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  1. 就是你了,宠物小精灵   2. 在宠物小精灵中心的决斗(小霞加入)   3. 终于捉到宠物小精灵了(收服绿毛虫→铁甲蛹, 收服比比鸟)   4. 少年武士的挑战(铁甲蛹→巴大蝴)   5. 皮卡丘要进行特训(小刚加入)   6. 很多皮皮在这里   7. 美女四人组   8. 百战百胜的小明   9. 深山里的贵族学校   10. 猜不到有意外收获(收服妙蛙种子)   11. 失去主人的小火龙(收服小火龙)   12. 杰尼龟军团登场(收服杰尼龟)   13. 正辉的灯塔 (收服大钳蟹)   14. 电击大对决   15. 超级油轮的战斗   16. 海上漂流记   17. 荒岛历险记   18. 清保高”的假期   19. 巨大精灵都市大袭击(小霞得到墨海马)   20. 在夏天出现的鬼精灵   21. 巴大蝴再见(巴大蝴离队)   22. 凯西,超能力大决斗   23. 在神奇宝贝塔收服幽灵(收服鬼斯通)   24. 鬼斯通对抗超能力(鬼斯通离队)   25. 火爆猴,别生气哦!(收服火暴猴)   26. 艾莉嘉和臭臭花   27. 索利柏与神奇宝贝催眠   28. 美容街,饲育家大决斗(小刚得六尾)   29. 格斗神奇宝贝大决斗(火暴猴离队)   30. 小磁怪的电气老鼠之梦(收服臭臭泥)   31. 好多地鼠   32. 浅红道馆的忍者决斗   33. 火焰的神奇宝贝大赛跑   34. 袋龙的摇篮曲   35. 迷你龙的传说(收服肯泰罗)   36. 暴风雨的单车路   37. 百变怪跟模仿少女   38. 皮卡丘的森林   39. 伊布四兄弟   40. 醒来吧!卡比兽!   41. 神奇宝贝道馆的决斗   42. 椰蛋树军团大前进(小火龙→火恐龙)   43. 派拉斯跟派拉斯特   44. 胖丁唱歌吧   45. 复活?化石神奇宝贝(火恐龙→喷火龙)   46. 吉利蛋的病历簿   47. 卡蒂狗跟小次郎   48. 大葱鸭的鸭   49. 波克比是谁的呢(小霞得到波克比)   50. 妙蛙种子的不思议花园   51. 激斗,神奇宝贝娃娃节(小霞得到可达鸭)   52. 儿童节全员大集合   53. 警犭卡蒂狗   54. 按快门的机会是比卡丘   55. 神奇宝贝鉴定考   56. 抚养家的秘密   57. 燃烧吧!红莲道馆   58. 决战红莲道馆   59. 克美波美岛   60. 华蓝道馆,水中战斗   61. 皮皮对抗胖丁   62. 常盘道馆?最后的徽章   63. 神奇宝贝马戏团的吸盘魔偶   64. 迷唇姐的圣诞节   65. 用大岩蛇露营   66. 宿敌大决斗?大木研究所   67. 当呆呆兽变成呆河马的时候   68. 踏浪皮卡丘的传说   69. 植物园的臭臭花   70. 神奇宝贝电影   71. 喵喵之歌   72. 四天王希巴登场   73. 激烈冲突超古代神奇宝贝   74. 嘎啦嘎啦的骨头棒   75. 开火?神奇宝贝联盟开会式   76. 神奇宝贝联盟开幕?水之场地(大钳蟹→巨钳蟹)   77. 冰之场地?火炎之战   78. 草之场地?意外的强敌   79. 劲敌登场   80. 石英运动场VS阿弘   81. 神奇宝贝联盟?最后的战斗   【橘子联盟目录】   82. 真新镇,新的出发(比比鸟→比雕,比雕离队)   83. 飞行船是不幸船   84. 南国神奇宝贝与GS球(小刚离队)   85. 拯救乘龙(收服乘龙,小建加入)   86. 橘子联盟?夏干道馆   87. 消失的神奇宝贝之谜   88. 水晶大岩蛇   89. 粉红神奇宝贝之岛   90. 化石盔化石的秘密   91. 跳吧!神奇宝贝豪华油轮   92. 再见可达鸭,又来哥达鸭   93. 航海的乔伊,破浪前进吧   94. 奈普鲁道馆,雪山之战   95. 大胃王卡比兽,大恐慌(收服卡比兽)   96. 幽灵船跟幽灵神奇宝贝   97. 喵喵之岛   98. 飞天螳螂,战士的尊严   99. 南方之岛,全员大集合   100. 四天王科拿,冰之战斗   101. 尼多朗的恋爱故事   102. 大平原的小磁怪   103. 地下道的怪物   104. 柚子道馆类型格凌斗三比三   105. 皮卡丘对抗喵喵   106. 喷火龙,就决定是你了!   107. 灭火大战 杰尼龟对抗卡咪龟   108. 燃烧吧!卡比兽!   109. 接棒决斗! 最后的道场!   110. 鲤鱼王进化的秘密   111. 蚊香蝌蚪和小霞 (小霞得到蚊香蝌蚪)   112. 胜利者杯,全员大对决   113. 最后战斗 快龙登场   114. 再见了 乘龙 (乘龙离队)   115. 顽皮蛋大爆炸   116. 真新镇,我回来了 (小刚加入,小建离队)   【城都联盟目录】   117. 宿敌对决,小智对抗小茂   118. 若叶镇!! 吹起开始之风的城镇!   119. 投手的菊草叶   120. 赫拉克罗斯对抗大甲(收服赫拉克罗斯)   121. 顿甲之谷   122. 咕咕跟迷惑森林   123. 美丽花的战斗之舞   124. 线球大搜索线   125. 布卢的华丽生活   126. 惊角鹿,幻影森林   127. 好胜的菊草叶 (收服菊草叶)   128. 沼王和gs球   129. 芭瓢虫之笛   130. 幸福蛋的快乐护士   131. 喇叭芽之塔大危机   132. 桔梗道馆,空中大战   133. 爱哭鬼玛力露   134. 暴走,尾立和波克比   135. 喷火龙山谷(喷火龙离队)   136. 向日花怪会场大恐慌   137. 菊草叶不高兴了   138. 毛建子草飞跑了!大草原之战!   139. 神秘超级英雄,天蝎人登场   140. 咩利羊和牧场的少女   141. 巨钳螳螂对抗赫拉克罗斯   142. 收服火球鼠(收服火球鼠)   143. 桧皮镇的呆呆兽之井   144. 榛果球与圆柑果实后山之战. (小刚得到榛果球)   145. 桧皮道馆,森林的战斗场地.   146. 桐森林,寻找大葱鸭.   147. 果然翁与神奇宝贝交换会.   148. 杰尼龟队燃烧斗志!像火一样. (杰尼龟离队)   149. 好多乌波.   150. 胖丁对抗布庐.   151. 黑暗神奇宝贝.   152. 小锯鳄是谁的?小智对抗小霞. (收服小锯鳄,小霞的蚊香进化成蚊香蛙)   153. 盔甲鸟对抗火球鼠,钢铁之翼   154. 小锯鳄跳现代的舞步.   155. 抓到漂亮的猫头夜鹰(收服猫头夜鹰)   156. 圈圈熊吓死人   157. 麒麟奇,超能力神奇宝贝之村   158. 神奇宝贝占卜大混战   159. 满金市的满金道馆   160. 大奶罐,复仇之战   161. 收讯塔的战斗,超越时空   162. 捕虫大会 在自然公园收服他!(收服大针蜂,大针蜂送奈奈)   163. 胡说树在哪里?   164. 古代神奇宝贝公园,阿露福遗迹   165. 波波屋的传信波波   166. 超音蝠之馆,危险的迷宫(小刚的超音蝠进化大嘴蝠)   167. 柯波朗对抗妙蛙种子,格斗大对决   168. 丛林的三只 温泉战斗   169. 金鱼王,钓鱼战斗   170. 再见了六尾,神奇宝贝选美比赛(小刚的六尾离队)   171. 壶壶对抗喇叭芽   172. 月精灵,黑夜的战斗   173. 安飘虫,超越风之谷   174. 果然翁之村   175. 百变怪大师,与伊美蒂重逢   176. 苗苗跟布鲁跟布卢皇   177. 阿利多斯,忍术战斗   178. 展翅吧,阳阳玛,飞向明天的天空   179. 皮卡丘与皮丘   180. 毛毽子花,草神奇宝贝战斗   181. 黑鲁加跟波克比   182. 烧焦塔,小松登场   183. 圆朱道馆,鬼斯战斗   184. 伊布五姐妹,茶会大战斗   185. 黑暗鸦,被夺走的徽章   186. 铁炮鱼的天空   187. 熊宝宝的秘密   188. 积冰的向日种子之密   189. 挖这里,小山猪,寻找温泉   190. 急冻鸟VS胖丁,暴风雪之中   191. 风速狗与火炎之石   192. 土龙弟弟全都没了   193. 果然翁遇难了   194. 小刚病倒了危险的露营   195. 大力鳄抵抗水箭龟相扑大战斗   196. 与神奇宝贝讲话神奇宝贝的语言神奇宝贝的心情   197. 大嘴蝠对假面女王五藏遗迹之战(小刚的大嘴蝠进化成叉字蝠)   198. 图图犬的遗迹旭日中的光辉   199. 尼多力诺和尼多娜,小刚的玫瑰生活   200. 再见了菊草叶,电气的迷宫(菊草叶→月桂叶)   201. 月桂叶到哪里去了在药草园抓住它   202. 天然雀的占卜预测未来的神秘   203. 神奇宝贝气球大赛越过暴风雨   204. 迷唇娃迷死人超级巨星喜欢神奇宝贝   205. 踏浪追踪铁甲暴龙!湖之战!   206. 变隐龙在哪里?看不见的神奇宝贝,大混乱   207. 讨厌水系神奇宝贝的乔伊小姐,小霞的愤怒   208. 圣母大奶罐,沙漠的秘密   209. 光辉灯塔!浅葱市的战斗   210. 湛蓝道馆,正面决斗,格斗大对决   211. 漩涡列岛,新的挑战!   212. 波波与大波波,飞向未曾见过的天空!   213. 向大海出发吧,灯笼鱼大游行   214. 太阳珊瑚好朋友!黄岩岛的对决(小霞得到太阳珊瑚)   215. 巨翅飞鱼跟沉船,神秘神奇宝贝的秘密   216. 章鱼桶跟铁炮鱼!漩涡列岛大赛预赛!!   217. 涡列岛大赛,在水的运动场大战斗!   218. 小智对抗小霞,漩涡列岛大赛最后的战斗!   219. 保护地鼠的村子,陷阱大作战   220. 银色之翼的传说,银岩岛的战斗!!   221. 神秘的神奇宝贝!X!   222. 被抓走的洛奇亚!   223. 与洛奇亚的约定   224. 飞吧咕咕号!以浅葱市为目标!   225. 浅葱市VS大钢蛇   226. 再见妙蛙种子!大木家后院大冒险! (妙蛙种子离队)   227. 太阳精灵与樱花!重新回到圆朱市!   228. 水君与米那基!凤王之传说!   229. 在神奇宝贝劲速赛中向前冲! (得到蛋)   230. 名侦探君莎,蛋不见了,大搜谜   231. 蛋要孵化了 (得到小小象)   232. 火箭队跟信使鸟   233. 雾中的九尾   234. 巴尔拉与空手道之王巴尔郎   235. 天然鸟之大预言   236. 阿渡与红色暴鲤龙   237. 红色暴鲤龙之愤怒   238. 长毛猪与使雪之YANAGI   239. CHYOOJI场馆,冰之对战   240. 美丽花VS霸王花!草原之平和   241. 熔岩蜗牛,用火热的心来收服!   242. 神奇宝贝魔法大变身   243. 闪电鸟跟水晶,湖的秘密   244. 双胞胎的宝宝丁对抗胖丁   245. 呆呆兽之悟,小智之悟   246. 假大木博士,神奇宝贝川柳对决!   247. 皮宝宝跟皮皮跟流星   248. 蚊香蛙的进化 (小霞的蚊香蛙进化成牛蛙君)   249. 竞技公园vs水箭龟、喷火龙、妙蛙花   250. 牛蛙君跟拉拉队   251. 冰之洞穴   252. 依吹与迷你龙   253. 烟墨道馆的龙之牙   254. 快龙!逆鳞激活   255. 烟墨道馆!最后的徽章   256. 果然宝宝!道馆徽章与果然翁   257. 龙宫道馆,水中之战   258. 乘龙之歌 (与乘龙重逢)   259. 保护神秘蛋,在暴风天中诞生新生命(收服由基拉)   260. 炎帝与在温泉的伙伴 (小刚的榛果球进化成佛烈托斯)   261. 胖墩国王,王者的证明!   262. 奈奈与电气小子   263. 加油吧!由基拉   264. 不可思议的安侬   265. 班吉拉与由基拉 (由基拉离队)   266. 狃拉与圣火   267. 白银山大会!与小茂再度重逢!!   268. 联盟预赛!火岩鼠火焰战斗!!   269. 大菊花vs. 妙蛙种子 草系神宝的尊严   270. 决胜淘汰赛!!全体战斗6VS6!!!   271. 劲敌对决!!水箭龟VS喷火龙!!   272. 遇上火鸡战士!!与羽月的对决!!   273. 全体战斗的成果!!分别的道路!!   274. 再见了,接下来的旅途 (小刚,小霞离队)   275. 和皮卡丘的别离 (第一部大结局)   【AG宝石联盟】   AG1.新的大地!新的冒险!! (小遥加入)   AG2.古代神奇宝贝与神秘军团!   AG3.橙华道馆对抗过动猿!   神奇宝贝周刊播放局:小刚!!!拯救尼比道馆!!!   神奇宝贝周刊播放局:华蓝道馆的复仇!!! (小霞得到暴鲤龙)   AG4.傲骨燕多多!危险多多!在橙华森林收服它! (收服傲骨燕,小刚归队)   神奇宝贝周刊播放集:加油!!!前进的火箭队??   AG5.蛇纹熊与短裤少年!小遥的第一场战斗!   神奇宝贝周刊播放局:圣诞节特别篇(预定)   AG6.火箭队!疯狂乱抓,再见了!   AG7.木守宫之森!保护巨大树! (收服木守宫)   神奇宝贝周刊播放集:大木博士家大作战   AG8.饭匙蛇对抗木守宫!必杀的拍击攻击!   AG9.怪奇!怪奇蘑蘑菇大宅之谜?   AG10.史上最强的大嘴鸥出现了!!   AG11.大狼犬与土狼犬,进化的神秘!!!   AG12.莲叶童子与花店三姊妹 (小刚获得莲叶童子)   AG13.神奇宝贝华丽比赛!!!狩猎凤蝶的华丽战斗!!   神奇宝贝播放局:制作小霞的徽章   AG14.双打比赛,捕捉刺尾虫 (小遥获得刺尾虫)   AG15.用功!!神奇宝贝训练家培育学园!!   AG16.卡那兹道馆!朝北鼻的秘密武器!   AG17.得文制造有限公司!!水箭队之影!!   AG18.哈奇老人与长翅鸥小皮!!   AG19.逃离巨牙鲨之岛!!   神奇宝贝播放局: 神奇宝贝搜查网!!寻找大木博士!!   AG20.武斗道馆!!冲浪道馆训练家藤树登场   AG21.刺尾虫对刺尾虫!!到底是哪一只? (小遥的刺尾虫进化成甲壳蛹)   AG22.大吾!可可多拉和波士可多拉   AG23.海边的捣蛋鬼--龙虾小兵登场!! (收服龙虾小兵)   AG24.奔跑吧!小智!越过利牙鱼之河!   AG25.秘密之池!好多水跃鱼 (小刚得到水跃鱼)   AG26.长鼻叶族的袭击   AG27.火岩队对抗水舰队,秘密基地的战斗!   AG28.狩猎凤蝶与毒粉蝶!进化之后! (小遥的甲壳蛹进化成狩猎凤蝶)   AG29.勾魂眼的惊奇   AG30.格斗少女与玛沙那!暴风雨之中!!   AG31.武斗道馆再战!乘浪的战斗场地!   AG32.弃船!悄悄靠近的影子   AG33.小遥的劲敌!特训!神奇宝贝华丽大赛!   AG34.最初拿到的神奇宝贝,大混乱   AG35.小遥!初次挑战神奇宝贝华丽大赛!   AG36.保护海之博物馆,火岩队的袭击!   AG37.美女与野兽?狡滑天狗和乔伊小姐   AG38.正电拍拍和负电拍拍!!山上的灯塔!!   AG39.唱歌吧!!机械屋!!   AG40.紫堇道馆!!铁仙的电击战斗!!   AG41.木守宫的新技能!西瓜园的保镳   AG42.电萤虫与甜甜萤!爱的舞蹈!   AG43.飞吧,宝贝龙!朝向明天!   AG44.小霞登场!波克比和虚幻的王国 (小霞归队)   AG45.海市蜃楼的那儿!波克比的乐园! (小霞的波克比进化成波克基古 小霞离队)   AG46.胜利家庭!4VS4!!   AG47.向尾猫和散播芳香 (小谣收服向尾猫)   AG48.猫鼬斩VS饭匙蛇! 劲敌对决   AG49.小胜VS小胜!守护溜溜糖球!   AG50.端付镇的神奇宝贝选美大赛   AG51.VS恰雷姆 ,选美大赛战斗   AG52.正电拍拍和负电拍拍,加油之路   AG53.向尾猫和"有样学样" 呆火驼牧场   AG54.火岩队VS水箭队,再次遇见!烟筒山作战!!   AG55.新人训练家--明日菜 ,全是洞的战斗场地   AG56.热血徽章!!用燃烧的战斗得到它!!   AG57.好多晃晃斑!!找寻山另外一边的幸福   AG58.闯越钢之谷!煤炭龟VS大钢蛇 (收服煤炭龟)   AG59.紫堇道馆再度 VS 雷电兽!   AG60.可爱猫与优雅猫!传说的协调家登场!!   AG61.蒙面的出场者?魅影登场!   AG62.(シダケ)市!神奇宝贝 华丽比赛!!   AG63.太阳岩和连帽小童!神圣森林的传说!!   AG64.