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电子宠物机怎么玩? 蛋仔电子宠物机怎么玩?英文双语对照


电子宠物机怎么玩? 蛋仔电子宠物机怎么玩?英文双语对照


  A菜单选择,B确定,C返回。不知道这么多月你弄懂了没,小学我玩过。刚启动的时候按a选宠物,b调时间(a调小时,我忘了是b还是c调分钟了。似乎是c键调时间,b键确定)弄好之后c键确定。然后会有音乐和动画,之后你就可以看到宠物了。在默认状态下按b可以切换到时钟,再按一遍会切换回来(请分清默认状态与菜单,默认时除了右下角可能会有一个张着嘴的头像和你的宠物以外什么也没有,可以使用b键返回默认菜单。)。A键可以选择菜单,B键确定,C键返回。 3.第二行倒数第二个是一个小灯泡,可以选择开灯(清醒)或关灯(睡觉),需不需要睡在状态 里 有。 4.第一个应该是吃饭,第一个是奶,第二个是米饭,第三个是水。 5.其他的自己探索吧。  注:这是市场上多见的拓麻歌子3的说明,自己摸索着写的。


蛋仔电子宠物机的玩法非常简单和有趣。1. 首先,你需要按照说明书的指导将电子宠物机开启,并放入电池。然后,等待宠物机的开机。2. 一旦宠物机开机,你会看到一个小蛋的形象出现在屏幕上。你的任务是照顾和培养这个小蛋,让它成长。3. 为了让小蛋成长,你需要定期喂食、洗澡和玩耍。按照宠物机的指示,你可以使用按钮或触摸屏幕与小蛋进行交互。4. 当你满足小蛋的需求,并且给予足够的关爱时,它会慢慢成长为一个可爱的小生物,并展现出不同的特点和个性。5. 宠物机还可能有其他的功能,比如可以与其他的宠物机进行互动和交流,或者参加一些小游戏来增加乐趣和挑战性。总之,蛋仔电子宠物机是一款有趣的娱乐产品,通过照顾和培养虚拟的宠物,让你经历到一种独特的互动体验。希望你能享受玩耍的过程,并和你的小蛋宠物建立深厚的情感纽带。




1. 下载并安装游戏应用程序。

2. 打开应用程序,创建自己的账户并登录。

3. 进入游戏主界面,选择“开始游戏”进入游戏。

4. 在游戏中,玩家需要给蛋仔喂食、洗澡、清洁、玩耍等,以保证它的健康和快乐成长。

5. 玩家可以通过游戏中的任务和挑战,获得游戏中的金币和经验值,用于升级蛋仔的属性和解锁新的宠物。

6. 玩家还可以在游戏中与其他玩家互动,分享游戏心得和经验,结交新朋友。




1. 开始游戏:按下电源按钮,屏幕上会出现一个初始状态的宠物。你需要给它取一个名字,并选择一个初始的外观。

2. 照顾宠物:宠物会有各种需求,比如饥饿、口渴、疲劳等。你需要及时满足它的需求,比如喂食、喂水、让它休息等。如果你不满足宠物的需求,它可能会生病或者离开你。

3. 互动游戏:你可以和宠物进行互动游戏,比如玩捉迷藏、玩球等。这些游戏可以增加你和宠物之间的亲密度,同时也可以让宠物保持活力。

4. 成长发展:随着时间的推移,宠物会成长和发展。它会经历不同的成长阶段,外观和需求也会有所变化。你需要根据宠物的成长阶段来调整照顾方式。

5. 交流分享:你可以通过连接其他角落生物电子宠物机或者使用手机应用程序,与其他玩家进行交流和分享。你可以交换宠物、比赛成绩等。




1. 给宠物喂食:在游戏机上选择一种食物,然后将食物放入宠物的饲养箱中,宠物会吃到食物,增加生命值。

2. 锻炼宠物:在游戏机上选择一种锻炼方式,然后宠物会进行相应的锻炼,增加宠物的体力和耐力。

3. 照顾宠物:在游戏机上选择一种照顾方式,如洗澡、梳头、修剪指甲等,宠物会得到相应的关爱,也能获得奖励。

4. 和宠物互动:在游戏机上选择一种互动方式,如讲故事、训练等,宠物会通过互动来学习新的技能。



电子宠物是由电子元件(硬件和软件)构成的电子玩具,现在也指使用电脑或因特网服务器上运行的特定程序。电子宠物具有和真实宠物同样的生命特性。由于具有喂养简单,便携等特性,受到人们的欢迎。 同时电子宠物只能从片面的模仿宠物的部分特征,因此无法取代真实宠物。











