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2、炎帝陵:炎帝神农氏“以姜水成”,葬于“长沙茶乡之尾”即现在的湖南省株洲市炎陵县炎帝陵(the Mausoleum of Emperor Yandi in Zhuzhou)。[1] 炎帝陵是中华民族始祖炎帝神农氏的安息地,享有“神州第一陵”之誉。它坐落于株洲市炎陵县城西17公里处的鹿原陂。现为国家级风景名胜区、全国重点文物保护单位、全国爱国主义教育示范基地、中华全国归国华侨爱国主义教育基地、国家AAAA级旅游景区、国家首批非物质文化遗产、湖南十大文化遗产、新潇湘人文八景、海峡两岸交流基地、湖南省最佳景区。炎帝陵祭典被列入了国家首批非物质文化遗产和被评为全球最具影响力的根亲文化盛事。主要建筑有炎帝陵殿和神农大殿。炎陵是中华民族始祖炎帝神农氏的安寝福地、全球华人的精神家园。



5、金台观:金台观位于中国宝鸡市金台区北坡森林公园半坡处,创建于元朝末年,为明代道士张三丰修道处。观分中院和东、西偏院三部分,主要道教古迹与建筑有山门、玉皇阁、吕祖殿、圣母殿、张爷殿、三清殿、慈航殿、八卦亭、圣母洞、三丰洞、药王洞、朝阳洞等,多依山就势而建。登临观中,远望秦岭叠嶂,环列如 屏,翠色欲滴,俯视渭水萦回若带,市区高楼林立,山色秀丽,万千景象,一览无余。为宝鸡三大道教宫观(金台观、银台观、玉台观)之一。

6、渭河公园:渭河公园全长3公里,宽180--240米,面积61万平方米,其中绿地占到总面积的84%。布局为一带七 区,即紧邻北堤的防浪林带,从东到西依次为湖滨风光区、古渡春晓区、千禧乐园区、五环广场区、梨园秋色区、陈仓古韵区、渭水烟紫区。公园建设中运用了先进的园林造景手法,体现简洁、自然、美观、和谐的设计理念,突出地域文化特色。在绿化美化方面,通过模纹造型、群植等手法,栽种30余种70余万株花灌木和地被植物,造型新颖,五彩斑斓。筛选仿真仙人球、仙人棒点缀沙滩、草地,营造景观;在草地上、道路边点石成景,活跃自然气氛。新颖的植物造景布局,配以起伏的地形,使景观更加丰富、自然、和谐。全园共装灯166组640余盏,包括帆船灯42组、庭院灯60余盏,4座30米高杆灯,广场周围安置的造型新颖的玉兰灯、飞雁灯、柱灯等21组,树丛周围安装射灯50组,世纪广场围绕花坛、台阶设置塑管灯,突出线上亮带,注重主要景区、广场亮圈,使公园明暗结合、色彩丰富。园内设置了造型奇特导游牌、指示牌、宣传牌、移动式环保厕所等,方便市民游憩。


Shaanxi saves tourist attraction of the travel inside treasure chicken city to have

1, Qin Gong a big grave: Qin Gong a big grave is up to now the biggest barrow that China disentombs, person of 186 be buried alive with the dead inside the grave is the grave that China discovers person of be buried alive with the dead is most since the Western Zhou Dynasty; The Bai Mu of outer coffin room " Huang Chang inscribes collect " outer coffin is provided, it is Chinese heretofore disentombs the bury of highest grade has period of week, the Qin Dynasty; Outer coffin room two walls outboard wooden tablet is China the earliest gravestone in kind on grave history. The stone chime stone that comes up out of land in big grave especially is Chinese discovery is engraved the earliest have inscriptive stone inverted bell. The most precious is the character on stone chime stone, amount to 180 many, font is a style of calligraphy, be exactly like " inscriptions on drum-shaped stone blocks of the Warring States Period " , conclude according to the character on its grave host is Qin Jing fair.

