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  巢湖的饮食文化源远流长,历史悠久,品种丰富多样,特色鲜明,主要菜系属徽菜系,讲究刀工,制作精细,汤汁鲜美,色香味俱佳。在这里可以品尝到驰名中外的“巢湖三珍”、“长江三鲜”,久负盛名的东关老鹅汤、无为板鸭、香雪牌板鸭、庐江小红头,可口的和县油炸麻雀等;巢湖名席:鱼席、鹅席、野味席、家常席会给你留下深刻印象;巢湖中垾农民美食城、遍布城乡的饮食大排档,会让你乘着游兴,尽情品尝而流连忘返。  巢湖银鱼产于巢湖,体呈圆筒状、无鳞、透明无色、光滑,被誉为“巢湖皇后”。大银鱼体长15~20厘米,小银鱼体长4~7厘米,骨软元刺,鲜嫩可口,营养丰富。银鱼蒸鸡蛋、银鱼炒鸡蛋、银鱼汤等以银鱼为原料的菜肴味道鲜美。  巢湖名菜——菊花银鱼  巢湖中华绒鳖蟹俗称河蟹、螃蟹或大闸蟹。一般重2~4两,既可清蒸整蟹,也可做蟹糊、蟹羹等,味鲜且具较高的营养价值。  巢湖白虾亦称白米虾、秀丽白虾。体小修长,全身白色,壳簿肉煮不红,清水蒸煮或烧炒后蘸少量酱油、醋食用,也可剥壳成米蒸烧食用。  巢湖毛鱼产于巢湖,体小细扁长,晒于后,放适量盐、油蒜子等蒸煮,吃米饭,稀饭尤佳,特别适合酒后吃饭食用。  长江三鲜——鲥鱼、刀鱼、河豚。无为、和县境内的长江水域,盛产制鱼、刀鱼、河豚。这3种水产品不仅以各自独特的风味闻名全国,还因为它们上市时间短而愈加名贵。河豚上市在每年农历三月初;其后刀鱼上市,约在农历四月份;农历五月初制鱼上市。其中,河豚、制鱼上市持续时间仅20天左右,刀鱼上市时间略长些。目前鲥鱼、河豚已成为国家明文禁捕的珍贵鱼种。  东关老鹅汤又叫含山三改塘老鹅汤。将成鹅宰杀切成块煮成汤。除加人盐、生姜、黄酒等调料外,还另有一些特殊配料,属于秘方。其汤红润清亮,肉烂而不碎,汤油而不腻,味道极为鲜美。含山东关老鹅汤为鹅盘汤,配以鹅杂、鹅血等制成的炒菜为精美的鹅席。  香雪板鸭产于和县香泉镇,系选用瘦肉型樱挑谷肉鸭,用传统工艺精制而成。该产品皮白肉嫩,风味独特,在历史上就享有较高的声誉。1997年,在南京举办“97中国国际食品博览会”上,香雪牌板鸭获联合国粮农组织颁发的“世界驰名奖”和“质量之星奖”。  和县炸麻雀具有600多年历史,香脆味美,有“天下第一香”之美誉。其制作方法是将麻雀剥皮洗净晒干后,用旺火烧至七成,投人油锅炸5分钟捞起,等雀身油拥去,再放人原锅,加水,放进调料。盛起晾凉,放入麻油浸泡一、二天即成佳肴。  和州烧饼为和县历史名产,选用优质面粉,佐以盐、糖、葱、纯香鸭油、芝麻等,经传统的工序加工成坯后,用特制木炭炉烧烤而成,是早茶的佳品。  庐江小红头是安徽具有地方特色的传统名点,至今已有250余年的历史。原名饽饽,又名油糖烧卖,以细面、糯米、白糖、猪油、金橘、桂花精心制成其外形如盛开的石榴花,因顶端用食用色素染上一红点,故而得名。相传在清同治年间,清军著名将领吴筱轩,是庐江县沙湖人,奉命出征。随从家乡厨师常为他做此点心,很受吴的赞赏。该厨师回乡后,在庐江城关岗上开设“段万和”饭店,继续做这种点心,深受食者欢迎,遂驰名于世。  庐江米线又名米粉、米面,系优质大米精制而成。具有色泽光润、柔韧滑爽、不断条、不糊汤的特性,成型美观。可作主食,亦可作汤食用,食时方便省时。  油炸饺子为庐江特有的地方名点,原名米饺,已有200多年历史。炸好后的饺子色泽金黄.外皮人口微脆,馅子软,其昧鲜美,是早点中的佳品。


Dietary culture of Chao Hu is of long standing and well established, the history is long, breed abounds diversity, characteristic is bright, main greens fastens department of the dish that belong to badge, stress knife skill, make careful, soup juice is delicious, beautiful of lubricious fragrance all. Can sample here of celebrated China and foreign countries " Chao Hu 3 precious " , " 3 delicacy of the Yangtse River " , long of negative great reputation east close salted duck of card of old goose soup, do-nothing salted duck, sweet snow, cottage Jiang Xiaogong head, goluptious wait with prefectural deepfry spadger; Banquet of mew lake name: Banquet of piscine banquet, goose banquet, game banquet, the daily life of a family can give you to leave deep impression; City of cate of farmer of the in Chao Hu, spread all over urban and rural food is big archives, can let you taking interest in going on an excursion, sample to the top of one's bent and enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave. Mew lake whitebait originates in Chao Hu, body submits cylinder form, without transparent and scale, colorless, smooth, be known as " mew lake empress " . Big whitebait body length 15 ~ 20 centimeters, small whitebait body length 4 ~ 7 centimeters, bone is soft yuan of thorn, fresh and tender and goluptious, nutrition is rich. Whitebait evaporate egg, whitebait scrambles egg, the whitebait soup dish flavour that is raw material with whitebait is delicious. Dish of mew lake name -- common of crab of turtle of cloth with soft nap of China of lake of chrysanthemum whitebait mew weighs river crab, crab or crab. Weigh 2 ~ commonly 4 2, can steam whole crab already, also can do a thick soup of crab paste, crab to wait, taste is little and have higher nutrient value. Mew lake white shrimp also weighs rice shrimp, beautiful white shrimp. System is small slender, systemic white, housing book flesh is boiled not red, clear water evaporate is boiled or burn edible of a few soy, vinegar dips in after frying, also can rind Mi Zheng burns edible. Fish of mew lake wool originates in Chao Hu, system is small fine flat long, bask in after, put right amount salt, oily garlic child wait for evaporate to boil, have rice, congee blame beautiful, edible has a meal after suiting wine particularly. The Yangtse River 3 delicacy -- hilsa herring, saury, balloonfish. The water area of do-nothing, the Yangtse River with prefectural churchyard, teem with make fish, saury, balloonfish. These 3 kinds of aquatic product not only with respective and distinctive local color famed whole nation, still appear on the market because of them time is short and all the more is rare. Balloonfish appears on the market in annual the