3.第二行倒数第二个是一个小灯泡,可以选择开灯(清醒)或关灯(睡觉),需不需要睡在状态 里 有。






  电子宠物是由电子元件(硬件和软件)构成的电子玩具,现在也指使用电脑或因特网服务器上运行的特定程序。电子宠物具有和真实宠物同样的生命特性。由于具有喂养简单,便携等特性,受到人们的欢迎。同时电子宠物只能从片面的模仿宠物的部分特征,因此无法取代真实宠物。  不管是机械宠物也好,还是电子宠物也罢,它们的共同点至少有这样一条:不必担心不小心“死掉”......毕竟它们是没有生命的,“死掉”、报废掉也不是什么非常严重的事情,也许是因为有重来的机会吧?虽然很多人会对电子宠物和机械宠物产生感情。只是,如果真的小动物死掉了的话,可能主人的情绪波动更要大,相比之下应该是因为生命具有唯一性。


One, how does electronic pet machine play?

A menu chooses, b is affirmatory, c is returned. Do not know your lane knew so much month to do not have, I had played elementary school. Pet is chosen by A when just was being started, b moves time (A moves a hour, I forgot is B or C attune minute. It is time of C key air it seems that, b key is affirmatory) C key is affirmatory after do well. Can have music and animation next, you can see pet later. It is OK that B is pressed below acquiescent condition switch arrives clock, come back by meeting switch again (distinguish acquiescent condition and menu please, when acquiesce besides right next horn may have whats are done not have beyond piece of head portrait of a mouth and your pet, can use B key to return acquiescent menu. ) . A key can choose menu, b key is affirmatory, c key is returned. 3. The 2nd penult is a small bulb, can choose the light (sober) or black out (sleep) , need not to need to sleep in condition to have. 4. The first should be to have a meal, the first is a grandma, the 2nd is rice, the 3rd is water. 5. Other him exploration. Note: This is the develop hemp song that sees more on the market child the specification of 3, him gropingly writes.

2, how does machine of pet of egg young electron play?

Of machine of pet of egg young electron play a law to be mixed very simply interesting. 1. Above all, you need the guidance according to the manual open of electronic pet machine, put batteries. Next, those who await pet opportunity switch on the mobile phone. 2. Once pet machine switchs on the mobile phone, you can see the figure of a small egg appears on screen. Your task is take care of and foster this small egg, let it grow. 3. Grow to let small egg, you need to be fed regularly feed, bathe and amuse oneself. According to the directive of pet machine, you can use button or feeling screen and small egg undertake alternant. 4. Satisfy the requirement of small egg when you, and offer adequate care when, it can grow slowly for a lovely little live thing, show a different characteristic and individual character. 5. Pet machine has other functions possibly still, can undertake interact and communicating with other pet machine for instance, perhaps attend a few little game to increase fun and challenge sex. Anyhow, machine of pet of egg young electron is an interesting recreational product, through take care of and fostering fictitious pet, let you experience a kind of unique interactive experience. Hope you can enjoy the process of amuse oneself, establish deep affection tie with your small egg pet.

3, how does the egg raise machine of pocket electron pet to play?

The egg raises chance of pocket electron pet is the mobile phone sport that an imitate raises pet, the player needs to carry the operation in game, take care of the young of fictitious pet egg with him feed, make it healthy grow.

It is the basic measure that enjoys an egg to raise chance of pocket electron pet below:

1.Download and install game application process.

2.Open applied process, establish oneself account and login.

3.Enter game advocate interface, choice " begin game " enter game.

4.In game, player need is fed to egg young feed, bathe, clean, amuse oneself, in order to make sure its health and joy grow.

5.The player can pass the task in game and challenge, obtain the gold coin in game and experience value, use at rising the attribute of class egg young to reconcile to lock up new pet.

6.The player is OK still interact with other player in game, share game result and experience, associate with new friend.

Anyhow, the egg raises chance of pocket electron pet is an absorbing mobile phone game, through taking care of the young of fictitious pet egg with him feed, can let a player loosen body and mind in game, enjoy the fun that raises pet.

4, how does machine of pet of the 6th acting electron play corner live thing?

Corner biology machine of pet of the 6th acting electron is plane of sport of a fictitious pet, play a law to be as follows:

1.Begin game: Press power source pushbutton, the pet of an initiative condition can appear on screen. You need to take a name to it, choose an initiative exterior.

2.Take care of pet: Pet can have all sorts of demand, for instance hungry, thirsty, exhaustion. You need to satisfy its requirement in time, feed for instance feed, hello water, let it rest etc. If you do not satisfy the requirement of pet, it may fall ill or leave you.

3.Interactive game: You can have interactive game with pet, play for instance play hide-and-seek, play a ball to wait. These game can increase the close density between you and pet, also can let pet retain vigor at the same time.

4.Growing development: As the elapse of time, pet can grow and develop. It can experience different growing level, the exterior and demand also can change somewhat. Your need is adjusted according to the growing phase of pet take care of means.