青绵鸟的天空!小遥的心!   AG65.溶食兽击退大作战!   AG66.一触即发!爆音怪VS森林蜥蜴 (木守宫→森林蜥蜴)   AG67.跳舞的战斗!乐天河童!!   神奇宝贝周刊播放集:神奇宝贝研究者小茂和复活的化石翼龙   AG68.爸爸是偶像!?假冒的道馆馆主!!   AG69.橙华道馆的危机!家庭的危机!!   AG70.橙华道馆战!第五枚徽章!   AG71.大木博士和小田卷博士!秘密基地之战!   AG72.接棒战斗!小智 VS 小遥!?   AG73.禁断的森林王者!妙蛙花!! (小遥得到妙蛙种子)   AG74.妙蛙种子和妙蛙种子!夺回宝贝球!!   AG75.对决!巨大鲶鱼王   AG76.天秤人偶和雾中的遗迹!   AG77.强敌!?妈妈桑协调家登场!   AG78.神奇宝贝华丽比赛!如波大会!!   AG79.跳跳猪在找的东西!?   AG80.首度挑战!空中竞技?神奇宝贝套环者!!(傲骨燕→大王燕)   AG81.怨影娃娃之公馆!   AG82.森林格斗王!?力壮鸡 VS 斗笠菇   AG83.天气研究所的漂浮泡泡!   AG84.ヒワマキ市的羽毛嘉年华!!   AG85.ヒワマキ道馆!天空之战!!   AG86.电影是骑在喷火鸵上!   AG87.神秘! 从宇宙来的神奇宝贝!?   AG88.香蕉懒人翁园的卡比兽!!   AG89.皮卡丘加入火箭队!?   AG90.抵达水静市!能量方块和燕返斩!   AG91.神奇宝贝竞赛!水静大会!!   AG92.那三只神奇宝贝登场,审判学校之岛!   AG93.珍珠贝和跳跳猪!寻找珍珠!   AG94.古空棘鱼与深海的秘宝!   AG95.猎斑鱼与樱花鱼!进化之谜!   AG96.肌肉对战!?双打比赛!!   AG97 海与大地的死战!固拉多VS盖欧卡!!(上)   AG98.海与大地的死战!固拉多VS盖欧卡!!(下)   AG99.小枫和小兰!宇宙中心之战!   AG100.绿岭道馆!太阳岩与月石!   AG101.海男!四大天王源次登场!!   AG102.诸星博士之岛!化石神奇宝贝出现!!   AG103.伊莎贝岛神奇宝贝华丽大赛!   AG104.封印巨大念力土偶吧!   AG105.大嘴娃恋爱了!乐天河童的花道!   AG106.大颚蚁和超音波幼虫!梦幻之湖!   AG107.阿勃梭鲁!悄悄靠近的灾祸之影!   AG108.收服雪童子吧! (收服雪童子)   AG109.拯救拉鲁多斯!小胜快点!   AG110.琉璃市!水之艺术师?阿当!(前篇)   AG111.琉璃市!水之艺术师?阿当!(后篇)   AG112.直冲熊!友情的形式!?   AG113.幻岛的小果然翁!   AG114.滚动吧!恋爱的顿甲   AG115.混战、混乱!神奇宝贝华丽大会- 伐木镇(前篇)   AG116.混战、混乱!神奇宝贝华丽大会- 伐木镇(后篇)   AG117.用小遥美食收服小卡比兽?! (小遥得到小卡比兽)   AG118.劲敌登场!政宗和铁哑铃   AG119.怪盗邦拿与缎带奖杯!!   AG120.开幕!豪华庆典(1)   AG121.开幕!豪华庆典(2)   AG122.开幕!豪华庆典(3)   AG123.虎口脱险! (雪童子→冰鬼户)   AG124.到达サイユウシティ,穿靴子的喵喵!   AG125.政宗登场!   AG126.开幕!方圆联盟联赛!(1)   AG127.开幕!方圆联盟联赛!(2)   AG128.开幕!方圆联盟联赛!(3)   AG129.劲敌对决,小智VS政宗   AG130.最后激战,通向冠军称号之路!   AG131.斯科特和战斗边疆   AG132.大木博士实验室.所有人员大集合!   【战斗领域 Battle Frontier 】   AG133.月见山,皮宝宝与皮皮与皮可西!   AG134.初次上阵!战斗工厂!(上集)   AG135.初次上阵!战斗工厂!(下集)   AG136.大岩蛇的王国!   AG137.胖丁的歌,爸爸的歌!   AG138.劲敌对决!收服风速狗!   AG139.忧郁的可达鸭!!   AG140.狃拉与吸盘魔偶!哪一个餐厅!?   AG141.进化的神秘与奇迹!!   AG142.神奇宝贝华丽大赛??山吹大会!(前篇)   AG143.神奇宝贝华丽大赛??山吹大会!(后篇)   AG144.格斗道场!小智VS小遥   AG145.超能力系VS幽灵系!深夜中的决斗!?   AG146.模仿魔偶登场!休息之大宅!   AG147.水跃鱼与绵绵!恋爱的特效药!?   AG148.战斗竞技场!格斗对决!!   AG149.培育屋老板与神奇宝贝的蛋!   AG150.上班族的劲敌?!   AG151.哈克龙之湖!   AG152.战斗巨蛋!火焰与水的融合   AG153.震撼!吃惊!电击怪   AG154.神奇宝贝森林守护者登场!救出雪拉比作战   AG155.胡说盆栽与忍者学校   AG156.超越时空的小遥   AG157.热烈的战斗通道VS通道女王??麻美   AG158.优胜在谁的手上?定向越野竞赛   AG159.小卡比兽的初次战!与汉妮一决胜负   AG160.森林蜥蜴VS热带龙!草原的决斗! (森林蜥蜴→蜥蜴王)   AG161.神奇宝贝华丽大赛!让叶大会!   AG162.蜥蜴王!复活的拂晓!!   AG163.激烈战斗!战斗皇宫的激烈战斗!!   AG164.胡说盆栽国王与模仿魔偶女王?!   AG165.摩天楼里的红色闪电   AG166.决定性的比赛,小遥VS小刚   AG167.迷唇娃与迷唇姐三姐妹   AG168.高塔大君,里拉登场   AG169.战斗之塔,心传心的战斗   AG170+AG171.神奇宝贝1小时特别版:神奇宝贝游侠,代欧奇西斯,危机   AG172.胡说树!黄金传说   AG173.哈利&火箭队!结成反派同盟   美国纪念口袋10周年一小时特别篇(讲述超梦的)   AG174.小遥VS武藏!最后的华丽大赛   AG175.解散火箭队?各自的道路   AG176.以商标战守护尼比道馆   AG177.对战金字塔!对抗雷吉洛克   AG178.惊异!巨大请假王之山   AG179.开幕!神奇宝贝华丽大赛大型庆典!   日本ANA全日空第2集 皮卡丘的鬼节佳年华   AG180.小遥VS哈利!用双打比赛登上舞台吧!   AG181.小遥VS小瞬!最后的战斗!(收服长尾怪手)   AG182.长尾怪手与大王!   AG183.音符鹉与神奇宝贝相声   AG184.袭击!走失的玛狃拉!   AG185.再度挑战金字塔!VS钢神柱!   AG186.小瞬VS小遥!永远的劲敌!   AG187.神奇宝贝中心大忙碌!   AG188.最初的神奇宝贝!最后的战斗!   AG189.决战!VS冰神柱!   AG190.小智VS小遥!最后一战(小遥的力壮鸡进化成火焰鸡)   AG191.旅行的结束,就是旅行的开始!(第二部大结局,小刚,小遥离队)   DP   DP1.启程!从双叶镇到真砂镇 (小光登场)   DP2.寻找皮卡丘!202号公路!(收服胖胖翁)   DP3.劲敌对战!三对三!(小光加入)   DP4.圆企鹅对蔷薇苞!小光初次对战!   DP5.收服树苗龟! (小智收服树苗龟)   DP6.迷惑之森,与真嗣的再度相遇   DP7.加油园企鹅!   DP8.谜之道馆的毒蛾斗士!   DP9.和卷耳兔一起玩 (小光收服卷儿兔)   DP10.神奇精灵表入手困难   DP11.小光!华丽大赛初赛!   DP12.华丽大赛战斗!劲敌对决!   DP13.胖胖翁加油! (胖胖翁---卷毛翁)   DP14.一切交给小刚吧!   DP15.黑铁道馆!平田VS真嗣!!   DP16.头盖龙VS皮卡丘!   DP17.古代神奇宝贝大进撃!   DP18.再次挑战黑铁道馆!暴跳龙   DP19.收服电栗鼠没问题? (小光收服电栗鼠)   DP20.神奇宝贝猎人J!   DP21.最强的鲤鱼王与最美的笨笨鱼!   DP22.电栗鼠VS长尾猴华丽大赛战斗!   DP23.爆走大刚蛇,守护匏牙狸之村!   DP24.对决!小智对抗皮卡丘!?   DP25.怪杰万花蔷薇与花传说!   DP26.神奇宝贝华丽大赛,园葶大会!   DP27.决战,圆企鹅对舵企鹅!   DP28.鬼飘飘与北风的使者!   DP29.小智与小光,双人合作赛没问题!?   DP30.白稠之森,蓑衣虫进化作战!   DP31.树苗龟对树苗龟!速度对决!   DP32.琥珀之城的女黄蜂!   DP33.好喜欢!神奇宝贝变装大赛!   DP34.叉尾浮鼬,通向最强的道路! (小光收服叉尾浮鼬)   DP35.四天王梧叶与古铜钟!   DP36.新奥时空传说!   DP37.白岱大会!对战菜子!   DP38.爆诞!自行车道路! (小刚获得粉红蛋)   DP39.皮卡丘来看家!   DP40.冠军登场   DP41.小光和小希以及双人表演   DP42.落雷兽训练中心!   DP43.巫妖!从噩梦中逃脱!   DP44.救助迷路的沼泽河马   DP45.再遇神奇宝贝猎人J!守卫盾面龙!! (小茂登场)   DP46.在迷路的混乱中!全体激活!!   DP47.米尔和凯西以及深水之下   DP48.小智与小光!朝向新的冒险前进!!   DP49.神奇宝贝华丽大赛! 绿缘大会   DP50.全员参加! 联协堆栈!!   DP51.小火猴VS镰刀猫鼬! 命运的对决!!   DP52.联协对战! 最终决赛!! (小智收服小火猴)   DP53.小火猴的眼泪!!   DP54.菜子与沙漠奈亚! 究竟为谁而离别! (小次郎失去了沙漠奈亚...)   DP55.长尾怪手和叉尾浮鼬! 各自的道路 (小智和小光交换了...)   DP56.鬼盆栽的要石   DP57.龅牙河狸心知肚明!   DP58.红鼻磁石! 灼热的灵魂!   DP59.雷鸣狮的眼眸   DP60.花蕊遗迹中的未知图腾 (长尾怪手—双尾怪手)   DP61.神奇宝贝华丽大赛! 花蕊大会   DP62.女仆咖啡店的大奶罐!   DP63. 三只小山猪与温泉蒸汽对战   DP64.滑翔天蝎和天蝎! 穿越风的迷宫! (小智收服天蝎,新嗣收服滑翔天蝎...)   DP65.帕奇利兹在沙暴河马的口中!?   DP66.路卡利奥 愤怒的波导弹   DP67.小光的道馆处女战   DP68.帷幕道馆!路卡利欧对抗泳气鼬!!   DP69.时尚达人”!名为银河队!!』   DP70:振作起来 铃铃铛!   DP71:神奇宝贝保育家,波导的路卡力欧(上)   DP72:神奇宝贝保育家,波导的路卡力欧(下)   DP73:再见了毒粉蝶!   DP74:皮卡丘!雷丘!通往进化之路!!   第75集 华丽大赛大师·米可利登场!   第76集 餐厅七星!用双人合作赛吃全餐!(小遥客串登场)   第77集 大家都是劲敌!米可利杯!   第79集 决战!小光对小遥!   第78集 激斗!各自的对战!   第80集 阳阳玛!收服大作战!   第81集 灼热的小火猴!   第82集:野濑大湿原的不良蛙庆典!?   第83集 野濑道馆!VS最强假面!!   第84集 里山先生家的大食客小山猪!(小光收服小山猪)   第85集 天蝎!友情之翼!!   第86集 因缘时装系列发布会!通往神奇宝贝造型师之路   第87集 可达鸭的挡路!!   第88集 神奇宝贝暑期学校开讲!   第89集 研究发表『湖之传说』!   第90集 放学后是幽灵时间 !   第91集 最后的大对决!神奇宝贝三项铁人赛!   小智:   皮卡丘(ep001在大木博士手上得到,起初不听话,在ep002正式收服)   妙蛙种子(ep010收服)   大钳蟹 → 巨钳蟹(ep013收服,ep076在比赛中进化)   臭臭泥(ep030收服)   肯泰罗(30只)(ep035收服)   卡比兽(ep095收服)   赫拉克罗斯(ep120收服)   菊草叶 → 月桂叶(ep127收服,其后在ep201进化)   火球鼠(ep142收服)   小锯鳄(ep152收服)   猫头夜鹰(ep155收服)   小小象 → 顿甲(在ep229取得小小象的蛋,其后在ep231孵化,其后在ag153进化)   麻燕(傲骨燕) → 大王燕(ag004收服,其后在ag080进化)   草青蛙(木守宫)→ 森林蜥蜴 → 蜥蜴王(ag006收服,其后在ag066进化成森林蜥蝪,并在ag160进化成蜥蝪王)   龙虾小兵(ag032收服)   煤炭龟(ag058收服)   雪童子 → 冰鬼护(ag108收服,其后在ag122进化)   胖胖翁 → 卷毛翁(dp002收服,其后在dp013进化)   嫩苗龟(dp005收服)   小火猴(dp051收服)   叉尾浮鼬(dp055交换而得)   天蝎(dp064收服)


1. Be you, pet elf     2. The duel that is in pet elf center (small glow is joined)     3. Caught pet elf eventually (close take armour of green caterpillar → aurelian, close take frequently bird)     4. The challenge of junior palace guard (armour aurelian → cling to big Hu)     5. Pi Kaqiu should undertake special example (small just joined)     6. Skin of a lot of skins is here     7. 4 people of belle group     8. The Xiaoming     that emerge victorious in every battle 9. The   of aristocratic school   in remote mountains 10. Guess less than having to be harvested accidentally (close take clever frog seed)     11. The small firedrake that loses host (close take small firedrake)     12. Outstanding Buddhist nun chelonian army group comes on stage (close take outstanding Buddhist nun chelonian)     13. brightness beacon (close take tongs crab)     14. Pairs electrical shock is big definitely     15. The battle     of super tanker 16. Maritime float writes down     17. Barren island adventure writes down     18. Qing Dynasty is protected tall " holiday     19. Tremendous demon city makes a surprise attack greatly (small glow gets Chinese ink sea horse)     20. The   of ghost demon   that appears in summer 21. Cling to big Hu good-bye (cling to big Hu drop out)     22. Kathy, exceed   of   of ability big decisive struggle 23. Close in tower of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character take ghostliness (receive the Stone that take spirit)     24. Ghost Stone defies exceed capacity (ghost Stone drop out)     25. Hot monkey, fasten life! (close take fiery clever boy)     26. Ai Li fine with   of smelly smelly beautiful   27. Suo Libai and mystical good-for-nothing or queer character are hypnotic     28. Hairdressing street, big decisive struggle of raise Home Yo (small just got 6 remaining part)     29. Fistfight is magical baby big decisive struggle (fiery monkey drop out)     30. The dream of the electric mice with small strange magnetism (close take smelly smelly mashed vegetable or fruit)     31.   