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Visiting every Starbucks on the planet takes dedication, patience and a serious caffeine addiction. 造访全球所有的星巴克门店需要奉献精神和耐心,而且需要需要对咖啡上瘾。 A man named Winter has visited at least 15,061 Starbucks locations on four continents since 1997, he claims. And what started as a quest for espresso became his ticket to the world. 一位名叫温特的男子表示,他从1997年以来造访过四大洲中至少15061家星巴克门店。而他对浓咖啡的探索成为他走向世界的门票。 "I call it an extreme hobby," he told CNN of the quest to reach them all. “我把它称为一种极端的爱好,”他在接受美国有线电视新闻网的采访时表示他想走遍所有的星巴克门店。 Winter kicked off his mission 22 years ago at a Starbucks in Plano, Texas. There were only about 1,500 locations in the US at the time, and he thought he could visit each and every one of them. 温特22年前开始了他的旅行,第一站是德克萨斯普莱诺当地的星巴克门店。当时美国只有1500家星巴克,而且他认为他能走访所有的门店。 As as the company grows, so has the length of Winter's quest: The 30,000th Starbucks just opened in Shenzhen, China. It's gotten tougher for Winter to keep up with new stores and still find time to visit the independent coffee houses he favors. 随着星巴克的增长,温特要去的门店也在增多:星巴克刚在中国深圳开了第三万家门店。温特要赶上新店的开业速度并找时间走访他喜欢的独立咖啡店变得更难了。

He usually asks for a sample of drip coffee wherever he goes. If they don't have that, he'll take an espresso. 无论去哪儿,他通常都会点一杯渗漏咖啡。如果他们没有这款咖啡,他就会点浓咖啡。 He'll snap some photos, add them to his website and go visit another one. He's repeated this 15,000-plus times, and he's only halfway through. 他会拍一些照片,并把它们上传到他的网站上,然后再去走访另一家门店。他已经重复了1.5万多次,而且他才走了一半。 But at this point he's committed. He's got to keep going. 但在这一点上他是坚定的,而且他必须坚持下去。 He used to dedicate every weekend to "Starbucking," excitedly driving hundreds of miles to visit a new store, or flying to countries like Denmark or Qatar to see how they brew it. 他过去每个周末都会去“星巴克”,兴奋地驱车数百英里去走访一家新店,或者飞往丹麦或卡塔尔等国看看他们是如何煮咖啡的。 After drinking Pike Place and Verona roasts for 22 years, he's understandably grown bored with their offerings. He hasn't even tried everything on the menu, he said. 在喝了派克市场和维罗纳烘焙咖啡22年之后,他对他们的产品感到厌倦是可以理解的。他表示,他还没尝遍菜单上的所有餐点。 "It's hard to talk about a favorite Starbucks item because I don't enjoy the taste of Starbucks anymore," he said. "It's either tolerable or OK, but it's never good or great coffee anymore." “很难说出我最喜欢的星巴克产品,因为我再也不喜欢星巴克的味道了。”他说道。“它要么可以忍受,要么可以接受,但它再也不是不错或很棒的咖啡了。”