traditional Chinese calendar at the beginning of March; Ever since saury appears on the market, be in about the traditional Chinese calendar April; The traditional Chinese calendar makes a fish appear on the market at the beginning of May. Among them, balloonfish, make a fish appear on the market duration is controlled 20 days only, saury appears on the market time grows slightly some. At present hilsa herring, balloonfish already became national proclaimed in writing to ban caught precious fingerling. Old goose soup closes to make contain hill again east 3 change soup of pond old goose. Cut the butcher that become goose agglomerate boil boiling water. Outside waiting for condiment except the salt that add a person, ginger, yellow rice or millet wine, have a few special burden additionally still, belong to secret recipe. Its boiling water is ruddy and clear, the flesh is sodden and not broken, soup is oily and not be bored with, flavour is very delicious. Contain Shandong to close old goose soup to be goose dish soup, match with goose the blood of miscellaneous, goose fried dish that makes is elegant goose banquet. Sweet ski duck is originated in and prefectural sweet spring is pressed down, the department chooses lean lean cherry to carry grain meat duck, refine with conventional technology and become. Plain boiled pork of this product skin is tender, local color is distinctive, enjoy taller reputation on the history. 1997, hold in Nanjing " fair of food of 97 China International " on, salted duck of sweet snow card obtains Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to issue " world famous award " and " the astral award of quality " . Have 600 old histories with prefectural blast spadger, sweet fragile delicious, have " the world the first sweet " beautiful praise. Its make a method is decorticate spadger after abluent insolation, the baked wheaten cake that use flourishing comes 7 into, cast blast of person oily boiler 5 minutes to be scooped, oil of body waiting for sparrow is embraced, put person former bowl again, add water, put into condiment. Cheng Qi air is cool, put sesame oil to immerse one, 2 days become cate namely. Be with city sesame seed cake and prefectural history famous product, choose high grade flour, assist wait with oil of salt, candy, green, pure sweet duck, sesame seed, after via traditional working procedure treatment becomes base, become with barbecue of tailor-made charcoal furnace, the beautiful that is early tea is tasted. Cottage river is little red head is Anhui the traditional name place that has local distinguishing feature, already had the history of 250 one's remaining years up to now. Original name pastry, a steamed dumping with the dough gathered at the top of name oily candy, the pomegranate that if bloom,makes its appearance meticulously with fine face, polished glutinous rice, white sugar, lardy, cumquat, sweet-scented osmanthus is beautiful, because top uses edible pigment to catch on one red dot, get a name so. According to legend is treated together in Qing Dynasty year, qing Jun writes a famous general to get Wu Xiaoxuan, it is person of sanded lake of cottage river county, act under orders go out for a battle. Chef of accompany home town often makes this snack for him, very suffer admiring. After this chef return to one's native place, open on hillock of cottage river the area just outside a city gate " Duan Mohe " restaurant, continue to make this kind of snack, welcome by the person that feed, then celebrated at the world. Line of cottage polished glutinous rice face of renown ground rice, rice, fasten high grade rice to refine and become. Have colour and lustre smooth, withy Hua Shuang, ceaseless, the character of not burnt soup, shape beautiful. Can make staple food, yi Ke makes soup edible, when the province going to the lavatory when feeding. Deepfry dumpling is the local name with cottage peculiar river to nod, dumpling of original name rice, already had 200 old histories. The dumpling colour and lustre after scamper is good is golden. Cortical population is small fragile, stuffing child soft, its be ignorant of is delicious, it is the beautiful in breakfast is tasted.