of   of a lot of shrewmouse 32. The   of   of duel of the person that bear of house of easy red way 33. The   of   of big race of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character of blaze 34. The cradlesong     of bag dragon 35. The fokelore that confuses your dragon (close take Kentailuo)     36.   of   of stormy bicycle road 37. 100 become strange to follow imitate girl     38. Silvan     of Pi Kaqiu 39. Yi Bu   of 4 brother   40. Awake! Card compares animal! 41. The duel     of house of path of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 42. Army group of coconut egg tree advances greatly (fire of small firedrake → is dinosaurian)     43. The clique is pulled this Lasite following a group     44. Fat man sings     45. Renascent? Fossil is magical baby (firedrake of gush of igneous dinosaur → )     46. The   of anamnesis book   of auspicious egg 47. Dog blocking the base of a fruit follows man     small 48. The duck     of duck of green Chinese onion 49. Who Bokebi is (small glow gets Bokebi)     50. Of clever frog seed do not think of discuss garden     51. Stimulate bottle, division of child of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character (small glow gets can amounting to duck)     52. The Children's Festival is complete a   of big rally   53. Alarm   of   of dog of Piao Ka Di 54. The opportunity that presses shutter is   of   of the grave that compare card 55. Appraisal of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character takes an examination of     56. The secret     that brings up the home 57. Combustion!   of   of house of red lotus path 58.   of   of house of path of decisive battle red lotus 59.   of   of beautiful island of the wave that overcome the United States 60. House of Hua La path,   of   of the battle in water 61.   of   of fat man of leather skin antagonism 62. House of constant winding mountain paths? Final armorial     63. The acetabulum with mystical circus wagon good-for-nothing or queer character   of demon idol   64. The christmas     of the elder sister that confuse a lip 65. Camp with big rock snake     66. Constellation enemy big decisive struggle? Big wood institute     67. When slow-witted slow-witted animal becomes slow-witted hippo     68. The fabulous     of Pikaqiu stepping billow 69. The   of smelly smelly beautiful   of arboretum 70.   of   of movies of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 71. The song     that mew mews 72. 4 days of king Xibadeng field     73. Intense conflict transcends ancient time   of   of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 74.   of bone marvellous   75. Firing? Alliance of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character attends a meeting type     76. Does alliance of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character kick off? The field of water (crab of gigantic clamp of tongs crab → )     77. Glacial field? The battle     with phlogistic fire 78. Careless field?   of accident strong opponent   79. Strong opponent comes on stage     80. Quartz   of   of playground VS A Hong 81. Is mystical good-for-nothing or queer character allied? Final battle     [orange alliance catalog]     82. Press down really newly, set out newly (frequently bird → compares vulture, the drop out that compare vulture)     83. Flight boat is   of unfortunate boat   84. Austral and mystical good-for-nothing or queer character and GS ball (small firm drop out)     85. Save by dragon (close take by dragon, a lunar month of 29 days is joined)     86. Is orange allied?   of   of summerly artery house 87. The mystery     of the mystical good-for-nothing or queer character that disappear 88.   of   of snake of crystal big rock 89. The insular     of pink and mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 90. The secret     of fossil armet fossil 91. Jump! Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is luxurious tanker     92. Good-bye can amount to duck, come again elder brother amounts to duck     93. Nautical Joy, carry a bone in the mouth     94. Nai Pu Ludao house, the battle     of snow mountain 95. Card of big stomach king compares animal, great panic (close take card to compare animal)     96. Ghostliness boat follows   of   of ghostliness and mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 97. The insular     that mew mews 98. Flying Apsaras mantis, dignity     of the soldier 99. Southern island, complete a   of big rally   100. 4 days of Wang Ke are taken, battle     of ice 101.   of amative story   102. The small magnetism of big Campagna blames     103. The   of   of an eccentric person of tunnel 104. Approach of style of type of grapefruit path house is fought 3 than 3     105.   of   of mew of mew of antagonism of leather card grave 106. Eruptive dragon, deciding is you! 107. Chelonian antagonism blocks Buddhist nun of big Zhan Jie of put out a fire   of Mi chelonian   108. Combustion! Card compares animal! 109. Receive marvellous duel! Final Taoist or Buddhish rites! 110. The secret     of carp king evolution 111. Mosquito-repellent incense tadpole and small glow (small glow gets mosquito-repellent incense tadpole)     112. Conqueror cup, complete member pairs big definitely     113. Final action fast dragon ascends field     114. Adieu take a surname (the drop out that take a surname)     115.   of   of mischievous egg big burst 116. Press down really newly, I came back (small just joined, drop out of a lunar month of 29 days)     [the city is allied catalog]     117. Old hostility definitely, small wisdom antagonism is small luxuriant     118. Be like Xie Zhen! ! Blow the town of begun wind! 119. The   of chrysanthemum grass-blade   of bowler 120. Helakeluosi is right armour of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political College (close take Helakeluosi)     121.   of   of Du Jiazhi cereal 122. Cluck cluck follows puzzle silvan     123. The dance     of the battle of beautiful flower 124. Line ball searchs line     greatly 125. The   of luxuriant life   of cloth Lu 126. Jing horn deer,   of illusive forest   127. Emulative chrysanthemum grass-blade (receive the grass-blade that take chrysanthemum)     128. Billabong king and   of Gs ball   129. The flute     of Ba ladybug 130. The   of cheerful nurse   of happy egg 131. The   of   of tower big crisis of horn bud 132. House of path of the root of balloonflower, in sky   of big fight   133. Love cries   of   of dew of ghost Ma force 134. Cruel go, end stands and wave gram compares     135. Eruptive Long Shangu (eruptive dragon drop out)     136. Xiang Rihua blames   of   of assembly room great panic 137. Chrysanthemum grass-blade is grouchy     138. Mao Jianzi grass spanked! The battle of llano! 