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1、西柏坡红色旅游区 AAAAA



2、嶂石岩 AAAA



3、天桂山 AAAA



4、天山海世界 AAAA



5、五岳寨 AAAA



6、驼梁山 AAAA


驼梁山自然风景区位于平山县西北部、距石家庄市150公里、景区总面积22万平方公里。主峰为平山、阜平、山西五台县三县界峰、海拔2281米,为河北省五大高峰之一。 驼梁山千山披翠,万瀑齐飞,茂密的原始森林和连绵不断的瀑布构成景区最具特色的景观。在三万多亩苍苍莽莽的原始森林中,共有686种植物和100多种野生动物。密林中飘舞着数百条瀑布、千姿百态、飞珠溅玉。云项草原为平山驼梁山景区独有,草碧花香、云雾缥缈。驼梁位于河北省平山县西北端冀晋两省交界处,距石家庄市138公里,与佛教圣地五台山遥遥相望,因山顶恰似驼峰而得名。主峰海拔 2281米系河北省五大高峰之一。这里层恋叠翠,-涛涛,幽峡如画,瀑布成群,云海频出,气候宜人,万千景色处处引人入胜。驼梁更以凉爽的气候而著称,夏季平均气温只有19℃。夏日的驼梁绿茸茸,水淋淋,仿佛刚从水中捞出,山含岚气,云带雨露。云深不见千岩秀,水涨初闻万壑流,三叠瀑、白……[详细]

7、辛集国际皮革城 AAAA



8、东方巨龟苑 AAAA




1, AAAAA of area of travel of Xi Baipo red

Recommend 1

Xi Baipo is located in Heibei to save smooth hill county mid, it is period of war of liberation central labour appoint, the seat of headquarters of the Central Committee of Communist Party of China and liberation army. May 1947, be versed in in the center of rate of Liu Shaoji, Zhu De appoint garrison Xi Baipo. In May 1948, mao Zedong, Zhou En comes, headquarters of the front committee and liberation army arrives in the center of the rate when Ren Bi Xi Baipo and the labour central appoint confluent. Here, mao Zedong and his comrade-in-armses held meeting of land of Chinese Communist whole nation, passed " outline of Chinese land law " , realized cultivator to have its field; Directed sea of distant Shenyang, the Huaihe River, smooth ferry 3 big battle, decided Chinese destiny; Held a Chinese Communist 7 2 in plenary meeting, depicted new China's grandiose blue print. On March 23, 1949, headquarters of the Central Committee of Communist Party of China and liberation army leaves Xi Baipo, go to Beijing to found a state. New China goes from here. After the Central Committee of Communist Party of China leaves, personnel staying behind and government of the county that propose screen (instead made the same score hill county 1958) the thing that leaves to central mechanism undertook having sex. To protect revolutionary relics and cultural relic, 1955, government of place of combination of Heibei province museum built Xi Baipo memorial hall preparatory place. 1958 because build the reservoir austral hillock, remove site of Central Committee of Communist Party of China. Began in December 1970, in be apart from former address north to move 500 meters, altitude lifts 57 meters place has easy land answer... [detailed]

2, AAAA of cliff of stone of a screen-like mountain peak

Recommend 2

Scenery of nature of cliff of stone of a screen-like mountain peak scenic spot the area is located in Shijiazhuang city southwest the southwest of assist emperor county of 100 kilometers is in, gross area 120 square kilometer, central scene area 20 square kilometer, top height above sea level 1774 meters. Rows of mountains of the ridges and peaks inside this tourist attraction, strange peak is abrupt. Strange stone forest stands, deep and remote hole is deep, fontal waterfall gurgles, arduous in fold show strange Wei, do not break in deep and remote Qing Dynasty elegant. It is the travel bethel with superexcellent scene of one place nature, one party of deserve to be called is gotten the better of absolutely. Landscape of cliff of stone of a screen-like mountain peak basically is mountain of Dan Ya, green jade, strange peak, glen. Its landscape characteristic can be generalized roughly pull 9 for 3 inn, 4 screen conceal 8 condition. 3 inn namely 3 ancient course; 9 join namely 3 9 valleys of ancient course; 4 screen are whole to look like be like 4 protective screen and district of relatively independent 4 cent scene (9 female peaks, ripely paste of temple, paper is covered, aspic approach is carried on the back) . There is 8 to be in famous wonderful scenery in area of these 4 scene: Half beautiful palace, sunshine flies to party of 9 celestial being, cliff emerald green, rows of mountains hangs column of jade of approach of cool meaning of spring of gigantic cliff of rain, echo, pagoda tree, aspic, heavy door lock bell. This 3 inn 4 screen, 8 scene 9 between all alley is linked together, string together compose of in rapid succession of 120 tourist attractions, meandering spreads out. Among them light of hole of column of jade of approach of natural echo wall, aspic, mist, Buddha is cliff of a screen-like mountain peak 4 absolutely; Sa Zhu of cliff of clever spring of breast of sunshine flying rain, stone, cloud, silver-colored waterfall falls the lake is scene of water of cliff of a screen-like mountain peak again 4 absolutely. Cliff of grand a screen-like mountain peak 3 fold, the 9 female peaks of strange show make the person sighs for... [detailed]

