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世界文化遗产资料? 中国世界文化遗产资料?英文双语对照


世界文化遗产资料? 中国世界文化遗产资料?英文双语对照



1. 中国的长城:中国古代文明的代表之一,长城建于公元前7世纪,被称为人类历史上最伟大的建筑之一。据传,长城的建造始于春秋战国时期,是为了防御北方游牧民族的入侵。

2. 罗马的斗兽场:建于公元80年,是古罗马帝国最著名的建筑之一,能够容纳超过50,000人观看角斗士比赛和野兽表演。据说,斗兽场建造的原因是为了展示罗马帝国的力量和威严。

3. 埃及的金字塔:埃及古文明的代表之一,金字塔建造于公元前26世纪,是古代法老王的陵墓。据传,金字塔建造的过程中使用了大量奴隶,建造者们花费了数十年时间才完成这座雄伟的建筑。

4. 印度的泰姬陵:建于17世纪,是莫卧儿帝国皇帝沙贾汗为纪念其逝去的爱妃而建造的陵墓。据说,沙贾汗在建造泰姬陵的过程中花费了巨大的财力和人力,并雇用了20,000名工匠和工人。

5. 墨西哥的玛雅遗址:玛雅文明的代表之一,建于公元前3世纪至公元10世纪,是一个庞大的城市遗址。据说,玛雅文明在其鼎盛时期拥有高度发达的艺术、建筑和数学等领域的成就,但其衰落原因至今尚不明确。




1. 长城(1987年)

2. 故宫博物院(1987年)

3. 秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑(1987年)

4. 太湖(1991年)

5. 泰山(1987年)

6. 黄山(1990年)

7. 峨眉山-乐山大佛(1996年)

8. 苏州园林(1997年)

9. 洛阳龙门石窟(2000年)

10. 张家界风景名胜区(1992年)

11. 黄龙风景区(1992年)

12. 九寨沟风景名胜区(1992年)

13. 武夷山风景名胜区(1999年)

14. 昆明-石林(2007年)

15. 平遥古城(1997年)

16. 建筑群、禅定寺及墓葬、大书房(2000年)

17. 麦积山石窟(2014年)

18. 大足石刻(1999年)

19. 龙门石窟(2000年)

20. 唐山地震遗址纪念馆(2017年)

21. 云冈石窟(2001年)

22. 萧山千岛湖风景区(2011年)

23. 三峡(2000年)

24. 武陵源风景名胜区(2002年)

25. 华山(2000年)

26. 雁荡山(2005年)

27. 阿房宫遗址(2019年)

28. 贺兰山东麓墓群(2019年)

29. 大兴安岭地区的松嫩淖尔,长白山天池(2000年)

30. 明孝陵(2000年)

31. 东方明珠广播电视塔(2010年)

32. 水利工程古迹——都江堰、庐山、邵伯渠(2000年)

33. 汉长城(2009年)

34. 永定河文化景观(2019年)

35. 北京皇家园林(2012年)

36. 西双版纳自然保护区(2003年)

37. 仰韶文化遗址(2019年)

38. 海南热带雨林国家公园(2021年)

39. 丽江古城(1997年)

40. 云南三江并流保护区(2003年)

41. 石林风景区(2007年)

42. 西藏布达拉宫(1994年)

43. 沙坡头遗址(2019年)

44. 福建土楼(2008年)

45. 安徽古村落——西递、宏村(2000年)

46. 三星堆遗址(2006年)

47. 岘山文化景观(2018年)

48. 安阳殷墟(2006年)

49. 崇圣寺三塔(2010年)

50. 青海湖(2017年)

51. 马楚河—罗布林卡地质公园(2019年)

52. 瑶山文化遗址(2019年)

53. 坚果遗址(2019年)

54. 通天河遗址群(2019年)

55. 青城山-都江堰景区(2019年)



1. 故宫博物院(1987年):位于北京市中心,是中国明清两代的皇家宫殿,占地面积约72万平方米,拥有珍贵的文物、艺术品和历史遗迹,是中国古代宫殿建筑的代表之一。

2. 长城(1987年):长城是中国古代的一项伟大工程,是世界上最长的城墙,全长超过2万公里,是中国的重要文化和历史遗产,也是世界文化遗产的代表之一。

3. 秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑(1987年):位于陕西省西安市东北部,是中国历史上第一个大一统王朝的陵墓,兵马俑坑内保存着大量真实的兵马俑,是中国古代雕塑艺术的代表之一。

