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关于大自然的手抄报? 关于大自然的问句?英文双语对照


关于大自然的手抄报? 关于大自然的问句?英文双语对照







6.最后 ,在白纸的中间用彩笔画上一个文本编辑框
















1. 大自然是我们最美丽的艺术家,用绚丽的色彩和壮丽的景象为我们呈现了无尽的美景。

2. 大自然是一本永不翻篇的书,每一次走进自然,都能发现新的故事和奇迹。

3. 在大自然的怀抱中,我们感受到了生命的力量和宇宙的奥秘。

4. 大自然是我们最好的老师,教会我们谦卑、坚韧和顺应变化的智慧。

5. 每一片绿叶、每一滴雨水都是大自然对我们的关怀和馈赠。

6. 大自然的美丽和宁静让我们心灵得到了净化和放松。

7. 大自然是我们的家园,我们应当珍惜和保护它,与它和谐共处。

8. 在大自然中漫步,我们能够重新连接自己与宇宙的纽带,找回内心的平静和力量。

9. 大自然的奇观和多样性让我们惊叹不已,它是我们永远无法完全理解和掌握的存在。

10. 大自然的鬼斧神工创造了无数美丽的景观,让我们对生命和世界充满了敬畏和感激之情。


1. 雷轰天顶,虽雨不猛。

2. 时雨时晴,几天几夜不停。

3. 水里泛青苔,天有风雨来

4. 草灰结成饼,天有风雨临。

5. 泥鳅静,天气晴。

6. 黑蜻蜓乱,天气要旱。

7. 朝有破紫云,午后雷雨临。

8. 鸡进笼晚兆阴雨。

9. 黑云接驾,不阴就下。

10. 日落胭脂红,非雨便是风。

























1. "天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡。" —— 荀子


2. "自然是善良的慈母,同时也是冷酷的屠夫。" —— 雨果


3. "自然不掺杂半丝人情。谁抵抗它,谁就被一脚踢开;谁顺从它,谁就承受其恩典。" —— 佚名


4. "只有顺从自然,才能驾驭自然。" —— 培根


5. "只有服从大自然,才能战胜大自然。" —— 达尔文


6. "只有从自然中了解自然。" —— 培根


7. "只有按照自然所启示的经验来生活。" —— 叔本华


8. "大自然的每一个领域都是美妙绝伦的。" —— 亚里多德


9. "大自然和智慧在任何事物上都不存在分岐。" —— 玉外纳


10. "大自然治病,医生只是助手。" —— 希波克拉底





1. 《登高》——杜甫



2. 《静夜思》——李白



3. 《春望》——杜甫





4. 《山居秋暝》——王维





5. 《赋得古原草送别》——白居易








闲桂花落, 夜静春山空。月出惊山鸟, 时鸣春涧中。






独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸。 深林人不知,明月来相照。


移舟泊烟渚,日暮客愁新。 野旷天低树,江清月近人。




























One, report a duplicate to about the hand of nature?

The intermediate upper part of white paper of 1. head preexistence is written with black pen on " report a duplicate to about the hand of nature " the theme that reflects a hand to report a duplicate to

2. uses the river on color strokes of a Chinese character and landscape in the right upper part of white paper

3. draws a big sun in the wrong upper part of white paper next, the smile decorates action

4. draws a family in the right lower part of white paper then what outdoors amuse oneself enjoys nature is pure and fresh

5. is drawn in the wrong lower part of white paper shiny green sapling

6. is final, on the intermediate strokes using variety of white paper a text edits casing

7. keeps the literal content about nature go in, such hands report a duplicate to finished

2, about nature ask sentence?

For instance:

1. why is small grass of spring breeze whiff green?

2. why can ethereal cloud wave to wave?

Why does 3. the sun shines again after rain rainbow appears?

4. why is the sun eastwardly rise?

5. why does the sun fall in the west?

6. why moon sometimes is the circle bent sometimes?

Why is 7. leaf green?

Why does 8. leaf have various color?

Why does 9. spend be multicoloured?

10 why establishing a root is, brunet, why is the earth hard?

The copy of this kind of type writes a sentence very simple, the state that wants to will existed only sentence other perhaps the content changeover of a type concerned nature is become ask sentence OK, the content of hope above can help great master.

3, the sentence about nature?

1.Nature is our most beautiful artist, presented endless beautiful scenery for us with flowery colour and magnificent sight.

2.Nature is one never breaks up piece book, every time walks into nature, can discover new old practice and miracle.

3.In the bosom of nature, we experienced the mystery of the force of life and universe.

4.Nature is our best teacher, church we are abasement, tough the wisdom that changes with suitable meet an emergency.

5.Each each greenery, rainwater is the nature consideration to us and gift.

6.The beauty of nature and halcyon let our heart get purify and be relaxationed.

7.Nature is our home, we ought to be cherished and protect it, as harmonious as it coexist.

8.Stroll in nature, we can join afresh the ligament of oneself and universe, seek the calm of a heart and power.

9.The marvellous spectacle of nature and diversity let our exclaim unceasingly, it is the existence that we cannot understand completely forever and masters.

