to bring into safe education day-to-day management and educational education activity, competence of the cognitive ability of the student according to different age, characteristic of body and mind, civil action, take a variety of forms, often undertake necessary legal system education, safe education, mental health education and ego are protected and save oneself to the student education, enhance safe consciousness of the student, rise be on guard ability.

The school ought to use the parent to be able to wait for a form, directive student father and mother is other perhaps guardian undertakes safe education and psychological dredge to the student, precautionary student harms the happening of the accident.

The origanization construction that the school ought to build administration of perfect school safety and student harm accident to prevent, duty is spent, make meet an urgent need of of all kinds sudden incident beforehand case, fulfil school security to manage the precautionary measures that harms an accident with the student.

The 14th school ought to strengthen what harm an accident to the student to be on guard, fulfil following obligation:

(one) develop sports, experiment and activity of other education education, ought to accord with standard of plan of course of country, province, course and education requirement, adopt necessary safe preventive measure;

(2) constituent student attends labor, exercitation, make an on-the-spot investigation wait for a society to carry out activity and culture recreation and other and collective activity, ought to suit with photograph of characteristic of student physiology, psychology, accord with safe, wholesome requirement, person specially assigned for a task is responsible, adopt necessary safe preventive measure;

(3) the goods that offers the study with the student, life to concern and service, ought to accord with country and the safety that omit a provision, wholesome standard;

(4) the exercitation unit that chooses to place and the operator that offer Wu of kimono of establishment, equipment, article to the student, ought to examine its to whether have corresponding aptitude and essential safe safeguard requirement, whether does offerred establishment, equipment, article, service accord with country and the safety that omit a provision, wholesome standard;

(5) in the education that has dangerous sex education, life serves facilities facilities to go up with area of the construction inside school, install apparent safety to caution indicates and adopt relevant safe preventive measure;

(6) strengthen safe examination, to be being put in the facilities facilities of safe hidden trouble, ought to disuse, adopt in time defend, caution measure gives maintenance perhaps changes;

(7) etc of material of instrument of experiment of scientific research of the facilities facilities of dangerous to having sex, education, radiate is poisonous and harmful article, combustible explode easily article, ought to build be used soundly and run a system, deposit at safe place, appoint person specially assigned for a task to keep, unite to the poisonous and harmful litter of generation collect, classified keep in storage, hand in carry by the unit that has corresponding aptitude, processing;

(8) other perhaps to having a disease because of sufferring from reason is unsuited the project of teaching and administrative staff that is engaged in teaching education and auxiliary job, ought to transfer corresponding working station in time;

(9) fulfil fire control obligation lawfully, eliminate fire hidden danger in time;

(10) build perfect school bus to reach its to drive person safety runs a system, school bus reachs his to drive the person ought to accord with country and province to concern a provision;

(11) build the internal security such as management of school entrance guard to defend a system, be ensured public security by full-time or can cogent the personnel that fulfils obligation is held the position of entrance guard and other guard personnel, to entering those who learn campus territory to call in personnel and car strengthen management;

(12) build a student to ask system of report back after leave of absence, ask report back after leave of absence to undertake registering to the student;

(13) build perfect accommodation student to manage system and safe safeguard, the life government that does good accommodation student and safe protection work;

(14) written to guardian inform and school proper motion discovers have idiosyncrasy or the disease is unsuited the student that joins activity of education of some kind of education, give take care of necessarily, right unsuited the student in school study, proposal its ask for leave or suspend one's schooling;

(15) during teaching education activity to be in and the school building that the school has administrative responsibility, field, other education breaks out a disease inside education establishment, living facilities or the student that person is harmed gives in time deliverance;

(16) the change classeses are over time and know or ought to know a student to have did not wait to leave school of school, do sth without authorization as direct as student person safety when relevant case, tell its father and mother in time other perhaps guardian;

(seventeen) discover student behavior may endanger oneself or of other person safety, ought to give in time check;

(18) produce incident of safety of disaster of natural disaster, accident, communal wholesome incident, society to wait when breaking out communal incident, the lash-up that start beforehand case, adopt rush to deal with an emergency, deliverance, preventive measure in time, person of first protection student is safe;

(19) the other responsibility that law, code, regulations fixes.