5.Communication shares: You are OK use a program through joining machine of pet of electron of other corner biology perhaps uses a mobile phone, undertake communicate and be sharinged with other player. You can exchange achievement of pet, match to wait.

Anyhow, corner biology machine of pet of the 6th acting electron is the plane of fictitious pet sport that needs to you are taken care of and interact, pass with pet interactive, you can foster a health, happy pet associate.

5, how does plane of electronic pet sport play?

The game means of plane of electronic pet sport each are not identical, basically have the following kinds:

1.Feed to pet feed: A kind of food chooses on sport plane, in raising what food puts pet chest next, pet can eat food, raise life cost.

2.Exercise pet: On sport plane the choice exercises means one kind, next pet can undertake taking exercise accordingly, increase the physical strength of pet and staying power.

3.Take care of pet: On sport plane the choice takes care of means one kind, if bathe, fingernail of do up one's hair, clip, pet can get corresponding care, also can win award.

4.Interact with pet: A kind of interactive way chooses on sport plane, wait like taletelling, training, pet can learn new mastery of a skill or technique through interacting.

6, how does electronic pet play?

In pet machine behind, master switch is pressed after can pulling down do not let go.

Electronic pet is by electronic component (hardware and software) the electronic toy that make, also incite the specific program that use computer or runs on Internet server now. Electronic pet is had and the life with true same pet is characteristic. Because have raise simple, portable wait for character, get the welcome of people. At the same time electronic pet can from the one-sided partial feature that copies pet, because this cannot replace true pet.

7, how does Eva electron pet play?

Calm dot undertakes feeding feeding mixing amuse oneself.

Electronic pet is mixed namely raise true pet about the same, also should decide a dot to feed on electronic equipment feed, calm dot clears excrement and urine, select play of the dog that accompany a dog surely, such pet ability grow bigger more, happy won't dead.

8, how does electronic pet dove play?

Electronic pet dove is a kind of fictitious pet, appreciate law diversity. Above all, you can take a name to it, undertake interacting with it, feed for example feed, bathe, wear the dress to wait.

Next, dove can be mixed according to your care take care of and grow, you can observe its health will whether need to take care of certainly. In addition, you still can participate in all sorts of little game, if fly the match, look for food to wait, will raise you through game between interact and tacit. The most important is to should give it enough love and care, build deep love to it, enjoy the fun that grows together with it.

9, how does pet machine play?

A menu chooses, b is affirmatory, c is returned. Do not know your lane knew so much month to do not have, I had played elementary school. Pet is chosen by A when just was being started, b moves time (< of A attune hour should be 12 hours are made, AM is in the morning PM is afternoon, can choose to be mixed in the morning by A all the time afternoon > , I forgot is B or C attune minute. It is time of C key air it seems that, b key is affirmatory) C key is affirmatory after do well. Can have music and animation next, you can see pet later. It is OK that B is pressed below acquiescent condition switch arrives clock, come back by meeting switch again (distinguish acquiescent condition and menu please, when acquiesce besides right next horn may have whats are done not have beyond piece of head portrait of a mouth and your pet, can use B key to return acquiescent menu. ) . A key can choose menu, b key is affirmatory, c key is returned.

The 2nd the 3rd is pet condition (it is OK to press A form feed) .

The last if piece of head portrait of a mouth appears be state pet became hungry or became aware sleepily or fell ill to wait a moment, can examine pet condition to know it how.

3. the 2nd penult is a small bulb, can choose the light (sober) or black out (sleep) , need not to need to sleep in condition to have.

4. should be the first to have a meal, the first is a grandma, the 2nd is rice, the 3rd is water.

Him exploration with other 5. .

Note: This is the develop hemp song that sees more on the market child the specification of 3, him gropingly writes.

10, how does electronic pet machine switch on the mobile phone?

In pet machine behind, master switch is pressed after can pulling down do not let go.

Electronic pet is by electronic component (hardware and software) the electronic toy that make, also incite the specific program that use computer or runs on Internet server now. Electronic pet is had and the life with true same pet is characteristic. Because have raise simple, portable wait for character, get the welcome of people. At the same time electronic pet can from the one-sided partial feature that copies pet, because this cannot replace true pet. No matter be mechanical pet it may not be a bad idea, still be electronic pet, their common feature has at least such: Need not worry not to take care " die " . . . . . . After all they do not have life, "Die " , discarding as useless also is not the issue with very serious what, be because there is the opportunity that comes again,perhaps? Although a lot of people will be right,electronic pet and mechanical pet produce feeling. Just, if true puppy died, may master mood is fluctuant more want big, because life has uniqueness,should be under photograph comparing.

上一篇:感恩大自然的词? 感恩的句子感恩的句子?英文双语对照