3, Tian Guishan AAAA

Recommend 3

Tian Guishan, be located in Shijiazhuang of Heibei provincial capital the churchyard of smooth hill county that 90 kilometers are in city northwest, gross area 60 square kilometer, it is the lofty mountains ancient Buddhist templeput on the brakes with Heibei famous province scenery scenic spot area, in November 2001, be by assess of national tourism bureau " 4A " class scene area, in May 2002, by the State Council authorized announce for national emphasis scenery scenic spot area. Area of Tian Guishan scene, be apart from 90 kilometers of stone city, altitude of the highest peak in a mountain range 1270 meters, gross area 60 square kilometer, cent is the 8 Xiaojing area such as emerald green cereal of cliff of green Long Guan, 10 thousand Buddha, Xuan Wufeng, drop. Here peak danger, Shi Ji, hole deep and remote, spring much, forest exuberant, cloud and mist winds around. Hill is antediluvian build put in concealed make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital 's charge for emperor of the Chongzhen Emperor formerly, instead green dragon watchs a courtyard after, say again " boreal fierce is become " . Tian Guishan is too the renown peak of travel hill, element surprises with hill situation danger, the scenery is beautiful and celebrated. Be in yuan, bright period, because its have " one husband should close, 10 thousand husbands not leave " originally nearly, be called " 3 stockaded village " , ever established crenel on its, halt arms guard. Situation of its mountain range, because be exactly like Guilin hill form, to have " northward Guilin " say. At the beginning of Ming Moqing, here built green Long Guan, the construction group that added air of a group of rich and royal gardens and elegant demeanour of view of Taoist school palace in pure natural landscape, because the fierce of Hubei is become,hill is our country's distinguished Taoism sacred place, have again subsequently " boreal fierce is become " beautiful praise... [detailed]

4, AAAA of world of day hill sea

Recommend 4

World of day hill sea covers an area of more than mus 60, it is the collect paddle, fitness, large public place of entertainment that recreational, meal, recreation is an organic whole, set the recreational fitness establishment such as the seaborne river, pool that make wave, slideway, give priority to body with water, structure style uses band of Chinese and Western, grave elegance. A few parts such as the area of paddle of children of paddle hall cent of world of day hill sea, adult paddle area, massage area, area that make wave and seaborne river, use disinfection of water of 24 hours of uninterrupted loops, of water pure degree reach international level, the tourist can be at ease paddle and need not worry somewhat, can strike ocean wave, also can undertake gorge drifts, jing is not had danger, be in harmony of its Le Rong; Additional, there still is a big public house that has sunshine coast distinguishing feature in world of day hill sea, luxurious magnificent, can let a tourist enjoy astral class adequately in paddle to serve. Constant temperature of the four seasons inside world of day hill sea (water is warm 28 degrees, room temperature 30 degrees) , atmosphere elegance, have semi-tropical natural amorous feelings very much, can let long the people that resides north is in all the year round in can get the enjoyment like Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes. ... [detailed]

5, AAAA of stockaded village of the Five Mountains

Recommend 5

Area of travel of stockaded village of the Five Mountains is located in Heibei to visit department of northwest of clever birthday county a mountainous area, provincial capital Shijiazhuang is apart from south 110 kilometers, 5 hill lie between north and Buddhist shrine hill photograph looks, gross area 120 square kilometer, because 5 mountain peak are paratactic,tower aloft, and have the characteristic of the Five Mountains and get a name. The park belongs to Heibei to save the one part of groove guard of the nature that overflow hill, contain area of 3 great respect, 360 many tourist attractions, the high mountain is close forest, resourceful. It is collect recuperate of travel sightseeing, fitness, be away for the summer holidays pass the summer in a leisurely way, find rare experience deep and remote, mountain-climbing makes an on-the-spot investigation expeditionarily, scientificly the high grade that is an organic whole, muti_function natural beauty spot, area of travel of national 4A stage. This area is in geology is anatomical belong to China north Dong Lu of middle of hill of Gu Liutai travel, there are all sorts of degenerative rocks inside the area is, its cliff sex basically is gneiss, change a cliff, horn shows granite of shape of schistose, spot to wait. What because the Cenozoic Era is fond of Malaya,move is intense carry rise to stop an activity with difference. Caused low smooth North China Plain (altitude a few meters) with what tower too the sharp contrast of travel hill, formed the abrupt mountain peak with a series of relatively tall bigger difference, this park lies to break a Zhongshan area by what the development on foundation of old and degenerative cliff rises, altitude 1000 reach 2150 meters, because broke a construction to form deep slope of channel of the country inside scene area situation of steep, hill is magnificent danger is beautiful, gorge is much and hidden danger. The highest peak in a mountain range of stockaded village of the Five Mountains shows the sign with 5 independent peaks, consistent group is giant... [detailed]

