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奉化最有名的是溪口蒋氏故里-雪窦山,和滕头村共组一个5A景区。 除此以外,主要有溪口镇下属的岩头古村(民国文化村,蒋介石元配毛福梅娘家)、新建村(赏桃花、梅花等,现在不必去)、栖霞坑古村(秋天最好)。

南部山区有大堰镇尚书第和西畈村(赏油菜花)。 东部近海有黄贤森林公园(山寨景点集合,目前不开放)、马头村、天妃度假区。 城区和近郊还有岳林禅寺(布袋和尚出家处)、仁湖公园、天下第一桃园(桃花季节看)。





1. 如何到达:从宁波火车站或宁波东站出发,可以搭乘公交车到达奉化车站,再转乘至青云古村。

2. 游览顺序:青云古村由四个部分组成,建议先游览文化广场,再依次游览优美风景、历史文化区和乐活休闲区。

3. 主要景点:青云古村有许多融合了现代元素的文化景点,包括鱼塘、老街、古宅、酒吧、书店、影院等。

4. 住宿推荐:如果您想要深度游览,建议在当地住宿一晚或两晚,推荐的住宿选择有青云公馆、清水村民宿等。

5. 美食推荐:奉化有着丰富的海鲜资源,您可以尝试当地的特色小吃,如奉化豆腐、红糟鸭等。

6. 注意事项:奉化青云古村是一座新型旅游目的地,景区中的餐饮、住宿和交通等方面还在完善中,建议游客提前规划好行程并保持耐心。
















Act according to change travel what to amused place there is?

Specific and amused tourist attraction has: Brook mouth beauty spot, discuss park of forest of the hillock scene area, Great Wall on Huang Xianhai, Wu Ling cuckoo of hill of the lake below cliff of wild duck of the door, Xu, booth, Jin E forest, the world Gusen of garden of the first peach, cuckoo.

Act according to change travel tourist attraction?

Include mouth of hill of antrum of snow of brook mouth · , brook to press down · Jiang former residence, Teng Tou zoology travel area, yellow virtuous forest park.

Snow antrum hill is one of main tourist attractions of brook mouth beauty spot, also be one of hill of 5 big Buddhist name, it is the place of consecrate Maitreya Bodhisattva, basically temple of antrum of Maitreya Taoist or Buddhish rites, snow waits, have " maritime a fabled abode of immortals, onshore weather station " beautiful praise. Scene area is a center with snow antrum ancient Buddhist templeput on the brakes and chute of cliff of 1000 a unit of length, among them history of snow antrum ancient Buddhist templeput on the brakes is long, antrum of full name snow Zi Shengchan temple, the Southern Song Dynasty is sealed to be by imperial order " 5 hill 10 Buddhist templeput on the brakes " one of, bright generation includes " the world Zen 10 Buddhist templeput on the brakes 5 courtyards " one of, there is big Buddha of Maitreya of snow antrum hill inside. Chute of cliff of 1000 a unit of length is pensile in snow antrum temple in front, flying waterfall of renown snow antrum, from cliff the top comes deep pool, be as high as 186 meters, whenever season of Chun Xia heavy rain, weiwei is grand.

Act according to change what travel tourist attraction is there?

Act according to change the famousest is native place of brook mouth Jiang - snow Dou Shan, with Teng head village in all group area of scene of a 5A. Divide this beyond, the cliff head ancient village that basically brook mouth presses down subordinate (village of culture of the Republic of China, a married woman's parents' home of plum of blessing of wool of first wife of Jiang interpose stone) , build a village (admire peach blossom, wintersweet to wait, need not go now) , Gu Cun of dwell glow hole (the autumn is best) .

The south is a mountainous area big lasher presses down a high official in ancient China and on the west Fan village (the cauliflower that admire oil) . Coastal waters of the eastpart part has Huang Xiansen forest park (mountain fastness tourist attraction assembles, do not open at present) , the wife of a prince of Ma Tou village, day goes vacationing area. The city zone and outskirts still have Yue Linchan temple (hop-pocket bonze becomes a monk or nun place) , Ren Hu park, the world garden of the first peach (peach blossom season looks) .

Is tourist attraction of travel of Feng Huachun section recommended?

