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qì tūn shān hé




元 金仁杰《追韩信》第二折:“背楚投江,气吞山河,知音未遇,弹琴空歌。”











发音:dì dà wù bó


博:丰富。 指国家疆土辽阔,资源丰富。











别有洞天 【拼音】: bié yǒu dòng tiān 【解释】: 洞中另有一个天地。形容风景奇特,引人入胜。 【出处】: 唐·李白《山中问答》诗:“桃花流水窅然去,别有天地非人间。” 【举例造句】: 各处尽是画栋雕梁,珠帘绮户,那派艳丽光景,竟是别有洞天。 ★清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第九十八回


鬼斧神工 【解释】:像是鬼神制作出来的。形容艺术技巧高超,不是人力所能达到的。 【出自】:《庄子·达生》:“梓庆削木为鐻,鐻成,见者惊忧鬼神。” 【示例】:这种编织技术,给人以“浪漫主义手法”、“~”的印象。 ◎秦牧《巧匠和竹》 例句 其工程之大,工艺之精,真所谓~,不可思议。


别有天地 [ bié yǒu tiān dì ] 基本解释 天地:境界。比喻另有一番境界。










飞鸟依人 依:依恋.飞来的小鸟依偎在人的身边.比喻依附权贵.亦比喻小孩、少女娇小柔顺,可亲可受的情态.闻鸡起舞 听到鸡叫就起来舞剑.后比喻有志报国的人及时奋起.牛郎织女 从牵牛星与织女星演化而来的神话故事里的主人公,每年七月七日在鹊桥相会.现比喻分居两地的夫妻 对牛弹琴 讥笑听话的人不懂对方说得是什么.用以讥笑说话的人不看对象.汗牛充栋 栋:栋宇,屋子.书运输时牛累得出汗,存放时可堆至屋顶.形容藏书非常多.照猫画虎 比喻照着样子模仿.动如脱兔 比喻行动敏捷.马上看花 指粗略行事,走马看花 伯乐相马 伯乐:相传为秦穆公时的人,姓孙名阳,善相马.指个人或集体发现、推荐、培养和使用人才的人.汗马功劳 汗马:将士骑的马奔驰出汗,比喻征战劳苦.指在战场上建立战功.现指辛勤工作做出的贡献.人欢马叫 人在呼喊,马在嘶鸣.形容一片喧闹声.一马当先 原指作战时策马冲锋在前.形容领先.也比喻工作走在群众前面,积极带头 马放南山 比喻天下太平,不再用兵.现形容思想麻痹.亡羊补牢 亡:逃亡,丢失;牢:关牲口的圈.羊逃跑了再去修补羊圈,还不算晚.比喻出了问题以后想办法补救,可以防止继续受损


1.鬼斧神工[guǐ fǔ shén gōng ]:形容建筑、雕塑等技艺的精巧。

2.巧夺天工[qiǎo duó tiān gōng ]:专指精巧的人工胜过天然,形容技艺极其精巧。

3.沧海桑田[cāng hǎi sāng tián ]:沧海,大海;桑田,种桑树的地;泛指农田。意思是大海变成农田;农田变成大海。比喻人世间事物变化极大,或者变化较快。

4.琼楼玉宇[qióng lóu yù yǔ ]:美玉;宇:房屋。指月中宫殿,仙界楼台。也形容富丽堂皇的建筑物。

5.天造地设[tiān zào dì shè ]:事物自然形成,合乎理想,不必再加工。









景色优美的成语 :山清水秀、姹紫嫣红、鸟语花香、




















One, the idiom that describes nature shock?

Idiom should be imbued with a spirit that can conquer mountains and rivers

Imbued with a spirit that can conquer mountains and rivers


é of N H of ā of N Sh of ū of Q ì T


Imposing manner can swallow high mountain and great river. Appearance imposing manner, boldness of vision is very big.


Yuan Jinren outstanding " chase after Han Xin " the 2nd fold: "Back Hunan is cast river, imbued with a spirit that can conquer mountains and rivers, bosom friend was not encountered, play musical instrument empty song. Play musical instrument empty song..


Imbued with a spirit that can conquer mountains and rivers advocate call type; Make predicate, attribute; Contain commendatory.

Give typical examples:

This person, not be to lower his head to heave a sigh in difficulty, go all out to become strong however, lofty ideal reach the clouds, imbued with a spirit that can conquer mountains and rivers.

2, the idiom with appearance nature rich species?

Answer: Describe the idiom with nature rich species:

1. vast territory and abundant resources, 2. Content Hua Tianbao,

What 3. takes is endless those who use not exhaust, 4. Use not exhaust.

