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- 山中独行客,寻径寂寥无。深林人不识,穷巷徐来犬。天寒白屋贫,夜久砧声近。秋色见今朝,方悟青苔绿。

- 凉风起天末,君子意如何。鸿雁几时到,江湖秋水多。文章憎命达,魑魅喜人过。应共冤魂语,投诗赠汨罗。

- 岑参苦雨冷烟笼,李白清夜泛舟(注:指岑参的《登高》和李白的《宣州谢脁楼饯别校书叔云》两首诗)。安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,风雨不动安如山!呜呼!何时眼前突兀见此屋,吾庐独破受冻死亦足。

- 飒飒东风细雨来,池面波纹微带梅,湿夜舟何泛泛思悠悠,灯火阑珊处,未眠人不有。岸树蒙烟似异乡,风帘翻蛮带月光,远梦归何处,问渔翁、一曲钓歌 。

- 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。萧条似我心,浩荡波涛急。乐移处、还似旧时游。何日重阳,到处唱秋风。



春城无处不飞花, 寒食东风御柳斜。——唐朝 韩鸿《寒食》


折得一枝香在手,人间应未有——宋 王安石《甘露歌》


绿杨烟外晓寒轻,红杏枝头春意闹——宋 宋祁《玉楼春》


日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝——唐 白居易《忆江南》


浓绿万枝红一点,动人春色不须多——宋 王安石《咏石榴花》


小楼一夜听春雨,深巷明朝卖杏花——宋 陆游《临安春雨初霁》


疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏——宋 林逋《山园小梅》


城中桃李愁风雨,春在溪头荠菜花——宋 辛弃疾《鹧鸪天·代人赋》


阳春二三月,草与水同色——晋 乐府古辞《孟珠》


接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红——宋 杨万里《晓出净慈寺送林子方》




















































































One, the ancient poetry of nature of Bai Juyi depict?

Bai Juyi is the poet with well-known Tang Dynasty, his poem is made in have a lot of depict the beautiful scenery of nature. It is the ancient poetry of nature of a few Bai Juyi depict below:

- the guest goes alone in hill, find way lonesome without. Deep Lin Ren is not known, dog of poor alley Xu Lai. Deficient of Tian Hanbai house, ye Jiuzhen sound is close. Autumn scenery sees today, fang Wuqing liver mosses is green.

- end of the day since cool wind, gentleman meaning how. When does swan goose arrive, autumn water of all corners of the country is much. Article abhor life is amounted to, chi evil spirit is satisfactory over- . Should in all language of bad luck fetch, cast a poem to give Mi collect.

- Cen Can suffers from pluvial cold mist basket, li Baiqing night goes boating (note: Point to Cen Can " uprise " with Li Bai " announce city thanks cloud of father's younger brother of book of school of Man building give a farewell dinner " two poems) . Install widely between mansion ten million, shelter greatly the world is cold person all smiles happily, harships does not move An Rushan! Alack! When at the moment abrupt see this room, my cottage are defeated alone suffer freeze to death also sufficient.

- drizzle of sough east wind comes, plum of microstrip of pool face ripple, shi Yezhou why general thinks of leisurely, lights wanes to the close place, not Mian person does not have. The bank cultivates unconscious smoke to be like foreign land, wind shade turns over pretty to take moon, yuan Meng puts in where 's charge, old man asking fishing, one angles song.

- smoke of big desert Gu is straight, endless flow setting sun is round. Depression is like my heart, vast and mighty great waves is urgent. Happy move place, still be like old times to swim. He Ri weighs this world, sing autumn wind everywhere.

These poems make some views that represented the fall, what some wrote mountain forest is peaceful, some express the poet is mixed to the recall with emotion of nature thinking.

2, the ancient poetry that depict nature changes?

Spring city nowhere not flying, cold feed Liu Xie of east wind drive. -- Tangchao Han grand " cold feed "

Paraphrase: Chang'an of dusk spring moment waves everywhere garrulous flying, cold feed festal wind to blow royal garden sallow inclined.

Fold one branch is spicily in the hand, the world should be had no -- Song Wangan stone " manna song "

Paraphrase: Fold next grasping to be spent in the one branch in the hand, aroma 4 excessive, should be the world does not have some.

The Xiao Han outside green Yang Yan is light, the awaken of spring of red apricot branch is troubled by -- Song Songqi " Yu Louchun "

Paraphrase: The ethereally cold smoke on green willow, red apricot blooms on branch, those who add the awaken of spring is lively and abundant.