Peaceful wave city is acted according to turn an area tourist attraction of 10 big famous travel, basically choose place's famous tourist attraction, popular and amused tourist attraction undertakes consulting integratedly commendatory, basically include: Peaceful wave city gives the opening that change a brook - area of scene of Teng head travel, scenery of hill of antrum of peaceful wave snow scenic spot area, peaceful wave city is yellow area of virtuous forest travel, jiang former residence, give division of scene of ancient village of the head that spend rock, give beauty spot of irrigation works of the lake below the booth that turn city... wait for a tourist attraction.

Strategy of travel of ancient village of Feng Huaqing cloud?

Ancient village of Feng Huaqing cloud is located in peaceful wave city to act according to turn an area, it is a traditional village that fills breath of of primitive simplicity and natural scene. It is a simple Feng Huaqing below strategy of travel of Yun Gu village, offer reference:

1.How to arrive: Cong Ningbo railway station or peaceful wave east the station sets out, can take a bus to arrive act according to turn a station, turn again by to Gu Cun of high official position.

2.Visit order: Ancient village of high official position divides composition by 4 ministries, the proposal visits culture square first, again ordinal visit area of culture of beautiful scenery, history and happy vivid recreational area.

3.Main tourist attraction: Ancient village of high official position has a lot of confluence the culture tourist attraction of contemporary element, include pound, old street, ancient curtilage, bar, bookshop, cinema.

4.Accommodation recommends: If you want deepness to visit, the proposal lodges in place one evening or two evening, commendatory accommodation chooses to constellation of villager of residence of high official position, clear water waits.

5.Cate recommends: Act according to change having rich seafood resource, the characteristic that you can try place is fastfood, if act according to,change duck of bean curd, red be pickled with grains or in wine to wait.

6.Note: Ancient village of Feng Huaqing cloud is destination of a new-style travel, the respect such as the meal in scene area, accommodation and traffic still is in in perfecting, proposal tourist plans ahead of schedule good journey keeps patient.

Anyhow, ancient village of Feng Huaqing cloud is a travel famous scenic spot that already breath of of primitive simplicity provides contemporary amorous feelings again, pass sound program and active exploration, you can experience the culture that is full of characteristic among them and environment.

Is Feng Huaxia day away for the summer holidays optimal travel ground?

Act according to change be located in Chinese Zhejiang to visit Ning Bo town, it is the ideal travel ground that a summer is away for the summer holidays. Act according to change have rich rich, the mountain range that is like beauty, clear river and attractive laky. The tourist can enjoy the climate between cool and refreshing hill here, be far from burning hot city. In addition, act according to change still have a lot of tourist attractions and activity, if act according to,change Gu Zhenhe of mouth of Gu Cheng, brook to act according to the beach that change a bay, offerred rich culture and recreational alternative. No matter be,experience traditional culture, act according to changing is an unforgettable summertime holiday resort.

Act according to change big lasher travel to want entrance ticket?

Need not entrance ticket. Big lasher town is located in Zhejiang province to give department of the southwest that turn an area, 2006 population 26469 people, have blame farmer 713 people, ab extra population 800 people, its China and foreign countries gives population 9800 people. Have agrarian field 19800 mus, among them dry land 1792 mus, mountain forest 120 thousand mus, among them commonweal forest 56633 mus, bamboo hill 43800 mus. Special local product of tourist attraction of celebrity of economy of characteristic of career of area under administration of evolution of the fundamental general situation that the introduction that later development presses down to big lasher includes big lasher to press down, history, administration, natural condition, economic atmosphere, society, area, water and electricity, big lasher, memorabilia, travel, place

Is entrance ticket of tourist attraction of travel of Feng Huaxi mouth free?

Tourist attraction of travel of Feng Huaxi mouth not collection entrance ticket.

How does Ning Hai take a car to tourist attraction of travel of Feng Huaxi mouth?

Hello, ning Hai arrives act according to change have nonstop, in cling to the car is very much, act according to change brook mouth to there also is a bus now, can arrive directly

Act according to tuition of school of chemical trade tourism how many?

Give rate of school of tourism of trade of the labour that turn an area

The country is right in duty phase full-time is formal one's status as a student one, 2, 3 grade are all the student absolves tuition.

Aid financially an object to be full-time formal one's status as a student one, the student of difficulty of economy of 2 year family, aid financially a standard every are unripe annual 2000 yuan.

Via choosing, the student with outstanding achievement of integrated school work and skill contest act according to student of above of first prize of the class that turn an area to be able to win 1000 yuan of scholarship every year.

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