10.The uncanny workmanship of nature created the landscape of countless beauty, let us be full of to life and world awe-stricken with the sentiment that appreciate.

4, the common saying about nature?

1.Lei Hong is zenithal, although rain is not fierce.

2.The fine when Shi Yu, a few days of a few night are ceaseless.

3.The extensive in water is lichenous, the day has harships to come

4.Careless ash forms cake, the day has harships to face.

5.Loach is static, weather fine.

6.Black dragonfly is random, weather wants on land.

7.Face has broken violet cloud, thunderstorm is faced afternoon.

8.Chicken enters overcast and rainy of basket evening million.

9.Nebula is received drive, not shade falls.

10.Sunset rouge is red, be not rain is wind.

5, the adage about nature?

The friend with the most reliable nature -- time

This adage means nature is a reliable associate, it won't stop to move. It is changing from beginning to end, but this kind of change is inevitable.

Life was filled in the forest -- arboreous

This adage shows the forest is a place that fills life, tree is main component of the forest. It revealed a forest to serve as the delegate of nature, it is a red-blooded place.

Best doctor -- natural

This adage shows nature is best doctor. Nature can cure the scar of our body and mentally, make we restore health and balance.

A sheep is depastured, a flock of sheep by feed -- natural

This adage shows the force of nature is mysterious. Natural rule and force make our exclaim, they are OK be pregnant with and alimentary life.

Do not cry below the tree, because cultivate the word that can understand you -- tree

This adage shows the tree has capacity of perceptive mankind affective. Occasionally, we can be found below the tree comfort, because the tree can listen our question.

Belated spring -- spring

The arrival that this adage makes clear spring may somewhat defer, but final it always can come. It revealed the refreshment of vernal force and life.

The den that bird won't forget them --

This adage shows bird can return their home, although they are in journey. It showed the value of family and attributive feeling.

There is new issue below the sun -- the sun

This adage shows the sun is a force that exists continuously, its ray is beamed tellurian is all thing. It revealed the importance of the sun and its constancy.

6, the author about nature?

About " nature " the author is Yi Lin.

Yi Lin: 1896-1953 writer of writer of popular science of the Russia year ago, literature of engineer, children. Give birth to Yuwukelan.

He wrote down a lot of popular science work all one's life, be like " 100 thousand why " , " a few bell " , " how does the person become giant " " black and white " , " the story of Five-Year Plan " , " hill and person " , " person and nature " and " transform a planet " etc, have certain contribution to literature of Russia popular science, and the development influence of career of modern to China popular science is tremendous.

"100 thousand why " the brand of this one extremely rich vitality, take the work from Yi Lin namely. His can calls the most understanding popular science the writer, any complex and curt scientific principles become in his the wording and purpose of what one writes with pleasure.

7, the logion about nature?

They reflected people to be opposite natural awe-stricken, praise and the understanding to the order of nature. It is a few famous celebrated dictum about nature below:

1." day has all right constant, do not be Yao Cun, do not die for the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty. "-- Xun Zi

 (eternity of the order of nature is changeless, won't because Monarch Yao emperor bright and exist, also won't disappear because of the violence of the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty. )

2." nature is kind-hearted loving mother, also be callous butcher at the same time. "-- pluvial fruit

 (be full of affection naturally already, merciless cruelty. )

3." nature is not impure half favor. Who is counteractive it, who by one foot spurn; Who is compliant it, who bears its favor. "-- anon.

 (natural won't partial anybody, resist its person can be repelled, compliant its person can get bestowing. )

4." has compliant nature only, ability controls natural. "-- earth up a root

 (understand only and comply with the order of nature, we just use nature effectively. )

5." has obedient nature only, ability conquer nature. "-- Darwinian

 (understand deep only and follow natural rule, we just can overcome the difficulty of nature. )

6." understands nature from inside nature only. "-- earth up a root

 (adopt observation and practice only, we just can understand nature truly. )

7." has the experience a future life according to natural place enlightenment to live only. "-- father's younger brother this China

 (we should coach according to natural rule and experience our life. )

8.Each domain of " nature is wonderful unsurpassed. "-- Yaliduode

 (each respect of nature was full of miracle and wonderful. )

9." nature and wisdom are nonexistent on aught difference. "-- the accept outside jade

 (the order of nature and wisdom are unified, there should not be difference on aught. )

10." nature treats a disease, the doctor is assistant only. "-- bottom of rare wave carat

  (have cured power naturally, the doctor's action is to assist nature to cure a disease. )

These logion reflected the people esteem to the order of nature and recognition, and the wisdom in as harmonious as nature coexist.

8, about nature, poetry?

Nature is one of common themes in poetry, a lot of poets pass the express comprehension to nature, conveyed him opposite life, mankind and world think. It is a few poetry about nature below:

1." uprise " -- Du Fu

Wind urgent overhead is high simian howl sad, small piece of land surrounded by water clear sanded Bai Diao is flown back to.

Immensity falls below Mu Xiao desolate, billow of endless the Yangtse River comes.

2." static night is thought of " -- Li Bai

The bright moon before the bed is smooth, doubt is the frost on the ground.