139. Mysterious and super hero, scorpio person comes on stage     140. Baa benefit sheep and the girl     of grass 141. Conspicuous of antagonism of gigantic clamp mantis pulls Crosse     142. Close take bolide rat (close take bolide rat)     143. The well     of the slow-witted slow-witted animal that Chinese juniper skin presses down 144. Hazel fruit ball and the battle of the hill after fructification of round mandarin orange. (small just got hazel fruit ball)     145. House of path of Chinese juniper skin, battle field of the forest. 146. Tung forest, search duck of green Chinese onion. 147. As expected old man and exchange of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character are met. 148. Outstanding Buddhist nun fight of chelonian team combustion! Like fire. (outstanding Buddhist nun chelonian drop out)     149. Wave of a lot of black. 150. Cottage of cloth of fat fourth antagonism. 151. Dark and mystical good-for-nothing or queer character. 152. Small curium who alligator is? Small wisdom antagonism small glow. (close take small curium alligator, the mosquito-repellent incense evolution of small glow becomes mosquito-repellent incense frog)     153. Rat of bolide of armature bird antagonism, steely alar     154. Small curium alligator jumps contemporary steps. 155. Catch beautiful feline head goatsucker (receive goatsucker of the head that take a cat)     156. The bear that encircle a circle frightens   of the dead   157. Kylin is strange, exceed capacity the village     of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 158.   of   of big battle royal of augur of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 159. The   of   of house of full gold path of full gold city 160. Suckle coal tub greatly, vengeance battle     161. Stop the action of dispatch tower, surmount spatio-temporal     162. The congress that catch bug closes in natural park take him! (close take big shot bee, big shot bee sends Nai Nai)     163. Where is bullshit tree? 164. Ancient time is miraculous baby park,   of A Loufu vestigial   165. The   of   of wave of the wave that send a letter of wave wave house 166. The house of supersonic bat, dangerous labyrinthian (small bat of firm big mouth of supersonic bat evolution)     167. Ke Bo seed of bright antagonism clever frog, pairs fistfight is big definitely     168.   of jungly   of battle of 3 hot spring 169. Goldfish king,   of fishing battle   170. Adieu 6 end, mystical good-for-nothing or queer character picks beautiful game (small firm 6 end drop out)     171.   of   of bud of horn of crock crock antagonism 172. Lunar demon, the battle     of the night 173. An Piao bug, the cereal     that surmounts wind 174. As expected village     of old man 175. 100 become strange Great Master,   of   of meet again of as beautiful as Yi the base of a fruit 176. Miao Miao follows cloth rash   of   of Lu Huang following cloth 177. Aliduosi,   of   of the battle that bear art 178. Volant, yang Yang Ma, fly to the celestial     tomorrow 179. Pi Kaqiu and   of leather grave   180. Wool shuttlecock is beautiful,   of   of battle of careless mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 181. Black Lu Jia compares     with wave gram 182. Scorch tower, small pine comes on stage     183. House of round Zhu Dao, ghost this battle     184. Yi Bu's 5 sisters,   of   of tea party big fight 185. Dark crow, the armorial     that is snatched 186. The celestial     of fish of iron artillery piece 187. Secret     of Xiong Baobao 188. The to day seed close     that accumulates ice 189. Dig here, hill pig, search   of hot spring   190. Fat man of VS of urgent aspic bird, in blizzard     191. The stone     with wind speed dog and phlogistic fire 192. All of earthy dragon little brother did not have     193. As expected old man died     194. Small firm be laid up dangerous camping     195. Energetically   of   of big fight of sumo of chelonian of arrow of alligator resistance water 196. The language of as mystical as speech of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character good-for-nothing or queer character is magical the mood     of baby 197. Big mouth bat is right false face queen the battle with 5 vestigial Tibet (small evolution of firm big mouth bat becomes forked word bat)     198. The brilliant     in the vestigial the rising sun of plan plan dog 199. Niduolinuo and Buddhist nun are much more graceful, small   of firm rose life   200. Adieu chrysanthemum grass-blade, electric labyrinthian (leaf of bay of chrysanthemum grass-blade → )     201. Bay leaf captures its     in herb garden where 202. The mysterious     that the augur of natural sparrow forecasts future 203. Contest of balloon of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character crosses stormy     204. The child that confuse a lip confuses a the dead super giant star likes   of   of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 205. Step billow to track armour tyrannosaurus! The battle of the lake! 206. Change where is concealed dragon? Invisible mystical good-for-nothing or queer character, shambolic     207. Be fed up with water system Miss Joy of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character, the indignant     of small glow 208. Goddess suckles coal tub greatly, desert secret     209. Brilliant beacon! The battle     of shallow green city 210. House of azure blue path, openly duel, pairs fistfight is big definitely     211. Eddy a chain of islands, new challenge! 212. Wave wave and big wave, fly to the sky that have not has seen! 213. Set out to the sea,   of   of lantern fish big parade 214. Sun coral good friend! Of yellow cliff island right definitely (small glow gets sun coral)     215. Gigantic wing flying fish follows heavy boat, the secret     of mysterious and mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 216. Octopus bucket follows fish of iron artillery piece! Preliminary contest of contest of eddy a chain of islands! ! 217. Contest of eddy a chain of islands, fight greatly in the playground of water! 218. Small wisdom antagonism small glow, contest of eddy a chain of islands fights finally! 219. Protect the village of shrewmouse,   of   of battle of trap your work 220. The fokelore of argent ala, the battle of silver-colored cliff island! ! 221. Mystical mystical good-for-nothing or queer character! X! 222. The Luojiya that is caught! 223. The conventional     with Luojiya 224. Fly cluck cluck date! It is a target with shallow green city! 225.   of   of snake of big steel of VS of shallow green city 226. Seed of good-bye clever frog! Backyard of big wood home takes a risk greatly! (drop out of clever frog seed)     227. Sun demon and oriental cherry! Return round Zhu Fu afresh! 