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11、伤害罪。因为打架造成别人身体上、健康上的伤害,依据受伤程度可细分为:普通伤害罪、重伤罪、普通伤害罪之加重结果犯。 12、施打、吸用麻醉药品。所谓的『麻醉药品』就是指『毒品』,因为错误的使用麻醉药品,会影响身体的健康,因此,除了在医院由医生合法使用外,私下吸用麻醉药品都是违法的行为。另外,虽然本身没有吸毒,但若有贩卖麻醉药品,也是犯法的行为。
















小学法律小常识10条: 学生骑车时应注意安全: 1、不要用你的头和手伸出窗外; 2、下车时不要拥挤, 3、不要用武力夺取机动车; 4、不要把东西扔出汽车。坐在前排的人不应该和司机交谈,这会影响司机的安全驾驶。 学生走路时要注意安全: 1、走在右边; 2、不要追逐,玩游戏,在公路上玩球; 3、过高速公路时,要看清前后,确保安全通行,有斑马线或立交桥,要走斑点线或立交桥,不要闯红灯!不要乱扔过往车辆。 防拐卖小常识: 1、一人在家时,一定要关好门窗。如有人敲门,先要从猫眼或门逢中看清来的人是谁,再决定是否开门。 2、单独外出时不要喝陌生人的各种饮料,不要吃陌生人给的糖果或其他食物,不要到荒凉或偏僻的地方玩耍。发现坏人,或者碰到紧急的事可以打110报警救助。 3、不要随便买路过摊位上的烤羊肉串等东西吃,路边的东西是不卫生的,吃了很容易生病。

7 浏览3905 2019-06-17


(一)、不满10周岁的未成年人是无民事行为能力人,造成他人伤害的,应由其监护人承担民事赔偿责任。 (二)、《道路交通管理条例》规定12周岁以上方能骑自行车上路 1、学生乘车时应该注意的安全: ①头部、手不要伸出车窗外; ②上、下车不要拥挤; ③不要强行搭乘机动车; ④乘车时不要向车外乱扔东西。  2、学生行走时应该注意的安全: ①靠右侧靠边行走; ②在公路上不要追跑、玩游戏、打球等; ③横穿公路时,要前后观看清楚后,确保安全通行,有横行斑马线或天桥的地方,要走斑观线或天桥,不要闯红灯! ④不要向过往车辆抛杂物……

4 浏览182 2018-08-24


一句话最简单知法懂法才会如何规避法律,当然法律是维护我们和谐的平衡基础,但是我们相信凡事都将有个度,孩子犯事儿家里人帮忙维护是因为孩子知道自己犯法那么如果孩子不知道犯法呢 可能这么说有些牵强 但是试想下前段时间的李天一,因为知法懂法所以才会以强奸罪而不是轮奸罪,那么我们转换下思路来说小学生学法对小学生自身是否有意,是有意,但是我更主张由自身约束而不是法律的强制约束从而引导和谐社会为祖国的花朵更添精彩; 以前没有法律的时候,四书五经 尊老爱幼是中华人民的传统; 现在有法律以后随着时代进步有多少人会给老人让座? 如果给礼仪谦让牵扯进入法律中就不会造成平衡阶段,那么法律也就失去了有关法律本身意义的价值了,法律法律是从人心而不是从字面,那么来说法律不能全部代表我们中华五千年的传统,只有让小学生先学会了我们的传统文化,再进而提升法律,从根基掌握好孩子们的心性而不是强制灌输导致的知法懂法规避法律从而让他们做事有了“推”的理由; 同时小学生不具备自我思考和自我负责的能力,所以法律对于他们来说无非也就是和文言文和古代文一样的扣字背诵, 通过仁心来进行阐述中华5000年历史让小学生更加理解当前我国的状况,从而树立小英雄形象增加孩子们的可自主性和掌握能力增加他们的社会责任心才是他们最主要的,进而在进行学习法律从根本学习从根本领会从根本改变懂法守法那么我们的社会更加和谐;