4. 龙门石窟(1987年):位于河南省洛阳市南郊,是中国北魏时期的石刻艺术宝库,有数千尊佛像和精美的浮雕,是中国古代艺术的重要遗产。

5. 泰山(1987年):位于山东省中部,是中国五岳之一,也是中国传统文化的重要象征,被誉为“五岳之首”。

6. 黄山(1990年):位于安徽省南部,是中国著名的山岳风景区,以其奇峰怪石、云海日出等自然景观而闻名于世。

7. 三峡(2000年):位于重庆市奉节县至湖北省宜昌市段,是中国最长的峡谷和三大峡之一,以其雄伟壮观的自然景观和人文景观而著名。

8. 南京明孝陵(2003年):位于南京市东郊,是中国明朝第一位皇帝朱元璋及其皇后的陵墓,是中国古代陵墓建筑和园林艺术的代表之一。

9. 颐和园(1998年):位于北京市西郊,是中国古代皇家园林的代表之一,占地面积约290公顷,是中国古代园林和建筑艺术的杰出代表。

10. 北京古城(1987年):位于北京市中心,是中国传统城市规划和建筑艺术的代表之一,包括了故宫、天坛、颐和园等一系列重要文化遗产。








1. 中国的长城:中国古代文明的代表之一,长城建于公元前7世纪,被称为人类历史上最伟大的建筑之一。据传,长城的建造始于春秋战国时期,是为了防御北方游牧民族的入侵。

2. 罗马的斗兽场:建于公元80年,是古罗马帝国最著名的建筑之一,能够容纳超过50,000人观看角斗士比赛和野兽表演。据说,斗兽场建造的原因是为了展示罗马帝国的力量和威严。

3. 埃及的金字塔:埃及古文明的代表之一,金字塔建造于公元前26世纪,是古代法老王的陵墓。据传,金字塔建造的过程中使用了大量奴隶,建造者们花费了数十年时间才完成这座雄伟的建筑。

4. 印度的泰姬陵:建于17世纪,是莫卧儿帝国皇帝沙贾汗为纪念其逝去的爱妃而建造的陵墓。据说,沙贾汗在建造泰姬陵的过程中花费了巨大的财力和人力,并雇用了20,000名工匠和工人。

5. 墨西哥的玛雅遗址:玛雅文明的代表之一,建于公元前3世纪至公元10世纪,是一个庞大的城市遗址。据说,玛雅文明在其鼎盛时期拥有高度发达的艺术、建筑和数学等领域的成就,但其衰落原因至今尚不明确。







长城是中华民族的精神象征,是我国现存体量最大、分布最广的文化遗产,以其上下两千年、纵横数万里的时空跨度,成为人类历史上宏伟壮丽的建筑奇迹和无与伦比的历史文化景观 北京故宫是中国明清两代的皇家宫殿,旧称紫禁城,位于北京中轴线的中心,是中国古代宫廷建筑之精华。 天坛位于北京城的南端,始建于明初永乐十八年,是明,清两代皇帝祭天和祈求丰年的地方,清乾隆年间改建后成为今天这一辉煌壮观的建筑群。 苏州古典园林,简称“苏州园林”,是世界文化遗产。苏州古典园林的历史可上溯至公元前6世纪春秋时期吴王的园囿,私家园林最早见于记载的是东晋(4世纪)的辟疆园,历代造园兴盛,名园日多。







中国于1985年12月12日正式加入《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》;1986年,中国开始向联合国教科文组织申报世界遗产项目。1999 年10月29日,中国当选为世界遗产委员会成员;

中国世界遗产总数达到55处,居世界第一 ,其中世界文化遗产37项、世界文化与自然双重遗产4项、世界自然遗产14项。



One, data of world culture bequest?

About this problem, world culture bequest is the culture bequest that shows the world is famous, be included world bequest directory by U.N. Educational. It is the data of bequest of culture of a few worlds and fokelore below:

1.Chinese Great Wall: One of delegates of civilization of Chinese ancient time, the Great Wall is built at BC 7 centuries, one of the greatest buildings on history of the mankind that be called. As it is said, of the Great Wall build only then period of Yu Chunqiu the Warring States, it is to defence north inbreaks nomadicly.

2.The field of Rome that fight animal: Build at the Christian era 80 years, it is one of buildings with ancient Rome the most well-known empire, can accommodate more than 50, 000 people watch horny fighter match and beast show. Allegedly, the matter that the field that fight animal makes is to reveal the force of Roman empire and majesty.

3.The pyramid of Egypt: One of delegates of Egypt ancient civilization, pyramid is built at BC 26 centuries, it is the mausoleum of archaic Pharaoh. As it is said, a large number of slave were used in the course that pyramid builds, wright people cost tens of year time just completes this grand construction.

