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In 2015, a psychologist in Italy figured out how to induce a drug-free altered state of consciousness by asking 20 volunteers to sit and stare into each other's eyes for 10 minutes straight. 2015年,意大利的一位心理学家让20名志愿者坐在一起,彼此直视对方的眼睛十分钟,通过这一实验想出了如何不用药物就能诱导意识状态改变的方法。 Not only did the deceptively simple task bring on strange 'out of body' experiences for the volunteers, it also caused them to see hallucinations of monsters, their relatives, and themselves in their partner's face. 这项看似简单的任务不仅为志愿者们带来“灵魂出窍”的体验,还使他们产生幻觉,在他们同伴的脸上看到怪物、亲人和他们自己。 The experiment, run by Giovanni Caputo from the University of Urbino, involved having 20 young adults (15 of which were women) pair off, sit in a dimly lit room 1 metre away from each other, and stare into their partner's eyes for 10 minutes. 这项试验是由乌尔比诺大学的乔瓦尼·卡布托主导的,她让20位年轻人(其中15人是女性)两人一组,坐在一个光线昏暗的房间里,彼此相距一米远,盯着对方的眼睛看10分钟。 The lighting in the room was bright enough for the volunteers to easily make out the facial features of their partner, but low enough to diminish their overall colour perception. 房间里的灯光既够亮,能让志愿者很容易辨认出他们搭档的面部特征,又够暗,足以削弱他们对整体色彩的认知。

A control group of 20 more volunteers were asked to sit and stare for 10 minutes in another dimly lit room in pairs, but their chairs were facing a blank wall. The volunteers were told very little about the purpose of the study, only that it had to do with a "meditative experience with eyes open". 另外还有20名志愿者组成的对照组被要求在另一个光纤昏暗的房间里两人一组坐在一起盯着看10分钟,但他们的椅子面对的是一堵空白的墙。志愿者几乎未被告知这项研究的目的,他们只知道这与“睁着眼冥想的体验”有关。 Once the 10 minutes were up, the volunteers were asked to complete questionnaires related to what they experienced during and after the experiment. 10分钟结束后,志愿者被要求完成与他们在实验过程中以及之后的感受相关的调查问卷。 One questionnaire focused on any dissociative symptoms that the volunteers might have experienced, and another questioned them on what they perceived in their partner's face (eye-staring group) or their own face (control group). 一份问卷关注的是志愿者也许体验到的游离状态,而另一份问卷则询问了志愿者对搭档的面部(盯着眼睛看的实验组)或个人的面部(对照组)的感知。 Symptoms such as a loss of memory, seeing everything in distorted colours, or feeling like the world isn't real can be brought on by abuse and trauma; drugs such as ketamine, alcohol, and LSD; and now, apparently, face-staring. 虐待、创伤以及氯胺酮、酒精和麦角酸二乙基酰胺等药物会造成记忆丧失,看到一切都是扭曲的颜色,或感觉世界不真实等症状,而现在,显然盯着脸看也能引起这些症状。