55 浏览1683 2017-11-25


小学生法律知识小常识   1、法是由国家制定和认可的,调整人与人之间的行为规范,明确行为人之间的权利和义务,并由国家强制力保证实施的规范总和。其特征有四方面:(1)、法是调整人的行为的规范;(2)、法是由国家(即相应的国家机关)制定或认可;(3)、法是具有普遍性的社会规范;(4)、法规定人们的权利和义务;(5)、法是由国家强制力保证实施。   2、我国刑法的任务是(1)、保卫国家政权;(2)、保护合法财产;(3)、保护公民权利;(4)、维护社会秩序。   3、犯罪一切危害国家主权、领土完整和安全,分裂国家、颠覆人民民主专政的政权和推翻社会主义制度,破坏社会秩序和经济秩序,侵犯国有财产或者劳动群众集体所有的财产,侵犯公民私人所有的财产,侵犯公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利,以及其他危害社会的行为,依照法律应当受刑罚处罚的,都是犯罪,但是情节显著轻微危害不大的,不认为是犯罪。   4、犯罪的特征有(1)、犯罪是危害社会的行为,即具有相当严重的社会危害性;(2)犯罪是触犯刑法的行为,即具有刑事违法性;(3)、犯罪是应受刑罚处罚的行为,即具有应受刑罚惩罚性。   5、构成犯罪的条件有(1)、犯罪客体,是指我国刑法所保护的而为犯罪行为所侵犯的社会主义社会关系。例如,盗窃罪是对国家、集体、公民个人财产权利的侵犯;(2)、犯罪的客观要件,是指犯罪活动的客观外在表现,其中包含危害行为、危害结果、犯罪危害行为与危害结果的因果关系以及犯罪的时间、地点、方法:(3)、犯罪的主体,是指具有刑事责任能力,实施犯罪行为的自然人或单位;(4)、犯罪的主观要件,是指行为人对自己所实施的危害行为及其危害结果所持的心理态度。   6、犯罪的行为可分为作为和不作为。作为是指以积极的活动实施刑法所禁止的危害社会的行为,是人的积极行为,如故意伤害行为、盗窃行为都属于作为的形式;而不作为是指应当实施并且能够实施某种行为而不实施的消极行为。这种形式的犯罪必须以行为人负有某种特定义务为前提的,如行为人将年老多病生活不能自理的父母抛弃于荒郊野外以此来逃避自己应尽的赡养老人的义务,则构成了遗弃罪。   7、根据中华人民共和国刑法第17条规定;已满十六周岁的人犯罪,应当负刑事责任。 已满十四周岁不满十六周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害致人重伤或者死亡、强奸、抢劫、贩卖毒品、放火、爆炸、投毒罪的,应当负刑事责任。已满十四周岁不满十八周岁的人犯罪,应当从轻或者减轻处罚。因不满十六周岁不予刑事处罚的,责令他的家长或者监护人加以管教;在必要的时候,也可以由政府收容教养。   8、犯罪的主观方面主观表现为犯罪故意和过失。犯罪故意是指行为人明知自己的行为会发生危害社会的结果,并且希望或放任这种结果发生的一种心理态度,又可分为直接故意和间接故意两种。而犯罪过失是指行为人应当预见自己的行为可能发生危害社会的结果,因为疏忽大意而没有预见,或者已经预见而轻信能够避免,以至发生了危害社会的结果的心理态度,也可分为疏忽大意的过失和过于自信的过失。


Pupil should know legal little common sense

1, everybody is equal before law, no matter what person should abide by law, whatever person sins should be found out by law, do not wait because of the identity, position, nation, sexual distinction, the rich and the poor, profession and distinguish somewhat.

2, constitution is our country is essential old law, all law cannot be the same as the compasses phasing of constitution to collide, anybody wants obedient constitution authority.

3, the adjudgement mechanism of our country is people court, legal supervisory mechanism is people procuratorate, court, procuratorate and public security branch should cooperate with division of labour, supervise each other.

4, what our country executes is to depend on law state.

5, " minor protects a law " the 3rd regulation: Minor is enjoyed live authority, development authority, get protection authority, share the right such as authority, the country develops a characteristic to offer special, first protection according to minor body and mind, the legitimate rights and interests that ensures minor does not suffer encroach.

