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《大自然变了》: 小草绿了又黄了,黄了又绿了,大自然的风景每天都是新的。

春天,树发了绿芽,生机盎然;夏天,枝繁叶茂,满目繁华;秋天,收获的季节,硕果累累;冬天,树脱下衣服,蓄势待发。我们每天都会欣喜地发现大自然的点滴变化,可是有一些变化却是我们不想看见的…… 文章里常常写“蓝蓝的天上飘着几朵白云”,可是,到了冬天,我们这里很多时候天是灰暗的,连近处的房子也只能隐隐约约地看见一点。听妈妈讲,小时候,夏天的晚上常常坐在院子里乘凉,一颗颗数着星星,唱着《小星星》,“一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星,”可是,现在晴天的晚上,星星差不多都是一下子就数完了。这是为什么呢?我想到电视上说的两个词:“大气污染”和“雾霾”。雾霾是大气空气气压低,空气不流动时形成的,由于空气的不流动,使空气中的微小颗粒聚集,漂浮在空气中。大气污染主要是人的活动造成,大气污染源主要有:工厂排放、汽车尾气、农垦烧荒、森林失火、炊烟、室外烧烤、尘土、施工产生的粉尘等。大自然给了我们很多,但人类仍然不断地索取,却没有考虑到大自然的感受,大自然以后会怎样呢? 大自然养育了我们,地球哺育了我们,我们要保护环境,让美好永远在身边。《大自然的变化》: 随着社会经济的迅速发展,高新技术的蓬勃兴起,人类数量的快速增加,大自然也在发生着天翻地覆的变化。过去,大自然一片鸟语花香,绿树成荫,安静祥和的景象。人与自然和谐相处,真是一片其乐融融的景象。可是,近几年,随着人类对物质的需求和渴望,无休止的砍伐树木,乱捕滥杀动物,不顾后果的修建工厂,排放废气,污水.....往日的景象早已不复存在,取代的是无休止的自然灾害,动植物灭绝,空气污染严重。最近看了一篇报道,闹钟的时针每走一圈,地球上就会有一个物种灭绝,永远消失。看看这些灭绝的动物吧!1799年,蓝马羚灭绝,原生活在南非;1876年,欧洲野马灭绝,原生活在欧洲;1942年,红鸭灭绝,原生活在印度;1948年,袋狼灭绝,原生活在澳洲。再看看这些已经少有的动物吧。华南虎,仅余50只,在动物园里;白鳍豚,不超过100只;大熊猫,野外生存有1000只左右;指侯,1966年曾发现9只,后来不祥。这些原本在地球上泛滥的动物,却因为人类的大肆捕杀,而将近灭绝甚至已经灭绝。据统计,在我们生活的地球上,一天当中至少有800人因大气污染而过早死亡,有1.5万人死于饮用污染的水,其中大部分是儿童;各类喷雾罐,冰箱,空调把1500吨氟利昂排入大气层,他们是造成臭氧层空洞的罪魁祸首;约5600万吨的二氧化碳被排入大气层,温室效应与此有关;5.5万公顷森林被毁,161平方千米土地荒漠化,有14万辆新汽车驶上公路;400多座核电站产生26吨核废料......我国七大水系的河流中一半河段被有机物或重金属污染,86%的城市河段水质污染超标,全国35个较大的淡水湖中有17个遭到严重污染。看到这一个个惊心动魄的数字,难道我们还能无动于衷吗? 对,过去的世界的确没有电脑,冰箱,没有电动玩具,没有各种零食,但是过去的大自然有清新的空气,成群的动物,清澈的河水,一片又一片的森林,这些是无论用多少金钱都买不来的,这些比任何东西都要珍贵。如果可以,好希望还大自然原来的面貌...... 人类啊!醒悟吧!难道你们不向往过去那个令人心旷神怡的大自然吗?难道你们不痛恨现在这个满是灾难得自然吗?难道你们不希望自己的子孙后代能长期繁衍下去吗?今天的恶果全是我们一手造成的,就让我们用实际行动来弥补吧 ! 在短短的几十年内,大自然已经变化了这么多。如果继续污染环境,乱捕乱杀动物,无节制的使用能源,那么我们离灭亡的日子也不远了。“留得青山在,不怕没柴烧”,自古以来就流传下来的道理,又有多少人能真正做到呢?为了我们的子孙后代,为了大自然的生态平衡,也为了我们的身体健康,保护大自然吧!


" nature changed " : Small grass became green fizzled out again, fizzled out green, the scenery of nature is new everyday.

