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前天去株洲玩了一天。我们从长沙坐火车到株洲,非常近,11块钱一个人的票价,30+分钟的样子。不推荐坐高铁,因为感觉高铁站比较偏。但是高铁比较快啦,15分钟就可以到了。如果你是长沙本地人的话,其实我并不是很建议你提前很久买票。因为从长沙到株洲的车次特别的多。几乎每个小时都有几辆车。比如说今天我是买的八点钟的票,我从铁道学院出发,然后坐地铁到达火车站,大约是一个小时,但是我到达的时候是提早了的。所以说你可以在快要到达火车站的时候再买票,这样的话可以节省你的时间。然后回去的时候也是一样的,所以我回去的时候就没有再提前买票了,而是到达火车站附近以后就购买最近一次车票。回到正题。我们到了株洲以后先是去了神农公园。路线的话,是从火车站出发导航走过去的,沿着湘江(沿江中路)一直走的话是可以走到图片发的这个地方,就是到了神农公园了。大概要走十多分钟,有三公里的样子。神农公园的话,它里面有一个神农殿。里面有一个很大的湖,然后其他的话就和平常的公园没有什么太大的区别了,它里面是有小山的。其实如果你不是特别想要去看一下这个神农殿的话,不是很推荐你去这个地方的。因为它和普通的公园大同小异,如果你是从很远的地方过来的话,我认为是没有必要来的。因为毕竟炎帝陵和神农谷都是在炎陵那一边,你如果去这两个地方的话,会更加的好玩一些。虽然炎陵是属于株洲的,但是它事实上离株洲市有一点距离,一般来说我们会从衡阳或者是永州去炎陵。所以我们当时是取消了去炎陵的计划了。从株洲去炎陵的话,应该是要四个小时。从衡阳或者是永州去炎陵的话,有直达的火车。这些照片是一个花店。从神农公园的门(建设中路)出来以后走一点点远就可以看见它了。这个花店首先是比较的大,然后它里面卖的花束也是相对来说比较的便宜。环境真的特别好,你可以在里面坐一下。从花店出来以后,我们是一直往前(回)走,然后就走到了王府井的附近。去吃了小红书上推荐的一家店,叫做元气食堂。这家店真的是非常的难找。你首先要从王府井的那条巷子里面,边上那条巷子里面进去。然后经过一个美特斯邦威。然后你会看到株洲的书城,在株洲书城的对面的那一条街,上坡的那一条街上,你会看到一个宠物店的招牌,这家店就在宠物店的对面。其实这家店的菜是真的还可以的。分量的话稍微的有一点小,但是我觉得女生的话是足够的。但是那个薯条的话对我来说是真的少,一个薯条爱好者的独白。然后价格的话,我觉得稍微偏高了一点点,但是还是可以接受吧,毕竟这个味道还是可以的。这家店的话是比较的小吧,然后如果真的很多人的话,确实是需要稍微排一下队。 本来是想去仙庾古庙的,但是等了差不多半小时的公交车都没有,然后刚好路过了一辆去醴陵的车就上了。20块钱一个人的票,40分钟到。如果你们有两个人以上的话推荐你们打滴滴,滴滴也是这么多的价格,还没有那么辛苦 ?( ?? ? ? ?)?这是博物馆里面的样子,有介绍全世界各地的陶瓷的发展和各地的陶瓷展品。如果你们想看那些考古挖出来的那种古代陶瓷的话就要去买票去看了,那个展是额外需要付门票的。我们看的这个是免费的,展品比较少。出售的陶瓷制品,总之就是,非常非常精美,当然价格也非常贵贵贵啦。我的小伙伴不小心撞了一下桌子把上面摆着的瓷器震了都吓死了(?????)っ白花花的软妹币_(:з」∠)_其实里面也有一些比较便宜的杯子啥的,而且做工精良(?? . ??)喜欢收集小杯子的小伙伴可以考虑入手啦这个博物馆的外观,不得不说一下这个博物馆外形很有设计感,博物馆里面是围绕着向上的设计,边走边上,等你看完展的时候就已经到达楼顶了。而且这边视野开阔,有很多放风筝的小朋友。瓷谷隔壁的一条街,也是卖陶瓷制品的吧,但是我们今天去的时候还在建设,只有一个店开门了。建筑风格是仿古的,应该建成以后挺好看的。瓷谷里面的一个书店,书店里面提供饮品和食物,消费了的话可以在里面的沙发上坐的。当然啦,如果不消费也是可以看书的,只是休息的地方就有小板凳啦_?(:3っ )っ


Go the day before yesterday individual plant continent played one day. We arrive by train from Changsha individual plant continent, very close, 11 money one the individual's fare, appearance of 30+ minutes. Do not recommend sit Gao Tie, because feel tall iron,the station slants quite. But Gao Tie is faster, 15 minutes can arrive. If you are Changsha native, actually I am not very suggest you shift to an earlier date very long buy a ticket. Because arrive from Changsha many the number of individual plant continent is extraordinary. Almost every hour has a few cars. For example I am the bought ticket 8 o'clock today, I set out from railroad institute, reach a railway station by subway next, it is a hour about, but in advance is when I arrive. Say you can buy a ticket again when be about to reach a railway station so, such word can save your time. When going back next, also be same, the ticket was not bought ahead of schedule again when so I go back, arrive however buy later near the railway station recently ticket. Return subject. We arrived after individual plant continent was to go to divine farming park first. The word of the course, from the railway station navigation setting out goes by, along Hunan river (along Jiang Zhonglu) this place that can take a picture to send is if going all the time, went to divine farming park namely. Big essentials goes more than 10 minutes, have the look of 3 kilometers. The word of divine farming park, there is hall of a divine farming inside it. There is a very big lake inside, next other words do not have the distinction with too big what with common park, there is rise inside it. If you are not special,want to see the word of hall of this divine farming actually, either very recommend you to go to this place. Because of it and common park very much the same, if you are the word that comes over from very far place, I consider as what not was necessary to come. Because phlogistic after all Di Ling is mixed,divine farming cereal is in phlogistic hill beyond, if you go to these two places if, meeting more a few more amused. Although phlogistic hill belongs to individual plant continent, but it leaves city of individual plant continent to have a bit space in fact, generally speaking our meeting Cong Hengyang or always