6, minor is enjoyed get educational right, of country, society, school and domestic esteem and safeguard minor get educational right.

7, minor does not divide belief of state of worth of sexual distinction, nation, phyletic, household, religion to wait, enjoy the right equally lawfully.

8, steal a blame. Alleged theft blame, point to namely " steal a thing " . Agree to fall in what did not pass host, take away the property of other casually, include money and goods.

9, threaten blame extraction money. Use undeserved technique namely, include: Threaten, minatory, force, borrow money to be not returned to other classmate or all alone by force money.

10, robber blame. It is to take write a weapon, be like: Knife instrument, marvellous rod or other the thing that has dangerous sex, minatory classmate, make he dare not revolt, the property that captures to go up personally forcibly next.

11, harm a blame. Because fight,cause others body to go up, the harm on health, the basis gets hurt degree but fractionize is: The aggravating result of the common harm blame, blame that weigh an injury, common harm blame makes. 12, apply dozen, suck with anaesthetic medicines and chemical reagents. So called " anaesthetic medicines and chemical reagents " point to namely " drugs " , because wrong use narcotic is tasted, what can affect the body is healthy, accordingly, besides be used legally by the doctor in the hospital, suck under the counter be being tasted with narcotic is the act that violate. Additional, although itself does not have drug taking, but if have,sell anaesthetic drug, also be the behavior that sin.

13, gamble blame. Classmates are when school play, it is no matter use money or be article when chip, can not play the toy of gamble sex or game. Besides the action that can not pursue gamble sex, also cannot be engaged in the tool of gamble or environment in order to offer others, calculate you to did not play otherwise, you still made a way.

14, destroy public facilities blame. Be in the school no matter or be communal circumstance, if do not belong to the thing at oneself, give everybody the thing that uses jointly however, it is communal article. The classmate should be used carefully and cherish a public property, can not destroy casually, damage or desertion public property.

15, compulsory education law sets the 4th times: "Every has the children of of the right age of citizenship of People's Republic of China, boy, do not divide belief of state of worth of sexual distinction, nation, phyletic, household, religion to wait, enjoy equality to accept the right of compulsory education lawfully, fulfil the obligation that accepts compulsory education.

16, law of precautionary minor crime sets the 45th times: "People court tries the criminal case that minor commits a crime, ought to by the judge of characteristic of familiar minor body and mind or judge and people juror comprise juvenile court to undertake lawfully.

17, " road transportation regulation " set start off of bicycle of Fang Nengqi of above of 12 one full year of life. 19, " law of access transportation safety " the 6th the 4th section provision: Educational service, school ought to teach road transportation safety the content that brings into legal education.

(1) the safety that when the student takes a car, should notice: ① head, hand does not extend car window outside; On ② , get off not crowded; ③ does not take motor vehicle forcibly; The thing is not thrown to the chaos outside the car when ④ takes a car. ⑥ sits in the person of in front of not to chat with the driver, influence driver safety drives...

(2) the safety that when the student walks, should notice: ① leans on the right side of keep to the side walks; ② is not chased after on highway run, play game, play a ball game etc; When ③ cross highway, after wanting around view to see well, ensure safe conduct, have the place of infestation zebra crossing or crossover, want spot to watch line or crossover, do not enter red light! ④ is not cast to vehicular traffic sundry...

18, minor protects law thirtieth regulation: "Center of activity of patriotism education base, state-owned museum, library, teenage palace, children ought to is opposite minor is opened freely; The place such as house of house of memorial hall, science and technology, exhibition, art gallery, culture and cinema, stadium, zoo, park, ought to be opposite according to concerned regulation minor is free favourable perhaps and open. Ought to be opposite according to concerned regulation minor is free favourable perhaps and open..

19, minor protection law sets the 10th times: Other perhaps guardian ought to create parents good, harmonious family environment, fulfill the tutelar duty to minor and duty to rear lawfully.

Prohibit carrying out domestic force to minor, prohibit mistreating, abandon minor, prohibit infanticide and other cruelly kill infantile behavior, must not discriminate against female minor to perhaps have the minor of deformity.

Thirteenth other perhaps guardian ought to respect parents the right that minor gets education, must make minor of of the right age enter a school is accepted and finish compulsory education lawfully, must not make accept the minor discontinue one's studying of compulsory education.