Spring, the tree sent green shoot, exuberant; Summer, branch numerous Xie Mao, see everywhere is flourishing; The autumn, the season of results, great achievements again and again; In the winter, the tree takes off next dresses, labor force is waited for hair. We discover a bit of nature changes can gladly everyday, but have a few change,be us however do not want to see... often write in the article " La La's sky is waving a few Bai Yun " , but, arrived in the winter, day of a lot of time is gloomy here, the building that connects vicinity also sees can indistinctly only a bit. Listen to mom to tell, in one's childhood, of summer often sit in the courtyard to enjoy the cool in the evening, several star, singing " starlet " , "Flickering glistening, it is starlet all over the sky, " but, now of sunshine in the evening, star is almost was over with respect to number at a draught. Is this why? Two words that I think of to say on TV: "Air pollution " and " mist haze " . Mist haze is depress of air air air, when air does not flow, form, because airy does not flow, make the little grain in air gathers, float in air. The activity that air pollution basically is a person is caused, air pollution source basically has: The factory is discharged, the dust that the be on fire of burn the grass on waste land of car tail gas, farming cultivate, forest, smoke from kitchen chimneys, barbecue outdoor, dust, construction produces. Nature gave us a lot of, but the mankind still is asked for ceaselessly, did not consider the feeling of nature however, how be met after nature? Nature fostered us, the earth fed us, we should protect an environment, let happiness be forever beside. " the change of nature " : As the rapid development of socioeconomy, the bitter fleabane rise suddenly of new and high technology rises, increase of human amount quickly, nature also is in producing tremendous change. In the past, nature a charactizing a fine spring day, greenery is shady, quiet and auspicious picture. Person and natural harmony get along, it is the picture of be in harmony of its Le Rong really. But, in last few years, mix to corporeal demand as the mankind longing, unending fell trees is arboreous, catch excessive to kill an animal in disorder, build a plant recklessly, discharge waste gas, sewage. . . . . The picture former days already not answer exist, those who replace is unending natural disaster, move a plant to eradicate, air pollution is serious. Saw a story recently, every take the hour hand of alarm clock circuit, there can be a species to eradicate on the earth, disappear forever. The animal that sees these eradicating! 1799, la Maling is eradicated, live in south Africa formerly; 1876, european bronco is eradicated, former life is in Europe; 1942, red duck is eradicated, live in India formerly; 1948, bag wolf is eradicated, live in Australia formerly. See these already rare animals again. Hua Nahu, only 50 more than, in the zoo; White fim pig, do not exceed 100; Giant panda, field lives have 1000 or so; Point to Hou, ever discovered 9 1966, bodeful later. These animals that run rampant on the earth originally, catch wantonly because of what be the mankind however kill, and eradicate near had eradicated even. According to statistic, on the earth that lives in us, one have 800 people to die prematurely because of air pollution at least among the day, 15 thousand person dies at the water of drinkable pollution, it is children for the most part among them; Canister of of all kinds sparge, freezer, air conditioning emits into 1500 tons of Freon aerosphere, they are to cause the culprit with empty ozonosphere; About 56 million tons carbon dioxide is emited into aerosphere, greenhouse effect and this is concerned; Forest of 55 thousand hectare is destroyed, desert of land of 161 square kilometre is changed, 140 thousand new cars sail on highway; Many 400 nuclear power plant produces waste material of 26 tons of nucleuses. . . . . . Reach of the half in the river that 7 flood of our country fasten is polluted by organic matter or heavy metal, the urban reach water pollution of 86% exceeds bid, 35 bigger fresh water of countrywide have 17 to be polluted badly by in the lake. See this number of each soul-stirring, are we returned can apathetic? Yes, the world in the past does not have computer really, freezer, without dynamoelectric toy, without all sorts of snacks, but the nature in the past has fresh air, the animal of group, clear river water, an another forest, no matter buy what do not come with how many money,these are, these want than any precious. If can, good hope returns the appearance with former nature. . . . . . The mankind! Wake up to reality! are you not yearning in the past the nature of that relaxed and happy making a person? don't you abhor now is this catastrophic completely get nature? don't you hope your descendants can multiply for a long time go down? Completely we cause today's disastrous effect single-handed, let us be made up for with real operation! Inside a few short years, nature had changed so much. If continue to pollute an environment, catch chaos to kill an animal in disorder, incontinent use the sources of energy, so we are not far also from ruined day. "Stay so that green hill is in, do not be afraid of do not have bavin to burn " , shed the truth that hand down from of old, how many person can be accomplished truly again? For our descendants, for the ecological balance of nature, also for us healthy, protect nature!