4.Indian Tai Jiling: Build at 17 centuries, it is Mo Wo the mausoleum that Caesarean emperor sanded Gu Han is souvenir to its love the wife of a prince partingly and be built. Allegedly, huge financial resources and manpower were cost in the course that Shaguhan is building Tai Jiling, employed 20, 000 craftsman and worker.

5.Ma elegant relics of Mexico: One of delegates of Ma elegant civilization, build at BC 3 centuries come the Christian era 10 centuries, it is a giant urban relics. Allegedly, the success that Ma elegant civilization has the field such as the art that develops highly, building and maths in period of its at the height of power and splendour, but reason of its be on the wane up to now still ambiguous.

These world culture bequest are the precious bequest of human history culture not only, it is the classic that representing human wisdom and creativity more.

2, data of bequest of Chinese world culture?

Hello, world culture bequest of China shares 55 office, it is detailed data below:

1.The Great Wall (1987)

2.Museum of the Imperial Palace (1987)

3.Imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor and hole of military forces tomb figure (1987)

4.Too lake (1991)

5.Father-in-law (1987)

6.Huang Shan (1990)

7.Hill of high mountain eyebrow - happy Shandafo (1996)

8.Suzhou gardens (1997)

9.Luoyang the Longmen Grottoes (2000)

10.View of Home Zhang group scenic spot area (1992)

11.Yellow dragon beauty spot (1992)

12.Scenery of channel of 9 stockaded village scenic spot area (1992)

13.Scenery of fierce exterminate hill scenic spot area (1999)

14.Kunming - stone forest (2007)

15.The Gu Cheng that make the same score Yao (1997)

16.Building group, buddhist decides temple and grave, large study (2000)

17.Wheat accumulates hill grotto (2014)

18.Big sufficient carved stone (1999)

19.The Longmen Grottoes (2000)

20.Memorial hall of relics of Tang Shan earthquake (2017)

21.Cloud ridge grotto (2001)

22.Xiao Shan beauty spot of 1000 islands lake (2011)

23.3 gorge (2000)

24.Scenery of fierce hill source scenic spot area (2002)

25.Mount Hua (2000)

26.Wild goose swings hill (2005)

27.Relics of A room palace (2019)

28.Grave of the foot of mountain of congratulate orchid Shandong group (2019)

29.Go in for sth in a large scale the loose tender nub of the area that bring mountain range, long white Shan Tianchi (2000)

30.Ming Xiaoling (2000)

31.Tower of broadcasting television of Oriental bright phearl (2010)

32.Historic site of water conservancy project -- hill of Jiang Yan, cottage, Shao Baiqu (2000)

33.Chinese the Great Wall (2009)

34.Always decide river culture landscape (2019)

35.Beijing royal gardens (2012)

36.On the west groove guard of nature of double edition accept (2003)

37.Yangshao culture relics (2019)

38.Park of Hainan selva state (2021)

39.Beautiful river ancient city (1997)

40.3 rivers shed Yunnan groove guard (2003)

41.Stone forest beauty spot (2007)

42.Tibetan the Potala Palace (1994)

43.Relics of sanded slope head (2019)

44.Fujian ground floor (2008)

45.Anhui ancient dorp -- give on the west, grand village (2000)

46.SamSung piles relics (2006)

47.Landscape of Xian hill culture (2018)

48.The Yin Dynasty ruins that install this world (2006)

49.Chong Shengsi 3 towers (2010)

50.Qinghai lake (2017)

51.Equestrian Hunan river, Luo Bulin blocks geological park (2019)

52.Precious jade hill culture relics (2019)

53.Nut relics (2019)

54.Relics of river of exceeding lofty or great group (2019)

55.Black town hill - area of Jiang Yan scene (2019)

3, data of world culture bequest?

It is directory of world culture bequest and relevant data below:

1.Museum of the Imperial Palace (1987) : Be located in Beijing center, it is Chinese bright Qing Dynasty the royal palace of two generation, cover an area of an area to make an appointment with 720 thousand square metre, have precious cultural relic, artwork and history vestigial, it is one of delegates of architectural of palace of Chinese ancient time.

2.The Great Wall (1987) : The Great Wall is a great project of Chinese ancient time, it is the longest city wall on the world, exceed 20 thousand kilometer endlong, it is important culture of China and historical bequest, also be one of delegates of world culture bequest.

3.Imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor and hole of military forces tomb figure (1987) : Be located in city of Shaanxi province Xi'an, it is the mausoleum of dynasty of the first big unify, the military forces tomb figure with the many and actual in store inside hole of military forces tomb figure, it is one of delegates of sculptural of Chinese ancient time.