6, AAAA of camel bridge hill

Recommend 6

Beauty spot of nature of camel bridge hill is located in ministry of northwest of smooth hill county, be apart from Shijiazhuang city gross area of area of 150 kilometers, scene kilometer of 220 thousand square. The highest peak in a mountain range is smooth hill, mound smooth, Shanxi 5 counties peak of 3 counties group, altitude 2281 meters, save one of 5 great heights for Heibei. Camel bridge Shan Qianshan wraps around emerald green, 10 thousand waterfall fly together, dense virgin forest and continuous and continuous fall form scene area to provide the landscape of characteristic most. In the virgin forest of luxuriant of more than 30000 mus of grey, mutual 686 kinds of plants and a variety of 100 wild animal. Close Lin Zhong waves dance a move in chess or a movement in wushu 100 condition of 100 chute, 1000 appearance, fly bead splash jade. The cloud the prairie is smooth Shan Tuo area of Liang Shan scene is particular, careless green jade spends dimly discernible of sweet, cloud and mist. Camel position of sill makes the same score hill county northwest to carry Ji Jin at Heibei province two provinces boundary, be apart from 138 kilometers of Shijiazhuang city, with Buddhist shrine photograph of 5 hill a long time looks, just be like hump because of the summit and get a name. Altitude of the highest peak in a mountain range fastens Heibei 2281 meters to save one of 5 great heights. The layer is loved here fold emerald green, - Tao Tao, deep and remote gorge is picturesque, chute group, frequency of sea of clouds goes out, climate is delightful, myriad scenery everywhere fascinating. Camel bridge more celebrated with cool climate, average air temperature has the summer only 19 ℃ . The camel bridge green downy of summer, water dripping, as if firm from the fish out in water, shan Hanlan is angry, the cloud takes bounty. The cloud does not see 1000 cliff are beautiful greatly, water goes up 10 thousand big pool are heard to flow first, 3 fold waterfall, white... [detailed]

7, AAAA of city of leather of laborious collect international

Recommend 7

City of leather of laborious collect international is located in Chinese skin Heibei visits Xin Ji town, it is China the market of major of leather fur clothing with area of garden of industry of fur clothing of leather of catenary of the biggest the most entire industry and Chinese monomer the biggest area, area of shopping scene of national 4A travel, market of major of 5 stars class, demonstrative unit of national occupation standard. History of line of business of laborious collect leather is long, only then Yu Ming, cheng Yuqing, element has " name of laborious market superficial knowledge the world " good name. Since reforming and opening, line of business of laborious collect leather gets swift and violent development, built the development structure that keeps abreast of with the city of leather of laborious collect international, curry, industrial district that make the clothing, became the throughout the country's biggest curry, production base that controls the garment and skin to provide, be named to be by the country " of Chinese leather fur clothing " , " foreign trade transition upgrades major demonstrative base " with area of scene of AAAA stage travel. To advance Xin Ji transition of leather line of business upgrades, accelerate span to world skin by Chinese skin, laborious market municipal Party committee, municipal government acts on the principle that line of business of urban construction and union of industrial development phase, service and leather estate development integrate, built the fur clothing of high level leather with the biggest monomer of a whole nation 2009 professional market, the program covers an area of 1100 mus, always invest 1.26 billion yuan, business area 360 thousand square metre, do business formally 2012. ... [detailed]

8, AAAA of center of east gigantic chelonian

Recommend 8

Center of gigantic chelonian of east of center of east gigantic chelonian is located in Heibei to save churchyard of smooth hill county, be apart from provincial capital Shijiazhuang 35 kilometers, with the Yao that revolutionary bethel Xi Baipo veries close, center of east gigantic chelonian is farmer of village of Dong Ye of smooth hill county, whole nation model worker of character of 10 beautiful news, whole nation -- on the foundation that Fan Haiting breeds in 13 years of soft-shelled turtle, the area of scene of new-style patriotism travel that be returned to to celebrate HongKong and Macow and founds a state 50 years to invest place to build. Natural landscape and humanitarian landscape get together to be an organic whole here, beautiful and dignified, broad and profound. Here with China north area the biggest soft-shelled turtle breeds base celebrated; With 10 thousand tons gigantic chelonian, cross century tribute pailou two Jinisi the fameddest far and near of the world; Mural of marine biology, anaglyph makes you big feast one's eyes on; Smooth lake paddle, charactizing a fine spring day makes your gout boundless; Kilometre gallery, 99 tablet forest let your acclaim as the peak of perfection; Seal performance, dive feeds a fish more religion you are happy and forget to return. ... [detailed]

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