Lift a head to look at the bright moon, lower his head to consider home.

3." spring look " -- Du Fu

The country defeats the land of country to be in, city spring wood is deep.

The flower when feeling splashs a tear, hate fastens bird Jing heart.

Balefire is connected in March, a letter from home touchs 10 thousand gold.

Hoary head is scratched shorter, muddy desire deeply hairpin.

4." Shan Juqiu sets " -- Wang Wei

After empty Shan Xinyu, weather comes late autumn.

Illuminate between bright moon pine, qing Quanshi is genteel.

Zhu Xuan puts in wash daughter 's charge, lotus moves Yu Zhou.

Optional Chun Fang rests, offspring of the nobility can stay oneself.

5." the ode gets ancient former grass to send off " -- Bai Juyi

From from go up formerly careless, a year old of one withered flourish.

Wild baked wheaten cake is endless, spring breeze is blown be born again.

Yuan Fang invades ancient course, the fine is emerald green the city that receive waste.

Send Wang Sun again, luxuriant fasten affection completely.

These poetry conveyed a poet to comprehend and think to nature from different point of view, make people more thorough the ground understands and appreciate the beauty of nature.

9, the ancient poetry about nature?

" twitter gully " [the Tang Dynasty] Wang Wei

Idle sweet-scented osmanthus falls, ye Jingchun hill is empty. The month gives Jing hill bird, in Chun Jian crying when.

" abatis " [the Tang Dynasty] Wang Wei

Empty hill does not see a person, but famous man signal is loud. Return a shadow to enter deep forest, a note in reply is lichenous go up.

" Chun Xiao " [the Tang Dynasty] Meng Hao like that

Spring Mian does not become aware dawn, hear caw bird everywhere. Evening arrives harships sound, the flower falls how much to know.

" the house in bamboo " [the Tang Dynasty] Wang Wei

Sit alone in deep and remote bamboo grove, the Fu Changxiao that play musical instrument. Deep Lin Ren does not know, the bright moon will be illuminated.

" Su Jiande river " [the Tang Dynasty] Meng Hao like that

Move boat berth smoke smalls piece of land surrounded by water, eventide guest worry is new. Small tree of day of wild free from worries, jiang Qingyue's close person.

" cool city word "

The Tang Dynasty · Wang Zhi melt

The Yellow River is far go up between Bai Yun, city of a Gu hill of 10 thousand an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi.

Why must Qiang flute complain willow, spring breeze does not spend jade door to close.

" poem of Teng king cabinet "

The Tang Dynasty · Wang Bo

Teng Wanggao Ge Linjiang smalls piece of land surrounded by water, admire Yu Mingluan stops singing and dancing.

Draw a Pu Yun austral Chaofei, bead shade dusk coils west hill rain.

Leisurely of day of shadow of idle cloud pool, change of seasons a few degrees autumn.

The emperor in cabinet child where today empty do as one pleases of river of cage minister of foreign affairs.

" fall of mountain looking at cottage "

Don Libai

Sunshine censer gives birth to violet smoke, before Yao sees chute hang plain.

Fly flow to issue 3000 rule continuously, clever it is the Milky Way falls empyreal.

" Shan Juqiu Ming " [the Tang Dynasty] Wang Wei

After empty Shan Xinyu, weather comes late autumn. Illuminate between bright moon pine, qing Quanshi is genteel. Zhu Xuan puts in wash daughter 's charge, lotus moves Yu Zhou. Optional Chun Fang rests, offspring of the nobility can stay oneself.

" in hill " [the Tang Dynasty] Wang Wei

White stone of chaste tree brook goes out, day cold red autumnal leaves is rare. Hill road yuan without rain, garment of empty emerald green wet person.

" pass old friend place of business " [the Tang Dynasty] Meng Hao like that

Old friend provides gallinaceous millet, invite me to reach cropland home. Greenery village edge closes, green hill Guo Wai is inclined. Open garden of field of face of a small room, hemp of wine word mulberry. Need the day that weigh this world,

" drink " [the Eastern Jin dynasty] Tao Yuan bright

Knot cottage is in person condition, and the Ma Xuan that do not have a car. He Nenger asking gentleman, the heart slants far oneself. Below the Dong Li that collect chrysanthemum, see carefreely south hill. Hill enrages day night beautiful, flyer get along with is returned. There is intendment in this, desire differentiate already forgot talk.

" Chun Xue " [the Tang Dynasty] Han Yu

New Year is had no fragrant China, the Jing at the beginning of Feburary sees careless shoot. Bai Xue disrelishs spring scenery evening however, reason wears front courtyard to cultivate flying.

10, the poetic word about nature?

From of old, beautiful nature brings the mankind the feeling of infinite beauty. Because guests of a lot of this bookman Chinese ink use all sorts of artistic technique,praise natural. For example: Know the poem of the chapter about the congratulate of poet of poetic Tang Dynasty of nature: Jasper outfit Cheng Yishu is tall, 10 thousand lop green plant, do not know fine Xie Sheicai to go out, spring breeze was like scissors in Feburary. Wait the poem about nature a moment.