4.The Longmen Grottoes (1987) : Be located in Henan to save the outskirt austral Luoyang city, it is the lapidarian art treasure house of period of Chinese Northen Wei Dynasty, have thousands of honour figure of Buddha and elegant anaglyph, it is the main legacy of art of Chinese ancient time.

5.Father-in-law (1987) : Be located in Shandong the province is mid, it is one of Chinese the Five Mountains, also be Chinese traditional culture is important and indicative, be known as " of the Five Mountains head " .

6.Huang Shan (1990) : Be located in south of the Anhui province, it is China's famous lofty mountains beauty spot, with its strange peak blames the natural landscape such as sunrise of stone, sea of clouds and famed at the world.

7.3 gorge (2000) : Be located in Chongqing city to act according to section county to visit Yichang town to Hubei paragraph, it is China's longest gorge is mixed one of 3 big gorge, famous with its grand and grand natural landscape and humanitarian landscape.

8.Hill of Nanjing bright filial piety (2003) : Be located in Nanjing city east outskirt, it is Chinese Ming Dynasty the mausoleum of Zhu Yuanzhang of the first emperor and its empress, it is one of delegates of building of tomb of Chinese ancient time and gardens art.

9.The Summer Palace (1998) : Be located in Beijing on the west outskirt, it is Chinese ancient time one of delegates of royal gardens, cover an area of an area to make an appointment with 290 hectare, it is gardens of Chinese ancient time and the crackajack delegate that build art.

10.Beijing ancient city (1987) : Be located in Beijing center, it is one of delegates of Chinese traditional town planning and building art, included a series of important culture bequest such as the Imperial Palace, the Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace.

Above is directory of bequest of partial world culture and relevant data, these culture bequest represented Chinese history, culture and art, also be China and the main bridge that world culture communicates.

4, data of my world culture bequest?

Round bright garden is Chinese Qing Dynasty acting large and royal gardens, be located in Beijing Haidian area, only then built 1707 (Qing Kangxi 46 years) , you Yuanming reachs his to add garden Changchun garden and garden of spring of figured woven silk material field (hind incognito 10 thousand Chun Yuan) composition, also make a circle bright 3 garden, have " the garden of 10 thousand garden " say. Clear emperor every come to midsummer this is away for the summer holidays, hold court, bright garden weighs reason circle again " Xia Gong " . 1860 during the 2nd the Opium War, round bright garden meets with loot of flower law allied forces and burn down, reason location is a circle now park of bright garden relics

5, the data of bequest of Kunming world culture?

Kunming is a historical culture town that suits travel, in the tourist attraction with numerous Kunming, the area of scene of 5A class stone forest of autonomous county of the Yi nationality of Kunming stone forest made the scene division with the most popular Kunming a few years for a time afore, be known as in the mouth of Yunnan person " the Guilin of Yunnan " . Area of scene of whole stone forest is larger, main sightseeing area component is: Museum of prospective stone forest, small stone forest, old stone forest, stone forest grows a lake, the tourist attraction such as sentry hill, whole walks the course needs the left and right sides 3 hours probably.

6, the data of world culture bequest and fokelore?

About this problem, world culture bequest is the culture bequest that shows the world is famous, be included world bequest directory by U.N. Educational. It is the data of bequest of culture of a few worlds and fokelore below:

1.Chinese Great Wall: One of delegates of civilization of Chinese ancient time, the Great Wall is built at BC 7 centuries, one of the greatest buildings on history of the mankind that be called. As it is said, of the Great Wall build only then period of Yu Chunqiu the Warring States, it is to defence north inbreaks nomadicly.

2.The field of Rome that fight animal: Build at the Christian era 80 years, it is one of buildings with ancient Rome the most well-known empire, can accommodate more than 50, 000 people watch horny fighter match and beast show. Allegedly, the matter that the field that fight animal makes is to reveal the force of Roman empire and majesty.

3.The pyramid of Egypt: One of delegates of Egypt ancient civilization, pyramid is built at BC 26 centuries, it is the mausoleum of archaic Pharaoh. As it is said, a large number of slave were used in the course that pyramid builds, wright people cost tens of year time just completes this grand construction.

4.Indian Tai Jiling: Build at 17 centuries, it is Mo Wo the mausoleum that Caesarean emperor sanded Gu Han is souvenir to its love the wife of a prince partingly and be built. Allegedly, huge financial resources and manpower were cost in the course that Shaguhan is building Tai Jiling, employed 20, 000 craftsman and worker.

