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艺术与非艺术联姻,   天开地阔   艺术与非艺术的跨界,首要的亦是最普遍的,莫过于艺术与商业、时尚的跨界。众所周知,当今社会是一个商品供应远远超出需求的消费型社会,其最显在的表征即是商品的符号价值或象征价值超越其“自然”的使用价值和交换价值而上升为主导价值,消费者对商品的享用不再是一种简单的物欲满足,而是指向某种审美品位和生活方式。于是,商品的外在形式美感与内在文化品味诉求得到前所未有的强调,为此,越来越多的商品生产,尤其是时尚品牌倾向于与艺术联姻,借助于艺术元素的植入而延续自身的品牌文化和提升自身的符号价值。与此同时,受消费文化逻辑的侵蚀,消费主义时代的艺术也已走出“象牙塔”而进入“寻常百姓家”,艺术与生活的界限逐渐被抹平。这表现在:一方面,艺术日趋商业化和产业化,包含消费、收藏与投资等环节的类似于商品市场的艺术品市场逐步完善,艺术品可以像商品一样自由买卖。另一方面,越来越多的日常生活用品、现成事物、偶发事件等被移植于艺术创作之中,甚至被直接视为艺术作品。这无疑为艺术被纳入工业设计、广告和相关的符号与影像的商品生产提供了最直接的可操作性。在此基础上,艺术与商业、时尚的跨界合作便应运而生。   艺术与商业、时尚跨界合作的形式颇为多元,无论是直接邀请艺术家参与品牌设计、形象改造和外在包装,或是设置某项基金褒奖或赞助一个或多个与自身品牌精神气质相契合的艺术家,以此来宣传自身品牌文化,还是间接赞助艺术活动吸引艺术界消费群体,都成为当下热门的跨界合作方式。其中的经典案例莫过于LV与日本知名艺术家村上隆的合作。2000年,路易·威登(Louis Vuitton)设计总监马克·雅克布邀请村上隆合作,村上隆将其钟爱的颜色以及樱花、蘑菇等多彩图案用于LV的经典Monogram之上,顿时给LV稳重优雅的传统形象注入了清新与活力,带给人们极大的感官审美愉悦,销售额提升了10%。尽管村上隆为此遭受了颇多非议,但巨大的有形或无形的收益更坚定了其寻求艺术与时尚、娱乐交集的信念。无疑,此次合作直接开启和引领了艺术与时尚品牌的跨界合作潮流。   所以说,消费文化盛行的当下,艺术与商业、时尚的跨界是一种你情我愿双向选择的结果,既可以叫做商业行为,亦能称之为艺术实践,其得益于后现代艺术与生活界限的消弭,印证着后现代文化的消费本质,无形中也强化了当下艺术的商品属性,将商品生产和艺术创作皆推向更广阔的天地。   艺术内部跨界,   求诸多可能   相比艺术与商业、时尚的跨界,艺术内部的跨界似乎更加纯粹,也更具自主性。艺术家们往往依据自身创作诉求与审美喜好,借助不同艺术门类之间的对话与碰撞,激发艺术创作灵感,开拓新颖的艺术表达语言。当然,这种跨界尝试,并非刻意地冷落或放弃自身所擅长的艺术领域,而是择取一种全新的视角,置换一些固定的思维,借助别样的艺术媒介和不同的表现手段寻求一种艺术创新的可能性。   近年来,这种涉足不同艺术领域尝试跨界的艺术家大有人在,而且涉及的领域几乎囊括了绘画、建筑、雕塑、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、电影等在内的所有艺术门类,如曾经的Gucci设计总监Tom Ford从事设计之余拍摄电影、西班牙电影大师卡洛斯·绍拉曾执导舞剧《莎乐美》、台湾知名作家白先勇打造青春版昆曲《牡丹亭》等,这些艺术跨界事件皆取得了不同程度的成功,推动了当下的艺术跨界热潮。   相对纯粹的艺术跨界不仅包括各艺术门类间的交叉合作,更体现于不同艺术风格之间借鉴融合。因仍属同一艺术领域,艺术风格跨界可能不像艺术门类跨界那样涉及不同材质、形式或媒介,而是在共同艺术本体的基础上打破不同风格间的藩篱而尝试进行有效的对话,尽管于内容可能不会带来巨大的变化,却意味着风格的转变以及表达方式的创新,亦会为艺术的发展带来诸多可能性。这种风格跨界广泛存在于音乐、建筑、绘画等艺术领域。仅以音乐为例,英国女高音歌唱家莎拉·布莱曼用古典音乐的演唱技法演绎流行,这种跨界演唱方式综合了古典与流行的妙处,比起流行音乐更内敛,较之古典音乐又更为活泼,带给听众一种似曾相识又别具风味的聆听体验,因此被广为接受。中国的“女子十二乐坊”则开创了传统民乐与流行音乐的结合,她们借助流行音乐的元素给予长期以来几成固态的民乐表演以多媒体、多视角、立体化的新姿,追求在电声帮衬的综合声音中尽量突显民乐声部,在逐步确立其别具一格演奏风格的同时,也极为有效的推广了中国民族乐器,拓展了民族器乐的欣赏群体。这些因风格的糅合而产生的颇令人欣喜的艺术效果,无不昭示着艺术风格跨界的必要性与可行性。


Art and blame art are allied, the day opens art of ground broad   and inartistic to cross a boundary, principal also is the most general, art of nothing is more... than and commerce, fashionable cross a boundary. Well-known, current society is a commodity supplies the consumption that is head and shoulders above demand society, its most the symbolic value that showing the token that be in is commodity namely or symbolic value surmount his " natural " use value rises with commutative value for dominant value, consumer is right of commodity enjoying is a kind of simple thing is about to satisfy no longer, point to some kind of aesthetic grade and lifestyle however. Then, the explicit form aesthetic feeling of commodity and immanent culture are savoured appeal to get emphasize unprecedentedly, for this, more and more commodity are produced, especially fashionable brand apt and art are allied, of element of art of Yu Yi of have the aid of embedded and the brand culture of continuance oneself and the symbolic value that promote oneself. Meanwhile, suffer those who consume culture logic to erode, the art of consumerism times already also was walked out of " the tower of ivory " and enter " home of common common people " , the bounds of art and life is wiped to make the same score gradually. This expression is in: On one hand, art is commercialized with each passing day and industrialization, include the consumption, artwork market that collects what wait for link with investment to be similar to commodity market to be perfected stage by stage, artwork can resemble commodity euqally free buying and selling. On the other hand, more and more daily articles for daily use, off-the-peg thing, abiogenesis incident be created at art by transplanting in, be regarded as work of art directly even. This is brought into for art undoubtedly industrial design, advertisement and relevant symbol and video goods production offerred the directest maneuverability. On this foundation, the art and commerce, fashionable collaboration that cross a boundary emerge as the times require. The form of the art and commerce, fashionable collaboration that cross a boundary is very multivariate, no matter be to invite an artist to participate in a brand directly,design, figure is transformed and explicit pack, or it is to install some fund praise and honor or assistance the artist that one or more as temperamental as oneself brand spirit photograph agrees with, will publicize oneself brand culture with this, still sponsor artistic activity to attract artistic bound to consume a group secondhand, make the way of the collaboration that cross a boundary with popular instantly. Nothing is more... than of among them classic case LV and Japan are famous the collaboration of the grand on artist village. 