Service of the 15th education ought to make student military affairs train standard and safe accident to prevent a system, the course that trains clearly, form, class hour, teacher, safety is on guard measure and safe responsibility, supervise and urge the safe safeguard that the school does good student military affairs to train works.

The school ought to characteristic of the physiology of basis student, psychology, the time that reasonable arrangement military affairs trains, course and intensity, adopt significant safe preventive measure, the person that guarantees a student is safe.

Labour ought to abide by teaching and administrative staff of the 16th school law, code, regulations and working discipline, scrupulously abide by professional morality, fulfil working obligation seriously, do not get arrogate to oneself to leave working post, must not affront, discrimination, physical punishment perhaps coverts the behavior of physical punishment and other harm student, operating rules etc must not be disobeyed to concern a provision in the job.

When school teaching and administrative staff is versed in in the organization the student enters educational education activity, ought to mix according to the student's age, cognitive ability characteristic of body and mind, have safe education. Discover student behavior has dangerous sex or when the student suffers enroach on, ought to admonish in time, check, protection, when necessary, report public security mechanism is handled.

The seventeenth school ought to active to the parents of student of new enter a school other perhaps guardian understands his healthy circumstance. Have idiosyncrasy the parents of student of special perhaps disease is other perhaps guardian ought to seasonable and written tell the school, the concerns with the disease written data that provides medical establishment of 2 class above to issue to the school; Parents is other perhaps guardian cannot inform because of special situation, can entrust other to inform. Involve student privacy, the school ought to keep secret.

The 18th provides educational education, exercitation and living facilities facilities, ground for the school, student, the article that concerns with etc and student learning and life and the unit beyond the person that take the school of Wu to hold, individual, ought to fulfil each safety to ensure measure, the safety that supplies facilities equipment, article, field and service ought to accord with country and province regulation, wholesome standard.

Inside the school construction work, visiting visit perhaps begins the unit of other activity and individual, ought to abide the safe system of the school, the safety of obedient school manages.

The 19th is encouraged and supportive volunteer assistance does good student to harm an accident to prevent the job about branch and school, protect student person security.

The 3rd chapter harms the responsibility of the accident to maintain

The 20th student harms the responsibility of the accident, ought to the behavior according to relevant party and damage consequence between causal, principle of basis fault responsibility is affirmatory. Law, code has a regulation additionally, set from its.

The 21st student that causes because of one of following scenario harms an accident, the school ought to assume legal responsibility:

(one) the school did not fulfill what law, code, regulations sets duty with this byelaw;

(2) labour disobeys school teaching and administrative staff this byelaw sets the 16th times;

(3) the other state that law, code rules to the school ought to assume legal responsibility.

The 22nd student that causes because of one of following scenario harms an accident, school behavior is not had undeserved, do not assume legal responsibility:

(one) the student goes to school in proper motion, classes are over, happen in road of return to school after the vacation, leave school;

(2) during the student is teaching education activity, do sth without authorization leaves area of educational education activity, the school all has gone to those who manage obligation;

(3) the student is in during be not educational education activity, do sth without authorization is entered school during perhaps staying in the school by oneself, happen;

(4) the student has idiosyncrasy, special disease, its guardian is not written tell the school, and the school knows hard again;

(5) during the student is teaching education activity and the school building that the school has administrative responsibility, field, other education breaks out a disease inside education establishment, living facilities, the school takes deliverance step already in time;

(6) the student because oneself reason mutual perhaps the fault between brings about harm to perhaps die;

(7) will teach oneself the enroach on of paroxysmal, abiogenesis sex of outside school ministry to cause;

(8) the sports that perhaps has risk sex in antagonism perhaps produces accident harm in agonistic activity;

(9) law, code rules the other state that ought not to assume legal responsibility by the school.

The 23rd student that causes because of one of following scenario harms an accident, the school has fulfilled obligation of education, management, protection, student or its guardian ought to assume legal responsibility:

(one) student the regulation of lawbreaking, code, violate the regulations system that * communal code of conduct, school makes lawfully, discipline, carried out the behavior that by its the age, cognitive ability ought to know to the likelihood endangers oneself and other person security;

(2) student behavior has dangerous sex, the school all already admonished, check wait for obligation, but student refus does not correct;

(3) know perfectly well a student to have idiosyncrasy, special disease, but not seasonable and written tell the school;

(4) body state of the student, behavior, mood have unusual case, other perhaps guardian knows father and mother or ought to know but did not fulfil corresponding custody obligation;

(5) law, code provides a student or the other state that its guardian ought to assume legal responsibility.