the city goes phlogistic hill. So we at that time is to cancel to go the plan of phlogistic hill. From individual plant continent go the word of phlogistic hill, should be to want 4 hours. Cong Hengyang or always the city goes the word of phlogistic hill, have nonstop train. These photographs are a beautiful inn. From the god farming the door of the park (the road in construction) little goes after coming out far can see it. This beautiful inn is relative above all big, the bouquet that sells inside it next also is opposite for relative petty gain. The environment is particularly good really, you can sit inside. After coming out from beautiful inn, we are all the time forth (time) go, walked along well of king government office next around. Went having a store that recommends on little red book, call vigour the dining room. This inn is exceedingly difficult really search. You want that alley from well of king government office above all child inside, that alley on the edge child inside go in. Pass a beautiful Tesibangwei next. Next the book wall that you can see individual plant continent, that one street that is opposite of city of book of individual plant continent, on that one uphill street, you can see the shop sign of shop of a pet, this inn is opposite of pet shop. Actually the dish of this inn is possible still really. The word of heft a little have a bit small, but I feel the schoolgirl's word is enough. But that potato if it is little really to me, a potato the monologize of lover. Next the word of the price, I feel a little on the high side little, but still can be accepted, after all this flavour is possible still. The word of this inn is relative small, be like next fruit is very much really the person's word, it is to need to discharge a team a little really. It is to want to go originally of celestial being Gu Miao aning enclosure for storing grain, but waited about the same bus of half hours is done not have, next just transient one goes sweeting wine the car of hill went up. 20 money one the individual's ticket, 40 minutes arrive. If you have the word of two individual above to recommend you to hit,drip, drop drop also is so much price, don't still have so painstaking? (? ? ? ? ? ) ? This is the appearance inside museum, have the exhibit of pottery and porcelain of the development of the pottery and porcelain that introduces whole world each district and each district. If you think those who come to see those archaeology gouge,the word of the sort of ancient time pottery and porcelain is about to buy a ticket to looked, additional need pays entrance ticket that is exhibited. We look this is free, item on display is less. The ceramic that sell, anyhow is, very special and elegant, of course the price special also Gui Guigui. Did my young associate hit a table not carefully above the china shake that placing frighten (dead? ? ? ? ? ) っ _(: of shining white money of soft younger sister? Tong Geng?_ actually inside also a few compare cheap cup what, and is charge for the making of sth. excellent (? ? . ? ? ) the young associate that likes to collect small cup can consider take as the point of departure the exterior of this museum, must say this museum appearance has design feeling very much, it is inside museum around move up design, the edge takes a side, the building has arrived to support when waiting for you to look to exhibit. And here eye shot is open, have the child of a lot of fly a kite. A street next door porcelain cereal, also be sell ceramic, but when we go today, still building, only an inn opened the door. Building a style is archaize, after should building, hold out good-looking. A bookshop inside porcelain cereal, drink and food are provided inside the bookshop, consumed word can sit on the sofa inside. Of course, if be not consumed,also can read a book, does the place that just rests have platelet bench _ ? (: ? Grow deceive? っ

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