Sunrise river spends Gong Shenghuo, if Chun Laijiang light green is blue -- Tang Bai house is easy " recall Changjiang Delta "

Paraphrase: The sun is compared from the flower of the Jiang Bian when river side rises fiery, the dark green Jiang Shui when spring comes resembles the La Cao of azure blue.

Thick green 10 thousand branches are a bit redder, moving spring scenery is not needed much -- Song Wangan stone " the pomegranate that chant is beautiful "

Paraphrase: In thick a safflower is adorned on green setting, the picture becomes lively and coquettish immediately.

Xiaolou listens overnight rain during springtime, deep alley Ming Dynasty sells apricot the flower -- Song Liu swims " Lin Anchun ceases raining or snowing at the beginning of rain "

Paraphrase: The sound of rain of rain during springtime that lived in Xiaolou to hear one night tick, early in the morning can be heard be in in lane peddle in succession apricot is beautiful.

Qing Dynasty of inclined water of thin film horizontal stroke is shallow, month of dark sweet float is crepuscular -- Song Lin flees " hill garden Xiaomei "

Paraphrase: Thin film, the horizontal stroke is inclined be in clear in shallow water, the aromatic float of quiet and beautiful is under crepuscular moon.

Harships of anxious of the one's pupils or disciples in the city, shepherd's purse of Chun Zaixi head is beautiful -- Song Xin abandons disease " acting person of · of Chinese francolin day is endowed with "

Paraphrase: The peach blossom plum in the city spends a harships to should do torment, send anxiety, the most beautiful spring scenery, brook head blooms in flower of a shepherd's purse.

Spring 23 months, grass and water are the same as color -- Gu Ci of advance an official conservatory in the Han Dynasty for collecting and composing folk songs and ballads " Meng Zhu "

Paraphrase: Lunar spring 2-3 month, just sprouted of the careless color that grows and green water about the same. Of main draw is a kind of artistic conception, early spring, bud of small careless Gang Meng, a kind flourishingly opportunity of survival.

Receive Tian Lianxie not to have poor green jade, the lotus that reflect day another red -- Yang Moli of the Song Dynasty " dawn gives only kind temple to send grove square "

Paraphrase: The lotus leaf spread out of that packed closely layer up on layer leaves, with join of blue sky photograph, a boundless fresh and green verdure; That graceful lotus Zhan Lei blooms, below sunshine reflect, appear all the more bright-coloured charming is red.

3, what does the ancient poetry of depict nature have?

The ancient poetry of depict nature has:

1. is long in bird cage, regain return nature.

Deep of contented of advance of out the Kingdom of Wei bright " put in vegetable garden 's charge to reside · firstly "

2. nature is urged one drunk, not only read time.

Of suddenly of king of out Tang Dynasty " to wine Chun Yuan is made "

4, the ancient poetry of depict nature, 4?

He Ren turns mountain in the middle of the night. All sides cloud drift is guessed is you.

Constant when relative to two 3 peaks, walk along brook head to not have look for place.

West wind shoot a glance at removes Yun Heng to spend. The Tian Yizhu austral Hu Jiandong.

Old monk clap laughs at photograph boast, ju Xiqing hill lives as before.

5, the ancient poetry line of depict nature scene?

Have. Because ancient poetry is medium often the beautiful scenery of depict nature, a lot of beautiful sentences stayed to come, be like: Husband of an administrative unit in Xizang of another name for Taishan Mountain how, qi Luqing unfinished. Look of good luck bell is elegant, yin and yang cuts dawn. Caw of warbler of a thousand li is green flush, wind of division of spirits of Guo of water village hill. Red flag night takes frostlike powder, grey flying smoke destroys south building. This affection can need look back, it is at that time only already frustrated. These sentences not only the beauty that figure the earth's surface amounted to nature, also accumulate the thought connotation that containing profundity.

6, the ancient poetry of depict nature 4?

1, Xin Lei

Qing Dynasty is acting: Zhang Weibing

Demiurgic and reticent have feeling however, every Yu Han all becomes aware spring unripe.

1000 Gong Mozi arrangement are written, wait for new thunder high and level tone only.

Translation: Although nature is silent reticent but have feeling however, every time cold winter all will make the awaken of spring produce. Nature has arranged a variety of colour already, wait for spring thunder to ring only, 100 flowers will be opened eagerly.

2, spring day

Song Dai: Zhu Xi

Get the better of day to search fragrant Si brink, immensity about one stylish.

Aimlessly knowledge gets east wind area, a variety of colour always is spring.