228. Shui Jun and Minaji! Feng Wangzhi is fabulous! 229. In interest of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character rush ahead in fast contest! (get an egg)     230. Sha of renown detective gentleman, the egg disappeared,   of   of big search mystery 231. The egg wants hatch (get small elephant)     232. Rocket group follows   of messenger bird   233. The   of 9 end   in mist 234. The   of   of man of Wang Ba Er of Ba Erla and Karate 235. The   of big fatidical   of natural bird 236. A Du and   of   of dragon of red cruel carp 237. The indignant     of gules Bao Lilong 238. Long hair pig and make   of   of Xue Zhi YANAGI 239. CHYOOJI place, pair of battle     of ice 240. The beautiful Xiang Yu the Conqueror that spend VS is beautiful! Of the prairie gentle     241. Lava snail, will close with fervent heart take! 242. Blackart of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character changes greatly body     243. Lightning bird follows crystal, the secret     of the lake 244. Twin darling man defies   of fat fourth   245. Of slow-witted slow-witted animal realize, small Zhi Zhiwu     246. False Damuboshi, plain willow is opposite mystical good-for-nothing or queer character definitely! 247. Pi Baobao follows meteoric     with leather skin 248. The evolution of mosquito-repellent incense frog (the evolution of mosquito-repellent incense frog of small glow becomes bullfrog supreme ruler)     249. Chelonian of arrow of water of athletics park Vs, eruptive dragon, clever frog spends     250. Bullfrog gentleman follows   of cheering squad   251. Burrow     of ice 252. According to blow with confuse   of your dragon   253. The tooth     of the dragon of house of path of smoke Chinese ink 254. Fast dragon!   of   of the activation that go against scale 255. House of path of smoke Chinese ink! Final armorial     256. As expected darling! Path house badge and as expected old man     257. House of dragon palace path, the battle     in water 258. The song that takes a surname (with the meet again that take a surname)     259. Protect mysterious egg, be born in windstorm day new student life (close take by base pull)     260. Phlogistic emperor and the associate in hot spring (small evolution of firm hazel fruit ball becomes Folietuosi)     261. Fat mound is kingly, wang Zhe's proof! 262. Nai Nai and   of electric boy   263. Cheer! By base the   that pull   264.   of mysterious An Nong   265. Ban Jila and by base pull (by base pull drop out)     266. Be bound by is pulled with   of holy fire   267. Silver hill congress! With small luxuriant once more meet again! ! 268. Allied preliminary contest! Blaze of igneous cliff rat fights! ! 269. Big chrysanthemum Vs. The dignity     that grass of clever frog seed is divine treasure 270. Knockout of decide the issue of the battle! ! All battle 6VS6! ! ! 271. Strong opponent is right definitely! ! Firedrake of gush of VS of water arrow chelonian! ! 272. Treat soldier of chicken of suffer from excessive internal heat! ! With feather of the month right definitely! ! 273. The achievement of all battle! ! Part other way! ! 274. Good-bye, next journey (small firm, small glow drop out)     275. The take leave of that blocks grave with the skin (the first big ending)     [AG gem is allied]     AG1. New earth! New venture! ! (small Yao is joined)     AG2. Ancient time is miraculous baby and mysterious army group! AG3. Antagonism of house of orange China path is moved too simian! Weekly of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character broadcasts bureau: Small firm! ! ! Save the Buddhist nun to compare a house! ! ! Weekly of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character broadcasts bureau: Of house of Hua La path avenge! ! ! (small glow gets Bao Lilong)     AG4. Swallow of lofty and unyielding character is great! Dangerous and great! In orange Hua Senlin closes take it! (close take swallow of lofty and unyielding character, small strong rejoin one's unit) weekly of   mystical good-for-nothing or queer character broadcasts collect: Cheer! ! ! Progressive rocket band? ? AG5. Anguine grain bear and knickers teenager! The first battle of small Yao! Weekly of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character broadcasts bureau: Christmas day is special piece (book)     AG6. Rocket team! Mad chaos is caught, good-bye! AG7. Wood defends Gong Zhisen! Protect tremendous tree! (close take Mu Shougong) weekly of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character broadcasts   collect: AG8 of   of   of battle of your work of Home Damuboshi. Meal spoon snake defies wood guards palace! Need killed rap is atttacked! AG9. Quite strange! Is worry of quite strange mushroom big curtilage mystery? AG10. History on the strongest big mouth gull appeared! ! AG11. Big wolf dog and aardwolf dog, developmental mystery! ! ! AG12. Lotus leaf boy and beautiful inn 3 sister (small just obtained lotus leaf boy)     AG13. Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is luxuriant the match! ! ! Chase luxuriant battle of Feng Die! ! Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character broadcasts bureau: Make the AG14 of armorial     of small glow. Doubles match, catch the bug that prick end (small Yao obtains the bug that prick end)     AG15. Be diligent! ! Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character trains the home to breed lyceum! ! AG16. Block house of path of that at present! Toward the secret weapon of boreal bazoo! AG17. civil production limited company! ! The shadow of water arrow team! ! AG18. Haing strange old person and small skin of long wing gull! ! AG19. Escape the island of gigantic tooth shark! ! Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character broadcasts bureau: Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character ransacks net! ! Search Damuboshi! ! AG20. House of path of resort to violence! ! Tree of cane of home of training of surf path house comes on stage     AG21. The bug that prick end is right the bug that prick end! ! Which be after all? (the evolution of the bug that prick end of small Yao becomes test aurelian)     AG22. Big I! Cocoa is pulled more and wave person can pull     AG23 more. The make trouble ghost of the seaside- - langouste batman comes on stage! ! (close take langouste batman)     AG24. Run! Small wisdom! Cross the river of benefit tooth fish! AG25. Confidential poll! A lot of water jumps a fish (small just got Shui Yueyu)     AG26. Long nasally the AG27 of assault     of foliaceous a group of things with common features. Fleet of water of antagonism of igneous rock group, the battle of secret base! AG28. Chase Feng Die and poisonous white butterfly! After evolution! (the carapace aurelian evolution of small Yao is become chase Feng Die)     AG29. Tick off the AG30 of amazed     of fetch eye. Fistfight girl and Ma sand that! In the rainstorm! ! AG31. House of path of resort to violence again battle! Take the battle place of billow! AG32. Abandon ship! The AG33 of shadow     of stalk. The strong opponent of small Yao! Special example! Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is luxuriant contest! AG34. The magical baby that takes at first, AG35 of shambolic     . Small Yao! The first time challenge mystical good-for-nothing or queer character luxuriant contest! AG36. Protect the museum of the sea, the assault of igneous rock group! AG37. Belle and beast? Artful day dog and AG38 of   of   of Miss Joy. Positive electricity is patted pat and negaive electricity is patted! ! The beacon on hill! ! AG39. Sing! ! Mechanical house! ! AG40. Corydalis path house! ! Tie Xian's electrical shock fights! ! AG41. Wood defends the new mastery of a skill or technique of palace! Of watermelon garden protect AG42 of bitting     . Electric firebug bug and sweet firebug! The dancing of love! AG43. Fly, baby dragon! Front tomorrow! AG44. Small glow comes on stage! Bokebi and visional kingdom (small glow rejoin)     AG45. There mirage! Bokebi's Eden! (the wave gram of small glow compares evolution to become Bokejigu small glow drop out)     AG46. Triumphal family! 4VS4! ! AG47. To end cat and diffuse scent (small ballad closes take to end cat)     AG48. Snake of spoon of meal of VS of feline stoat behead! Strong opponent is right definitely     AG49. Small get the better of VS small get the better of! Guard ball of smooth smooth candy! AG50. The magical baby that carries Fu Zhen chooses AG51.VS of   of beautiful contest   Qialeimu, choose AG52 of   of   of beautiful contest battle. Positive electricity is patted pat and negaive electricity is patted, the AG53 of road     that cheer. Have AG54 of   of   of grass of camel of slow-witted fire of " of appearance play the ape to end cat and " . Team of arrow of water of VS of igneous rock group, encounter again! Chimney hill fights! ! AG55. New personality trains the home- - tomorrow dish, it is the AG56 of   of battle field   of the hole completely. Hot-blooded badge! ! With flaming the battle gets it! ! AG57. A lot of shake Huang Ban! ! Search hill additional at the same time AG58 of happy     . Enter the cereal that jumps over steel! Snake of big steel of coal chelonian VS (close take coal chelonian)     AG59. Corydalis path house once more VS thunder animal! AG60. Lovely cat and elegant cat! Fabulous harmonious home comes on stage! ! AG61. The person that does masked come on the stage? Evil spirit shadow comes on stage! AG62. (シ ダ ケ ) city! Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is luxuriant the match! ! AG63. Sun cliff and the Xiaotong that connect a cap! The fokelore of divine forest! ! AG64. Qing Miandiao's sky! The heart of small Yao! AG65. Dissolve feeds animal to repel your work fight! AG66. On the verge of breaking out! Lizard of forest of sonic boom strange VS (lizard of forest of Mu Shougong → )     AG67. Dancing battle! Carefree river child! ! Weekly of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character broadcasts collect: Student of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is young luxuriant with AG68 of renascent   of fossil pterodactyl   . Father is God! ? Sham path house house advocate! ! AG69. The crisis of house of orange China path! Domestic crisis! ! AG70. Battle of house of orange China path! The 5th badge! AG71. Damuboshi and small cropland coil doctor! The battle of secret base! AG72. Receive strong action! Small wisdom VS small Yao! ? AG73. The silvan Wang Zhe that bans! Clever frog is beautiful! ! (small Yao gets clever frog seed)     AG74. Clever frog seed and clever frog seed! Recapture baby ball! ! AG75. Right definitely! AG76 of   of   of tremendous catfish king. Libra person is mixed occasionally in mist vestigial! AG77. Strong opponent! ? Mom mulberry coordinates the home to come on stage! AG78. Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is luxuriant the match! Be like wave congress! ! AG79. Jump jump the thing that the pig is seeking! ? AG80. First degrees of challenge! The athletics in sky? Ringer of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character person! ! (swallow of king of → of swallow of lofty and unyielding character)     AG81. Complain the residence of shadow baby! AG82. Silvan fistfight king! ? Force is strong AG83 of   of   of stay of proceedings of gallinaceous VS bamboo hat. Of weather institute float hubble-bubble! AG84. The feather of city of キ of ヒ ワ マ fine time! ! AG85. House of path of キ of ヒ ワ マ ! Celestial battle! ! AG86. The film is to ride on eruptive ostrich! AG87. Be mysterious! From the mystical good-for-nothing or queer character that the universe comes to! ? AG88. The card of garden of banana dawdler old man compares animal! ! AG89. Pi Kaqiu joins rocket group! ? AG90. Reach Shui Jing city! Energy diamonds and swallow return behead! AG91. Contest of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character! Shui Jing congress! ! AG92. Those 3 mystical good-for-nothing or queer character come on stage, try the island of the school! AG93. Pearl shell and jump jump pig! Search pearl! AG94. Ancient empty stickleback and deep-sea secret treasure! AG95. Hunt spot Yu Yuying spends a fish! Developmental mystery! AG96. Muscle is right battle! ? Doubles match! ! The dead battle of AG97 sea and earth! Solid pulls much VS Gai Ou to get stuck! ! (go up)     AG98. The dead battle of the sea and earth! Solid pulls much VS Gai Ou to get stuck! ! (below)     AG99. Small maple He Xiaolan! The battle of cosmic center! AG100. House of green mountain line! Sun cliff and borax! AG101. The sea male! 4 days of big Wang Yuan second come on stage! ! AG102. The island of Dr. Zhuxing! Fossil is magical baby appears! ! AG103. Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character of Yi Sha Bei Dao is luxuriant contest! AG104. Seal is tremendous earth missing strength occasionally! AG105. Love of big mouth child! Happy the beautiful path of day of river child! AG106. Big jaw is formic with supersonic wave larva! Dreamy lake! AG107. A suddenly shuttle rash! The shadow of the disaster of stalk! AG108. Receive the boy that take snow! (receive the boy that take snow)     AG109. Save Laluduosi! Small get the better of quickly! AG110. Coloured glaze city! The artistic division of water? A is become! (before piece)     AG111. Coloured glaze city! The artistic division of water? A is become! (hind piece)     AG112. Develop bear continuously! The form of friendship! ? AG113. Of unreal island small as expected old man! AG114. Scroll! An AG115 of armour     . Battle royal, confused! Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is luxuriant congress - cutting is pressed down (before piece)     AG116. Battle royal, confused! Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is luxuriant congress - cutting is pressed down (hind piece)     AG117. Close with small Yao cate take small card to compare animal? ! (small Yao gets small card compares animal)     AG118. Strong opponent comes on stage! Politics AG119 of   of   of Zong Hetie dumbbell. Strange pilfer state is taken with lace pot! ! AG120. Kick off! Luxurious celebration (AG121 of   of 1)   . Kick off! Luxurious celebration (AG122 of   of 2)   . Kick off! Luxurious celebration (AG123 of   of 3)   . Escape from a danger of tiger's mouth-jaws of death! (snow boy → puts ghost door on the ice)     AG124. Arrive at ィ of テ of シ of ウ of サ イ ユ , wear the mew of boots! AG125. Politics Zong Deng field! AG126. Kick off! Circumference alliance league matches! (AG127 of   of 1)   . Kick off! Circumference alliance league matches! (AG128 of   of 2)   . Kick off! Circumference alliance league matches! (AG129 of   of 3)   . Strong opponent is right definitely, small wisdom VS politics ancestor     AG130. Last fierce battle, lead to the road of champion title! AG131. Scot and AG132 of   of   of battle border area. Lab of big wood doctor. All personnel assemble greatly! [battle domain Battle Frontier]     AG133. The month sees hill, pi Baobao and leather skin and Pikexi! AG134. The first time go into battle! Battle factory! (go up collect)     AG135. The first time go into battle! Battle factory! (next collect)     AG136. The kingdom of big rock snake! AG137. The song of fat man, father's song! AG138. Strong opponent is right definitely! Close take wind speed dog! AG139. Blue can amount to duck! ! AG140. Be bound by is pulled with sucking disk demon occasionally! Which dining-room! ? AG141. Developmental mystery and miracle! ! AG142. Is mystical good-for-nothing or queer character luxuriant contest? ? Hill plays plenary meeting! (before piece)     AG143. Is mystical good-for-nothing or queer character luxuriant contest? ? Hill plays plenary meeting! (hind piece)     AG144. Fistfight Taoist or Buddhish rites! Small AG145 of   of   of wisdom VS small Yao. Exceeding capacity is VS ghostliness department! Medium late at night duel! ? AG146. Imitate demon to come on stage occasionally! Those who rest is big curtilage! AG147. Shui Yueyu and unbroken! Amative specific! ? AG148. Battle arena! Fistfight is right definitely! ! AG149. Breed the egg of house boss and mystical good-for-nothing or queer character! AG150. The strong opponent of office worker? ! AG151. With a ha overcome Long Zhihu! AG152. Battle gigantic egg! The AG153 of shirt-sleeve     of blaze and water. Shake! Be amazed! Electrical shock blames     AG154. The person that forest of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is guarded comes on stage! Rescue snow rabbi to make AG155 of battle     . Bullshit is potted with AG156 of   of   of school of the person that bear. Surmount AG157 of spatio-temporal   of small Yao   . Queen of enthusiastic passageway of battle passageway VS? ? AG158 of   of hemp beautiful   . On whose hand is superior? AG159 of   of   of directional and cross-country contest. Small card compares animal the first time battle! With Han Ni one decide the issue of the battle loses     AG160. Intertropical dragon of silvan lizard VS! The duel of the prairie! (king of lizard of silvan lizard → )     AG161. Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is luxuriant contest! Allow foliaceous plenary meeting! AG162. Lizard king! Those who revive is crepuscular! ! AG163. Intense battle! The intense battle of battle palace! ! AG164. Is bullshit potted king and imitate demon idol queen? ! AG165. The AG166 of   of gules lightning   in skyscraper. Conclusive match, small Yao VS is small AG167 of firm     . The child that confuse a lip and the elder sister that confuse a lip AG168 of   of 3 sisters   . Tall tower big gentleman, lira comes on stage     AG169. The tower of the battle, the heart passes the AG170+AG171 of battle     of the heart. Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 1 hour of special edition: You Xia of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character, acting Oujixisi, AG172 of crisis     . Bullshit tree! AG173 of   of gold fokelore   . Breath out team of benefit & rocket! Form negative character affined   United States commemorates a pocket 10 years one hour special piece (tell about those who exceed a dream)     AG174. Fierce of small Yao VS hides! AG175 of final   of luxuriant contest   . Disband rocket group? AG176 of respective road     . With brand battle guardianship Buddhist nun compares AG177 of house     . To battle pyramid! Defy Lei Jiluo overcomes     AG178. Uncannily! Tremendous ask for leave AG179 of   of Wang Zhishan   . Kick off! Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is luxuriant the contest is large celebration! Skin of the 2nd collect blocks sky of Japanese ANA full day the AG180 of   of   of time of spirit division beautiful of grave. Small Yao VS breaths out benefit! Enter arena with doubles match! AG181. Little very short time of small Yao VS! Final action! (close take long end to blame a hand)     AG182. Long end blames hand and king! AG183. Note Wu and AG184 of   of   of comic dialogue of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character. Assault! The Ma be bound by of be lost is pulled! AG185. Challenge pyramid once more! Column of VS steel god! AG186. Small Yao of VS of little very short time! Forever strong opponent! AG187. Center of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character busies greatly! AG188. Original mystical good-for-nothing or queer character! Final action! AG189. Decisive battle! VS puts divine column on the ice! AG190. Small wisdom VS small Yao! Last battle (the force of small Yao is strong gallinaceous evolution becomes blaze chicken)     AG191. Viatic end, travel namely begin! (the 2nd big ending, small firm, small Yao drop out) DP1 of   of   of     DP. Set out! Press down really arenaceous town from Shuang Xie (little light comes on stage)     DP2. Search Pikaqiu! 202 highway! (close take fat fat old man)     DP3. Strong hostile battle! 3 pairs 3! (little light is joined)     DP4. Round penguin luxuriants to rose! Little light is right the first time battle! DP5. Close take sapling chelonian! (Small wisdom close take sapling chelonian)     DP6. Those who puzzle dark, with true heir encounter once more     DP7. Cheer garden penguin! DP8. The tussock moth fighter of the path house of the mystery! DP9. Mix hare plays a side together (little light closes take roll hare)     DP10. Mystical spirit expresses DP11 of   of   of proceed with difficulty. Little light! The contest at the beginning of luxuriant contest! DP12. Luxuriant contest fights! Strong opponent is right definitely! DP13. Fat fat Weng Jia is oily! (Fat fat old man---Curly old man)     DP14. Everything gives small firm! DP15. Black railroad house! Make the same score cropland VS true heir! ! DP16. Skin of brainpan dragon VS blocks grave! DP17. Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character takes ancient time greatly ! DP18. Challenge black railroad house again! DP19 of   of rampage dragon   . Receive rat of the chestnut that take report to be no problem? (little light collects mouse of the chestnut that take report)     DP20. J of mystical treasure hunter! DP21. The strongest carp king and the most beautiful stupid stupid fish! DP22. Monkey of long end of VS of electric chestnut rat is luxuriant the contest fights! DP23. Explode big firm snake, the village of racoon dog of guardianship Pao tooth! DP24. Right definitely! Small wisdom antagonism Pi Kaqiu! ? DP25. Strange outstanding Hua Qiangwei and 10 thousand flowers are fabulous! DP26. Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is luxuriant contest, garden Ting congress! DP27. Decisive battle, round penguin is right helm penguin! DP28. Ghost waves wave the emissary with north wind! DP29. Small wisdom with little light, two-men cooperation competition is no problem! ? DP30. White stiff dark, evolution of bug of straw rain cape fights! DP31. Sapling chelonian is right sapling chelonian! Speed is right definitely! DP32. The female wasp of amber city! DP33. Like very much! Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character changes outfit contest! DP34. Stoat of forked end float, lead to the strongest road! (little light receives stoat of float of the end that take fork)     DP35. Leaf of Wu of 4 days of king and Gu Tongzhong! DP36. New abstruse spatio-temporal fokelore! DP37. Congress of white another name for Taishan Mountain! To battle colza! DP38. Explode absurd! Bicycle road! (Small just obtained pink egg)     DP39. Pi Kaqiu will look after the house! DP40. Champion comes on stage     DP41. Small smooth He Xiaoxi and two-men perform     DP42. Fall thunder animal trains a center! DP43. Witch bewitching! Escape from inside nightmare! DP44. The DP45 of   of fenny hippo   with stray deliverance. Encounter J of mystical treasure hunter again! Dragon of beefeater aegis face! ! (small luxuriant come on stage)     DP46. In stray disorder! Collectivity activations! ! DP47. Under Mill and Kathy and deep water     DP48. Small wisdom with little light! Face towards new venture advances! ! DP49. Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is luxuriant contest! DP50 of   of   of congress of green predestined relationship. Complete member attend! Couplet assist stack! ! DP51. Stoat of cat of hook of VS of small fire monkey! Of the destiny right definitely! ! DP52. Couplet assist to battle! Final final! ! (Small wisdom close take small fire clever boy)     DP53. The tear of small fire monkey! ! DP54. Colza and desert Nai inferior! Who be after all and parting! (small man lost desert Nai inferior. . . )     DP55. Long end blames hand and stoat of forked end float! Respective road (small wisdom He Xiaoguang was exchanged. . . )     DP56. Ghost wants DP57 of stone     pottedly. Bucktooth beaver heart knows abdomen bright! DP58. Red nose magnet! Glowing soul! DP59. The DP60 of   of eye eye   of thunderous lion. Stamen is vestigial medium sealed totem (long end blames a hand, double end blames a hand)     DP61. Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is luxuriant contest! DP62 of   of stamen congress   . The big grandma canister of amah cafes! DP63. 3 hill pig and hot spring vapour are right DP64 of battle     . Glide Scorpio and Scorpio! Pass through of wind labyrinthian! (small wisdom close take Scorpio, new heir closes take glide Scorpio. . . )     DP65. Pajilici is in the mouth of sandstorm hippo! ? DP66. Lukaliao's indignant wave guide plays     DP67. The path house of little light is maiden DP68 of battle     . House of heavy curtain path! Lukaliou defies swim gas stoat! ! DP69. Vogue amounts to a person " ! The name is galactic team! ! "     DP70: Cheer up bell small bell! DP71: Home of child care of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character, the Lukaliou of wave guide (go up)     DP72: Home of child care of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character, the Lukaliou of wave guide (below)     DP73: Adieu poisonous white butterfly! DP74: Pi Kaqiu! Lei Qiu! Lead to developmental road! ! The 75th collect is luxuriant Mi Keli of · of contest Great Master comes on stage! Dining room of the 76th market 7 stars! With two-men cooperative competition eats complete food! (small Yao gues-stars come on stage)   the 77th collect everybody is strong opponent! Mi Keli cup! Decisive battle of the 79th market! Little light is right small Yao! The 78th collect is stimulated bottle! Pair of respective battle! Ma of Yang Yang of the 80th collect! Close take your work battle! The small fire monkey with the 81st glowing collect! : of the 82nd collect? Promulgate clear of Lan of Mou Huanji a surname of  of  bed  . ?   house of path of wild Lai of the 83rd collect! VS is the strongest false face! ! The pig of big deadbeat hill of home of gentleman of the hill in the 84th collect! (little light closes take hill pig)   Scorpio of the 85th collect! The ala of friendship! ! News briefing of series of fashionable dress of principal and subsidiary cause of the 86th volume! The 87th collect can amount to the road   that leads to division of modelling of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character of duck be in the way! ! The 88th collect is magical begin lecturing of school of baby summer vacation time! The 89th collect considers to publish " the fokelore of the lake " ! The 90th collect is ghostliness time after school! The 91st part is final pairs big definitely! 3 iron man-a person of exceptional physical and moral strength surpass mystical good-for-nothing or queer character! Small wisdom: Pi Kaqiu (Ep001 is in Damuboshi gets on the hand, at first not obedient, close formally in Ep002 take) seed of   clever frog (Ep010 closes take) crab of gigantic clamp of → of   tongs crab (Ep013 closes take, ep076 is developmental in the match)   smelly smelly mud (Ep030 closes take)   Kentailuo (30) (Ep035 closes take)   card compares animal (Ep095 closes take)   Helakeluosi (, be in ever since Ep201 is developmental)   bolide rat (Ep142 closes take)   is small curium alligator (Ep152 closes take) goatsucker of   cat head (Ep155 closes take) → of   small elephant pauses armour (the egg that obtains small elephant in Ep229, be in ever since Ep231 hatch, be in ever since Ag153 is developmental)   Ma Yan (swallow of lofty and unyielding character) → king swallow (Ag004 closes take, be in ever since Ag080 is developmental)   careless frog (Mu Shougong) king of lizard of → of → forest lizard (Ag006 closes take, become silvan Xi Wei in Ag066 evolution ever since, become Xi Wei king in Ag160 evolution)   langouste batman (Ag032 closes take)   coal chelonian (Ag058 closes take) ghost of ice of → of   snow boy is protected (Ag108 closes take, be in ever since Ag122 is developmental)   is fat curly old man of → of fat old man (Dp002 closes take, be in ever since Dp013 is developmental) chelonian of   tender seedling (Dp005 closes take) monkey of   small fire (Dp051 closes take) stoat of float of   forked end (Dp055 is exchanged and get)   Scorpio (Dp064 closes take)