2, phlogistic Di Ling: Phlogistic emperor god farming family name " with Jiang Shuicheng " , bury at " the end of Changsha tea countryside " namely present Hunan Province individual plant phlogistic Di Ling of county of continent city phlogistic hill (The Mausoleum Of Emperor Yandi In Zhuzhou) . [1] phlogistic Di Ling is god of phlogistic emperor of first ancestor of the Chinese nation of farming family name rest the ground, enjoy " China the first hill " praise. It is located at individual plant the Lu Yuan Bei that 17 kilometers are in county of continent city phlogistic hill on the west. It is national level scenery now scenic spot area of scene of travel of stage of AAAA of base of education of patriotism of overseas Chinese of homecoming of whole nation of demonstrative base of education of patriotism of unit of protection of cultural relic of area, whole nation key, whole nation, China, country, country first immaterial culture bequest, Hunan is bequest of 10 old culture, new Xiao Xiang is humanitarian. Phlogistic Di Ling is sacral was included the root that first immaterial culture bequest mixes the country to be judged to be the whole world to have force most to kiss culture grand occasion. Main building has phlogistic Di Lingdian and mind farming audience hall. Phlogistic hill is god of phlogistic emperor of first ancestor of the Chinese nation the mental home of Chinese of the ground of the blessing that install bedroom of farming family name, whole world.

3, bronze ware museum: Museum of treasure chicken bronze ware is the country's at present only omnibus museum that names with bronze ware, bronze ware of the China that be labelled is collected history a milepost that go up. On September 28, 2010, museum of brand-new treasure chicken bronze ware is in house of reopen of grand of hill of beat of treasure chicken rock. Extensive of new house imposing manner grand, accompany water according to hill, be in Gao Wangyuan, beat cabinet depend on each other looking around with stone, make the newly bid of treasure chicken.

4, phlogistic emperor ancestral temple: Phlogistic emperor ancestral temple is located in treasure chicken city rural area of wrong door of area of bank of short for Weihe River (divine farming countryside) on hill of churchyard Chang Yang. It is the mausolem of divine farming phlogistic emperor, do obeisance to for Chinese people ancestor sacred main room. Phlogistic Di Ling basically visits a building to have:

5, golden stage view: Golden stage view is located in park of forest of slope of north of area of stage of gold of city of Chinese treasure chicken half slope place, found Yu Yuanchao last years of a dynasty or reign, for Zhang Sanfeng of bright generation Taoism priest ascetic place. The quadrangle that watch cent and east, the courtyard slants on the west 3 parts, main Taoism historic site and building have hall of hill door, Yu Huangge, Lv Zudian, goddess, hole of booth of hall of father hall, 3 Qing Dynasty, Ci Hang hall, the Eight Diagrams, goddess, 3 abundant hole, , depend on hill make use of condition more and build. In view of climb a hill, rows of mountains of far Wang Qinling, link line is like screen, emerald green concupiscence drips, if hover of water of short for Weihe River of look down at is taken, urban high-rise is bristly, hill description is beautiful, myriad picture, take in everything in a glance. For treasure chicken 3 highways teach Gong Guan (golden stage view, silver-colored stage view, jade stage view) one of.

6, park of river of short for Weihe River: Park of river of short for Weihe River is full-length 3 kilometers, wide 180- - 240 meters, area 610 thousand square metre, among them 84% what greenbelt occupies gross area. Layout is one belt 7 areas, namely the forest belt preventing wave of proximate north bank, from east arrive on the west ordinal for lakeside scene area, Gu Duchun area of area of dawn area, millennium Eden area, 5 annulus square, autumn scenery of the operatic circle, Chen Cang violet area of shredded tobacco for water pipes of Gu Yun area, short for Weihe River. Advanced gardens was applied to make scene technique in park construction, reflect concise, natural, beautiful, harmonious design concept, stress district culture distinguishing feature. In afforest beautification respect, adopt modular lines model, group the gimmick such as establish, more than kinds of 30 70 more than individual plant spends grow bush and ground by the plant, model is original, multicolored. Choose club of ball of emulation celestial being, celestial being to adorn beach, meadow, build landscape; Go up in the meadow, road edge nods Shi Chengjing, active and natural atmosphere. Original plant makes scene overall arrangement, match with fluctuant landform, make landscape more rich, natural, harmonious. Complete garden holds the lantern in all 166 groups more than 640, include caique lamp lamp of 42 group, court more than 60, tube of 4 30 meters tall rod, lamp of the yulan magnolia lamp with the original model that finds a place for all round square, flying wild goose, column lamp 21 groups, installation shoots the light all round covert 50 groups, century square installs model to run the light around flower bed, step, shine on prominent line belt, pay attention to bright circle of main condition area, square, make union of park light and shade, color rich. Model was set inside garden toilet of environmental protection of card of peculiar tourist guide, directive card, conduct propaganda card, movable type, convenient citizen stroll about or have a rest.