The 24th causes a student to harm an accident because of the tort of the 3rd person beyond the school and student, assume legal responsibility by the 3rd person. The school has not of the fault of relevant obligation inside act limits, additional liability to pay compensation is assumed inside the limits that can check in its or ought to prevent to damage.

Unit of the 25th exercitation perhaps offers the operator of facilities facilities, field, vehicle, food and Wu of other goods kimono to the school, student, or the mobile organizer beyond the school causes a student to harm an accident because of fault, ought to assume legal responsibility. The school has fault, also ought to assume legal responsibility.

The 4th chapter harms the processing of the accident

The 26th produces a student to harm an accident, the school ought to take deliverance step instantly, will suffer harm student nearby to send medical establishment to undertake cure, protect trouble spot, conserve relevant evidence, inform student father and mother of in time other perhaps guardian and insurance company.

Medical establishment ought to organize rescue and cure in time to getting harm student, must not refuse, shuffle is protracted perhaps.

The 27th produces a student to harm an accident, the school ought to teach service and concerned department report in 24 hours of introversion. Belong to great student to harm an accident, the school ought to reach concerned department report to educational service instantly. After educational service reachs concerned branch to receive the school to report, ought to report to government of the people that be the same as class and service of education of on one level instantly.

Produce accident of illegal crime activity, traffic and the situation such as occurrence bromatoxism, contagion epidemic situation, the school ought to report instantly according to concerned regulation the branch such as public security, sanitation. After waiting for a branch to receive a report, public security, sanitation ought to organize personnel to undertake investigating handling according to the regulation. The epidemic situation of unidentified to group sex reason, toxic wait for case, the school ought to the requirement according to door of Ministry of Public Health, fulfil lawfully prevent accuse measure.

The 28th produces a student to harm an accident, the school ought to organize investigation in time to handle, inform insurance company is participated in; The school cannot investigate processing, by education service organization investigates processing. Produce great student to harm an accident, organize education, public security, wholesome, safe production to supervise by government of school seat people wait for a branch to comprise associated board of inquiry to undertake the accident is investigated, since the day that produces in the accident the accident puts forward to investigate processing opinion inside 30 days. Law, code has a regulation additionally, set from its.

Other perhaps guardian can play the father and mother that gets harm student the investigation processing of student harm accident, student of understanding having right hurts accident and condition of relevant investigation processing, the school reachs concerned branch to ought to be informed according to the facts.

The 29th harms the civil compensation item of the accident to the student, party can negotiate processing of one's own accord, perhaps teach the branch such as administration to apply for to mediate to school seat, also can apply for lawfully arbitrate or to lodge a complaint.

Thirtieth after the branch such as educational administration receives mediation to apply for, ought to assign person specially assigned for a task is responsible, the society such as personnel of servive routine of expert of other student parent, law, community can invite to attend about field staff when mediation, listen to their proposal, opinion.

The end inside 60 days is mediated since the day that teachs the branch such as administration to ought to receive mediation to apply for oneself. Party reachs unanimous opinion, ought to sign intercessory agreement; Mediation won'ts do, or party to lodge a complaint, people court already experienced run, ought to stop mediation. Mediation ends or stop, the branch such as educational administration ought to written announcement party.

Via mediating reached agreement, party nonperformance perhaps goes back on his word, can lawfully to lodge a complaint.

The investigation that an any units do not get obstruct, interference to harm an accident to undertake to the student lawfully with the individual handles thirtieth, must not insult, beat up, threaten school teaching and administrative staff labour, student, do not get the embezzlement, education education that mars the school, life to serve facilities facilities and other property, must not disturb the school teachs education order normally.

The day that 2 schools ought to end from harm trouble removal rises thirtieth 30 days inside face book of trouble removal result its the sectional report such as seat education administration; Great student hurts the processing result of the accident, 15 days of introversion since the day that the branch such as administration of school seat education ought to end from harm trouble removal are the same as class people government and report of department of on one class.