Patulous data:

Vast territory and abundant resources explains in detail

Pronunciation: ó of B of ù of W of à of D ì D


Rich: Rich. Show national territory is extensive, resourceful.


Clear · Li Baojia " official circles reveal one's true features writes down " : "Because of Changjiang Delta vast territory and abundant resources; Appoint is very much; Big blame fastens a province to be able to be compared. Big blame fastens a province to be able to be compared..

Illustrative sentence:

Western region a big country abounding in natural wealth, develop urgently, be over there is well worth doing.

Close justice:

Wide person of ground of with a vast territory is rare unrestrained and far -ranging

Turn over justice:

The ground of the ground buy awl of corner of a tiny area

3, the idiom with appearance nature peculiar scenery?


See a new world [phoneticize] : N of ā of Ng Ti of ò of U D of ǒ of Bi é Y [explain] : In the hole have a scope of operation additionally. Appearance scenery is peculiar, fascinating. [provenance] : Don Libai " the interlocution in hill " poetic: ? A place of unique scenery of? of locust of of  of one  Liang is not scar the world. " [citing sentence-making] : All draw a vulture bridge everywhere, bead shade figured woven silk material door, that sends gorgeous about, it is to see a new world unexpectedly. Li Ruzhen of ★ clear · " lens spends a predestined relationship " the 98th


Uncanny workmanship [explain] : ? Manpower can not achieve hawk of Qiao of chart of Duo of Qia gun Fu blows Qiong of account of copy P firm Wan to write down the? that sift Chi. [out] : ? Crouch  to imprint? of  of ご the blade of a sword " catalpa celebrate cut wood to be Zuo , Zuo is become, ghosts and gods of care of Jing of the person that see. " [give typical examples] : ? ? of border of  of hut straight Di gives a person with " romanticism gimmick " , " ~ " impression. ◎ Qin Mu " artificer and bamboo " illustrative sentence of its project big, the essence of craft, really alleged ~ , mysterious.


A place of unique scenery [ì of N D of ā of U Ti of ǒ of Bi é Y] : of fundamental explanation heaven and earth? Does 1 of celestial bodies Yun throw Yun of celestial bodies of  of annulus of condyle moraine favour?

4, with what idiom is the classic of nature described?

Depict hill: Heavy hill rows of mountains, high mountain ridges, cliff, continuous rise and fall, ridges and peaks stand upright of grand, Wei Feng

Depict water: Dash along, cereal of billow of sky of platoon of billow of bold and flowing, surging forward with great momentum, a situation full of danger, chaotic, wave crest

Depict landscape: Depend on each other of green water of the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, picturesque scenery, green hills and clear waters-picturesque scenery, green hill, landscape, landscape is monochromatic

Spring the idiom of the scenery: Charactizing a fine spring day, let a hundred flowers blossom, full garden of numerous Hua Shijin, pink Liu Lu, spring scenery, the awaken of spring is abundant

Summer the idiom of the scenery: High above in the sky of person of broil of person of evaporate of sorching of scorching, streaming with sweat, burning sun, summer heat, heat wave, burning sun

The idiom of autumnal scenery: Dry,crisp air of autumn, orange osmanthus waves weak, red autumnal leaves is like sweet, Tian Gaoyun fire, Jin Feng sends bright, great achievements again and again

The idiom of winter landscape: The coldest days of the year, algidity heavy snow of aspic of ground of threatening, a world of ice and snow, Tian Han, dripping water freezes, goose feather

5, the idiom that describes nature and animal and in the company of?

Flyer depends on according to the person: Attaching. The birdie that flies leans close beside the person's. The analogy depends on influential officials. Also compare child, girl petite and complaisant, accessibly the spirit that can get. Hear the dance since chicken to hear chicken to make rise perform a sword-dance. The analogy has the person that annals dedicates oneself to the service of his motherland to rise in time after. The hero in the fairy tale that cowboy Girl Weaver comes to from Altair and Vega evolution, will encounter every year in magpie bridge on July 7. Show an analogy to live apart what is the choose the wrong audience of husband and wife of two ground laughs at obedient person not to know the other side to say. In order to laughs at talker not to see a boy or girl friend. An immense number of books: Eaves, house. The ox when the book is carried is so tired that the ox when the book is carried perspire, when depositing, can pile to housetop. Appearance collects books very much. Analogy of draw a tiger with a cat as a model-copy is imitated according to appearance. If take off hare to compare the action,move nimble. See a flower point to rough act immediately, xiang Mabai of Baile of gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation is happy: According to legend is the person when Qin Mu is fair, surname Sun Mingyang, horse of photograph of be apt to. Point to an individual or collective discovery, recommend, education and the person of use talent. Horse of sweat of one's contributions in work: The horse that officers and soldiers rides runs quickly perspire, figurative go on an expedition is careladen. Point to meritorious military service is established on battlefield. Show the contribution that points to plod to make. Person of people bustling and horses neighing-a busy is exclaiming, the horse cries in hoarse. Describe a Bacchic sound. Take the lead shows assault of horse of the plan when fighting is advanced formerly. Appearance is banner. Also compare the job to go in front of masses, take a hill austral Ma Fang actively to compare the world peace and tranquility, no longer resort to arms. Thought of look of reveal one's true features is paralytic. Mend the fold after a sheep is lost dies: Fugitive, missing; Firm: Involve the group of draught animals. The sheep escaped go repairing sheep pen again, not late still. The analogy gave a problem to think method remedies later, can continue in order to prevent to be damaged