" law of precautionary minor crime " the 23rd regulation: Learn to proofread the minor that has undesirable action to ought to strengthen education, management, do not get discrimination.

Examine all 3 answers

Relevant issue is whole

Pupil law Xiaochang knows an encyclopedia

Xiaochang of elementary school law knows 10: Safety should notice when the student cycles: 1, outside extending a window with your head and hand; 2, jam does not want when getting off, 3, do not capture with the armed strength motor vehicle; 4, do not want a thing to throw away a car. The person that takes in in front of should not chat with the driver, this meeting affects the driver's safety to drive. Safety should notice when the student walks: 1, go in right; 2, do not want angle, play game, the ball plays on highway; 3, when crossing a freeway, want to see clear from beginning to end, ensure safe conduct, have zebra crossing or crossroads, want stain line or crossroads, do not enter red light! Do not throw vehicular traffic in disorder. Prevent kidnap and sell little common sense: 1, one person is when the home, must close good door window. If somebody knocks, who is should seeing clear comer from cat eye or Men Fengzhong first, decide to whether open the door again. 2, all sorts of beverage that stranger does not drink when going out alone, do not eat the candy that stranger gives or other food, do not want desolate or devious place play. Discover bad person, perhaps come up against critical issue to be able to be hit 110 call the police deliverance. 3, the baking hotpot that does not buy transient stall to go up casually is strung together wait for a thing to eat, the thing of roadside is epinosic, ate to fall ill very easily.

7 browse 3905 2019-06-17

Pupil should know what law knowledge

(one) , malcontent the minor of 10 one full year of life is not to have person of civil action competence, cause other to harm, answer to assume civil liability to pay compensation by its guardian. (2) , " road transportation regulation " set start off of bicycle of Fang Nengqi of above of 12 one full year of life 1, the safety that when the student takes a car, should notice: ① head, hand does not extend car window outside; On ② , get off not crowded; ③ does not take motor vehicle forcibly; The thing is not thrown to the chaos outside the car when ④ takes a car. 2, the safety that when the student walks, should notice: ① leans on the right side of keep to the side walks; ② is not chased after on highway run, play game, play a ball game etc; When ③ cross highway, after wanting around view to see well, ensure safe conduct, have the place of infestation zebra crossing or crossover, want spot to watch line or crossover, do not enter red light! ④ is not cast to vehicular traffic sundry...

4 browse 182 2018-08-24

Beg controversy data: ? Does persimmon of ㄗ of mulberry of  of amine of  of  of inclined plaque of brandish of ⊙   show boundless and indistinct of glue of broadleaf plant Beng?

A word knows a law the simpliest to know a law to just be met how avoid law, of course law is to maintain our harmonious balance base, but we believe everything will have degree, the child makes thing family member help because the child knows he sins,safeguarding is so if the child does not know to sin likelihood so say some are far-fetched but before just think falls paragraph the Li Tian of time one, because know a law to know a law to just be met so,with forcible rape is not to rape a blame by turns, so pupil learns a way for the train of thought below our changeover intended to pupil oneself, it is intended, but I the flower that the compulsive tie that the view is restrained by oneself and is not law more guides harmonious society to be the motherland thereby more add wonderful; When there is law previously, the five classics of the four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius) honour old love young the tradition that is China people; How many person does after there is law now, progress have to you can give an old person offer one's seat to sb as the times? If give formal and self-effacing drag in to enter,balance level won't be created in law, so law also lost the value of meaning of concerned law itself, legal law is from popular feeling is not from literal, so for law cannot represent our China entirely the tradition 5000, let pupil learn our traditional culture first only, promote legislation then again, from the heart sex of basis control good children is not to engraft compulsively bring about know a law to know law avoid law to let them work thereby had " push " reason; At the same time pupil does not have ego to ponder over the ability that is in charge of with ego, so law to them no more than is mixed with classical Chinese article namely the recital buckling a word like archaic article, undertake through Ren Xinlai the history let pupil 5000 elaborating China more the situation that understands current our country, establish young hero figure to raise children thereby but autonomy and the social responsibility heart that master ability to increase them just are they are the mainest, making study law to be comprehended originally from the root from essential study know Fashoufana from fundamental change then our society is more harmonious;