2000, · power ascends Louie (cloth of elegant gram of · of mark of chief inspector of Louis Vuitton) design invites the grand on the village to cooperate, the colorful design such as the color that the grand on the village dotes on his and oriental cherry, dawdle is used on the classical Monogram of LV, the traditional figure infuse that gives LV sedate grace immediately pure and fresh with vigor, bring people huge the sense aesthetic and cheerful, sale promoted 10% . Although the grand on the village was this to suffer quite much censure, but tremendous materiality or aeriform income are firmer the belief that its seek art and be mixed of fashionable, recreation. Undoubted, this collaboration is direct open and the tide of the collaboration that cross a boundary that led art and fashionable brand. Say so, consume the instantly of culture be current, art and commerce, fashionable crossing a boundary is a kind of your affection I wish the result of two-way choice, can call commerce behavior already, can say carry out for art, the put an end to of modern art and life dividing line after its profit from, the consumption of modern culture after confirm is worn is substaintial, virtually also aggrandizement the commodity attribute of instantly art, goods production and artistic creation all are promoted to wider world. Artistic interior crosses a boundary, beg what photograph of   of a lot of likelihood compares art and commerce, style to cross a boundary, art crosses a bound in-housely to appear more dinkum, also provide autonomy more. Artists often appeal to according to oneself creation beg with aesthetic be fond of, have the aid of is different and artistic the dialog between class and collision, arouse art to create inspiration, develop novel art to convey a language. Of course, this kind crosses bound attempt, be not sedulous ground desolate or those who abandon oneself place be good at is artistic domain, however choose takes a kind of brand-new perspective, displacement a few fixed thinking, have the aid of another the possibility that artistic agency and different expressional method explore a kind of artistic innovation. In recent years, trial of different and artistic field crosses this kind of sortie the artist there are plenty of such people of the bound, and involved field almost include painterly, building, sculpture, music, dancing, Thespian, film all artistic class that wait inside, be like once Tom Ford of Gucci design chief inspector is engaged in designing film Carlos Shaola of Great Master of the film, Spain film Ceng Zhi guides pantomime " Shalemei " , well-known writer Bai Xianyong makes Taiwan, these artistic incident that cross a boundary all gained the success of different level, the art that promoted instantly crosses bound upsurge. Relatively real skill crosses a bound to include each across between artistic class to cooperate not only, more reflect draw lessons from confluence between different and artistic style. Because still belong to same and artistic domain, artistic style crosses a boundary unlike art class crosses the likelihood the bound involves different capable person in that way qualitative, form or agency, break the hedge between different style on collective and artistic noumenal foundation however and the attempt has effective conversation, although won't bring tremendous change possibly at content, mean the change of the style and the innovation that express kind however, also can bring a lot of possibility for artistic development. This kind of style crosses a boundary the artistic domain such as music of extensive consist in, building, brushwork. It is with music only exemple, bulaiman uses · of Sara of British soprano singer of classical music sing ability law to deduce popularity, this kind crosses a bound to sing means integrated classic the beauty with popularity, compared with popular music more inside collect, than classical music more lively, bring audience one kind is like the listen respectfully experience that ever was acquainted not to have local color again, accordingly by wide to accept. Of China " woman 12 happy lane " the union that started traditional for traditional instruments and popular music, the element of music of popularity of their have the aid of gives long-term since a few music that become solid state are performed with multimedia, much perspective, stereo the new posture that change, pursuit is in electroacoustic in assisted integrated sound as far as possible dash forward show music voice part, in progressively establish its having a unique style plays a style while, very effective also popularized Chinese nation musical instrument, extended the appreciation group of ethical instrumental music. The makes a person glad quite artistic result of these because of the mix of the style generation, declare publicly of all without exception is worn the necessity that artistic style crosses a boundary and feasibility.