The 5th chapter harms the damages of the accident

3 students harm thirtieth the responsibility person of the accident, the student that ought to kill to getting hurt according to fault degree offers compensation.

Party all does not have fault, can according to actual condition, according to fair principle, partake appropriately by party pecuniary loss.

The responsibility person of student harm accident is not assumed solve the registered permanent residence that gets harm student and its relative migratory, building is allocated, the job brings the matters concerned that waits to harm an accident to have nothing to do with the student into play.

The limits of expenses of damages of accident of 4 students harm mixes thirtieth standard, according to country and province concern a provision, the particular case according to the accident is affirmatory.

Thirtieth is versed in 5 times the student is caused to harm an accident in performing a job because of school teaching and administrative staff, after the school assumes liability to pay compensation, can undertake chasing after countervail to the responsibility person that has intended significant perhaps unpremeditated crime.

6 students are thirtieth safeguard country, collective or of other close right increase and be harmed, assume liability to pay compensation by enroach on person. Without enroach on person, cannot define enroach on person or enroach on person did not recoup capability, relevant beneficiary beneficiary ought to be in be benefited proper economy offers compensation to its inside limits.

7 governments ought to organize thirtieth square responsibility of school of accident of harm of school conduction student is safe, insurance expenses pays as a whole by province finance.

When the indemnity that the school that runs when the government ought to assume lawfully is more than the indemnity with school square safe responsibility, its balance school assumes inconvenient, grant appropriate allowance by local finance.

Thirtieth prohibits 8 times using school square liability insurance premium to student apportion.

Encourage and encourage student father and mother other perhaps guardian deals with accident injury insurance for the student.

Responsibility of law of the 6th art of composition

9 schools have thirtieth one of following scenario, by educational service other perhaps concerned department is in charge of personnel and personnel of other and direct responsibility to give disciplinary sanction to what be in charge of directly; Make crime, investigate criminal duty lawfully:

(one) precautionary measures of accident of harm of disorder of diseased, management, student does not implement safety management system, via concerning a branch to supervise and urge deadline is corrected and exceed the time limit did not change;

(2) education of other perhaps education, life serves school building hidden danger of safety of facilities facilities existence, take step not in time;

(3) the student that produce harms an accident, the school has main responsibility and the clue is serious;

(4) after the student harms accident happening, adopt measure of relieve a sick or injured person not in time to bring about those who damage accentuation;

(5) hide the truth from what newspaper, delay signs up for or student of give false information harms an accident;

(6) refuse, the investigation of accident of obstruct student harm, perhaps provide false case, those who conceal factual * .

Teaching and administrative staff of the 40th school is versed in to the student harm accident has responsibility, educational service or the school ought to give criticism is taught or disciplinary sanction, the clue is serious, can give lawfully dismiss; Make crime, investigate criminal duty lawfully.

The 41st student harms an accident to have responsibility to the student, the regulation that the school can administer according to one's status as a student gives corresponding disciplinary action.

The 42nd party and the processing that other concerned personnel harms an accident to the student have one of following state, educational service is other perhaps concerned branch ought to give in time check, cause losing, ought to compensate for lawfully; Form those who disobey public security management to penalize behaviour, handle lawfully by public security mechanism; Make crime, investigate criminal duty lawfully:

(one) affront, beat up, threaten school teaching and administrative staff of labour, student;

(2) embezzlement, mar the school to teach education, life to serve facilities facilities and other property;

(3) disturbed school teachs education order normally.

Other perhaps concerned department did not perform service of the 43rd education corresponding duty, the happening that harms an accident to the student has responsibility, perhaps investigate in student harm accident the misuse of authority in processing, derelict, to the director that is in charge of directly personnel and personnel of other and direct responsibility are in an unit by its upper perhaps body gives administration or disciplinary treatment; Make crime, investigate criminal duty lawfully.

Supplementary articles of the 7th chapter

The meaning of following choice of words is this the 44th byelaw:

(one) middle and primary school is unripe, it is to point to in the country or the elementary school of the full-time that social force holds lawfully, elementary middle school, high middle school, of all kinds secondary vocational school gets pedagogue and the secondary education level that read in other school full-time with respect to what read suffer pedagogue;

(2) labour of teaching and administrative staff, it is the other worker that points to the president, teacher and school;

(3) the hold person of the school, it is to show the people government that runs the school, industry is in charge of the contributive person of branch and school of run by the local people;

(4) during teaching education activity, it is to point to during the related to educational education activity inside school, lodge during making a student lodge, and during the school organizes the outside school activity of arrangement;

(5) person harm, it is to point to death, limbs deformity, organize obstacle of function of organ, spirit, affect the loss of person health with etc;

(6) great student harms an accident, it is to point to produce a student to die one person above, perhaps hurt two people above again, and sex of collective of 3 people above accepts harm event.