6, what does the phenomenal idiom with appearance mystical nature have?

1. uncanny workmanship [Ng]: of ō of N G of é of Sh of ǔ of Gu ǐ F? Does Nai of Ge of ⒌ of  of firm beanstalk ㄖ light umbrella of  of wood of domestic small cup?

2. wonderful artical excelling nature [Ng]: of ō of N G of ā of Ti of ó of Qi ǎ O Du? Is ㄖ Fu  foolish graceful this does firm  of bluff of melt of な す  Home Jing occupy  to small piece of land surrounded by water  umbrella?

3. time brings a great change to the worlds [N]: of á of Ng Ti of ā of I S of ǎ of C ā Ng H? Brown of annulus of stand upright of male of Jian of J of childish of  of Zheng of L of reed of # of Mie of compose #  without exception Mie of gauze of Su of file of confused ┨ of Zheng of ┨ of board of Su of 1 of Mie of Qian of border of Jin of ┨ Sha R!

4. Lou Yuyu fining jade [ǔ of Y of ù of U Y of ó of Qi ó Ng L] : ?

5. created by nature [è of Sh of ì of O D of à of Ti ā N Z] : ? Does divinatory symbols of pagoda tree of  of octogenarian of Dong of Bao of shrimp of  of mulberry of abb of suddenly of divide evenly of contraction an ancient unit of weight need so ぁ ?

7, the idiom that describes the magical sentence with demiurgic nature?

Describe the magical sentence with demiurgic nature

2. goes along the gorge scenery line of brook establishing mist, seeing place reach all is the scene such as the cave channel with cliff bluff continuous and labyrinthian gorge, tourist all without exception gasps in admiration demiurgic person uncanny workmanship.

Sea of 3. this stone is formed at millions upon millions years before, classics harships and ocean current are strong, natural and fruity, 1000 form extremely, uncanny workmanship.

The hill of 4. two sides cuts axe to chop like the knife general, the cockle of all sorts of uncanny workmanship on hill body is layer upon layer the landforms with peculiar and clinking load one's writing with fancy phrases, make a person dazzling.

The west lake in 5. rain, see drizzle falls in the west lake only, like incomputable argent silk thread practice had sky and lake water, gave out the sound of rustle, resembling is who is being sung quickly.

6. has a good swim great river north and south, the uncanny workmanship of eye shot nature. Step jump over 1000 hill 10 thousand water, appreciate earthly appearance 1000 appearance 100 condition. Gallop prairie oasis, enjoy 100 flowers 1000 flower are gorgeous and balmy. World tourism day arrives, wish friend joy acts!

8, what does the idiom of the good scene that describes nature have?

The idiom with beautiful scenery: Picturesque scenery, very beautiful flowers, charactizing a fine spring day,

The natural beauty of lakes and mountains, Chun Nuanhua leaves,

Water day monochromatic, a variety of colour, let a hundred flowers blossom, the awaken of spring is abundant,

Green hill green water, numerous Hua Shijin, careless long warbler flies,

Spring Tsinghua of wood of He Jingming, beautiful red Liu Lu, lush and green, water,

Spring scenery full garden, bouquets of flowers and piles of silks-rich multicolored decoration, 100 flowers are contended for colourful,

Peach blossom of green meaning of person of spring scenery hold up, colourful, red affection, Chun Shanru laugh, a scene of prosperity, dry,crisp air of autumn, a haven of peace, running water, spring be like rows of mountains of the sea, multicoloured, heavy hill greatly

9, the idiom that embraces nature?

Relaxed and happy, stretch to the horizon, boundless,

10, the idiom of concerned nature?

Charactizing a fine spring day

Picturesque scenery

A variety of colour

The natural beauty of lakes and mountains

Very beautiful flowers

Let a hundred flowers blossom

Chun Nuanhua leaves

Careless long warbler flies

Wind He Rili

下一篇:固原旅游环线怎么走? 固原旅游十大景点?英文双语对照