55 browse 1683 2017-11-25

Pupil is daily legal little knowledge

  of   of little common sense of pupil law knowledge 1, be made by the country and the law is approved, adjust the behavior standard between person and person, make clear the right between behavior person and obligation, assure assuring normative summation by national force. Its feature has all directions side: (1) , the standard that the law is the behavior that adjusts a person; (2) , the law is by the country (namely corresponding national office) make or approbate; (3) , the law is the social standard that has catholicity; (4) , the right that code decides people and obligation; (5) , the law is by the country force is assured to carry out. 2, the task of our country criminal law is (1) , guard national political power; (2) , protect lawful property; (3) , protect attainder; (4) , uphold social order. 3, crime all harm state sovereignty, territorial integrity and safety, disrupt country, overturn the political power of people democracy dictatorship and overturn socialistic system, destroy social order and economic order, encroach state owned property or working people is collective all belongings, encroach a citizen private all belongings, violate person right of the citizen, democratic right and other right, endanger social behavior with etc, according to law ought to suffer penal punishment, it is crime, but the clue is remarkable and slight the harm is not great, do not consider as crime. 4, guilty feature has (1) , the behavior that crime is harm society, have quite serious society to endanger a gender namely; (2) crime is to offend the behavior of criminal law, have criminal to violate a gender namely; (3) , the behavior that crime is merit penalty punishment, have merit penalty to punish a gender namely. 5, the requirement that makes crime has (1) , guilty object, it is to point to what place of our country criminal law protects and the socialistic human relations in society that encroachs for criminality place. For example, larceny is the encroachment of right of personal property of pair of countries, collective, citizen; (2) , objective important document of crime, it is the objective and explicit expression that points to guilty activity, what include result of harm behavior, harm, crime to endanger behavior and harm result among them is causal and guilty time, place, method: (3) , guilty main body, it is to point to have criminal responsibility capacity, the natural person of executive criminality or unit; (4) , subjective important document of crime, it is to point to behavior person the harm behavior that carries out to oneself and the psychological manner that its endanger result place to hold. 6, guilty behavior can be divided mix to regard as nonfeasance. Regarding as is the behavior that shows with vigorous activity illicit of place of executive criminal law jeopardizes a society, it is positive action of the person, if harm behavior, theft behavior intentionally to belong to factitive form; And nonfeasance is to point to ought to be carried out and can carry out some kind of behavior and the inactive behavior of nonperformance. The crime of this kind of form must have some to plant with behavior person specific obligation is premise, the obligation of the support old person that if go,the parents that humanness cannot provide for oneself aged and sickish life abandons to escape his to should be used up at field of desolate place outside of town with this, made abandon crime. 7, according to criminal law of People's Republic of China the 17th sets; Full already the person of 16 one full year of life commits a crime, ought to bear criminal responsibility. Full already 14 one full year of life are malcontent the person of 16 one full year of life, make intended homicide, intended harm send the person is hurt again or death, rape, rob, traffic the drugs, incendiary, explosion, blame that send poison, ought to bear criminal responsibility. Full already 14 one full year of life are malcontent the person of 18 one full year of life commits a crime, perhaps ought to reduce punishment lightly. Because of dissatisfaction 16 one full year of life do not grant criminal punishs, the parent that orders him or guardian tries certainly; Be in necessary when, also can accept breeding by the government. 8, subjective side of crime is subjective expression is mixed intentionally for crime error. Crime is the result that the behavior that shows behavior person knows perfectly well him can produce harm society intentionally, the manner of a kind of psychology that and this plants hope or indulge happens as a result, can divide again to be mixed intentionally directly indirect and intended two kinds. And guilty error is to show behavior person ought to foreknow the result that oneself behavior may produce harm society, because neglectful and did not foreknow, perhaps had foreknown and credulous can avoid, down to happened to endanger the psychological manner of social result, also can divide for neglectful error and overconfident error.

下一篇:文化大革命是哪一年? 文化大革命有多少年?英文双语对照