The person with the strange middle and primary school in the orgnaization of outside school education such as the children in the 45th nursery school and Children's Palace harms the precaution of the accident and processing, can consult this byelaw is carried out.

This the 46th rules applies since March 1, 2007.

2, how does middle and primary school give birth to safe education to answer campus ride roughshod over a few?

In education of unripe safety of middle and primary school, strengthen broad student to increase turn over campus ride roughshod over, portraying atmosphere of nice school yard is very important, answer campus ride roughshod over, want to realize campus ride roughshod over is rough stuff above all, it is a mistake and flagrant. Of massive to life manages and arising in the heart harm.

2 it is to should encounter campus ride roughshod over, want to report for duty in time, seek logical way to solve

3, the importance of safe education and meaning?

Beginning safety to teach a meaning is: The health that is helpful for adolescent grows. Of social environment purify. Be helpful for enhancing the sense of urgency of various and of all kinds school, sense of responsibility.

Safe education purpose is: 1. Education student becomes eligible, law-abiding citizen; 2. Teach a student to learn to protect oneself and another person with legal weapon; 3. Learn more safety to be on guard knowledge, learn ego help somebody in danger or difficulty.

4, does safety teach pupil on the weekend?

1, abide by highway code, take strict precautions against traffic accident to happen. Requirement classmates should abide by traffic regulation self-consciously, notice a path is safe. Forbidden the children under 12 one full year of life rides a bicycle start off, forbidden let minor or carry with autocycle without card personnel, also do not take the motor vehicle that do not have card without the card or overloads. If want to go out, must the parent is accompanied. Do not go up in the driveway (edge) play, fight noisely, play a ball game. Cross a driveway to take zebra route, footbridge, accomplish red light to stop, green light goes. Do not chase after a car to gather up car, be absent the amuse oneself of a sector of an area with the complex, concentrated traffic in the village. When taking a car, do not take combustible explode easily wait for danger to taste get on a car.

2, educational student classeses are over should come home on time, arrive not early midday school, want commonly 13: 40 just arrive later school, the parent is received send the place that should provide in the school to wait, do not answer to be car place at the door school.

3, notice dietetic hygiene, insist to exercise. Not random snack, do not buy 3 without the product, do not eat not squashy or corroded thing. Notice dietetic hygiene, anteprandial should wash his hands, eat melon and fruit raw to want abluent, do not drink unboiled water, do not eat cankered and degenerative food to wait, prevent bromatoxism. Should accomplish " eat cooked food, wash relieve oneself, drink water more " , prevent get ill by the mouth. If discover calorific, vomiting, have a headache, the phenomenon such as diarrhoea tells the parent in time, timely seek medical advice, precaution " flu, shed head, cholera " the happening that waits for contagion. Look not for long TV and employ computer, the attention uses eye sanitation, prevent myopia.

4, notice ego protects: Discretion makes friend, do not go up to come and go for the young young person of against the law with the society, go out need to ask for those who get the parent to agree, inform parent journey, do not want optional and outer pass the night. Do not chat with stranger at will, do not accept the money other people of stranger, toy, provision. Prevent by abduct. Encounter sudden incident to contact or be dialed in time with family appeal phone. Fire alarm 119, public security cries for help 110, hospital 120.

5, notice outdoor activity safety is less than amuse oneself of region of building site, without fixed duties. Do not climb climb high low, be far from wall of dangerous house, danger, do not play dangerous game. Note fire prevention, do not carry kindling to enter forest zone, public, campus to wait, do not participate in fire fighting, produce fire to answer to adult ask for help, call the police. Do not arrive alone by the side of water amuse oneself, fishing, wash one's hands, should not swim more, every classmate should treasure life, not privately enters the water help a person, if discover exceptional student,go the parent that dabble should tell in time or teacher.