Translation: Wind and day Li Youchun are in Si Shui Zhibin, boundless scene looks brand-new. Everybody can see vernal face, spring breeze is blown 100 flowers are openly, a variety of colour, it is vernal scene everywhere.

3, Xiaochi

Song Dai: Yang Moli

The mouth of spring is silent cherish brooklet, shade illuminates Shui Aiqing soft.

Small carry on one's shoulder just shows pointed pointed character, early dragonfly establishs above.

Translation: Because hate to part with,the mouth of spring is soundlessly sadly fine thin flow, shade of a tree mirrors surface is to like the downy view in sunshine. Small lotus leaf just just showed spinous character from surface, a small dragonfly stands in above.

4, dawn gives only kind temple to send grove square

Song Dai: Yang Moli

After all the west lake is medium in June, scene is the same as with the four seasons.

Receive Tian Lianxie not to have poor green jade, the lotus that reflect day another red.

Translation: It is a west lake after all in June the scenery of the day, scene and other season are really different. Lotus leaf receives a day to look at a verdure very much, the lotus below sunshine especially gorgeous and bright red.

7, the ancient poetry of depict nature 5, ancient line 10?

Li Bai: Visit cottage mountain fall. Look at day door hill. Bai Juyi: Money pond lake spring row. Liu Yu Xi: Look at hole front courtyard. Du Fu: Wang Yue.

Fly flow to issue 3000 rule continuously, doubt is the Milky Way falls empyreal.

Day door interrupts Chu Jiang to leave, green jade water east flow to be answered so far.

Few points early warbler contends for warm tree, whose home Xin Yan pecks Chun Ni.

Guang Qiuyue two-phase mixes the lake, pool face does not have goggles to was not ground.

Can become approach is zenithal, general view numerous hill is small.

8, the ancient poetry of nature of the depict in the numerous star that puts a heart on the ice?

" numerous star " the first peotry anthology that is glacial heart, poet of peotry anthology income is solstitial 1919 autumn place wrote small poem 1921 164, original hair at Beijing " morning paper " . It is contemporary poem is not ancient poetry.

9, the ancient poetry of depict nature 4 simple?

He Ren turns mountain in the middle of the night. All sides cloud drift is guessed is you. Constant when relative to two 3 peaks, walk along brook head to not have look for place.

10, what does the ancient poetry of depict nature have to have?

1, mountain peak

The horizontal stroke regards as mountain side becomes a peak, discretion of far and near each are different

Do not know a the truth of sth. , it is along the body only in this hill

2, chute

Sunshine censer gives birth to violet smoke, before Yao sees chute hang plain

Fly flow to issue 3000 rule continuously, doubt is the Milky Way falls empyreal

3, seawater

Old friend demit fizzles out on the west crane building, firework issued Yangzhou in March

Yuan Yingbi uses up Gu sail for nothing, see horizon of the Yangtse River flows only

4, write willow

Of Yang Moli " the willow that chant "

Jasper makeup Cheng Yishu is tall, 10 thousand lop green silk silk ribbon

Do not know fine Xie Sheicai to go out, spring breeze was like scissors in Feburary

5, hill tree of the autumn

Hill goes (the Tang Dynasty) Wang Wei

Far go up diameter of cold hill stone is inclined, there is a family in Bai Yun

Jockey sit love maple Lin Wan, red leaves is red spent in Feburary

6, spring

" spring day " the Song Dynasty. Zhu Xi

Get the better of day to search fragrant Si brink, immensity about one stylish.

Aimlessly knowledge gets east wind area, a variety of colour always is spring.

7, rain during springtime

" Chun Yexi rain " the Tang Dynasty. Du Fu

Good rain tells time, when spring happen therefore. Slip into night along with wind, benefit other people is fine breathed. All of wild diameter cloud is black, river ship fire alone bright. Dawn visits red wet office, the flower weighs city of bright and beautiful official.

8, summer

Tall parallel " Shan Tingxia day "

Greenery shade strong summer is long, inverted image of a high building enters a pond.

Crystal shade moves gentle breeze to rise, wear Qiang to fill one courtyard completely sweet.

9, the autumn

" Qiu Ci " the Tang Dynasty. Liu Yu Xi

Shan Mingshui clean evening arrives frost, several trees are scarlet piece shallow yellow.

Try on high-rise clear to the marrow, be like person of spring scenery Sou mad.

10, hill of name of the Five Mountains

Look of good luck bell is elegant, yin and yang cuts dawn

Can become approach is zenithal, general view heavy hill is small

下一篇:烟台福山美食? 烟台有啥美食?英文双语对照