5.Ma elegant relics of Mexico: One of delegates of Ma elegant civilization, build at BC 3 centuries come the Christian era 10 centuries, it is a giant urban relics. Allegedly, the success that Ma elegant civilization has the field such as the art that develops highly, building and maths in period of its at the height of power and splendour, but reason of its be on the wane up to now still ambiguous.

These world culture bequest are the precious bequest of human history culture not only, it is the classic that representing human wisdom and creativity more.

7, is my world culture bequest round bright garden data?

Round bright garden is Chinese Qing Dynasty acting large and royal gardens, be located in Beijing Haidian area, only then built 1707 (Qing Kangxi 46 years) , you Yuanming reachs his to add garden Changchun garden and garden of spring of figured woven silk material field (hind incognito 10 thousand Chun Yuan) composition, also make a circle bright 3 garden, have " the garden of 10 thousand garden " say. Clear emperor every come to midsummer this is away for the summer holidays, hold court, bright garden weighs reason circle again " Xia Gong " . 1860 during the 2nd the Opium War, round bright garden meets with loot of flower law allied forces and burn down, reason location is a circle now park of bright garden relics.

8, one of bequest of Chinese world culture data?

Mo Gao hole of the tomb figure of military forces of imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor, 8 Great Walls that amount to mountain, Dunhuang and the Potala Palace are world culture bequest

9, does data of my world culture bequest explain?

The spirit that the Great Wall is the Chinese nation is indicative, it is capacity of our country existent system the biggest, distributing the widest culture bequest, fluctuate with its 2000, the spatio-temporal span in freely number, becoming the grandiose and gallant building miracle on human history and the Imperial Palace of unapproachable Beijing of historical culture landscape is Chinese bright Qing Dynasty the royal palace of two generation, old weigh Forbidden City, the center of the axes in be located in Beijing, it is the elite that palace of Chinese ancient time builds. The Temple of Heaven is located in the Na Duan of Beijing city, only then build at Ming Chuyong happy 18 years, be bright, day of hold a memorial ceremony for of two acting emperors mixes Qing Dynasty the place of invocatory good year, qing Qianlong year after rebuilding, become today this one brilliant and grand edifice group. Suzhou is classic gardens, abbreviation " Suzhou gardens " , it is world culture bequest. Suzhou is classic the history of gardens but trace to BC the garden of Wu Wang of period of 6 centuries year animals farm, illicit home gardens sees at account is the Eastern Jin dynasty the earliest (4 centuries) monarch border garden, past dynasties garden is flourishing, renown garden day is much.

10, data of bequest of Chinese world culture and picture?

Data of bequest of Chinese world culture and picture?

1, the Summer Palace: The Summer Palace, period of Chinese quiet day is royal gardens, predecessor is clear ripples garden. The Summer Palace is with Kunming lake, 10 thousand birthday hill is base location, regard chief source as Hangzhou west lake, gardens of a when devise technique and build of gardens of derive Changjiang Delta large landscape, it is to save center of drive of a the most complete royal make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital, be known as " royal gardens museum " , also be tourist attraction of national emphasis travel.

2, imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor and hole of military forces tomb figure: Emperor imperial tomb is located in Qin Shi be apart from Xi'an city to the south of the many meters 30 county that face Tong black horse below the foot of a hill, build around take time nearly 40 years, shang Mo of the cemetery when dying to the Qin Dynasty is complete complete, the huge of the project is history place infrequent. In Qin Shi kilometre of Huang Lingdong L is in, the hole of military forces commission that hair disinter regards Qin Shi as one of hole of grave of be buried with the dead of emperor imperial tomb. Contented commission figure is tall, control in 1.8 meters commonly, configuration each different, reflected the sculpture craft level that Qin Daigao exceeds.

3, Beijing the Imperial Palace. Old call Forbidden City, beijing the Imperial Palace is Chinese bright Qing Dynasty the royal palace of two generation, the center of the axes in be located in Beijing, it is the elite that palace of Chinese ancient time builds. Be existent scale is the largest on the world, save one of most whole woodiness structure ancient structures.

Extend a data:

China was joined formally on December 12, 1985 " protective world culture and natural heritage convention " ; 1986, china begins to declare world bequest project to U.N. Educational. On October 29, 1999, china is elected for member of world bequest committee;

Gross of Chinese world bequest reachs 55 point, house world the first, among them world culture bequest 37, world culture and natural and double bequest 4, world natural heritage 14.

China is one of states with world bequest the most all ready category are had on the world, also be the country with world culture and maximum amount of natural and double bequest (as paratactic as Australia, all be 4) world natural heritage ranks the first 14 times.

上一篇:孤独美食家的目录? 孤独的美食家导演?英文双语对照